Sparaze — EBC: Veritas

#arpg #cat #ebc #feline #referencesheet #veritas #wildcat #empiresbeforeclans #stoneempire
Published: 2023-01-01 17:55:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1276; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 1
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Last Edit 1/1/22

General Info

Name: Veritas

-Nicknames: Veri, Ver

Gender: Male (He/ Him)


Starting: 1 year
Current: 1 year (As of 12/30/22)

-Birthday: December 30th 40 B.C.

Rank: Apprentice

Species: Jungle Cat

Physical Description: Veri is a very lithe and spry little cat. He for sure is built more for sneaking and speed than flat out strength. His fur is a short dusty brown color with a warm gray covering his back. He has stripes that get dark we down his legs and tail with light green eyes. He has a pair of black paw pads on his back paws and pink on his front. His nose is also a mix of these two colors with the pink making a little heart shape in the center of his nose.

Armor: Veri wears a simple little fabric vest with a hood colored a dull green with red accent. He has simple leather shoulder plates and wraps around his forearms with a small black cape like piece of fabric on his back.



Dominant: Tri color coat, Dusty brown fur, green eyes, pink nose.pads, short tail

Recessive: Black nose/pads, dorsal stripe, gray blanket, white tail tip

Mutations: N/A



[Optimistic/ Charismatic, Insecure/ Anxious, Naive/ Forgiving, Kind/Friendly, Genuine/ Honest ]

Optimistic/ Charismatic

- Veri is usually the type to keep his spirits up, hope for the best and try to keep others encouraged. He is usually more warm and friendly and always willing to talk to or help others when they need something. Though he might not always be the most confident individual he is always at least willing to try and give his best effort into whatever is needed of him, if he's not cut out for something, that's ok! He is happy to see others succeed where he cannot and find some other way he's able to help.

Insecure / Anxious

- Despite his optimistic side, Veri is not usually always very confident in his own abilities or worth. Sometimes he may consider himself incapabale of certain things or nervous about particular outcomes. If it's important it doesn't always stop him from trying, but he might have some difficulty feeling like he can actually handle it or being worried the whole time. Sometimes he can still fear the worst in a bad situation, but he tries not to believe it until he sees it. Sometimes he may also need some encouragement from others and he is certainly much more of a team player than he would prefer to do anything solo.

Naive/ Forgiving

- Sometimes the young jungle cat can be too forgiving and trusting in others. He is not unrealistic, but he always wants to try to see the best side in those around him and believe in them rather than doubt or be too distrustful. He is not likely to be overly wary of someone unless they have already given him a good reason to do so. Sometimes of course this can lead him to be burned, but he doesn't hold many grudges and will likely forgive any small issue or anyone who is willing to work with him. Only those that have truly harmed him or are a known threat will be someone he truly distrusts. 

Kind / Friendly

- Veri is for sure a very friendly and social feline. He loves being around, talking to and spending time with others. He likes to feel included in things and like his pressence matters and is appreciated. He will always do his best to do the same for anyone else and does not have a single rude bone in his body 99% of the time. You have to really make him mad or upset him to make him genuinely dislike or want to avoid you. He likely can get along with most others considering he is open to just about anyone he can get around. Even around a personality he might not mesh well with, he believes everyone deserves a chance at companionship and to be listened to.

Genuine/ Honest

- There are very few things Veri will hide from the world. He is very open and often emotional with his feelings and usually makes them well known. Of course if he needs to be more cautious he can, but usually he is plenty willing to be open and honest with those around him, especially if he considers someone a friend. He is very unlikely to lie about anything and wouldn't ever intentionally do anything to upset someone else without good reason. 


- Lucky boy, barely grazes by life so far through dumb luck.
- Easily startled if you catch him by surprise
- Loves sea birds
- Likes to explore



Nothing in Veri's life had been particularly exceptional so far. He was born somewhere in the wild to two loving parents with a single sister by his side. Home was safe and uneventful as far as he could tell as all of them lived out their average day-to-day lives without too much trouble. Veri loved his family and usually was generally content with the peaceful calm they had shared most days. He and his sister had their occasional spats but usually they got along well and were close as he thought two siblings should be. Veri still though also had a bit of an adventurous side and was prone to wandering around a bit on his own. Not usually too far of course, but occasionally his wandering through would carry him further than intended.

One day he did wander too far, too far away from his home to realize something unfortunate was about to occur. The little family was attacked by a larger predator. Veri was only lucky for himself that he was not there when the attack occurred but it ended up splitting the family apart and leaving Veri to realize he was alone when he returned to their home later on. It was unclear if his family had been killed or escaped but one thing was for sure, they did not return despite his waiting.

Veri spent some time searching for them, wandering, calling out for them, trying to follow any lingering traces of where they could have gone, but he was unable to locate them no matter how hard he tried. Eventually he had to accept the fact that he probably never would find them and he needs to figure something else out instead. Resigned, his paws led him somewhere else he had never been before. Near the ocean that quickly caught his eye, Veri was soon discovered by a group of unfamiliar cats who lived in the area. They seemed very different from what he was used to, but they were unified. Though they seemed skeptical of him at first he proved to pose no threat and in need of a new home. He tried to stick around hoping to find some new companionship and others to help him start this new unusual chapter of his life. 

Family and Relations


Mother: ??? - Jungle Cat - Unknown - Unkown

Father: ??? - Jungle Cat - Unknown - Unkown



??? - Jungle Cat - Unknown - Unknown

Mate: None

Cubs: None


- Veritas Tracker

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