Spyro2108 — Ben10 Crossover Alien: Scurrel

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Published: 2024-03-20 22:09:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 34074; Favourites: 154; Downloads: 11
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Description Scurrel is the DNA Sample of the Omnitrix of Red Squirrel  from the planet Earth (Dimension 23-24 "Banjo-Kazooie/Conker's Dimensions")

Power and Abilities

-Cartoon Physics

-Enhanced Speed

-Enhanced Jumping

-Enhanced Strength 

-Comedic Strength

-Enhanced Stamina

-Enhanced Reflexes

-Enhanced Agility

-Enhanced Senses

-Enhanced Vision

-Enhanced Accuracy

-Enhanced Balance

-Enhanced Stealth

-Toon Combat

-Dimensional Storage

-4th Wall Interaction

-4th Wall Awareness

-Accelerated Metabolism

-Instant Acceleration

-Accelerated Rotation

-Cartoon Materialization (Via Context-Sensitive)

-Weapon Proficiency Touch


-Inflation/Diflation (Via Context-Sensitive)

-Limited Transformation (Via Context-Sensitive)

-Environmental Adaptation

-Powerful Bite

-Prey Instinct

-Hyper Climbing

-Prehensile Tail

-Double Jump

-Caudal Flight

-Helicopter Propulsion (via Tail)

-Dual Gun Proficiency

-Ground Pound

-Ranged Weapon Proficiency (Via Context-Sensitive)

-Melee Weapon Proficiency (Via Context-Sensitive)

-Extra Life Obtainment

-Hypnosis (via Cartoon Materialization)

-Other related powers to Cartoon Materialization

DNA source: Conker the Squirrel

Interesting Facts:

1. Dimension 23-24 is the dimensions of Banjo-Kazooie and Conker's Bad Fur Day, and a few other Rare Franchises, like Snake Rattle'n'Roll and Sabre Wulf.

