spacecattet — welcome to the panic room + speedpaint

Published: 2018-03-06 03:08:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 381; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 0
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❝ hell raising, hair raising.
i'm ready for the worst,
so frightening, face whitening.
fear that you can't reverse...

my phone has no signal,
it's making my skin crawl.
the silence is so loud,
the lights spark and flicker,
with monsters much bigger,
than I can control now.

welcome to the panic room,
where all your darkest fears are gonna,
come for you, come for you.
welcome to the panic room,
You'll know I wasn't joking,
when you see them too, see them too.

still waiting, hands shaking,
maybe the coast will clear.
but these voices, these strange noises,
they followed me in here.

hell raising, hair raising...
i'm ready for the worst. ❞



folded foliage crumbled beneath his sore pads, sore from walking. sore from the wandering around the forest territory at night. maybe he secretly wished, deep down, he'd happen upon her. her soft fur, her one beautiful, endlessly bright green eye. and though she had turned bitter, turned sour towards her name; he had still thought she was the most beautiful she-cat to have ever existed.

the fur along his pelt crawled restlessly, the eerie silence that hung over the forest not helping much in his case. if only he had tried harder. but he knew it wouldn't have been enough, even if he had done all that was in his power to change it. lostface had truly been lost the moment bluestar saled her face with that cruel name.

firestar and he had tried in vain to help her, to make her see how truly radiant she actually shone. but bluestar's work had been done; as much as he had disliked it. however, brightheart had chosen her own bed to lie in. she had sided with tigerstar; had almost threatened the life of every one of his precious clan-mates. that wasn't something you could go back on.

cloudtail glanced up at the leaves, stretching intricately above him in a webbed, criss-cross pattern. he sat himself, feeling the weight heavier than ever dragging him down. the regally white pelted tom shook out his long fur, blue eyes flashing as he attempted to push it away; the thoughts, the guilt, the longing.

and at first, he thought he'd merely imagined it. he thought he had simply been dreaming like he usually was, of her sweet scent. however upon further investigation, he found it wasn't in fact imaginary. rather, they were rolling over him in strong, bittersweet wafts.

he stood, knowing that if he followed her trail, what was to be done was beyond his control. she had hurt others, and more than anything she had hurt him. she'd condemned her path for good, to instead walk the with the wicked.

his paws quickly made work with staling after her scent, bathing him in agonizing memories. but he needed to concentrate. she wasn't who she used to be, and if he let his guard slip... cloudtail shook his head, clearing the disturbing thoughts.

no, he needed to end it. he needed to end her.

a familiar flash of white and amber slipped in between stalks of ferns, steps light and wary. his ears flattened to his skull as he crept ever closer, breathing barely even escaping him. his muscles were tight throughout his body, feeling the adrenaline coursing throughout his veins. here, he would lose someone he loved.

he leapt, powerful paws landing squarely against the she-cat's side. her gush of surprised air confirmed he had been successful in creeping up on her. allowing her to roll to her paws, granting her a fair fight, he stood tall opposite her. his pelt prickled with hostility; mimicking that of her own now bristling spine.

she curled her lips, ears flattening down against her skull as she eyed him suspiciously. "cloudtail," she growled. "should have known i would have run into you, of all cats..."

"don't be so surprised," he challenged back, eyes flashing angrily. "you and i know both that, deep down, this was bound to happen.
we were destined to end this, one way or another."

he stood strong, claws scraping against the grass beneath his pads. he watched as she followed him with her good eye. all he recognized in their depths now was a fierce, unfaltering anger. betrayal, probably. that he didn't support her views and decisions.

and just as he thought the tension in the air would crush them both, electricity struck. she launched herself with a great shriek, face curled and teeth glinting against the bright light. he braced himself as well as he could, feeling claws break through his tough fur and pierce skin. he could feel blood oozing past his brilliant white fur, staining it crimson.

he whipped around, landing a blow to her shoulder and causing her to stagger and loose her grip. his jaw snapped at her ear, barley catching the corner and ripping it; though not enough to draw blood. he drew back, circling the feline who had stolen his heart, long ago.

cloudtail's lips curled back angrily as he launched himself this time, and began swiping quickly with his front paws. he was tearing through flesh. he even saw he had caused a gash against her chest, near her throat. but it hadn't been enough to be fatal. he tensed as he waited for her next move.

and then, a thought crossed his mind. it didn't make him feel proud, but he had to do this. he had to fix it. with a shaky breath, he relaxed his muscles and stared at her suddenly, face warming with a sorrow he truthfully felt for her. "lost- bright... brightheart," he mumbled, deciding that it probably would have been a better suited name for her than lostface. "i-i... i still love you. i always have," he stuttered out, feelings the salty beginnings of tears sting his blue eyes.

she hesitated, staring at him in barley concealed shock. and that was all he had needed, all he'd wanted. that brief lapse in moment, where her guard was let down. he sprang suddenly, with all the force he had ever used before. with one leap he toppled her to the floor, pinning her back against the grass and staring at her through tear-blurred eyes.

he didn't know how he did it, but his claws found their mark. he sank them deep into the wound he had created earlier, tearing deeper and deeper until blood began to spurt from its wound. he could tell he'd struck a vital vein when blood began to trickle from her mouth, bubbling down to mix with the tears that had sprung from her beautiful green eyes.

"i always will love you," he choked out past the tears that were now spilling from his eyes. "but i had to stop you. i had to be the one to kill you..."

he staggered back from her gurgling body, twitching and convulsing with the lack of blood to help close her fatal wound. he thought he might have hear his name, hissed past her open maw, before she grew rigid and still. the blood kept slowly pooling around her body, staining her white frame.

and he collapsed, wearily, to the floor. the pain he felt now, wouldn't be something he would forget for very long.

she twitched once, feeling a cold swath forming around her pelt. it clutched at her like cruel little fingers, making her shudder with what she could only describe as a memory of what being cold truly felt like. and her surroundings didn't help her much, either. she looked up in dismay as the forest around her appeared to be bathed in a dark, gray-ish crimson. the ground beneath her was muddy, and even the grass seemed to ooze a liquid red color.

her heart sunk, feeling a metallic taste bathe her mouth. she could oddly hear someone crying, nearest to her. what had happened? though she had most likely new that question, before she'd even wondered it.

she had died, and cloudtail had been the one to do it.

her heart squeezed and she suddenly realized how very important her decisions had impacted her. the white and orange marked she-cat stood shakily, gazing about her with her one good eye. no stars, no light. nothing but dark, stretching all around her.

"i'm lostface," she mumbled coldly, her voice echoing off of the trees in quiet chorus. "and i'm in the dark forest..."

kinda salty i couldn't add the panic room song to the speedpaint, b/c im in love with it and tbh i feel it definitely matches this storyline.

anywaaaaays. this is imimoken 's brightheart / lostface dfau ( dark forest au ) !! and im in love with it like??? yaaas
so. basically THIS scene is when cloudtail ultimately has a showdown with his bittersweet love brightheart / lostface, who basically turned pretty angry when bluestar changed her name. they fight, and he tells her despite all, he still loves her, which makes her hesitate. so cloudtail uses this opportunity and kills her, telling her he'd rather have killed her than anyone else.

and baby lostface of the dark forest is born. sweet lil bean babble turned evil. i love me them good gone bad theories ehe.

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