StarKite1 — Hometown, ch.10
Published: 2016-07-06 13:52:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 540; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description "Have you heared that?" Daisy asked.

Wheeljack nodded. "Somebody is there." he said quietly "Be ready for hitting something or someone.". Daisy smirked "I´m always ready for hitting something or someone. You can ask Peach.".

"Who is that?".

"My older sister. Sometimes a VERY annyoing persone...".

"And you are hitting your sister?" Wheeljack rised a brow in surprise. "Of course I´m hitting her." Daisy answered "That´s something siblings are doing. You haven´t had a brother or a sister, right?". "No, I haven´t." he answered "And I think, I´m pretty glade about that.". Daisy nodded and sighed "That you can be.".

Suddenly, they both heared careful footsteps comming towards them. They looked down the dark corridor but they couldn´t see anyone. "Okay, we can talk about our family storys later." Wheeljack said quietly "We have a date.". Daisy hold up her bar "Finaly, something interessting is happening here. Otherwise, I would have died because of boredom in the next minutes...".


The twins were walking carefuly through the corridor in the direction from where the voices had come from. The voices had sounded like several persones. So it had to be at least two Decepticons. Or more.

He looked to his brother. His brother had rosed his weapon as well after he had put the jar back into his subspace. Under much protest of the little creature in it. She had told them, if they would let her out of the jar, she could help them. But they both doubted, that this tiny thing could do something serious against at least two Decepticons. It would be standing more in their way than helping them.

So they had told her, that it was too dengerous for her and that she would be save in the subspace, so she didn´t need to have fear. The answer on this last argument was a sharp hiss of "Don´t think, I have fear!". They hadn´t said something else, instead his brother had put the jar into his subspace without saying another word. They hadn´t had time for arguing with a jar.

They were both sure, that the creature was still shouting at them angrily. But they didn´t heared it through the subspace. So they were fine with it. They had other problems.

And much BIGGER problemes.


Wheeljack and Daisy were completely silent as they sneaked through the corridor. They were sure, that the Decepticons couldn´t be that far away. They had heared their voices and their footsteps. It seemed like there were several of them. And they didn´t knew exavtly how many they were.

Many against two.

Seemed to be a hard fight.

Carefuly and slowly he and Daisy came closer to the next corner. They both expected, that the Deceptiocons would be right behinde that corner in the next corridor. So they had to ready for firering immediately.


The twins moved closer to the corner of the corridor. They knew, when they had reached the corner, that had to be ready for fighting immediately. Every second was important now. Espacialy with the fact, that they didn´t knew how many Decepticons were there behinde the corner in the next corridor. All they knew, was that there had to be at least two of them.

But they expected more.

And he and his brother were just two against many.

Well, two and a quarter, if you count the creature in the jar.

But the creature didn´t realy count.

Maybe the Decepticons were searching for her? Maybe Soundwave had contacted some of them and told them what had happened in the computer office.

While he thought about that, he hoped, that the Decepticons hadn´t found the virus he had uploaded into the system of the fortress. If they had found it, the whole mission would be a failur and they would lost the battle around Darkmount. And the whole war.

He shook of these thoughts. But if the Decepticons were searching for the creature, they had nearly found her.

And that wasn´t good.


Wheeljack and Daisy had nearly reached the corner. The Decepticons had to be right behinde this corner. Wheeljack gave Daisy a warning gaze. She nodded determined and gripped the metal bar harder with her tiny hands.

He stoped when they had reached the corner and they listened to the silence. At first, they heared nothing but silence. But then the footsteps were back. And they were coming closer.

A smirk pulled up his lips. But they wouldn´t come close enough to them for taking them down. These Decepticon-scraps had met the wrong two Autobots.

Well, the wrong one and a half Autobot.

They waited behinde the corner for the Decepticons comming closer. Wheeljack let his cannon charge and drew his sword without making any noises. Daisy, still sitting on his shoulder, was ready for attacking whatever would come out of this corridor.


The twins had reached the corner, both ready for killing any Decepticon wich would come in their way. They waited for a few moments behinde the corner, both listening for any noises.

When they heared nothing anymore, he gave his brother a sighn. His brother nodded back and rised his cannon.

This Decepticons would die!