2. Dimension 23-24 are a so called Conjoined Dimensions also known as Entwined Dimensions. This term is used for a specific type of dimensions that are on the early stages of fusing together, they are become conjoined and as a result of that the places of that set Dimensions become layered on each other, this connection of dimensions usually results in a lot of destructions, however with time the fabric of both realities become more stable. Sometimes One Dimension can temporarily become conjoined with other, only to later absorb in inside it.
3. One warm summer day, a little boy named Conker the Squirrel and his childhood friend, Berri the Chipmunk were at Conker's birthday party, but just as he is about to blow out the candles on his cake a local bully Evil Acorn, self-proclaimed nemesis of Conker, appeared crushing the party and later kidnapping Berri. Seeking the Justice for the Evil Acorn Conker went on the quest to rescue Berri, Solving the puzzles on his way. Eventually Conker found Berri inside the catacombs, saving her from the evil graps of Evil Acorn. The Enemy tried to attack Conker and Berri,  but Evil Acorn got blasted out of the atmosphere by his own bomb. Conker, Berri, and all of the friends that Conker made throughout his quest gather together for a new birthday party for Conker, and Conker and Berri appear to live happily ever after...... At least that was what they were thinking....
4. One of the people that bothered Conker in his earlier life was Honker the Skunk. Despite the fact he's a Skunk, many people used to often confused both of them for some reason. Honker had....really bad childhood, both of his parents weren't really present in his life, and when they were, they were pretty much oppressive and abusive. That led Honker into becoming rather mean person at his point in childhood, and who's the perfect target for Honker if not at the time Happy-go-lucky nice boy Conker? Honker was envious of Conker back then, Good life, Caring Parents, a lot of friends. Honker wanted that, and this wanting carried into his adult life as well, eventually Honker got a therapy treatment, to find the reasoning behind all that, and with time his life took on the better turn, even though people still occasionally mistake him for Conker.
5. Conker had a good life....Until his late Teen years, Conker's parents, who taught him never to drink alcohol, be greedy or swear; got into an incident that cost their own life, leaving Conker alone. Due that Conker's behavior changed, he become more angry, depressive and bitter, only few traits of once happy-go-lucky squirrel boy remained. Berri during that time tried to support Conker as much as she could. But eventually due the lack of purpose in life Conker went into searching for a place to belong.
6. The Squirrel High Command (more commonly known as the S.H.C.) are the faction of military Squirrels and Chipmunks that were working the protecting civilian people against evil forces, This in someway inspirited Conker's inner old self, who always wanted to help others. Resulted in Conker getting into the military. The time there...Wasn't as perfect as he thought it would have been, but it did helped Conker to find this sense of belonging that he was craving for. During the time spend in S.H.C. Conker got ranked up to the Corporal. But again... Life decided to lead Conker to the worse way, during one of the missions Conker led the troop to the enemies base, however one of the troop members betrayed them, leading to the troop deaths, with Conker as the last survivor. This Event cause a certain emotional scars on Conker, which led to his later retirement from the Military.
7. Long before Conker joined S.H.C., had a conflict with a military force known as the Tediz. During one of the missions S.H.C. were assaulting the base of Tediz Battlemaster Professor Von Kriplespac, whom was planning to fire a Giant Gun of Doom at an S.H.C. battle cruiser. Kriplespac loses both of his legs in the battle and makes a tactical retreat. The Tediz had been losing many battles and retreated to their primary base for a final stand called Castle Von Tedistein. Professor Von Kriplespac began developing a new creation called "The Machine", which could create much more powerful versions of the Tediz called Machine Tediz. The SHC attempted to stop them, but lost this battle. After this point the war turned in favor of Kriplespac and the Tediz, eventually winning the war. Later, Race of panthers and the oldest squirrel family, the Kulas of Conk, formed an alliance and fought against the Weasel King. The weasels were defeated, but the leader of the panthers grew mad with power and banished the Kulas of Conk into the darkest region of the world. The Panther King is also said to have chopped off the mechanical legs of the Weasel King, who in the fact was  Professor Von Kriplespac. After Kulas of Conk was send to the darkest region of the world, he eventually get children, which eventually led to the brith of Conker.
8. Eventually after Conker returned to his civilian life, even though the bad habits that he got in the military such as swearing, smoking and drinking remained. And after some time Conker decided to pay a visit to Berri, his dearest childhood friend, to catch up after so many years, but say that Berri changed were nothing to say. When Conker were at the military, Berri had a sudden grow sprut, making her 6'4 feet now, but also for some reason she decided to dye her hair blonde. Berri was a no nonsense and promiscuous kind of girl, she was fit, level-head, smart, sassy, but also snobby. She also were something of a health freak, often working out daily, but also learning martial arts. She was also very fond of the color pink. Although she was frustrated and sad with Conker's late night antics and alcoholism, she did genuinely and deeply care about him and loved him with all of her heart, often referring to him as "Conker Honey". She tried her best to pull out Conker from the swamp of misery that he was for years, periodically that was working, but with time he returned to the same old bad habits.
