StarKite1 — Figure 8, ch.28
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Description Oracle tripped over her own feet as she squeezed herself through the small slit only a second before the door closed behinde her. She couldn´t keep her balance and fell face flat on her front. She lifted her head and looked down a long empty corridor. At the end of the passageway was a faint gleaming purple light.

She get back to her feet again and looked back behinde her at the now closed door. On either count, she couldn´t go back anymore. At least not through this door.

So, there was only the escape to the front.

Griping her sword tigtly, Oracle ran down the corridor towards the gleaming light at the end. When she had reached the end, Oracle couldn´t believe what she was seeing.

Right infront of her was nothing else, but Unicrons´s spark. It was gleaming in a cold, purple light and she could hear the beating sound hollowing through the huge chamber.

A few meters away from her, she saw Optimus, Megatron and Alex. Optimus seemed to be preparing for exposing the Matrix of Leadership. Oracle wanted to ran over to them, when suddenly Unicrons´s spark reacted to the invaders in his spark chamber. His spark lightened up and suddenly, a wave of energy errupted from deep inside it. Oracle wasn´t even able to notice what was happening before the wave stroke her and sent her flying backwards.

She landed heavily on the ground and scattered a few meters more of the floor before she hit the wall behinde her. Her head banged so hard against the wall that stars exploaded infront of her optics. Oracle groaned in pain and reached up to her aching head.

When she was back to her sense again, Oracle opened her optics and looked around, seeing that also everyone else in the chamber had been stroken down from the energy wave.

Megatron was already back on his feet while Alex and Optimus were still down, but they didn´t seem to be completely knocked out. Then again, Unicron´s voice hollowed through the chamber.

"Megatron! Destroy the Prime! I command you!".

Oracle watched in shock as Megatron unsheathed his blade and approarched the weakened Prime who struggeled to get back to his feet. She could only watch as Megatron was about to lift his sword above Optimus.

But Alex was suddenly back to her feet and jumped in his way, producing an energy shield between her and Megatron. "Megatron," she shouted up to him "Don´t do this! This is not you.".

Megatron didn´t seem to pay any attention to her words and just smashed his sword against her shield. But the blow was blocked without any problems. He wasn´t able to destroy the energy shield.

"Listen to me," Alex said insistently "You are under the control of Unicron. You need to fight him!". Oracle couldn´t believe it but it seemed like it worked. Megatron lowered his weapon and struggeled against Unicron´s controll over him.

"Megatron is commanded by NO ONE!" he declared angrily and took his sword away again.

But suddenly, he fell to his knees and his hands reached up to clench at his head as he roared in pain. Oracle´s optics widened in shock. Unicron would kill him. She needed to do something!

Oracle jumped back to her feet again, wanting to run over to Megatron. But before she was able to menage at least half of the way, Alex hold her back. "Oracle," she said seriously "Don´t. We don´t know what Unicron is doing to him. Stay behinde!". Oracle could hear in her voice the slight anger because of that she had ignored Optimus´s order and followed them to the spark chamber. But Alex didn´t say anything about that. They had bigger problemes at the moment and it wouldn´t change anything either.

They looked over to Megatron again who was still struggeling against the furious reaction of the chaos bringer. Alex had still activated her energy shield since it was still possible that Megatron would attack them.

Megatron was still trying to free himself from Unicron´s controll. And it seemed like he was slowly but steadily winning the upper hand in the fight for control over his own self.

Oracle´s attention was droven away from the Decepticon leader when she heared a quiet groan behinde her. Both, Alex and Oracle gazed behinde them, seeing Optimus struggeling to get back to his feet. "Go, help him." Alex ordered Oracle shortly "I´m watching out for Megatron.".

The young femme nodded and ran over to Optimus. She helped him to sit up and asked worried "Are you okay?". He nodded, his optics still flickering with the effect of the energy wave Unicron had sent out "Yes, I´m fine.". Still, he was weakened from Unicron´s stroke but he seemed to come back to his sense quickly.

"How is he?" Alex asked. "He says he is fine." Oracle answered. Alex snorted quietly "Hm, that says nothing.". It was obvious that she didn´t really believe Optimus when he said, he was fine. Then she asked "Does he look fine?".

Oracle looked at Optimus who looked still a bit weakened. "I think, yes so far." she answered then.

