SousekiTerra — Han Fei Hong

#cheapskate #fei #queen #tyrant #lamsajyu #han_fei_hong
Published: 2018-07-07 15:41:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1451; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 3
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"If only if there was someone who would love you."

 Han Fei Hong                            Nickname: Fei
Birthday: November 6 (Scorpio) (15)    Year: 5     
Department: News and Sports

Height: 163cm || 5’5”                    Weight: 52kg || 114 lbs

Ethnicity: Chinese                         Nationality: Hong Kong
Gender: Female                             Pronouns: she, her
Sexuality: Straight

------  e n t p  -----

+ Confident || + Realistic || + Perceptive || + Witty

Confident and witty, Fei always has a comeback for any argument, whether it’s appreciated or not. She lives life in the moment, and has a very realistic outlook for every situation. Because of this, her friends will often make her make the difficult decisions (like where to eat lol). In addition, she is fast to catch on people's feelings, though she may not entirely care about it as well as being quick to notice any flaws in her work. 

= Dependable || = Stylish

Still, she is dependable. Give her work and she will do it without a single complaint. Surprisingly, she works well in teams- mostly because she is able to put aside any feelings that may distract her from her work. Her honesty is her best trait; although she'll point out your flaws, she's pretty gracious with her praises, even if she doesn't like the person.

Fei is can also be considered someone stylish and cares for her looks. Being the spoiled rich kid she is, she splurges a lot on her appearance and shops at designer stores. She frequents salons a lot, and has become unnecessarily good at hair styling. However, she doesn't really keep updated with the latest fashion news and usually just pops into the store just to buy something. 

- Sarcastic || - Arrogant || - Ruthless || - Competitive

At times, she can be seen as a ruthless person, since Fei doesn’t mince words; she says what other people are thinking but can’t say out loud and can come out as heartless. It doesn’t help that her confidence amplifies her arrogance. She will always wants to win, at any cost, even if cheating is involved. Let's just say that she's the least holiest person there is when it comes to playing fair.

With how she was raised, Fei believes that money can solve all of her problems. Hence, she doesn’t seem to care if people are friends with her only for her money- friends are supposed to benefit from each other, no?

     Dogs, Money, Indoor sports (mostly dodgeball and basketball), Fireworks, styling people's hair, gymnastics

     Outdoor sports, eating internal organs, using public transport, the sound of someone writing with chalk on a board, frogs, fish (yes, fish), sweating, sunlight, summer

 Managing money. Self explanatory
 Can style people's hair like a pro. Dat's why her hair's so floof.
 Can write all the professional letters and reports no one likes to do. People gotta pay tho. 
 Dog grooming. A useless skill to have for someone who's dogs barely have much fur on them.
 Can cook pretty well for someone who looks like she won't lift a finger to do work.


------ H I S T O R Y -----

[reason for joining] becoming a financial market reporter, and mostly because her mom wants her to make some real friends for once
Aside from that, she's into commentating dodgeball games with some humorous sarcasm.
[what they can contribute] handling finances and funding. Handles a money like a loan shark, I swear. 

“Not everyone’s back story is a soap opera. Some of us are actually born happy.”

Born as the only child to a wealthy family, Fei grew up with everything she could ask for. While her mother was former reporter, her father worked as a high ranking bank official who approved loans who enjoyed investing, so she became accustomed to people asking favors from her father. Kids in her class would treat her nicely, mostly because young parents needed the loans to buy houses or expand their businesses and knowing that, the power got to her head as a child- let’s say she wasn’t the nicest kid in elementary school.

As she grew older, she realized that being mean to kids wasn’t necessarily the best way to get what she wanted. She changed her ways, mostly for her own benefits. For her, the world was black and white; people did not like her because of her personality, that much she knew, especially in the private junior secondary school she attended. She had accepted that, without a problem for herself, but her mother didn’t seem to feel the same way.

