Stabrina — AA - Saerielle Leocadia

#elf #female #magic #oc #rp #woman #saerielle #characterdesign #arcemalva #arcem_alva
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My Lawful, Could-Be-Worse Character.
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▌ P R O F I L E - The Practical

“ You think I believe this drivel? ”

[ B A S I C · I N F O R M A T I O N ]Name : Saerielle Leocadia
Age : 121
Birthday : 5:30 am, Thursday, Day 6 of the Month of Mirrors, Year of Souls (8172) (February 6, 8172 )
        Zodiac : Luter the Otter | Aquarius
Song-Lu Calender: Day 29 of the Month of the Owl, Year of the Incandescent Gold Snake
        True Animal: Raven
        Secret Animal: Falcon
Gender : Female
Height : 5'8"
Weight : 130 lbs
Race : Light Elf
Class : Conjurer (Average)
        A grade: Medium, Beast
        C grade: Small, demon | Giant, Beast
Occupation : Baronetess | Templar Trainee
City : Delverne
Allegiance : Delverne

▌ P E R S O N A L I T Y[ P O S I T I V E || N E G A T I V E ][ Organized | Observant | Protective | Tactful | Clever || Sadistic | Vengeful | Selfish | Possessive | Double Standards]

Having grown up in a stifling religious setting with parents that prioritized appearance and status, Saerielle was cultivated to be a perfectionist with low self esteem. In public, she maintains a prim, proper, and graceful nature. Though reserved, she is well liked by the other light elves of similar status due to her tactful nature. Behind closed doors, she treats her employees with the same critical treatment she received as a child. Though harsh and condescending, she corrects their mistakes for a better outcome later. Saerielle is protective of those that work for her and will not let anyone else reprimand them. Despite her cruel tendencies, she makes sure that her servants are properly cared for as that is part of their contract and will go to great lengths to protect what is hers.

Saerielle plans out every hour of her day to get the most done and keeps at least three backup schedules. With that mentality, she analyzes the people around her, to figure out their most likely action and plan around that so that she keeps on schedule. When she sets her mind on a task, she won’t rest till completion. She is ambitious by nature and won't shy away from a goal that seems too outlandish. She is easily obsessed with her goals and is prone to tunnel vision.

When something doesn’t go according to her plans, she becomes flustered and is prone to making compounding mistakes. Rather than internalize the problem as her own fault, she lashes out at others both physically and verbally. As she doesn't change her own approach, she tends to make the same mistakes. Not only does she take pleasure from harming others and seeing them hurt, she finds it therapeutic. Because she finds tormenting others fun, she lacks remorse for her actions.

Saerielle abides by the rules and believes that structure is of utmost importance. When receiving orders, she does as she's told regardless of what she really believes. She expects the same of those who are under her as well.

[ Words : 340 words ]

Song - Lu Calendar
ASPECTS | Incandescent : Associated with Aurea, this aspect can represent the searing heat of the sun on a hot day, but also the life-giving warmth of the sun in the middle of winter. An aspect of extremes, the incandescent are given to great variation in their tempers. (Her temperament)

LUXURY | Gold: Luxury of the Sun, the noblest of metals shines with a bright radiance that is only dulled by mistreatment. Precious and easily shaped, this luxury represents material and spiritual wealth, as well as a malleable mind. (Main strength)

OUTER ANIMAL | Snake: Seventh in the zodiac and guardian of midday, the Snake curls up in the sunlight to drink of its warmth. Admired for its brilliant colors yet feared for its poison bite, the snake represents eloquence, a beautiful exterior and sensitivity to change, but also poverty and the telling of lies. (Overall positive qualities)

INNER ANIMAL | Owl : Second in the zodiac and watcher over the dead hours, the Owl is patient, rarely seen but always there. Traditionally considered a keeper of knowledge, the owl represents wisdom, silence and watchfulness, but also hidden intentions and a reluctance to step forth when called. (Love life and family)

TRUE ANIMAL | Raven : Tenth in the zodiac and guardian of the evening skies, the Raven speaks with the spirits and serves them as messenger. Distrusted by some and worshipped by others, the raven represents intelligence, skill with magic and the supernatural, but also death and the bearing of bad news. (Development of life and work)