Their attention was brought back to Megatron when he roared in pain again. But struggeled back to his feet again. At first, Oracle thought he was going to attack them again. But he didn´t. Instead he slowly walked over to them. He seemed to be freed from Unicron´s controll. But Alex still didn´t let down her shield.

It seemed like he was freed from Unicron´s controll. "Optimus, this is our only chance." Alex said "You need to unleash the power of the Matrix now.". She took a few steps back, still not leting down the shield. Somehow she had the feeling, that Unicron was still controlling Megatron and she didn´t want to know what would happen when he attacked them again.

Optimus argeed with Alex. They needed tp defeat Unicron now. There was no time anymore and it seemed like this would be their first and last chance.

"Oracle, take a few steps back." he ordered the femme. She nodded and took a few steps back. Nobody really knew what was going to happen when the power of the Matrix would be unleashed. Oracle watched as Optimus called upon the power of the Matrix of Leadership while Alex was still observing Megatron.

The Prime was just about to fire the power of the Matrix onto Unicron´s spark, when Unicron suddenly possessed Megatron´s body in a veil of bright pruple flames. They all hesitated in their actions, starring in shock at the flames wich surrounded Megatron now. Then Unicron´s voice hollowed through the chamber again:

"You cannot defeat me, disciple of Primus! I have transcended physical being! By my will alone, all upon this world shall fall into chaos!".

In the next second, a new wave of energy errupted from Unicron´s spark and to everyone´s shock, destroyed Alex´s energy shiled and knocked the small human forcefuly down. Optimus starred in shock at her unconscious form for a few seconds, before he fixated his blazing optics at Unicron´s spark.

"Not while I still function, Unicron! The power of the Matrix shall light our darkest hour!"  he growled before the Orime rose to his feet again. He became surrounded by a bright blue light as he called upon the Matrix again. Unicron shouted in fury:


In the next second, Optimus fired the power of the Matrix from his chest directly onto Unicron´s spark. It began to blaze bright neon white and Oracle hold her hands over her face to protect her optics. Then, suddenly a final large wave of errupted from the spark. It hit Oracle with full force. She screamed in pain and surprise, feeling how something hard hit her back.

Then everything went black.


Oracle stired. She heared a strange biep hollowing painfuly in her audio receptors and her whole body was hurting. Everything infront of her optics was blazing white. Was she bilnd? What had happened?

She couldn´t remember exactly what had happened. There were only flickers of images here and there. Briefly and hazzy, she could remember that they had been in Unicron´s spark chamber. Megatron had been controlled by Unicron and he had attackted them. But Alex had been able to stop him and Optimus had unleashed the power of the Matrix of Leadership and fired it onto Unicron´s spark. That was all she could remember from the last minutes. The rest of her memories desapeared into a bright white light before everything had went black.

Now, Oracle was laying on her back and tried to online her optics again. They flickered hazzily before everything went black again. She cursed inwardly, praying to Primus that her optics were still functionate. The next try was finaly sucessful and her optics onlined again. She looked up to the cyling, noticing that they were still in Unicron´s spark chamber.

Oracle tried to sat up, but she couldn´t found the strengh for doing so. So she just kept laying on the floor for some minutes. Closing her optics, she finaly realized that they had defeated Unicron. So, Earth was save again. And also the rest of the Autobots.

The Autobots...

Just when she thought about them again, the faint whisper of her spark became audible again `Congratulation, you have saved them. But what are you going to do now? Megatron is only a few meters away from you in the very same room.´.

Wh-What do you mean with this?

`You know what I mean.´ her spark answered `With whome do you want to go back? You know that you will have to choose here. This is the end of you mission. Here you need to make your decision. Either you go back with Megatron and loose all those things wich make you happy. Or you go back with the Autobots and betray Megatron. But if you take the later of those two options, you will have some problems. First: Megatron who will be very very unpleased with your decision. And secondly the Autobots and the fact that you are still hiding your real intentions when you came to their base.´

A slight wave of panic rushed through her. That was right. She would have to chose here on wich side she was standing. Her processor wanted to go back with Megatron, but her spark wanted to stay with the Autobots. And she would stay with them. Both, her spark and her processor knew that. She had already made her decission.

But there was still one problem.