9.Months has passed since Conker retired from his military career, since that he was....pretty much drifting from one shady scheme to get money to another. But one day he received an invitation/offer from a one rich kid name Timber the Tiger, overall Conker didn't really understood about what this offer actually was, all he knew is the fact that it will give him some easy cash, so he accepted it. Eventually arriving on Timber's person island, that called Timber Island, Conker find out two things, first he wasn't the only one who was invited on the island, and second it was way more difficult job than he thought it would be due a certain obstacle, Wizpig, an extraterrestrial gigantic pig that was terrorizing Timber Island. However it wasn't the weirdest thing that happened, after some time, a three people from another dimension appeared on the scene, It was a some thing that resembled a monkey wearing a red cap, a crocodile with weird reasoning wearing black jacket, and a human wearing a weird watches. However eventually with all this power, Wizpig was defeated, as Conker returned home with quite a lot of cash.....which he later used for his usual night activities.
10. Many many months later, a very special event in Conker's life happened, a day that he will remember for the rest of his life, the one that he calls "Bad Fur Day". Conker wakes up with a splitting headache, which is an obvious result of his heavy drinking from the previous night, and finds himself at an unknown garden area. Showing signs of a bad hangover, he mutters to himself that it's going to be, "one of those days." Conker then runs into Birdy, a drunken scarecrow, and asks for directions. Birdy, who was much more intoxicated than Conker, then insists that he can help the squirrel, teaching Conker about the Context Sensitive. After that fully recovered from hangover Conker begins to head on home. But he is stopped as he reaches the bridge above the waterfall, which is being guarded by a large stone Gargoyle. Conker kindly asks for him to move aside to allow access to the exit. The Gargoyle refuses, stating that he "just got comfy" and that it took him 200 years to actually do so. After Conker responds with a sarcastic statement, the Gargoyle exclaims that if he comes closer; they can discuss things "of another nature"....Gargoyle just picked Conker up and throws him down the waterfall. Taking his trusty frying pan Conker then went up to "discuss" with a Gargoyle. Squirrel smacks him with the frying pan. The Gargoyle finds this satirical, and laughs at Conker's attempt to attack. But the Gargoyle looses his balance and falls down the waterfall, defeated. Conker's reaction immediately before the Gargoyle fell. Allowing Conker to move further.
11. Eventually Conker was able to arrive in the area known as Windy, a large area that connects a lot of others. And there he met a very familiar person, a shapeshifting hero Ben Tennyson, to Conker's Dismay. Helping Mrs. Bee to retrieve the hive from the wasp gang and beating the Bull that Conker accidentally released. Conker and Ben went further on their way to help Conker come home.
12. Ben and Conker upon a river and meets Mrs. Catfish and her group and deals to get her fortune back. Modestly agreeing to take 10 percent, Conker and Ben swims through the river meets the vicious, snapping Bullfish and swims into a hole leading into the towering complex. Ben and Conker meets Carl & Quentin; the two-sided cog, who asks him to retrieve their lady friends by scaling the old tower and pulling a lever to unlock the underwater door leading to them. With the underwater door to the missing lady cogs unlocked, Conker swims and brings back the 3 cog ladies, who, in revenge, beat up the Carl-sided cog and leave for a vacation. Quentin then informs Conker  and Ben that his problem outside is fixed. Ben leads the Catfishes to open the safe with their classified password, after leading them there Mrs. Catfish opens the safe and Conker heads inside to rescue the money. Conker comes upon the Catfish's money, who quickly cusses him out and jumps into a water hole because he wasn't his owner. Conker must swim through the underwater tunnels of mechanical fishes, using a light to find his way, upon navigating his way, he walks into a a high temperature boiler room. Conker finds the Fire Imps, who begin to assault him, and as the most logical thing.....Conker used his own urine to defeat imps. The Imps, furious for revenge, hop into the giant boiler and turn it on, at this point Ben enters the scene, and together with Conker they fight against the giant boiler.....And Conker defeats it by whacking the boiler's large brass balls until he explodes. Conker has retrieved the money, and comes back to the Catfish, but upon discovering that his 10% reward is really 1 dollar of 10 dollars, Conker was mad, but Ben were able to convince Conker to not fight about it.
13. Sometime later Ben and Conker arrives into the farm where they help Jack the metal box with his rodent problem, Conker gave Marvin the Rat 3 pieces of Cheese to make him explode. Jack then assists Conker  by giving him a way to jump onto the barn roof, where a wad of money and a switch to unlock the barn door is. Conker enters the barn, where he meets the barn boys: Franky, Reg and Ron. Franky, infuriated that Conker has come into the barn prepares to whoop him good in order to impress his friends, after unsuccessfully doing so, Reg & Ron tell him he is worthless and to go hang himself (which he does, to no effect since he has no neck) and Franky remains stuck in his unfortunate spot, Conker then pulls a lever that opens a small door causing the Mr. Bee to fall out. Later Ben and Conker meets the Mr. King Bee (the ex-husband of Mrs. Bee) who is washed up and is looking to "pollinate" a charming and beautiful Sunflower with extremely large breasts, gathering 5 groups of tickling pacifist bumble bees to do so, Mr. King Bee then pollinates the Sunflower (much to Conker's and Ben's unfortunate witnessing), King. Bee then flies away and the Sunflower welcomes Conker and Ben to "fancy going for a bounce" to a wad of cash. Some time later, returning to the Barn, Ben goes to the ceiling to get to the hanging Franky, whom he frees, who's later assists Ben and Conker to fight the Haybot.  Ben, Conker & Franky team up to stab and jab Haybot when done enough times their fight causes the floor of the barn to crack and crumble, causing the 4 of them to fall down in the abyss...After falling down into the underground pipe lines, Ben, Conker and Franky discover that Haybot is a horrifying mechanical terminator, they team up to destroy him, after successfully doing so, Franky is mortally wounded, (He is broken in two), but revives when Conker repairs him, he thanks Conker and Ben, and walks off, however, the water from the destroyed pipes (the water that was in the giant tank above the barn) slowly begins to rise... Ben uses his omnitrix to transform  into flying transformation, Astrodactyl, he grabs Conker and Franky after which launch up, leaving the underground.
