StalinDC — Terran Civil War.. Situation Briefing On Vulcan [🤖]

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Published: 2023-09-06 19:24:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 5642; Favourites: 69; Downloads: 0
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Description At Grand Admiral Robert April's headquarters on Vulcan, a high level situation briefing is underway about the current military and political events of the last few days. Commander Nanette Fabian is addressing the assembled officers. My OCs and Canon character by www.deviantart.com/stalindc

The military situation along the front lines has been fluid and news is pouring into Grand Admiral Robert April's headquarters on Vulcan on an almost hourly basis. So much so that a reshuffling of his staff was necessary and new blood has been injected in... and expansion is continuing. Commander Mogan April, the Grand Admiral's only child and chief of staff has reassigned a few key officers to new posts, posts that are a better fit for their skill sets.  Officers that have gotten things done with ruthless efficiency, have been promoted over others who are not as effective.

In a few weeks, April's leadership has changed the fates and prospects of the Senatorial Forces. He hit the ground running, firing incompetent general officers and replacing them with fighters. He ignores class distinction, elevating people according to their battlefield results, not the class that they were born into. Defeating Vitaly Timochenko is his first and only goal, and his main obsession. He doesn't waste time following the political situation back on Terra, often telling his officers "I don't give a damn about politics.. I'm a warrior and war is my trade." Now, months into his command, Robert April has turned around the fortunes of those who follow him. A hodgepodge squadron of Senatorial ships under the command of Captain L.T. Stone fought a likewise thrown together force led by the legendary Rear-Admiral Nora Maxwell-Woods to a stand still at the 'Battle of ACAMAR', with the Senatorial Forces not only holding the line, but in possession of the battlefield afterwards. More smaller engagements are being fought all along the line with Senatorial ships coming out on top most of the time.

One of the new staff officers that has made a good impression on both Commander April and the Grand Admiral is Commander Nanette Fabian, the new Planning and Logistics officer on the staff. She is a patrician and a member of an illustrious and powerful family, the Fabianii. Her family can trace its lineage back to the time of the Roman Empire and her grandfather was and is still a political powerhouse. Her aunt is one of the two Terran Consuls and members of her extended family are Senators, Magistrates and members of the Judiciary. She has an uncle in the Terran House of Lords and her career had been layed out for her since childhood. But Nanette Fabian soon showed that she has a mind of her own. Her mother was a 'rebel' within the family, defying her parents and marrying a man that Duke Xavier Fabian, the head of the family, found unacceptable. For that, Nanette's mother was excommunicated from the family. While her father comes from a wealthy Equestrian family with a fine military tradition, he and they were not considered 'good enough' to marry into the storied Fabianii. 

It was through the machinations of her aunt, Baroness Cassandra Fabian, that Nanette and her younger sister Celeste, who were born and spent their early childhood in France were brought back into the family and officially named Fabian. They grew up in the household of their aunt Cassandra and were educated in Rome. The girls grew up into beautiful young women and were seen as extremely desirable by most patrician families for marriage contracts. Dozens of offers were made but no deals were struck because the girls had inherited their mother's beauty and stubbornness. While both are dutiful and obedient, they are likewise highly intelligent and strong willed. They managed to persuade their aunt to allow them to defer any marriage contract until after their higher education and military service were finished. It is the custom for patrician young people to do their military service after college or attending Terran Imperial Starfleet Academy. They do at least four years of frontline service, often winning battlefield commendations. Some continue on with their military service making it a career choice, while most leave to pursue political office or lucrative business career opportunities. 