When middle school ended, her mother asked her what she would like to do with her life and surprisingly enough, she had no answer. It wasn’t like she could inherit her father’s job and it didn’t seem like she could pursue technical studies. She wasn't someone who was bad in her studies, but she wasn't extremely good either. Her father was nearing retirement soon, and had plans of pursuing his investing hobbies- even the old man had more passion than she did. 

Fei didn't have any sort of passion, nor did she have dreams. Such a thing worried her mother. As the end of her final year of middle school, Fei fell into a slump of some sort and some things became clear to her. When she was at her worst, none of her so called 'friends' were there to comfort her. They were there when it was convenient for them but when she needed a shoulder to lean on, none would offer that to her.

In the past, her mother was an alumni at Kowloon Foo Yeen Tsan SS before she moved on to become a financial reporter midway through her career. Rather than skills, her mother gained many friends, most who helped greatly in allowing her to reach many heights in her career through their support and love. She sat down with Fei, asking her if she wanted to go to her mother's old school. "You'll make a lot of friends, trust me. Connections go a long way, Fei." She didn't really see the point though. If it were connections, she could have easily made more influential ones in her current school. With a laugh, she rejected her mother's proposal. 

"Don't you want someone you can count on, Fei?" her mother's question really did hurt her a little, even if she didn't say it, especially after the slump she had been through. It took her a few days to overcome the denial but she dropped her pride. With a conflicted heart, she said yes. She would enter the school; though, she really won't ever say that she did it for new friends of course.

F C : Kim So Hyun  
usually has a pretty sinister smile on her face. Rarely frowns.
 hates sunlight with her life. Carries an umbrella and sunscreen everywhere. Probably would be vitamin D deficient if it weren’t for supplements. *queue vampire jokes pls* 
is super enthusiastic in indoor sports but will drop out of outdoor sports immediately. Is a gym member though. 
 is sometimes late to school because she walks her dogs at dawn (literally the only time of the day you can’t see her umbrella)
 has two big doberman guard dogs named Zhang and Zhao
 isn’t the type to break things but has no idea how to fix them so she just goes out and buy new stuff
 is really good at counting, but can’t remember names for the death of her. So she makes up nicknames for people. Flunked history because she couldn’t remember old people’s names.
 can’t swim. Sinks like a rock but likes being on cruise ships.
 despite being Satan’s spawn, her mom is an angel who makes lunch boxes full of love.
 doesn't go out much. Street markets are uncharted territories for her lol.
 is a lurker. She's always stalking people on her phone and bathing in their tea.

New things I forgot to put in !!
- used to use hate sharpening pencils as a kid. Has now found salvation in mechanical pencils.
- used to use limited edition Hello Kitty merchandise when she was a kid, even the super expensive bandaids. 
- doesn't do well with spicy food and will cry if she eats them. 
- used to do gymnastics up until the end of middle school. Stopped because LFYT didn't have a gymnastics team. 
- can't watch horror at home because her mom is scared of it but loves it.
- is a religious drinker of Starbucks and has really complicated orders.
- used to run a business of unlocking other people's phones for obnoxious girlfriends in her old middle school and still knows how to. 
- bad at remembering names but saves everyone's names in her phone with really offensive nicknames.
- good at basketball but didn't make the team because she was too aggressive. 

---- R P    P R E F E R E N C E S -----

Mostly on discord - Terraru #3077
Timezone: GMT +10 (Melbourne)
Method: HC, RP, Lit (Preference in this order lol)

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Comments: 6

noeldragon [2018-07-29 11:38:21 +0000 UTC]

Kill me plz what a queen

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

echoruumi [2018-07-22 00:45:21 +0000 UTC]

im LOV her AND her DOGS !!!  ! !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NokNo [2018-07-16 02:58:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm in love

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Uxagi [2018-07-12 15:12:22 +0000 UTC]

dem leeeeegss

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sayucchi [2018-07-07 22:14:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aliluu [2018-07-07 17:36:56 +0000 UTC]

my boi feels attack when she's near SWEATS

👍: 0 ⏩: 0