Stais — Vitrum Academy - Wes

Published: 2013-07-25 02:52:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 1499; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 4
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EDIT: I changed his human form to better fit the requirements of the group (gave him shoes, made him look more human by ditching the furry arms and paw hands) Updated his original form picture as well so he'd look less like a grump.
And worked some kinks out of his history and such.

Name: Wesley Emile Speaks
Nickname: Wes
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Manticore
House: Cobalt

Singing- It's probably his only good talent, He prefers slower songs when singing.
Vocabulary- Wes is grand at sounding intelligent with his large collection of fancy words. Talking in general is a talent to him.
Useless talents- things like naming multiple shades of red, being aces at a yo-yo and Paddle ball and jumping jacks.
Cleaning- He's not much of a neat freak, but when he does clean he doesn't leave one speck of dust.
Mundane Tasks- Wes has discovered he's pretty good at mundane humany household tasks.
Puzzles That is making puzzles. He really enjoys crafting little mazes for the mice he collects.
Impersonating- Wes can not only impersonate most people to a tee, but he's pretty good at throwing his voice.
Embarassing himself- Screaming like a little girl,Apologizing until he's practically begging for forgiveness,  and dancing badly are some of the things that categorize under this..'strength'

Dancing- though he loves to dance he's just not good or coordinated at it.
Dense-  Depsite how smart he may sound, Wes is actually a moron, and is pretty stupid.
Intimidated- He's easily one of the wimpiest Manticores around. He's easy to intimidate, and quick to bail when it comes to fights.
Clumsy- clumsy isn't even the beginning of it. Wes cocks just about everything up, which is were his apologizing comes from. Got a priceless family heirloom? Don't show it to Wes... It'll be broken soon as your back is turned.
Puzzles- despite being good at making puzzles he can't even solve his own work. and some times his mazes can't even be solved.
Face blindess- soon as he sees your face and looks away, he'll forget it. Wes has to use other means to recognize a person.
Rambling- talking is a blessing and a curse for him. He often goes of on a tangent and forgets about his surroundings.

Personality: Wes is a rambling, bashful sort. He's not very bright, but does a good job of acting intelligent even to the point were he can convince himself of stupid ideas. He has a bad habit of talking out loud, and muttering even if it's about someone, who he's right next to.  He's  the wimpiest manticore you'll meet. Very quick to submit, and hates any amount of pain. He seeks someone to talk and ramble to. He loves being around people even if he can't remember anyone's faces. He has to use other cues to tell people apart, Mainly voices. Wesley doesn't act spiteful or hateful to anyone, He takes most threats and just feebly does what he can to not get hurt. Behind their backs though he gets mad and plots revenge. Revenge that he messes up himself and eventually gives up on.

Wes would show them.
His Father didn't think he could be independent? Well, maybe he was slightly so right. But Wes was going to try, to aim to shock him. Prove his worth...Even if it was in a way his father would never approve of his methods.
Wesley failed at being a wild, feral Manticore. He was already tame as a kitten. But perhaps as a human, he'd stand a better chance.

His Father believed in the old ways. Being creatures of the forest, it's where he decided they had to reside and raise his five cubs. Be the time the cubs reached adulthood, they left. Off to start their own lives. Have their own families and raise them with the same teachings. However there was one that didn't leave.
As you could guess, it was Wesley. The middle cub.
He couldn't leave.  He wouldn't survive out there.
Wesley was a slow runner, noisy when stalking prey, and all around just could not feed himself or fend for his life. He was way past the age of leaving the den, and yet he staid. Mainly due to his mother. Who begged her mate not to send the poor manticore to his death by shooing him out of the den.
His mother pampered him and loved on him, his father scowled and judged him. If you couldn't tell, Wes was a big mama's boy. His problems didn't just land at him failing at hunting though. It didn't help that Wes had such trouble distinguishing faces. It doesn't take long for him to forget what someone looked like. He used scents and other qualities to help. For his mother, it was her soothing voice. His dad..Well he smelled like fish, nasty fish. Not that good fresh out of the river and ready for eating kind. He and his father never got along.  A common thing with two adult males hanging about one another. If a fight broke out however, it was very one sided. Wes never fought back- and was quick to submit and sulk away. But he'd always come back home.

He could never fathom the idea of how his parents decided to become mates. Both of them acted so differently. His father, in a typical fashion, hated humans. Found them destructive, stupid, and nasty things best avoided. His mother however actually grew up around them. Her family being the sort to learn to disguise themselves and live among them. It was how she was able to teach Wesley to read, to know he needed glasses to see. She'd tell him the good quality of humans, and how much good they did. In fact their actual 'den' was an old human cottage. Built out in the country side for some camping no doubt. It was abandoned long ago, parts of the roof caved in, the lights no longer working. The old furniture was covered in moth holes and shredded from the cubs using it at a scratching post. His father oddly never complained about the place. It was safe and kept the dry during storms. We's mother often told him they got together because they shared common interests. He guessed that interest was liking human houses. Because nothing else seemed to be the answer.

It definitely wasn't him they shared in common. Not with how much his father tried to chase him out.