Her spark was right with the fact that she was still hiding something from the Autobots. And when she was going to stay with them, she needed to tell them what it was. She needed to tell them that she had been a spy, even if she had changed her mind about her position and defected to Autobot. She needed to tell them nevertheless. Sooner or later.

And that scared her.

She didn´t knew how they would react to this. Would they hurt her? Would they imprison her? Would they... even kill her? She had absolutely no idea what was going to happen if she told them her secret. Maybe she would destroy everything she had with them when she did that...

`But you will also destroy it if you don´t tell them and they will find out about it nevertheless." her spark whispered faintly "You know, Oracle. Both ways will cost you much. The one much bravery and the other everything else....´.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly heared footsteps and then to her horror a blade was unsheated...

Oracle opened her optics, expecting someone above her who would be about to attack her. But to her surprise, there was nobody. She sat up, gasing slightly as pain flared up her neural net from her left arm. It seemed like something was broken. But she ignored the pain and looked hecticaly around in the now empty spark chamber.

Her optics widened in shock.

Primus, NO...

Without thinking about what she doing, Oracle jumped to her feet. She picked up her katana wich was laying on the ground a few meters away from her before she bolted forward. He couldn´t do this... she couldn´t let this happen... she needed to do something!

She jumped forward, lifting her sword for the attack as she cried out "NO!".

But before she could reach them, Alex was already back on her feet and produced an energy shield between the blade and Optimus. Oracle stoped in the middle of her move as the blade crashed against the shield.

Megatron struggeled back,growling furiously and lifted his sword again for another attack. But before Megatron had been able to attack again, they suddenly heared a faint rasp.


They all froze at those words. Alex let down her energy shield and slowly turned around to face Optimus who was awake again and looked with a bleary gaze at her. No, not at her. He looked up to Megatron.

Megatron had an completely surprised look on his face, as well as Alex. He honestly hadn´t expected that. Slowly, he retracted his weapon while he just starred at the Prime. Megatron took a step forward and Alex didn´t held him back as he helped Optimus back to his feet again. She was just too confused by the situation.

"Where are we, Megatronus?" Optimus asked and looked around in the chamber. He briefly looked at Oracle and Alex before his optics drew back to Megatron. He sighed "Don´t you remember, old friend?".

All Oracle could do was starre. She honestly couldn´t understand what was going on there right infront of her opics. She had never expected to see this picture: Megatron helping his arch enemy back to his feet. What had happened with Optimus that he was calling him "Megatronus"? Also Alex was just starring and didn´t seem to understand it either.

Suddenly a loud bang hollowed through the chamber and Oracle nearly got a spark attack when the rest of the Autobots suddenly burst through the wall next to her.

"Optimus, we were already in worry that we would have lost you." Arcee said with an relieved gaze in her optics as they came over to the group. But Optimus looked at them like they were strangers. His bleary optics were gazing over their faces and he didn´t say anything to them.

"Is he alright?" Daisy asked a bit worried. "I don´t know." Alex answered quietly, still starring up to him.

Optimus gazed over them once more before he turned back to Megatron. Everyone starred in shock with wide optics at the next words wich came out of his vocalizer:

"Who are they?".

Oracle thought she hadn´t heared right. But then, the realization suddenly hut her like a slap in the face. They didn´t recoginize them, because he youldn´t remember anymore. When he had unleashed the power of the Matrix onto Unicron´s spark, he must have lost his memories of the time when he had been Prime.

Because of that, he didn´t know them anymore.


Oracle´s gaze dipped down to Alex who was as white as wall and starred up to him. Her brown eyes were filled with disbelieve and fear. But Optimus didn´t even look down at her. He didn´t even react to his own name.

"Optimus." Alex tried it again. But still, he didn´t react. She took a few steps forward. "Optimus, look at me." she said, voice filled with audible worry and raw panic now. She reached out one of her small hands to touch him. When her tiny fingers brushed against the plating of his pied, he yield back from the featherlike touch of her little hand. Finaly, he looked down at her. But his optics were cold, without any emotions. Tears filled Alex´s eyes. She could see it in his optics.

He didn´t knew her anymore.

He didn´t knew anyone of them anymore.

