SpaceUnicornDot — 048 | Felix

Published: 2021-06-25 02:25:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 535; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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048. Felix

Breed: Niccosian
Sex: Stallion
Clan: Ignis
Phenotype: Red Dun Tora
Genotype: ee Aa nD nTor

Tail: Dragon
Horn: Ram
Beard: Sage
Ear: Doe
Pupil: Dragon
Feathers: Heavy


Felix is known to generally be calm and artistic - the latter trait earning him a few odd looks from some of his clanmates. While many of his Ignis fellows are known for explosive personality and equally impressive battlecraft, Felix has a passion and incredible skill at using their innate talents with fire magic to craft incredible works of art, arms, and armor, though he tends to prefer his more liberally creative pursuits. Felix often crafts and provides Niccosians from all clans various adornments crafted of metals purified and expertly sculpted by the incredible fires of the Firelands - everything from large armor plates to delicate tail bands and ear accessories. Felix has also exhibited his works, both artistic and practical, during several of the Nicossian's shared events, taking a small selection of wares and setting up shop at events such as the Summer Solstice to help spread his craft across the clans.

Felix is generally warm and kind-hearted, taking on what one might associate as the softer elements one could discern from an association with fire. He has a somewhat deep, slightly quieter voice, and often smells of smoke, ash, and the likes of a forge. While he does not tend to show it, he can be deeply protective of his clanmates and others, and taunts and ill-will, particularly against one's heart and interests, does not tend to sit well with him. Felix tends to express frustrations through periods of incredible focus and hard work, falling more into the silently deadly type than the raging infernos that may be more common among Ignis clan members. While he is not particularly gifted in combat himself, he knows enough to defend himself, and can just as easily turn his craft of flames and temperature against unwanted attentions as his meticulous work. He tends to be a deep thinker and reflective, which can, of course, become a bit of a problem if he has a little too much on his mind. He can easily lose himself in his craft for several days at a time, and can let the world around him fall away - to his own deprivation and a seeming withdrawn nature to others. That being said, he will do his best to never turn away a soul in need. He is not much of a talker in times of advice, but will never turn away an honest request for a friendly embrace.


User. Payment/Usage Status. Mate. Foal.
Foals will not be acknowledged in story unless discussed. I'd like to keep him more as a story character than as a design/breeder! Slots currently by request only, pricing/terms to be discussed, as I'm not really sure what I want to do with him in this category/what I'd like to get from it! May possibly be interested in limited slot trades, as I have an idea or two that I'd like to maybe bring into existence as another character.
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Lovely ref & breed created by Buzzbees  

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