Wheeljack jumped out of the corridor, rised his ion cannon and shoot at the first thing, that came in side. He wasn´t even sure, whether he had hit it with the shot or what it was, but he just thought, that he had hit one of the Decepticons there in the corridor.

He rised his cannon again already charged for the next shot. Without histation he shot again, but this time he saw that he just hit the wall. He wanted to shot again, when suddenly someone gripped him and forced his shot to the ground. It seemed like the persone was trying to say something to him but he didn´t listen. He would NEVER listen to an Decepticon.

Wheeljack turned around and jammed the Decepticon to the ground, rising his katana for the killing blow. But something slammed into his side and he lost the grip on his Katana. Loosing his balance, Wheeljack feel down to the ground, pinned by something. But he threw his arms up, blocking a blow and pushed the Decepticon off of him. He jumped to his feet, taking his Katana again and attacked the next Decepticon he could find.


The twins were surprised, when suddenly someone jupmed out of nothing behinde the corner at the end of the corridor. But it was only one Decepticon. That was what surprised them so much. They were absolutely sure, that they had heared two voices. Maybe the other was waiting behinde the corner.

The shot from the Decepticon missed his brother barely. He turned around and rised his weapon for shooting, while his brother blocked several shots from the Decepticon. He had pointed his weapon directly on the Decepticon, when suddenly something tiny was on his shoulder and hit his head with something hard. Quickly he shoved the "whatever it was" off of his shoulder.

When he was close enough, he gripped the leading arm of the Decepticon and turned around, causing the next shot hit the ground. "Be careful!" he shouted to his brother, when the Decepticon tried to rise his cannon again.

His brother avoided the shot and hit the Decepticon at the head. He tried to force the Decepticon down, but the Decepticon was faster. He turned around and hit his jaw hard. Then he jammed him to the ground and rose his sword aboce him the the killing.

But in the next moment, his brother kicked the Decepticon into the side and the Decepticon lost his grip on his sword. The weapon skiddle a few meters over the floor. Then, his brother let his fist fly again, nearly knocking the Decepticon off. He fell to the ground and his brother pinned him there, rising his weapon. But the Decepticon threw up his arms and blocked the blow of his blade. Before his brother could do something else, the Decepticon shoved him off rougly and he jumped to his feet again.

He bolted across the room, trying to avoid, that the Decepticon get his weapon back, but he wasn´t fast enough. The Decepticon had his sword already back in his hand. The following blow barely missed his chest. He tried to hit the Decepticon with a shot but he wasn´t successful. He hadn´t even reached his weapon before the Decepticon slammed him into the next wall.


Wheeljack slammed the Decepticon with all his might into the wall and let his fist fly against his jaw. The Decepticon groaned in pain and Wheeljack was about to hit him again, when suddenly someone from behinde gripped him, flipped him over and he landed with his face on the floor.

He groaned in pain and shaked his head free of the stars he was seeing infront of his optics. Before Wheeljack could go back to his feet, on of the Decepticons gripped his shoulder and rolled him over so he was laying on his back. Wheeljack closed his optics in surrender, expecting the killing in every second.

But instead of that, this happened:


He knew this voices and they weren´t Decepticons. Wheeljack opened his optics again and looked up. Two familiar pairs of optics met his.


Alex was silently sitting next to Rosalina in Ultra Magnus´ hand. They hadn´t spoken a word since she had opned the door and they followed their way out of the fortress. Rosalina had lost consiciousness. She needed emergency medical help.

Alex didn´t want to talk with Ultra Magnus. She was still a bit angry at him. He had wanted to leave her there alone and simply walk away. That only supported the fact, that she thought he didn´t like her. And no, she didn´t like him either. Somehow he was just... annyoing to her.

Especialy since he had nearly abandoned her here in this stupid fortress.

She wasn´t a persone who resented people for something. But that was very hard on the limit. That was.... she couldn´t even find a word for discribing it. Alex sighed and shook her head, trying to get these thoughts out of her mind.

But she wasn´t successful. The thing, she thought about the most, was that she didn´t even knew why he had tried to abandone her. Was it realy only because he didn´t like her?

No, that couldn´t be the whole reason!

Should she ask him about it?