SECRET ANIMAL | Falcon: Fourth in the zodiac and guardian of the morning light, the Falcon circles high above the busy streets searching for its prey. A proud master of the skies, the falcon represents perception, attention to detail and rising to great heights, but also aloofness and focusing on something to the exclusion of everything else. (Innate qualities that come when you are most true to yourself)

▌ B I O G R A P H Y

❝ You can get away with anything in the name of religion .❞

[ E A R L Y . L I F E | Childhood to teens ]

It's been said that the Leocadia family began as farmers who transitioned to work in the army before paying for their gentry title. The family eventually settled with a firm foothold in the business of religion. The Leocadias pride themselves in their riches and pure Light Elf ancestry and look down on humans, half elves, and of course, dark elves.

Saerielle was born the second child of extremist Aurea believers who were meticulous about everything. Since she was born during the Year of Souls, her parents believed that her ties to Aurea have made her a blessed child. She had a knack for magic so her parents set her on the path.

Interactions with her parents were limited. Her immediate caretakers and friends were her servants (light or wood elf heritage). Her parents directed their attention and love to her older brother who was the heir of the family. Saerielle was, in turn, groomed to be married off to another family of high repute. During these years, she attended any and all formal parties to bolster the family's social network. As a child, she was already prone to violent outbursts but those cries for attention went unheard. Instead of addressing their child's problems, any time she exploded in public, they would fire Saerielle's closest servants, blaming them for their child's actions. In order to keep the few people she cared for, she became quiet and reserved.

[ A D U L T H O O D | Young Adult ]

Once deemed worthy, Saerielle would follow her parents around the Kingdom for their 'monthly act of kindness' in the name of Aurea. On one of these trips, while donating food to the lower class as a 'show of faith', she was lead away by a human who claimed his child was sick and needed a blessing. Although Saerielle's parents had warned her against associating with humans, she slipped away from the watchful eyes of her servant to follow the man.

Saerielle was raped.

The one to find her was her wood elf servant, a friend since childhood and her immediate attendant. The initial response of her parents was to marry Saerielle to her rapist to silence any potential rumors. However, when they found out the rapist was a human, they silenced the matter and fired the attendant. Although it was a human from the Kingdom, Saerielle's parents told her it was a Kobener in order to foster her hatred for the Koben Empire.

In order to 'purify' her, they tattooed her body against her will with holy symbols in praise to Aurea. On top of the physical abuse, the verbal abuse consisted of constant victim blaming. For a year she remained in her room, isolated from her family who told her she was filthy, friends who thought she was sick, and closest servants who were all fired. Finally, they sent her away to a nunnery of Aurea. They couldn’t possibly marry her off now that she’s been defiled by a human.

Her parents weren’t loving, but their sudden hostility towards her was jarring. She’d been taught the importance of loyalty to family. When they turned their backs on her, she realized that she their tool. She believed that her parents were evil and that Aurea couldn’t exist when such cruel people were her followers. After all, where was Aurea when she was being raped? There was no promised divine intervention for being a devotee. There was no love from this goddess. There was no justice either since her parents wished to keep a perfect facade and pursuing a human for rape would tarnish that. With no one to trust or a place to heal, Saerielle internalized the pain and allowed it to fester.

Her family cut off all ties with Saerielle and she was left with the nuns who'd sworn their lives to the service of Aurea. She took note of the hypocrites while dismissing the true believers as idiots. This furthered her disillusionment with religion as a whole. During the little free time she had, Saerielle would continue her training as a summoner.

The first time she heard back from her family was about ninety years later when her older brother was killed in Middle Koben during the invasion. They requested her return to the estate for the funeral as she was finally "forgiven for her sins".

They just wanted an heir.

[ C U R R E N T | Adult ]

Upon her return, Saerielle has since removed several of her tattoos. Mostly the ones that dealt with Aurea and instead, altered them into summoning circles. Her first order was to remove any male servants that she would have any dealings with and replaced them with female elves. During this time, she met her cousin, Anela who'd returned for the funeral. As it turns out, Anela had run off to Koben to spread the word of Aurea. She wished to return to her missionary work but her parents had her under lock and key. So, they struck a deal. Saerielle would help Anela escape and in return, Anela would find the wood elf that Saerielle's parents had fired ninety years ago.

