Spyro2108 — Ben 10 New Omniverse Negative X: Zzemolaze

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Published: 2022-01-20 18:37:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 42657; Favourites: 246; Downloads: 28
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Description Name/Nickname: Weapon I, Zzemolaze

Species: Artificially made Pyronite Mutant with Cybernetic Enhancements 

Age: Actual Age 5, Biological Age 25

Homeworld: Null Void

Hometown: Servantis' Secret Laboratory

Personality: As a living weapon and professional war machine, Zzemolaze known for his great strength and abilities. However, his pyro-electromania, psychotic obsession with fire and lightnings, as well as sadism made him unstable to such a degree that he was likely to burn or zap anything in his path, and simply watched it burn to ashes rather than complete his goals, even at the risk of his own safety which also resulted in the fact he lost some of his limbs. Although Zzemolaze intelligent (comparative to other experiments) and displayed "impressive" planning and strategic skills. Viewing fire and lightning as a TRUE force of nature, Zzemolaze destroys anything which can be burned or zapped on his way. Zzemolaze's Mental Scars also enforced that viewpoint and insanity to the point where he only wished to "purify" everything by fire and electricity, his Experiment Files claimed that he denied any form of medication or limbs grafts (and even would fight back if you will try to force him) whenever he received more damage, which displayed some form masochism. Zzemolaze is also obsessively vengeful and had a deep hatred of anything that underwhelmed fire. He have a habit of gloating and mocking his opponents.