She wanted to know the reason, but she wasn´t sure, whether that was the best way to find that out. She wasn´t sure, whether she would get an true answer. Or at least a word.

But it seemed to be the only way to find it out, so she could at least try it.

"Why have you tried to abandone me?" Alex asked quietly.

Ultra Magnus stoped and looked down at her in surprise at the question. He thought about an good answer, but he quickly came to the fact, that there wasn´t a good answer for this question. "That is a good question..." he muttered quietly. Alex looked up to him. Their eyes met in the silence. Her big brown eyes weren´t cold or hard anymore. They seemed friendly and warm.

Why had he tried to abandone her there?

Even he didn´t know it. He didn´t even know, why he didn´t like her. Maybe he didn´t like her, because she was so hard and cold towards him. But now, she suddenly was different.

He sighed and looked away from her. "I don´t know..." he murmred. Alex didn´t understand what he had said, so she asked "What?". "I don´t know." he snaped. The answer was a bit sharper, than he had wanted it to be. "So, you don´t know." Alex said and nodded sarcasticaly "That´s a good reason.". "Your sarcasim is annyoing." Ultra Magnus muttered before he could stop himself.

But Alex seemed not to pay any attention to it. Her big eyes were still fixed on him as she said seriously "I´m sorry for being to cold towards you. I didn´t mean to be impolite. It was just... I didn´t know, whether I could trust you.". He gaued down at her again. "It´s okay..." he said more gentle now "I can understand, that you were distrusting me. I was also distrusting you at the first tme and I think, I still am. I think, that is the reason why I tried to abandone you. I´m sorry for that.".

A soft smile touched her lips and he noticed, that she looked even more beautiful when she was smiling. "I think, we get quits with eachother." she said softly "But I must to pleade you to get moving again. We need to get out of here.".

The faint tinge of a smile courled up his lips as he said "Then we should go now.".


"Twin Twist? Top Spin? You scared the pit out of me!".

Wheeljack shook his head and sat up again. "And you have beaten the pit out of us." Twin Twist said "You and your strange little pet. I´ve a big den in my helm from that stupid metal bar. How can such a little thing have so much force?". He looked down at Daisy, who was standing next to him. She was still holding the bar and ready for attcking him.

"Can you please tell her, that she should put that thing away? I don´t need another den..." Twin Twist rised his hands in surrender to her. Wheeljack smirked "You can put your bar down, Daisy. They are my friends.".

Daisy looked up to the two robots wich had cusiously bent down to her. "Friends?" she snorted "They have nearly crushed me. And believe me, you don´t want to know, what crushed human looks like...". She pointed a finger at Top Spin "If you had taken one more step back, I would have been as flat as a pancake now.". 

Top Spin looked at her. "I´m sorry... but what is a pancake?" he asked. Daisy blinked in surprise "You don´t know, what... it´s a flat plate and you can eat it... you realy don´t know, what pancakes are?". All three robots shook their heads. "Wow, your world is strange..." Daisy said and shook her head.

"What are you doing here?" Twin Twist asked "And where have you found that little thing?". He pointed down at Daisy again. "I have a name and that´s not "little thing"." she said and looked up to them "My name is Daisy.". "Twin Twist." Twin Twist said. He pointed to his brother "And this is my brother Top Spin.".

"I´ve found her locked in a room and she had attackted me." Wheeljack said and looked down on her with a smile. "I´m still sorry for that." Daisy said and rised her hands. "After a short fight, it came out, that she wasn´t my enemie. So, we have started to search her friends together." he continued.

"Wait, your friends? There are more of creatures like you around here?" Top Spin asked. Daisy nodded "Yes. We came to here through an accident and we get captured. Probably from the robots, you call Decepticons. Long silly story, that all...".

"We have also found a strange thing." Top Spin said amd took the jar out of his subspace. "It hadn´t attackted us but it had downloaded some datas from the computer of the fortress and it tried to flee. So we took it in this jar.".

"Yes, and almost let me die in here!" the jat answered.

He shook the jar and said "Sorry, it´s a little pissed...".

"Yes, I am! Because of you!".

Daisy eyes widened in surprise and relief. "Ashla?!" she shouted suddenly "Are you okay? I hope, this two here haven´t put any harm to you, or they will get more than just dents with my bar!". She glared dangerously up to them.