Oracle swallowed hard. Nobody of them had expected something like this. They had known about the possibility that Optimus could die when he unleashed the power of the Matrix, but they hadn´t expected that he would loose his memories. Oracle didn´t even knew what was worser: that he could have died or that he had lost his memories now and didn´t recognize his friends. He didn´t even recognize Alex, his lover, anymore or reacted to his own name.

"Optimus," Arcee tried it as well "Don´t you recognize us anymore?". The Prime´s gaze fixated on her. He narrowed is optics before he said "No. Who are you?".

"We are your friends." Daisy answered and threw her hands up in the air "You know us since many years.". Optimus gazed down at the little human and shook his head "I can´t remember knowing such a strange creature like you.". "You do!" Daisy snapped back, but before she could say anything else, Alex hold her back.

She swallowed hard and looked up to him again. "Optimus," she asked quietly "Do you remember my name?".

He just starred at her for a few seconds wich felt like hours. Then he took a step back and away from the rest of the Autobots. He shook his head as he answered "No. Should I?".

Silent tears were now falling down from her eyes as Alex answered with shaky voice "Yes, you should.".

Bulkhead took a step towards him. "Optimus, listen," he said insistently "It seems like you have lost your memories because you´ve unleashed the power of the Matrix onto Unicron´s spark. We are your friends and we can help you and-".

"They are lying." Megatron interrupted him "These are Autobots. They are our sworn enemies.".

"We are not!" Arcee said harshly "You know it!". Optimus looked first at her and then back on Megatron. "Don´t listen to them." Megatron growled and pointed his gun at Arcee, who immediately transformed her hands into her blasters. "See?" Megatron said and showed to the rest of the Autbots who had also drawn out their weapons "They are hunting us and want to kill us since millenias and they want to restore Cybertron for their own goods.".

"You liar!" Anna said "That´s what you are planning to do! We are the ones who try to avoid this.".

"You are trying to prevent us from restoring our home planet." Megatron shot back at the small human. "Yes, because you want to do it because of your evil aims!" Crosshairs said before he turned back to Optimus again "Listen to us, not him. He has betrayed you millenias ago and now he is doing it again with those lies he is telling you.".

Optimus just stood there and looked at his soliders and friends who were pointing their guns at Megatron. He didn´t knew what to believe. He didn´t knew them... he didn´t knew who they are and whether they were telling him the truth or not... Megatronus was the only one he could remember. What was he supposed to do?

Oracle was pulled out of her thoughts and shock when suddenly everyone was looking at her. She lifted her head, seeing Optimus´s blue optics looking directly at her. He took a step towards her and Oracle surpressed the urge to take a step back with all her might. He cleared his troath before he said "You are the only one who said nothing to me. I don´t know who you are, but I guess I´m supposed to know you as well as everyone else around here. Maybe you can tell me your version of this.".

Her gaze flickered to Megatron, then back to Optimus for a brief moment and over to the Autobots before she drew her optics back to Megatron again. He gave her a slight nodd with his helm that no one else noticed. His bruning red optics were directly fixated at her. It was like they were burining holse through her. The hint of an smirk touched his lips and she could see it inhis optics.

Go ahead, Oracle. Make the right decission. You know, out there is no place for fauts.

She shivered slightly under the pressure of those words hollowing in her mind. Her gaze dipped to the floor. She couldn´t look at him. Not at Megatron, not at Optiums, not at anyone else of them.

She had been so sure. She had been so sure, if this situation would happen- if she needed to decide between the two sides, she would stay. She would stay with the Autobots. But now when the momentr of choice had come... she didn´t know it anymore. She didn´t know what she should do. Cold fear spread through her systems and she felt tears rising in her optics.

What- What am I supposed to do?

`Stay, Oracle. You know you want to. You have already made your decision. There is no way back again. You have only the escape to the front left.´

But... if I won´t follow Megatron, he will kill them... all of them. I can´t do that.

`Yes. Maybe Megatron will kill them. Maybe he will. But maybe he won´t. If you follow Megatron and betray them, you will do it either. You will kill them. Maybe not today. But one day for sure. It won´t be over with this one decission. If you will go back to him, it will go on like it was allways before. Look at him!´

Oracle couldn´t help but drew her optics back to Megatron again who was smirking like the devil himself at her.

`He is just using you. You know it. And he will continue to use you when you will go back to him. Maybe he will even kill you then, because you are past your use by date.´

But... he...