14. Eventually Ben and Conker land back in Windy, where they meet a Dung Beetle, who is fleeing the mountain, the beetle warns them that a mysterious being is lurking and killing anything it can get its hand on. He also tells that there is some money in an alcove, which immediately catches attention of Conker. A mysterious voice calls out to them to bring him some Sweet Corn. After bringing him all the corn, the mysterious voice reveals itself...The Great Mighty Poo, a opera-singing pile of poop, who threatens Ben and Conker to crush them with all his mass. Conker and Ben throw rolls of toilet paper in his mouth, get him to scream louder and louder until the alcove glass door breaks. After which Conker pulls a switch that will flush The Great Mighty Poo. Conker then sees a way open up from where the Great Mighty Poo was flushed. This new doorway brings him to a new place, and Ben, to his dismay, follows Conker. They come upon a different world with cliffs and lava, and swim through a u-bend that's filled with deadly rotating blades and severed body parts. Upon swimming out, They see two weasels ahead on the pathway bridge. Ben and Conker meet the Panther King's dimwitted weasel guards and needs to pay the toll. Conker also hilariously tricks them into thinking he's not a red squirrel but an elephant. After passing them, they needs to scale a small temple with small guarding red dinosaurs and crash a statue head. When Conker crashes the statue, he and Ben fall into the Uga Buga world.
15. Ben and Conker fall into the prehistoric world of the Uga Bugas, making his way into the worship room of a giant T-Rex head. After a little bit of bloody scenes, Ben and Conker get into the inner hallways of the dinosaur god, which are filled with slimy green snot. The statue's snot problem is cured with pepper in its nostrils. Conker comes to the outer back head of the god, and, after taking the headwear of a dead caveman, he then heads back.
After Ben and Conker exits the statue and back to the worship room, the nearby Uga Bugas then begin to worship Conker as their leader. Conker then leads his followers to destroy the four sleeping rock men outside the club Rock Solid. When done with that, he has his worshipers tell him the password to allow the bouncer give him access to the Rock Solid club. Conker and Ben enter the groovy club Rock Solid and sees Berri trapped in a cage. In order to free her, he roll several balled-up Rockmen onto a switch and into several holes by getting drunk and urinating on the rock men near the holes. Once all of the holes get filled, the cage containing Berri crashes, freeing her. She then runs out of the club, and Ben with Conker follows her, but he also stop only to snatch a wad of cash from the cage's debris, later separating his way with Ben. Some time later Ben and Conker meet again....turned out that Conker was mugged by four cavemen, and now Ben and Conker had to chase them to take Conker's money back, eventually after doing that, they ride into a colosseum where duo meets Buga and Jugga, Buga sends him Fangy, and Conker tames it and have Fangy eat some Uga Buga infantries.  After the all infantries are down, Buga becomes infuriated when Jugga comments that Conker has a "bigger bone" than Buga. He tries to impress her by going to the Colosseum himself to kill Conker and Ben with his bone club.....However Buga runs off embarrassed when his loincloth falls off to reveal his small "bone". Conker dismisses the sad Fangy and goes to meet Jugga but faints when he sees that she is much taller than him, Jugga then bids Conker goodbye, and Ben and Conker proceeds to exit the Uga Buga world by going back to the Poo Mountain exit through a new upper pathway. They then return to the Windy.
16. Ben and Conker walk through a tunnel which becomes caved in, blocking off Conker's way home. They proceeds forward to a lake  where Gregg the Grim Reaper is. Gregg then gives Conker a shotgun and information of an old ancestor after he opens up the graveyard gates by pulling a lever in the tunnel. Ben and Conker shoot the zombies through their heads until enough are dead for Gregg to appear. Gregg opens the gate leading to the mansion, then Conker scales the narrow bendy pathway until he and Ben enters the spooky mansion. They meet Conker's ancestor Count Batula, who gives them a tour of the mansion. He then turns Conker into a bat after a band of villagers breaks the door and invades the estate, and Conker must bring enough villagers and toss them in the grinder for Count Batula to become fat and fall off his perch. When he dies, Conker is restored to his former self. However, many zombies rise from the grave and infest the estate. After that Conker and Ben finds Mr. Barrel and rides him out of the mansion, down the bendy pathway killing the zombie earthworms, riding through the graveyard and through the docks  up a fast moving river. After that Conker crashes Mr. Barrel and runs through the new exit, right back at the Windy.
17. Immediately after returning to Windy, Conker and Ben sees a news clip that it's war with a new enemy: The Tediz. With that ignoring Ben's advice, Conker heads to the SHC Base. Conker enters the SHC Base, and sees 2 unfortunate SHC soldiers get shot down from their return in a jet. The SHC Commander immediately recruits Conker and tasks him with restoring the power and clearing the way out of the base. Conker guides electric eel through rings to restore the power. Some time later, Conker & the SHC forces arrive to the Tediz Base Beachhead. Conker then witnesses the gruesome massacre of his fellow comrades. He and some surviving SHC soldiers must dodge bullets and make their way up the beach into the base. Conker makes it past the beachhead and meets a surviving SHC soldier. After a brief conversation with him, the soldier is shot and killed. Conker then takes up arms and must defeat several Tediz and dodge fiery hallways and listen to elevator music. Conker saves his long-time-no-see friend Rodent from the Tediz, and Rodent shields him from SHC bombers to a large door, which he must blow off. Conker and Rodent ride the Tank  and knock down several bridges & Tediz guards. Then he destroys the Tower, which opens a hole leading to a cavern area underground. Conker meets little girl, who cries him to rescue her. Conker destroyed several attacking submarines with a bazooka. After Conker accomplishes this he returns to the little girl. However at the place Conker discovers that this little girl were nothing more but a puppet, controlled by the horrid Experiment. Conker and Rodent were able to stand against the Experiment, but not for long, however at last moment Ben shows up on the scene saving both Conker and Rodent, together they defeat the experiment. However that action activates the countdown before the self-destruction of Tediz Base, Ben with Conker and Rodent on his back run through several laser lined halls and must fight several Tediz to race to the start of the beach where the last of the SHC troops are. Conker, Ben and the SHC return to base and depart, and then back to Windy, but this time with Rodent as well. However....As they returned they discover a terrible sight.