As the only child of the Leocadia, Saerielle is to inherit the money, land, power, and people that belong to her family. Her parents are currently in search for a suitable husband but Saerielle plans to take over without one. In order to prove her independence, she joined the Templars of Aurea as a trainee. Since her parents are devoted followers to the cause, they couldn't say no.

Having recently returned, she was not an active participant in the Holy War as she was in the process of being reintroduced to her family's lifestyle. So, she is only a trainee.

[ Words : 939 words ]

▌ A D D I T I O N A L

[ L I K E S ]+ | Cats | Books | Obedience | Violence | Structure | Small woodland creatures | Baths

[ T O L E R A T E S ]
- | Light elves | Wood elves | Half Elves (mostly elf) | Children | Physical contact | Anela
[ D I S L I K E S ]
- | Humans | Dark elves | Half elves (mostly human) Darkness | Dirt | Skin contact | Koben and everyone in it | The Gods | Her parents[ I T E M S ][STAFF]
⁂ The magical gem in her staff helps her maintain and channel her magic. A generic portal spell is etched into the handle of the staff which makes summoning easier.

⁂ Although most of the tattoos on her body have are purely a symbol of worship to the goddess, Aurea, several have been altered into portal spells as well. The portal tattoo on her left arm works as a summoning device for a contracted A rank summon. As they were tattooed with white ink, they aren't easily spotted. Though, they glow when she uses her magic.

⁂ Skin contact with men makes her feel nauseus. So, she keeps a pair of gloves on her at all times. 

[ B A T T L E]Saerielle has anemia which manifests in insomnia, pale skin, leg cramps, and becoming easily fatigued. While this has been problematic, she has been able to improve her health just enough to pass the Templar's physical exam. Her parents have often sought healers to remedy this but they only work to alleviate the problems after they've happened. Troubadors have the longest lasting effect of all the healer classes.

She's touched a sword maybe once in her life. Her body is too weak to deal with a physical confrontation so her only use in battle is her control of summons. She attacks from a safe distance using her summons, typically fighting from the rear or the high ground. She uses low leveled summons for doing day to day tasks such as fetching various items that are a little out of arm's reach.
[ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ]+ Anela LaChapelle : Cousins on her mother’s side. They met for the first time during the mourning period of Saerielle’s brother. She helped Anela escape and return to her travels despite the war because Saerielle thought it’d be entertaining and she wanted to find an old friend who is supposedly in Estraude. Saerielle is appreciative of the child’s naivety.
+ Parents: Both of them are in their mid 300’s. Extremely strained relationship. Saerielle harbors a deep hatred for both of her parents. They view her with apathy and as a means to continue the family line as their sole heir. Attempts to have another child have been futile.
+ Brother: (Deceased) He was a good 50 years older than her. Due to the large age gap and the differing treatment of their parents, they hardly interacted. They only spoke to each other during social gatherings where they acted like the perfect family. They might as well have been strangers. Still, she uses his death as a tool to justify her actions and hatred towards Koben.
+ Servants: She keeps them at arms length and does not have a personal attendant that is to follow and protect her.
+ Aurea: Saerielle has lost all belief in religion and considers any and all followers of any gods/godesses to be idiots or hypocrites. Of course, she keeps up the act of a pious believer as she is a part of the Templars and needs to maintain her status in her community.
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Thank you for reading!

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Comments: 7

LanawynTheBlueElf [2020-12-11 20:05:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

knoc0ut [2017-07-06 18:54:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to knoc0ut [2017-07-18 05:32:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Luuxiya [2017-07-05 19:55:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Luuxiya [2017-07-18 05:31:39 +0000 UTC]


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FancyHatShop [2017-07-03 17:42:55 +0000 UTC]

Ooooooooh this is sooooooo pretty!!!! I love all the little details on the outfit sooooo sooooo pretty!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to FancyHatShop [2017-07-18 05:31:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you thank you~! I'm glad you like it!

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