`No, Oracle! He hasn not saved you in Crystal City. He has kidnaped you! He told you lies your whole life long and you believed them all and lost yourself in them. Now, you have been able to get it back. You have found an new home, a new family. You have found your own self again. You can´t just throw that away!´

Before she was able to react to the words of her spark, her processor was suddenly holding against it again. `Guess who is back again from the darkness.´ her porocessor laughed sarcasticaly `You know what you have to do, Oracle. Fullfill your mission. This is the moment you have trained your whole life for. This is your destination. Fullfill the task and follow Megatron and everything is going to be allright.´

She hadn´t time to think about this long before the whisper of her spark rose again `If you do that, you will destroy everything you have gotten in the last weeks. You have gotten friends, a home, a family.... an lover. People who really care about you. Do you really just want to throw it away. You haven been so happy with the Autobots. Happier than you have ever been before. Do you really want to go back to your old life?´

`You won´t go back to your old life, when you go back.´her processor told her `You will have a new life. Megatron will honour you for your sucess. Look at him. He has confience in you, otherwise he hadn´t chosen you for this mission. This is where you belong.´

`It is not.´her spark shot back `You belonge to those who really care about you. Not to the one who just uses you for his own aims.´

Her processor laughed at this. `Oh really?´it asked `Look at them.´. Oracle drew her optics to the Autobots, who were looking apreciatingly at her. She swallowed.

`Look who they are.´ her processor said `They are the complete oposide from everything you are. They are allways telling the trith to eachother. They are hiding no secrets. They would never think of betraying their friends or what they stand for. All those things are things, you could never do, Oracle. Remember Bulkhead when he had been ready to sarcrisfy himself for you. Could you ever do such a thing? No, Oracle. You couldn´t. You know it. But they can. They would do it all the time. You are nothing like them. You don´t belong there.´

`But they care about you.´ her spark whispered faintly `It doesn´t matter to them that you are not ready to do exactly the same thing as they do. They understand you. They understand that you have fear and need your time to find yourself.´

`And what about your secret?´ her processor mocked `What would they think about this? What do you think, how they would react if they find out who you really are or have been? If they find out that you truly are an Decepticon spy and are supposed to betray them? Do you really think, they will believe you if you tell them that you´ve changed your position and that you want to defect to Autobot? No, Oracle. They won´t believe you one fragging thing. They will fragging kill you! You know it!´

`They won´t.´ her spark desperately tried to hold against it `Yes, they will dissapointed. But despite you can be sure, that they will never hurt you. They will listen to you. They will understand you. They are faithful. Trust me, Oracle. Everything is going to be allright. If you just stay....´

`Don´t lie to yourself´ her processor shot back `Nothing is going to be allright! You will have Megatron hunting you if you stay. What will you have of this? Be sure, if the Autobots find out who you are and what you are supposed to do, they will kick you out of their ranks before you can even think about explaining yourself. Possibly, they will shoot a pretty hole into you foolish spark then. You know that exactly this is going to happen. It will end with your death. Remember that nightmare you had a few days ago. There you have it! You have even seen what will happen if you fail. All this is just your faut!´.

Oracle swallowed hard as the memories from the horrible nightmare came back again. It chased cold shivers of fear and panic don her spine.

Out there is no place for fauts.

The words hollowed horrible in her audio receptors. It was right... she had seen what would happen if she betrayed Megatron instead of the Autobots. He would kill her. Megatron would hunt her down until he would get her back in his hands again and kill her personaly. The Autobots wouldn´t be able to save her...

`Yes, that´s it Oracle. This is the truth. They won´t save you. They won´t do a slagging thing for you! You know it, Oracle. Yesterday, you haven been sure about never going back to Megatron. He has been out of your systems. You have even promised to yourself, that you never go back to him. But look at you now. Now, you´re looking like you really like him. And now you´re feeling like you miss him. You´re speaking like you really love him. And you´re acting like you really need him! And that´s what it is. The truth is, that you belong to him. Not to your enemy.´

She was barely able to surpress that painful sob that was caught in her traoth as the weight of the truth crushed down at her. Yes, it was true. She was nothing like the Autobots. She wasn´t strong, she wasn´t brave, she wasn´t trustworthy. She was anything else, but not this.