It was believed that Nanette would do the same but she surprised her family and stayed in the military, earning the respect of her fellow soldiers and superior officers. She is a talented officer who, on her own merit and hard work, has been promoted several times in her eight year career. Now she holds the rank of full commander and is performing the difficult task of Planning and Logistics for the entire Senatorial Fleet. She has recently been named Deputy Information Officer of Grand Admiral April's headquarters and it is she who conducts the daily situations briefing for the admiralty and command staff. Everything that happens on the war front is reported to her and her small but skilled staff. She sorts through the raw intelligence and battlefield reports and forms them into a coherent information to be given to the command staff both on Vulcan and Imperial Starfleet Command on Terra. Her daily conferences are very informative, well organized, and professional. Today, she speaks at her usually scheduled time to assembled senior officers on Vulcan and by secure channel to Starfleet Command Headquarters. 

"We have received word from XARANTINE that Task Force PIKE has completely destroyed the enemy fleet that was supporting ground operations." Nanette reports after a brief welcoming preamble. "Captain Pike reports all enemy vessels have been destroyed along with all hands. His own losses are two ships destroyed four heavily damaged but operating under their own power, and the rest reporting only minor damage. He has commenced ground operations on the planet against the enemy but has not yet made contact with Major General Kirk. Pike expects to do so within a few hours. Enemy resistance appears to be stiff but not unbreakable."

The high ranking officers begin to talk among themselves at the news of the space victory. The loss of ships during two major battles will be something that Timochenko won't be able to recover from easily or quickly. The morale in the room instantly went up as it became evident that Pike has won a major victory.  After a few moments, Commander Fabian continues with her report. 

"We do not have an exact count of enemy losses in the XARANTINE system, but we believe that several warships were lost." She says. "The Special Operation that was launched on Andoria has been successful. The traitorous Governor Alejandro Marin was killed during the operation but his deputies and subordinates have been captured. A few have been summarily executed, others are in custody and awaiting transport to Luna Prison Four. Senator Constanza Gracci, Marin's estranged wife, was instrumental in uncovering the plot. Marin had imprisoned her and murdered her military aide. Captain Providencia Castro, the leader of the Special Operation, rescued the Senator and has evacuated her off the planet. The Senator shall arrive at this headquarters tomorrow, she is being transported aboard the ISS VALIANT and is receiving medical attention. Captain Castro has uncovered a terrorist plot against Terra and is on her way to the planet as we speak."

The officers began speaking among themselves in a low but audible tones. The discovery of such a high ranking traitor in the fold did not sit right with the admiralty. Alejandro Marin had been a marine general and highly decorated. Emperor Philippa Georgiou had made him Governor of Andoria and after her death, the Senate confirmed him in office and he remained governor. He was considered loyal, but Timochenko had persuaded him to betray his oath... the Terran Empire...

At that moment, Grand Admiral April enters the conference room and takes a seat in a corner behind Commander Fabian. Commander April, his daughter, was seated over there reading two intelligence reports on two PADDS. She looks up as her father takes a seat next to her and smiles slightly. Wearing a black multipurpose duty uniform, the Grand Admiral has forgone wearing any of his military medals or other symbols except for his shoulder boards and his Terran Imperial badge. He leans over to his daughter speaking in lower tones...

"What did I miss?" April asks.

"Nothing that you don't already know.." Morgan says calmly. "Didn't she already brief you earlier this morning? Why are you here?"

Morgan narrows her eyes as she stares intensely at her father who seems extremely interested in the conference. Her dark eyes focus on him as her Betazoid abilities lock in on him. Morgan is only half Betazoid and has kept that half, and her empathetic ability, hidden from everyone except her father of course. After a few moments, a shocked expression comes across her face as she senses his emotions..

"Y-you're attracted to her!" Morgan whispers excitedly at her father. She is flabbergasted at what she senses. 

It has been many years since her mother died and except for when she went off to do her military service the first time, there has only been the two of them. The Grand Admiral never had another serious relationship. He had casual relationships in the past, but none of them lasted very long. The last one was several years ago and since then, Robert April has been a batchelor. Morgan hadn't given her father's love life any thought over the years. She could always feel his love for her mother and a feeling of contentment with his life before the war. He rode horses, wrote short stories about his career, visited neighbors from time to time and kept busy managing the huge estate that was his home on Alpha Centauri. He never interfered in her dating life, trusting in her judgement and Betazoid ability to protect her. She never disappointed him because she understands what it means to be the daughter of the legendary Grand Admiral Robert April. 

