SplashingSea — Warptide

#comic #splashingsea #1 #part #wyngro #warptide
Published: 2018-11-04 14:22:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 449; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Description Posted: 11-4-18 

    Finally, it was Warptide, Pumpkin’s favorite holiday. Cool costumes? Scary stories? Free candy? Nothing could possibly be better. She had been looking forward to this day ever since the end of last Warptide, and had been planning her costume for months, carefully practicing her sewing to make sure that when she finally made the real thing, it would be perfect. And perfect it was. All of the hard work was about to pay off, for right now, waiting for her in her bedroom in the Nook, was a beautiful, homemade, hand sewn Lumibug costume, glowing tail and all. Despite her eagerness to show it off, she had decided to try her best to be patient; if she waited a little while longer to start trick or treating, some of the adults handing out candy might get tired, and decide to dump their candy bowls into her bag just to get rid of the sweets so that they could go to bed. Hopefully, the ‘take one’ bowls wouldn’t be empty by the time she got to them.

    Until then, she was content with strolling the streets of Wynsiph, admiring everyone’s creative costumes, the bright orange moon, and the spooky decorations. It looked like most houses were avoiding decorating their homes with fake monsters, though, likely because of all of the recent Spite issues. I’m sure everything will calm down soon, Pumpkin thought optimistically to herself, adjusting her bandana. She had spent nearly half an hour the previous night looking around her room to find the old thing; after all, it was the perfect accessory for Warptide night.

    She wandered down a road leading closer to the center of town, passing a couple of caramel fruit stalls and hunting for those with free samples. A table with small cups of Table Fruit caught her eye, and she quickly pulled over to snatch one up. Her hand was inches from it- 


    The first thought that ran through Pumpkin’s head was that one of the nearby stalls had fallen over. But then she realized that the sound had come from further down the street, in the center of town. She wondered for a moment if perhaps there was a really big stall in the square, but then another sound came from the same direction. Screaming. Terrified screaming. And then, a monstrous, alien roar. Without realizing it, Pumpkin started sprinting towards the source of the noise.

    Her thoughts immediately flashed to the Spites, and how they had been spotted closer and closer to the town in the previous month, ignoring the usual boundaries set by the Nova tree and overall, acting strangely. But in the center of town…? That’s impossible. It has to be. There’s no way a Spite could get this far…

    The square was strangely dark, and it took Pumpkin a moment to realize that the darkness was being caused by the shadow of a creature. Glowing eyes. Sharp teeth. A monster almost bigger than the Nova tree it was perched on.

    “Gulch! We need all the weapons you have! Give them to any able fighters! And arm them as well!”

    Impossible. Absolutely impossible. How?! How did it get this far into town?!

    She watched, frozen in place, as the monster shifted one of its claws, creating a large scratch on the surface of the Nova tree.

    The Nova Tree! Wait a minute, if that gets destroyed…

    A strange rattling noise shook her out of her trance; it was Gulch, hastily setting down a crate of swords nearby. Nearby Wyngro were already rushing to pick some up and attack the monster. Pumpkin quickly joined them, her hands shaking as she grabbed the nearest sword and charged the Deelagun.

Just wanna give a major shoutout to anyone who's ever made a web comic because holy cow this took a while
I'll hopefully be able to get Part 2 out by Tuesday, but I can't make any promises >~<
(I didn't count this one for any of the prompts because part 2 features Pumpkin actually fighting the Deelagun and I figured that would be better for Prompt 1 than this)

Next: www.deviantart.com/splashingse…

Wyn Count:
+1 Story
+2 (2 Busts)
+3 NPC
+2 Fullbody
+1 Background
Total: 9/254   

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