Equipment : Enhancements
Powers and Abilities

-Electro-Fire Breath

-Heat Generation

-Heat Absorption

-Enhanced Strength

-Enhanced Durability

-Enhanced Jumping

-Enhanced Reflexes

-Pyro Immunity

-Cryo Immunity

-Electricity Immunity

-Underwater Survivability

-Pyrotechnic Projection

-Gas Immunity

-Enhanced Endurance 

-Corruptura Immunity 

-Fire Mimicry 



-Electro-Pyrokinetic Combat


-Electro-Pyrotechnic Projection

-Electric-Fire Beam Emission

-Electric-Fire Blast


-Lava Immunity

-Electric-Fire Bullet Projection

-Thermal Resistance

-Lava Swimming

-Electric-Fire Attacks 

-Electric-Fire Ball Projection 

-Electric-Fire Vortex Creation

-Electric-Fire Bolt Projection

-Self Combustion 

-Heat Capacitor

-Electric-Fire Cutting

-Personal Heat

-Magma Mimicry

-Power Fist

-Artificial Limbs 

-Ground Pound

-Weaponry Refinement

-Robot Arm

-Sharp Claws

-Cannon Protrusion

-Oxygen Independence

-Megaton Punch

Affiliations: Negative X (One of members, kinda leader), Servantis (Creation)
Aliases: Weapon I/Project Zemolaze (By Servantis), Zzemolaze (Himself), PyroFreak (By Ben and others), Highly Dangerous Genetic Experiment
Relationships: Negative X (Members of Team), Servantis (Creator), Magister Ingicus (DNA Donor)
Interesting Facts:
1. Appearance of Zzemolaze is based on Enhanced Oil Slick from Transformers Animated.
2. Despite the fact that he is classified as a Weapon/Project I, Zzemolaze isn't the first experiment, he is the second one.
3. The Concept of Zzemolaze was based on St. Elmo's Fire, weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge from a rod-like object such as a mast, spire, chimney, or animal horn in an atmospheric electric field, Due this he is really tall.
4. Ironically St. Elmo's Fire is completely not dangerous for humans, When Zzemolaze obviously is.
5. Name Zzemolaze is a combination of words "Zzt" a sound of electricity, Elmo from St. Elmo's Fire and Blaze.
6. Experiment Log 1: Objective: To establish the basic capabilities of Weapon I. Result: During the experiment, it was revealed that the subject lost some of the abilities of ordinary Pyronites (Terrakinesis, Pyroportation, etc.), but it was also recorded that the subject gained new abilities mainly related to the manipulation of electricity.
7. Experiment Log 2: Objective: Accelerate the Biological Growth of Weapon I Result: During the experiment, the Subject accelerated his growth, however, he received a dystrophic and tall figure, the Subject's Left Hand did not fall under the influence of priporatov, due to which it remained in the primary state. [Additional Data: after the experiment on the left eye of Weapon I, a crack appeared, a day after the experiment, the crack completely turned into a full-fledged eye, further observations are required [Edited] The crack became a fully functional eye, no additional effects were detected.
8. Experiment Log 3: Objective: To establish the battle capabilities of Weapon I. Result: During the experiment, representatives of the wild fauna were exposed against Weapon I (2 Vulpimancers and 1 Root Shark). During the course of the battle, the subject was wounded in the head, resulting in the release of a large amount of electricity that neutralized the opponents, however, the condition of the subject was extremely unstable, further experiments related to testing combat capabilities were postponed indefinitely.
9. Medical Examination for Experiment Log 3: Immediately after the events presented in Experiment Log 3, the subject was taken to the medical table, due to the large amount of electricity produced by the subjects, it was decided to partially-limit the abilities of Weapon I, a Protective Dome was placed on the head of the subject. [Additional Data 1: Later in the night when Weapon I woke up after surgery, several attempts by the subject to "remove" the protective dome were recorded, all of which were unsuccessful] [Additional Data 2: Further nutrition of the subject is carried out through nutrient capsules that are introduced into the body through the hole in the lower part protective dome].
10. Experiment Log 4: Objective: Test of the Intellectual Abilities of Weapon I. Result: During the experiment, it was revealed that the subject's intellectual abilities corresponded to a human child of 5 years old, however, a high understanding of the subject's strategies and enemy behavior was revealed. [Additional Data: Subject's extreme dislike of Plant Life and Water was revealed during testing].
11. Experiment Log 5: Objective: -Same as Objective of Log 3- Result: Subject was re-opted against representatives of the wild fauna (2 Vulpimancers and 1 Root Shark). Subject acted extremely aggressive towards the enemy, after defeating Vulpimancer #1, Subject continued to cut and burn the opponent's body, after releasing Vulpimancer #2, Subject used the burning remains of #1 to set fire to Vulpimancer #2's fur. When Root Shark #1 was placed on the battlefield, Weapon I immediately attacked the opponent, during the battle the subject lost his left arm and legs, but was able to defeat his opponent [Additional Data: It was revealed that the subject does not respond to pain and will do everything he can to defeat your target].
12. Medical Examination for Experiment Log 5: Immediately after the events presented in Experiment Log 5, the subject was taken to the medical table, again, due to the lack of limbs, it was decided to replace them with mechanical prostheses. Specifically, the left arm was heavily modified for the subject to use in combat, vessels were added to the shoulder of the prosthetic arm to assist the subject in distributing electricity throughout the prosthesis, further improvements to the prosthesis may be added [Additional Data: After the upgrades, the subject attempted break the prostheses, however, when trying to do so, he was hit by an energy wave that did not allow him to break them].
13. Experiment Log 6: Objective: Test of mechanical prostheses. Result: Subject has shown to be doing fine with the enhancements, however, the claws on his left hand need to be adjusted due to the mechanism being too tight. [Additional Data: it is also worth replacing the spring in the subject's left hand, due to the high temperature of the body, it melted, interfering with other mechanisms in operation].