Eventually another approach was needed. Intimidating and threatening wasn't doing the job. So his mother brought up something He'd never thought he'd hear from his parents.
Living life like a human.
They didn't require stealth or hunting. They traded for their food with papery money stuff. Most of his family had never been big on the idea of humanity. Aside from his mother, that is. Father had beat the ideas of 'humans bad' into his cubs. Wes was a bit of an exception. His mother's stories intrigued them alright. But they did scare him, and one thing was certain. They were ugly buggers. Not their faces of course. Least what he could recall. He knew he and humans shared the same face style and likeness. But they had no tails, no paws. Just nasty monkey hands, and aside from the mop of hair on top of their heads- they were bald. Hell even they must have been disgusted by their body baldness, they always covered it up with clothing. He wasn't too fond of looking like one, They had to get easily cold with that lack of fur. Plus that little bit of wisdoms from his father that did sink into him- well it made it seem so wrong. Honestly he hated the idea of leaving, and not being around his mother. Who for so long sheltered him.

"You've been mooching off of your mother and me long enough!" His father growled. "Human cubs do that to their parents all the time. So you're practically already a human."

Wes' jaw dropped.  How...INSULTING! He wasn't mooching! Well, maybe a tad. But he couldn't help it. But he was tired of it, Tired of being looked so down on by his own father and his siblings.
"Fine! If that's how you think then I'll leave! I'll show you! I'm no some human baby!" He spat back.
He turned and walked out, his mother catching up to him. She calmed him down instantly by bathing his face. "It's not so bad living life like them. I loved it back when I lived in a town. I wanted your brothers and sister to experience it as well you know...But you have the chance to do something I wanted for all of you."
He sighed "I don't even know how to disguise myself, mum. I can barely function as a wild creature. How can I even act like a human?"
She chuckled "It's because you're not a wild animal. you're a little gentleman. You just need to find a place that can teach you." She had some kind of book with her, A magazine she had told it was called. Or a pamphlet? He didn't know the difference, they all had words and pictures in them. To him that meant book. It was old. showing several schools and old buildings.
"Places like this would help you. You could actually make a name for yourself. Have a family and not live alone and die in some nasty forest." She explained. He looked at the book thingy. Then back at her. "I'll try, for you." He gave her a hug and took the book with him.

He tried his best to look humanoid. He stole some clothing out drying. And after probably an hour of frustratingly trying to put them on he managed. He stuck around the farm. Learning to walk upright like they did. And stealing food when he could. He though he mad a proper human he did. But apparently it wasn't enough.
He didn't see the big deal. Sure he had fur, paws with claws that could rip a fellow's face off. Not to mention a poisonous barb in his tail, but he had a human face. Wasn't that good enough?
Wes had honestly didn't like the idea of some school. He just wanted to show his dad he could be independent. But his mother's wishes still stayed him. He knew he'd have to find help to achieve them.

- He's a mountain lion
-  Wes is near sighted
- He has an English accent
- He's not amused by your cat toys. He's a mountain lion. Not a house cat.
- Though he does pur
- He's accidentally stabbed himself with his own poisonous stinger. It hurt.
- The venom in his tail paralyzes, it doesn't kill.
- He hates walking on two feet.
- Despite living out in the wild, his family's 'den' was an old abandoned cottage.
- They also collected several human things. So he knows a lot from them, he's not completely out of his element in a human environment.
- He's a packrat, and loves to hoard just junk. Specially string and things that amuse him.
- His mother actually used to live among humans. Another reason why Wes can read and knows certain things as she taught him behind his father's back.
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Comments: 11

TeashopArmageddon [2013-09-01 02:54:09 +0000 UTC]

*Taps fingers together maniacally*
Hello there, my new roommate~

Are yew ready to partay?!?!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

unsighted [2013-08-20 20:10:09 +0000 UTC]

Ahh he looks amazing! I love how you've done his original form *smushes face from adorableness* 

Congrats and welcome to the group! Feel free to message me if you ever want to rp ~<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mellocat [2013-08-18 22:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow a manticore! that's awesome! Love this guy! also his personality is amazing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RosieSakura [2013-08-18 03:39:42 +0000 UTC]

Ack! Soooo cool. I'm already liken him already.

also the personality. Ahhhhhh~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

baabeast [2013-08-17 23:08:54 +0000 UTC]

agh, reading his personality i just kept thinking "oh, honey..."

oh you poor thing. he sounds like such a sweetie though, and lots of fun to come up with.

who wouldn't be charmed by that toothy grin, come on. 

...i can see that poison bard and his clumsiness getting into some trouble, though. ovo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TeashopArmageddon [2013-08-04 16:40:44 +0000 UTC]

I love this character, he's so realistic in his personality!
If he was real I would give him a big old hug and compliment him on his impressive vocabulary~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AshesSakura [2013-07-27 15:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Awwww, your character is so cute!! I love him already~ He and Gael must meet <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lady-Moosh [2013-07-25 05:00:25 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww such a cutie!

*plays with his ears and pets him everywhere*

Love just amg love him~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HamAndDonuts [2013-07-25 03:18:32 +0000 UTC]

aweeh I love him omf <3 Good luck yo~! o/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stais In reply to HamAndDonuts [2013-07-25 20:38:49 +0000 UTC]

Him and Lynn can be Cat Homies

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DrDoomy [2013-07-25 03:01:41 +0000 UTC]

Aaaah yay you finished him ;v;/ He looks great <3 I really like him. c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0