18. The Windmill has been destroyed and that Mrs. Bee is dead after being crushed by one of the windmill's parts. Ben remains in Windy to check on everyone there, while Conker heads down a secret passage inside the Windmill, that leads to the Feral Reserve Bank. Later Conker meets Don Weaso again, who has him do another job, this time, he teams Conker and Berri up to rob the Feral Reserve Bank. Conker and Berri shoot several guards through a  slow motion attack, advancing through each wave, they defeat the guards and head up to the elevator, where the vault is. Conker takes all the money in vault, and is now a millionaire. The Panther King reveals himself and plans on capturing Conker, then orders Don Weaso to kill Berri. The Professor appears and mentions something about an incubation period being nearly complete, and then shows him that he planted an alien egg in the Panther King as revenge. The alien Heinrich then bursts from the Panther King's chest. Conker then pulls a lever, which sucks Berri, the Professor, the Panther King, and his throne out of the room and opens a door to a mech-suit. At this point Ben arrives and uses Upgrade on the mech-suit and with  Conker, they defeat against the Heinrich  by throwing Heinrich out of the room. The Weasel Guards then appear and crown Conker the new king of the land, a thing that Conker never wanted, he is then joined by some of the people he met throughout this Bad Fur Day. However, because of Berri's death, he is left with his heart broken.....Conker ended this day in the same way as it began...he becomes drunk once again in the same bar as before, but this time he walks the opposite way of the way he took in the beginning, which may possibly be the correct way to Conker's home.
19. After the Bad Fur Day, Conker fell into the longest and the deepest depression that he ever had. Not knowing what to do now, or what's even the point of doing anything, Conker spend days just drowning his sadness in booze, he even had a few attempts of taking his own life, however all of those attempts were unsuccessful. He tried to use one of the magical artifact that he found in the Panther King's vault, a Clocks that can reset the time to the certain point of time, He tried to use it to save Berri, but....Each time he did use it his memories hasn't come with him, resulting in the same Bad Fur Day with a minor changes more than 5 times.
20. As a young boy, Conker was a very good boy, he was told by his parents never to drink alcohol, be greedy or swear, and he followed those guidance, he was a type of person who alwasy wanted to help others, to make their lives better, just because it's a nice thing to do. Conker back then was your typical happy-go-lucky, nice and kind kid who obeyed rules. But.......With time his live...took on the dramatic change. He had become a slightly greedy, sarcastic, bitter, perverted alcoholic squirrel. Drinking alcoholic beverages become pretty much a  stable part of Conker's life. Conker forgot the rules his parents told him as a kid. Conker is ignorant, ditzy and carefree. He helps almost every person in the game, not caring what they want or how dangerous the tasks are, though he does make clear he won't do anything that doesn't have anything for him in return. Despite his brash personality, he's still somewhat a good guy, after all despite wanting something in return, Conker helps only because of his childhood wish to help people, He also hardly ever swears, especially around the children. Even though he and Berri's relationship wasn't as close during his boozing days, he still loved her dearly and when she died in his arms and went on a great amount of depression once he was crowned king........And for that matter, even now he hasn't moved on from her death.
21. Conker and Ben have.........Rather conflicted relationship....They don't hate each other......But they also don't really enjoy company of each other on the same level as friends does. They usually clash, due how different their views are, mostly from the side of Conker. Ben dislikes Conker for the fact.....Well, for the things that you expected. After all Conker is not the nicest person to be around, and especially not your traditional good guy. Despite that, they also don't hate each other, as both had sympathy for each other in the some level, Ben feels Bad for how shitty Conker's life is, and how it's turns worse with time. But at the same time, Ben would trust someone like Krunch, the Kremiling Spy, more than he trusts Conker.
22. Conker's disliking of Ben is a bit more...complicated...In the way He feels jealous of Ben, because how well his life seems, but other reason is more personal...Conker dislikes Ben because...He reminds Conker of who he used to be.... And that's pisses Conker off. Ben's happy attitude and his heroic nature in general, annoys Conker greatly, because in the way....Ben is what Conker would have been if he didn't gave up, if he was able to take those hits that live gave to him, Conker would become someone great, someone who doesn't hate most parts of his life.....So Ben just reminds Conker on how much of a looser he really is. 23. However, with more time that Conker spend with Ben....He couldn't really make himself hate the guy, despite playings on the nerves of each other, Ben was there to give Conker a helping hand, to assist him in the pursue of quick cash, even though Ben didn't like it.....At the end...Conker respects Ben....he respects Ben for the fact that he have the power to move forward no matter how much shit happens in his life, No matter how much Ben gets hurt he doesn't shut himself from others and that..... In the way inspires Conker.
24. Sometimes, especially when he's drunk, Conker calls Ben to just chat with him, usually this is a chat about nothing, or crying into the phone to relieve his stress. Conker's phone calls have a Windy&Co. theme as a ringtone on Ben's phone.
25. Conker have a lot of Bad habits, besides the most noticeable, his alcoholism, Conker is basically a whole encyclopedia of bad habits. Among them are, Pervertness, Smoking, Sometimes very inactive, oversleeps, spends a lot, gambles and most of all...he dwells on the past.