14. Experiment Log 7: Objective: To establish the battle capabilities of Weapon I. Result: Subject completed the quest by defeating and breaking all of the opponents sent to attack him (5 Advanced Security SWAT Units). [Additional Data: Somehow Subject smuggled the broken parts from the Security Units into his containment cell, later Weapon I tried to use them to escape, further it is worth checking the Subject after each test].
15. Additional Data for Experiment Log 7: After several hours of deliberation, it was decided to test Weapon I's ability to use mechanisms and technologies, if the research gives a positive result in the future, it is possible to use technologies in the subject's prosthesis.
16. Experiment Log 8: Objective: Test of Weapon I's abilities with Technology and Simple Mechanisms. Result: Relative Success, Subject understood how buttons and levers work, however when it came to touch screens, keys and locks, Subject became violent after three failed attempts, incinerating test objects to ashes, after which Subject refused to perform any mechanical testing.
17. Experiment Log 9: Objective: To establish the battle capabilities of Weapon I. Result: Weapon I proved to be incredibly capable against members of its species (5 Adult Pyronite Males, Two of them went through special combat training), after the victory, the subject stole the remains of his opponents and used them to blow up the door to the testing room, he continued to the path to the control center until it was stopped [Classified].
18.  Medical Examination for Experiment Log 9: During the events presented in Experiment Log 9, it was decided to implant a "Control Chip" into the subject's body to prevent further attempts by Weapon I to harm me.
19. Experiment Log 10: [Classified]...... ID confirmation......15%......50%......75%....100%...ID verified.... Objective: Destroy the target, Magister Ingicus..Result: [Classified]..........ID verified [Additional Data: excerpt from an article by Pyros' plumbers " Victim: Magister Ingicus Carcoal, Face was unable to be found. The Victim was found lying on the carpet in his house, his wife and children was on the roadtrip. Cause of death is unknown, most likely victim was killed by the hands of a member of the species which can manipulate electricity, The victim's right arm was missing, cracks were found all over the body, received from blows to hard objects, according to neighbors, several blue flashes were visible in the house of Magister Ingicus at the alleged time of the murder, The killer was not found.
20. Some time after the events presented in the Experiment Log 10 Servantis added a Railgun to his Left Arm.
21. Zzemolaze is able to talk, however he can say only five words: "Zzemolaze", "Burn", "Yuck", "Zzzap" and "Diie".
22. If Zzemolaze would have a voice actor it would be William Harmar.
23. Weapon I is always shaking, this isn't related to his mental state, but with his large amount of energy.
24. Zzemolaze is incredibly tall, over 12 feet.
25. Weapon I is considered to be Male, despite the fact he doesn't have any reproductive organs.
26. Servantis Controlled Phil, Swift and Leander with a special chips that he placed in his body, rewriting their personalities to be his loyal servants.
27. After Servantis lost control of the Rooters, which is related to his death, due to which Swift, Leander and Phil were freed from his control, it should be said that Servantis not only controlled them, but to some extent rewrote their identities. Because of this, while They were in the Rooters, they behaved differently, Swift was Cold and Tough, while her original personality is over-emotional and rather soft.
28. However, in Phil's cases, things are slightly different, he has been under control of Servantis in fact since he was re-sent to Null Void by Doctor Psychobos, but for some reason Phil's Original Identity was not completely blocked due to which in the  episode "Max's Monster" He behaved so weird.
29. About a Month later Negative 10 was freed from their containment zone, an emergency program went off causing every member of Negative 10 to be "dropped" onto a random inhabited planet.
30. Zzemolaze's "birthday" is 14th July.
31. Zzemolaze don't like his teammates, but he is not able to hurt them due a "programming" made by Servantis.
32. Technical Leader of Negative 10 is Zzemolaze.
33. Zzemolaze's prostheses is made of special type of Infinitum, a extremely strong metal alloy created by the Tetramands.
34. Zzemolaze sometimes stab himself for a fun.
35. The planet where Zzemolaze was teleported was planet Chalybeas, where he cause a massive forest fires. 
36. Servantis died due a multiple reasons, He and the other Rooters were chased by the Way Bads, due to problems with the metal disk in his brain, he shocked himself several times, then because he was separated from the other members of the Rooters, he was attacked by a pack of Vulpimancers and ended up, from hunger and wounds.
37. Servantis made a all his plans mostly not because of Ben, but because of personal graters with various members of the Plumbers throughout the galaxy who were not supportive and were ready to crack down on him because of his methods
38. One of that many Plumbers was Devin Levin, human osmosian hybrid, who was a partner of Max Tennyson, however he died from a hands of former Servantis' partner, Ragnarok, his son Kevin was born a few years after that, Max didn't even know about his existence, Mrs. Levin later married Harvey who was pretty abusive towards Kevin, and his Mom was ok with that, which became reason why Kevin run away from a home. 
39. Osmosians are real species of Aliens, they aren't a sub-species of humans, Servantis simply lied to Kevin and others to messed up his already scrambled mind, which became the reason why Kevin decided to investigate that.
40. Kevin himself is a 1/4 Osmosian and 3/4 Human, but not only that, he also a mutant, with one specific mutation which enhances his Osmosian abilities, Normal Osmosians absorb only 1/10 of material they absorb, in case of Kevin is more enhanced which allows him to absorb more than 1/10, if be more specific is 5/10 of material which pretty handy to him (also the reason why in OS he was able to fight with a Fouramrs on equal level).

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