But now she is suddenly aware of her father's attraction for someone and it is a little disconcerting for her. Morgan's mind immediately goes into overdrive as she doesn't know exactly what to think or say about it. But she does have questions... As Commander Fabian continues giving the situation report, answering questions from the admiralty officers skillfully and tactfully, Morgan April interrogates her famous father...

"I can't believe it!" Morgan whispers. "You are interested in a woman who is younger than I am! When did this happen? Does she know??"

Grand Admiral April quickly becomes annoyed at his daughter's questioning and raises his right hand slightly, his sign to her to stop talking immediately. Morgan does so, frowning sourily as her mind fills with more questions and statements. But she knows that her father will not brook disobedience so she contains herself. She turns her gaze back to the two PADDS and the reports. She knows that her father will not say anything about her questions until he is ready... and there will be very limited discussion on the matter. He notices his daughter's distress and places his hand reassuringly on her shoulder.

"Yes, I am very interested in her.." The Grand Admiral says calmly. Keeping his tone low as he listens to Commander Fabian explain the possible threat to Terra to Starfleet Command.  "And I have already made that known to her. She is surprisingly amiable and she's amicable to getting better acquainted. We have shared coffee together twice and I'm going to ask her to join me for dinner tonight. Do you have a problem with that commander?"

Morgan is extremely surprised by her father's candor on this subject. Commander Fabian was supposed to go back to her job on Terra working for Vice Admiral Hamasaki..but she didn't go back.. and now Morgan understands why.. Evidently he has thought about telling her and felt that now was as good a time as any. She also knows that he isn't asking for her permission. But he did tell her what's going on at least... 

"No father, I don't have a problem with it.." Morgan says warmly, turning her gaze toward him and smiling slightly. "Thank you for sharing..."

The Grand Admiral leans over to his daughter and kisses her on the forehead. She smiles widely for a moment as she senses his love for her... and his pride in her. He knows that she can feel it. She then feels his thoughts going back to the war... he only has mere moments for tenderness... even for his own daughter.

"Still no word from Captain Black.." He says formally. 

"Nothing sir..." Morgan answers. "We did pick up some heavily coded com traffic from the enemy a few days ago.. then nothing. Something got them all stirred up for a moment.. Captain Black will contact us whenever she's able."

"Governor Cooper is sure that she's pulled it off..." April says thoughtfully. "What I'm concerned about is this threat to Terra... I can't believe that Timochenko would try something there. His own family would bare the brunt of retribution if he attacks the homeworld."

Morgan nods her head slightly in agreement. It would be utter madness for Timochenko to do anything. But Captain Castro believes that he will and she's racing to Terra in order to stop it. Planetary security has been alerted but Terra is a big world... a terrorist can find places to hide... and numerous targets to strike..

"Captain Castro has uncovered this threat and will do her best to stop it..." Morgan says confidently. "Captain Pike will make contact with Major General Kirk soon and secure XARANTINE. The traitor Vitaly Timochenko is running out of time and numbers.. defeat is rearing its ugly head and he's seeing it.."

April nods his head slightly in agreement with his daughter's thoughts. It all seems possible, maybe even likely... but he knows that the war is far from over. And a man like Vitaly Timochenko is dangerously unpredictable.

"Maybe he sees defeat as inevitable.. maybe he doesn't..." April says thoughtfully as he watches Commander Fabian answer another question. "What I do know is a wild animal is most dangerous when it is wounded and knows it's about to die... we must be wary of our enemy..."

"Bacause we could end up as a meal for him..."

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TrentAnthonyFrancis [2023-09-10 12:21:41 +0000 UTC]

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Bloodrave1984 [2023-09-08 00:54:14 +0000 UTC]

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MissionChronicles [2023-09-07 11:44:58 +0000 UTC]

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