26. As it was mentioned, Conker is not fully bad, he have a lot of good sides, they just....Buried deep down.....But no matter of how much bad habits he have, he will hold himself the hardest around the children to surpass his bad habits, which he did during the adventure on the Timber Island.
27.About 7 months since Conker become a king....he wasn't doing it that well.... So he came up with the only plan he had in mind, which was to call his old rival Honker to take his place as a King, and surprisingly Honker wasn't against that. As a result of that Honker become a new king of Panther Kingdom, while Conker returned to his usual lifestyle, moving from one quick cash scheme to another one.
28. However, Honker also recommended Conker to visit his therapist, because Conker was not only not able to move one, but also because overall Conker was a huge mess. And since that Conker began to visit therapist once a week in the attempt to fix his life.
29. One time, after Conker left his position as a King, during one of his usual night antics......He almost got into prison..... However he was able put the blame on Bumper the Badger.
30. Despite the Fact that Conker is on 1/128 a Vampire, The Omnitrix does not classify him as a true hybrid, and Scurrel doesn't have vampire abilities, like Conker have.
31. Despite the fact that The Omnitrix can't allow Ben die......He did collected a couple of squirrel tails that..gave him a bit of "Extra Lifes". 35 if be exact.
32. Conker is friends with Banjo and Kazooie, sometimes during his sober days Conker comes to the spiral Mountain to just, have some fun with those two.
33.Context Sensitive is not really an ability, that's more of a skill that the ones that have Cartoon-like Physiology, and the Cartoon Materialization specifically, can learn. Context Sensitive allows them to get an item that will make sense in the context, basically nullifying the randomness of that ability.
34. Due this other cartoonish transformations such as Abatoon or Toony-Loony also know Context Sensitive.
35. If Scurrel would have a Voice Actor it will be Rob Paulsen.
36. The fur of Scurrel's tail is bushy enough to allow him to hide tiny objects inside it.
37. Conker is a bit jealous of Scurrel, mostly because in terms of physical condition, he's more athletic than Conker.
38. Conker is very found of Ben's certain female transformations.
39. One of the first things that Conker did as a King, was a official funeral of Berri, and a memorial of her. He still visits that place twice a week.
40. Ben have a lot of different things from Dimensions 23-24, for example Honeycomb, Jigsaw, Ice Key from the Spiral Mountain, and from Panther Kingdom, Ben have Conker's Frying Pan and "corpse" of one of Tediz.
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superkideternityfan2 [2024-03-25 02:20:28 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to superkideternityfan2 [2024-03-25 05:19:21 +0000 UTC]

