staindfan — Allison Goes Crazy Part 95

Published: 2019-07-30 03:33:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 1947; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 3
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Description Allison is slumped against the wall as everyone is now looking at her, waiting for her to get up. She eventually does and she looks around the area at everyone.

Allison: I don't believe this! How could Amy have beaten me!?

Amy: I gathered my strength together to beat you! That's how!

Dana: And now that you have lost Allison, you have no choice but to come with us to drop you off at the insane asylum!

Allison: I'm not going back to that place! You tortured me the last time I was there! I'm not letting you get that chance!

Dana: Just listen to me Allison! I don't want to torture you! I just want to get your mind straightened out and back to normal! We're really worried about seeing you this way!

Allison: Well, this is who I am now! You won't change that!

Dana: If you don't cooperate with me, I will have you shot on sight!

Allison: Go ahead and shoot me! You all want to get rid of me anyway! You have all wanted me dead ever since this whole hunt started! Go ahead! Fire at will at me!

The group all look at her still aiming the guns, but not firing them.

Allison: Well, what are you all waiting for? Aren't you going to finish me off?

Dana: No! We won't!

Allison: I don't get this! You all are playing these tricks on me, it almost feels like mind games!

Dana: Like I said, we don't want to kill you! Can't you get that through your head?

Allison: It's all clear to me now! I have the items I need to win! Mushrooms, candy bars, sweets, hot air, blueberries, dead bodies everywhere in front of me! Hahahahaha! You all are dead bodies in front of me, blood spilled everywhere!

Dana: Beth, get ready!

Beth: Got it!

Beth moves forward, stopping a few yards from Allison, who is still in her rambling laughing fit.

Allison: You want to take me away? Give me a break!

Dana: Allison, you need to cooperate with us, or else you will pay the consequences!

Allison: Hahaha! What consequences?

Beth: My little gun here has little pellets that will inflate you!

Allison: That's it?

Beth: But there is a catch to this! There is a risk of you exploding from these pellets!

Allison: Yeah right! All the times that plenty of us have inflated, how many explodings occurred? None! So what makes you think this will make it happen?

Beth: I programmed it to do that! There are 8 pellets! The eighth one will make you explode!

Allison: I don't believe it! Go ahead shoot me then!

Beth: If you say so!

Beth shoots the first pellet at Allison and she inflates to a beach ball size!

Beth: Convinced?

Allison: No! I'm not convinced!

Beth then shoots the second pellet and Allison inflates a bit bigger.

Beth: You sure you want to keep getting hit, because you will explode once I shoot the last one!

Allison: Still don't believe you!

Beth shoots the third pellet and Allison inflates even more and she is now the size of a giant ball.

Allison: You do realize that this can be an advantage for me! I can just bounce out of here if you make me bigger!

Beth: Think again!

The fourth pellet is shot and Allison blows up even more as some stretching noises are heard from her body.

Beth: You hear that! Convinced now that you will explode?

Allison: Not really!

Allison however is starting to show some worry, but Beth doesn't see it yet. The fifth pellet is then shot and Allison's body makes even more stretching sounds along with some creaking sounds.

Beth: Ready to pop and explode?

Allison: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Beth then shoots the sixth pellet, and she is covering up most of the area now as she continues to blow up.

Allison: You don't want to keep going now!

Beth: Oh, but I do!

Beth then shoots the seventh pellet and Allison blimps up even bigger and the stretching sounds and creaking are now clearly heard as some stretching sounds still are heard when she stops, along with some rubbing sounds.

Beth: This is it! Last pellet! Once this hits you, you will explode!

Allison: No, please don't! But I'm still not going to the insane asylum!

Beth then tells the others without Allison hearing about the deflation pellet.

Beth: Ok guys, I told you the last pellet won't make her explode, but it will inflate her even more to a huge size and then she will deflate as a puncture hole will appear in her like it is now going through her to pop her and make her deflate. When she begins inflating, act like she will explode so that way she doesn't figure it out.

Dana: Ok, do it.

Beth: Here it is Allison! The last pellet!

Allison: Stop! You can't kill me!

Beth: But you're not cooperating though! Goodbye Allison!

Allison: No! No! Please don't!

Beth shoots the deflation pellet at Allison as Allison lets out a big scream!

Allison: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

The pellet hits Allison and she begins inflating even more and continuously as she is a big gigantic size, covering up a huge amount of the area as her body creaks and stretches with the stretching noises heard by everyone.

Beth: She's gonna explode! Run everyone!

Emily: She's gonna blow!

The group duck down as Allison continues inflating and getting even more bigger as her body continues creaking and stretching.

Allison: Oh no! I'm going to die!

Afterwards, right when it looks like Allison is going to explode, a puncture hole appears and Allison is surprised.

Allison: Huh? I didn't explode! Whoa!

Allison then begins deflating around the whole area as the whole group watches her deflate.

Allison: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Allison flies around and the group keep looking at her flying.

Beth: There she goes, flying around and deflating!

Blake: Let's just hope she doesn't get hurt though when she lands!

Beth: She won't!

Allison deflates even more and then she finally finishes, being normal size and all the air finished leaking out of her and then she begins falling to the ground.

Amy: She's coming down!

Allison then lands on the ground, laying there for a bit.

Dana: Allison, get up!

Allison still lies on the ground and then, all of a sudden, she shoots up and begins acting really crazy, running around and shaking some of the others.

Allison: Hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm alive! I didn't explode!

Dana: Look out everyone, she is a complete madman now!

Emily: Yeah, and she didn't even eat the hyper jellybean!

Allison then flaps her arms up and down.

Allison: Look at me, I'm a bird!

Allison then spins.

Dana: Alright, time to stop her!

Dana pulls out a tranquilizer gun and she shoots a dart at Allison, the dart hitting her on the butt.

Allison: I feel woozy!

Allison then falls face down as Dana then removes the dart out of her butt and Emily and Blake help her up.

Dana: Hold her up while I go get the straitjacket!

Dana goes to the van and she pulls a straitjacket out and begins getting it on Allison.

Dana: Move her to the van and get her in the back!

Emily and Blake move Allison and set her in the back of the van. Dana then closes the doors.

Dana: And with that, Allison is finally in custody! The whole hunt is finally over! We can all rest!

Everyone cheers and then they are all happy to hear that the entire hunt is now officially over.

Amy: Now we can all rest and celebrate getting Allison back to normal!

Blake: Yeah, about time! This has got to be the wildest adventure we have had so far!

Emily: You said it! We can have the fun crazy Allison back, not this seriously insane one!

Dana: I will drive the van while you all get on the other vehicles along with the jeep Allison used and we will all drive back to the city! I will get Allison in the asylum and monitor her!

The group cheer again and then, they begin getting in their vehicles.

Amy: Let's move out and head back to the city!

The vehicles are started, and the long drive back to the city begins for everyone.
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