`You can´t be serious!´ her spark cried out as it fainted into darkness `You can´t throw yourself away again. You can´t do this! Do you really want to kill them? Do you really want to kill yourself?! This can´t be what you really want! There is more for you. They are offering you an new life. All you need to say is yes!´

It was silent for some mere moments as Oracle thought about those last words of her spark.


Her processor was right. This was her destiny. This was who she was. She didn´t belong with the Autobots. There was no place for her in their life. Maybe now it seemed to be, but that wouldn´t last forever.

Her places was somewhere else. On the other side. She belonged with the Decepticons, with Megatron and Knockout. They were her family. No the Autobots. The Autobots were her enemies. All those things she had felt with them. Happiness, confidence, joy, love... they hadn´t been really true. Her spark had been foolish enough to believe them. To believe that all those feelings were true. Because it had wanted them to be true.

But now she didn´t even dwell on what her spark her wanted. It was corrupt. It was affectionate. Attatched. Soft.

And she hated it.

By Primus, she hated it so much! So much, that she was ready to yank all the wires free and rip that corrupted, foolish, primus forsaken thing out of her chassis to crush it in her own hands.

A tremble of sadness and fury rocked through her. Sadness because she pittied herself for what she had done. And fury because she was angry about herself. How could she had been so foolish to believe all those lies her spark and the Autobots had told her into? How could she haven been so foolish to fall for their sick game? They had just played with her. They deserved it go down!

She grinded her dentas together. It was all just a game. But she wouldn´t be the one who would loose it in the end.

Her spark cried out on the inside, making an last try to stop her. But it was no use. She had already made her decission. She had already chosen her side. Her spark could do nothing against it. Crying and screaming, it broke down into darkness. It´s faint whisper faded more and more until it wasn´t audible anymore.

Her processor had won.

Lifting her head, Oracle fixated her gaze directly at Optimus. Taking in one last breath she spoke the words wich would show on wich side she really stood.

"The Autobots are lying."

They just starred in shock at her, unable to believe what she had just said. Her gaze shifted briefly over to them, meeting their devastated gazes for not more than a second before she looked to Megatron. "He is the one, you can trust." she said and showed to Megatron "He is your brother, he would never betray you, Orion.".

She walked over to Megatron who was smirking in triumph and said "Come with us. We are your friends. Believe me, those Autobots just want to rip off your head.".

Arcee was the first of the Autobots who found her voice again. "You little glitch." she spat out "I´ve known it all the time. You have just been sent as a spy and played games with us!".

Oracle just smirked wickedly "You have had the chance to end it, Arcee. A pity that you hadn´t been able to pull the trigger. But that means a better future for me.".

The blue femme snarled furiously and pointed her gun at Oracle. "Don´t think I´m not able to kill you." she growled dangerously "I very willing to rip off your head right now, you worthless Decepticon!". The smile on Oracle´s lips became even wider. "Another time, Autobotscum." she said chippy, optics blazing dangerously "Now, we need to bring our long-lost comrade back to our ship again.".

A groundbridge blasted open behinde them and Megatron pointed his gun at the Autobots again. "Wish you good luck with searching your leader." Oracle said and followed Megatron and Optimus through the bridge. The Autobots stayed behinde, unable to do anything but starre in shock at the sudden betrayal.

Crosshairs optics´s followed Oracle mechanicaly, unable to do or say anything as he watched her go with the enemy. He couldn´t believe it that this was who she really was. But he knew it was true. She had revealed her true saelf to them, who she REALLY was.

THIS was the true Oracle. An evil and sick Decepticon. How could he had been so foolish to believe otherwise? Why couldn´t he have seen it? The sweet, kind and shy femme who had been sitting on the medical berths and didn´t want to talk with anyone for days and who had finaly opened up to him... this femme hadn´t been real. It had just been a mask. Beneath that mask she now showed her real face to them.

He swallowed, spark aching like it was breaking apart. Everything they had... it had just been a game. A part of her sick, evil plan. And he had fallen for it like a fool. Nothing had been real. It had just been a lie.

He took a step forward, about to follow her, but Bulkhead restad an servo on his shoulder, holding him back. Crosshairs looked up to his friend who just shook his head. They both knew, it was no use to follow them. It was already to late.