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Julio364 [2024-03-24 12:52:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Spyro2108 In reply to Julio364 [2024-03-24 13:15:17 +0000 UTC]

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Julio364 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-24 15:22:11 +0000 UTC]

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ghoulboss108 [2024-03-23 18:21:41 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Spyro2108 In reply to ghoulboss108 [2024-03-23 19:14:43 +0000 UTC]

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ghoulboss108 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-23 20:17:20 +0000 UTC]

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Tommyjado In reply to ghoulboss108 [2024-03-30 01:05:06 +0000 UTC]

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Kotkoro [2024-03-23 02:55:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Spyro2108 In reply to Kotkoro [2024-03-23 13:05:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 2

Kotkoro In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-24 00:55:02 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to Kotkoro [2024-03-24 06:03:56 +0000 UTC]

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Kotkoro In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-26 00:50:08 +0000 UTC]

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GodzillaKin In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-23 15:00:40 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to GodzillaKin [2024-03-23 15:37:04 +0000 UTC]

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GodzillaKin [2024-03-23 00:13:11 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to GodzillaKin [2024-03-23 13:06:08 +0000 UTC]

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GodzillaKin In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-23 14:58:17 +0000 UTC]

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Falcovsleon20 [2024-03-22 01:01:58 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to Falcovsleon20 [2024-03-22 15:34:11 +0000 UTC]

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pocketmaster11 [2024-03-21 23:15:23 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to pocketmaster11 [2024-03-22 15:34:06 +0000 UTC]

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ILSDDB95 [2024-03-21 22:10:14 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to ILSDDB95 [2024-03-22 15:33:57 +0000 UTC]

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ILSDDB95 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-22 20:19:13 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to ILSDDB95 [2024-03-22 20:22:14 +0000 UTC]

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ILSDDB95 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-22 20:22:52 +0000 UTC]

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cthompso1622 [2024-03-21 20:43:08 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to cthompso1622 [2024-03-22 15:33:49 +0000 UTC]

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cthompso1622 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-22 17:13:04 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to cthompso1622 [2024-03-22 17:13:41 +0000 UTC]

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cthompso1622 In reply to Spyro2108 [2024-03-22 17:19:22 +0000 UTC]

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cthompso1622 [2024-03-21 20:32:49 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to cthompso1622 [2024-03-22 15:33:30 +0000 UTC]

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aqdrobert [2024-03-21 19:58:36 +0000 UTC]

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Spyro2108 In reply to aqdrobert [2024-03-22 15:33:43 +0000 UTC]

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