"Ah, Daisy. Nice to hear someone familiar again. And except of the fact, that I´m still in this stupid jar, I´m almost fine. Thank you." was the answer of the jar.

The twins looked down at Daisy in surprise. "Wait, you know her?!" they both asked at the same time. "Yes, of course I know her!" Daisy answered "She one of my friends. So I would advise you to let her out immediately.".

"Not a chance." Top Spin answered "We still don´t know, whether she is dangerous and who she is.". Daisy sighed "Well, her name is Ashla. She doesn´t come from the earth like me and my other friend. She was born in another galaxy. She is good in hacking computers. Seems like you already know that. She came here through the accident, like we all. And she is as dangerous as me. Do you want to know her whole live story?".

"She disapeared infront of our optics! That´s defently not normal!".

"Yes, because her special ability is to become invisible." Daisy answered. Her eyes shined dangerously and she rised the bar again "By the way, my ability is super strengh. So I can make more than just nice dents in you two. I say it again: let her ou!".

The twins looked at Wheeljack, but he just twitched his shoulders. "I would do, what she is telling you." he said.

Top Spin sighed. "Okay..." he muttered and he opened the lid of the jar and put the jar on the ground. But he put it on the side, so the creature could leave the jar.

"Oh, she is even more green than the last time we saw her." Twin Twist said and he bent down towards her asking "Is it normal, that she can change her colour? That doesn´t look so healthy...".

Ashla came out of the jar and yes, he was right. Her face was even more green than the rest of her skin. She didn´t look so healthy. "I think, I feel sick..." she murmured weakly "Daisy, do you have a bag?". "What? No." Daisy answered "Why?". "Because I think, I need to vomit...".

Daisy shook her head. "No, it´s not normal, that she changes her colour..." she answered Twin Twist´s question.

After a few minutes, Ashla felt better again. She had just felt sick, because the twins had shaken the jar so much, when they had flewen from the comptuer office and Soundwave. Wheeljack was surprised and curisous about her, because Ashla looked nearly completely different compared to Daisy. But they just told him, that they would tell him their storys later.

They needed to get out of the fortress finaly.

"Well, the next exit isn´t far away from us and from this entrace we can easily get to the meeting point." Top Spin said. "Then let´s leave that stupid and creepy fortress finaly." Twin Twist said and was about to go already when Daisy interrupted "Wait, we can´t go without our friends!".

Wheeljack nodded "I´ve promised her to find her friends. We have found one, but not all.". Twin Twist stoped and looked down at Daisy and Ashla. "How many are you?" he asked. "We are seven." Ashla answered "We need to find the five, who are left.". "Seven?!" Top Spin repeated "Do you know where they are at least?".

Daisy shook her head. "No." she answered. "We can´t search them, when we don´t even know, where we shall search for them. We don´t have time for that. The virus is already uploaded." Top Spin said. "Yes, but it will activate, when I activate it. Not earlier and not later." his brother cut in.

"And what, when Soundwave find it?".

"Then, he had already find it. No, that´s hopefuly not a problem." Twin Twist answered. "So, we search them?" Daisy asked hopefuly. "I think, that we should do that." Twin Twist answered. "But we don´t even know, WHERE we shall search!" his brother said again. "But we can try it at least." Twin Twist snaped back.

"I think, you two don´t need to argue." Ashla said suddenly. They all looked down at her. She was holding her tablet in her hands and tiped some buttons on the display. "I think, I´ve downloaded a few datas, that show us where they have locked the rest of us." she said, still focused on her tablet "They need to be somewhere in this storey, near the computer office.". When she heared the twins groan, she looked up to them, saying "Sorry, you two. But I think, we need to go back in this direction.". She put away her tablet "That´s all, what I´ve found.".

"Well, better than nothing." Wheeljack said. He kneeled down and reached out his hand to Daisy and Ashla "Come up.". Daisy smiled and climbed on his hand again. Ashla was about to follow her, when she heared Twin Twist say "Hey, wait. This one goes with us. You have your pet and we have ours.". He reached down his hand for Ashla.

"Only, when you don´t call us "Pet" again." she said.

"Well, won´t do it again."

Ashla smirked.

Yes, she liked them.
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