Neither Optimus, nor Oracle were looking back at them. They just followed Megatron back to the NEMESIS. When they were all gone, the groundbridge closed behinde them, leaving the shocked and betrayed Autobots alone in the empty chamber, devastated and dissapointed by what had just happened.


Oracle felt pretty good when she steped out of the groundbridge on the NEMESIS. Still there was somehow the faint spark of doubt about her decission, but she didn´t pay any attantion to it. She shoved all her insecurities aside. They were just some sick tricks from her spark and not worth the time to think about.

She stoped in her walk and looked around in the familiar room, taking in an deep breath and sighing contently.

Finaly back home again.

"Oracle." she turned around when she heared a very familiar voice calling her name. Turning around she smiled at Knockout who was coming towards her. "Congratulations to the success of your mission." he said and smiled at her. "Thank you." she answered "I´m pretty glade, that it´s over now.".

He rose a brow an smirked. "Oh, had it been that bad?" he asked curiously. Oracle laughed "You have no idea. I will tell you all the stories later, I promise.".

Knockout chuckled before his gaze wandered to Optimus. "Seems like you have found a little something." he said. She nodded. "Yeah, he has lost his memories after he had unleashed the power of the Matrix of Leadership." Oracle answered. Knockout´s optics popped in surprise. "So, he can´t remember that he is Prime and that he is the leader of the Autobots?" he asked.

Oracle smirked and answered "No, not even a little bit. His processor is as empty as the space.". "I think, the Autobots doesn´t like the fact that he is here now, right?" Knockout said. Her smirk became even wider. "Of course not." Oracle answered "They absolutely hate the idea of that. But I think, they hate me even more at the moment. Primus, you should have seen their faces. That was definitely one of the funniest things I´ve ever seen. Only that was already worth it. Especially Crosshairs´s gaze was worth millions.".

She giggled quietly in amusement as she remembered the expression on his face. Knockout rose a brow at her. "Crosshairs?" he asked in wonder and curiousity. Oracle surpressed her giggles again and said "Long silly story.".

"Oracle." Megatron called her name and she told Knockout "I will tell you sometime else.". Then she went over to Megatron. "Yes, my lord?" she asked. He smirked at her as he said "My congratulations to your success. You´ve really prooved yourself and your abilities on this mission. I am proud of you.".

She made a small, dutyful bow "Thank you my lord.". He smirked at her once more before he turned to his soliders. "Decepticons," he announced to them and immediately, everone turned to his direction. "I´m pretty glade to announce that we have been able to bring an  long-lost comrad back again." he said and showed to Optimus "It´s a great pleasure to welcome Orion back in our ranks.". The Deceptocons applauded shortly before Megatron continued. "Also I would like to tell special thanks to our comrad Oracle who had been the one who had brought Orion back again.". The rest applauded shortly again.

Megatron turned back to Oracle. He looked directly into her optics as he said "Oracle, I would like to tell you my greatest honour for your achievement.". Oracle bowed her head slightly again. "Thank you, my lord." she said. Megatron nodded. "Go and get some rest now." he told her "You deserve it after your hard work.".

Oracle made another small bow, before she left the main room and walked down the halls to her quarter. She really did feel good at the moment. Megatron was very content with her work and would honour her for this and she was finaly back home again with her friends and family.

Yeah, everything was allright.

There was still the slight attempt of her spark to ruin her good mood by scattering doubts in her mind. But she didn´t care about that. She had made the right decission and her spark couldn´t change anything about this. Also the fact that the Autobots hated her couldn´t change it. She could live very good with their hate. Somehow, she even enjoyed it. It gave her the feeling of strengh and power above them.

So, she just put it in her pocket and didn´t tell anyone about the slightests sparks of doubts. They absolutely unimportant and meant nothing. She had gone back to Megatron and she was very happy with that decision.

This was were she belonged.

And nowhere else.
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Comments: 4

NadeshcoYukimara [2017-11-11 00:59:10 +0000 UTC]

Is this the end?? 😱😱😱

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StarKite1 In reply to NadeshcoYukimara [2017-11-11 13:12:18 +0000 UTC]

Um... as it seems at the moment... yes. Sadly, I don´t have much time for writing and I also want to focus on another writing project.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NadeshcoYukimara [2017-11-11 00:58:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NadeshcoYukimara [2017-11-11 00:58:42 +0000 UTC]

What?!!!! Omg!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0