StarKite1 — Hometown, ch.12
Published: 2016-08-19 13:02:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 328; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description She was kneeling on the ground. The pain hadn´t stoped. Instead of that it had growen even more in the last minutes. Something was still killing her, but she still couldn´t see what it was. She was completely alone.

Suddenly, a terrible thought came to her mind. She would die here completely alone.

Suddenly, sadness filled her mind as she thought about this fact. She couldn´t even say her friends goodby. She didn´t even know whether they were still alive. They also could be dead already. And she hadn´t even noticed it. Anna felt how tears started to grow in her eyes. She wouldn´t even die in her own world. She would die here. Here, in this strange building on that strange planet in this strange world.

The tears growed even more until they were to big and fell down over her cheeks. She didn´t even realy know, why she was crying. Was it because of the pain or the fear or the sadness? She didn´t know it. Most likely she was crying because of all of this.

She reached up her right hand to her face and covered her face in her hand. She hated this world. She hated it so much! Why had she and her friends to come here?! There wasn´t even a good reason for her death. And she would waste her last minutes here with crying alone in the darkness.

The last thing she would ever see was a long, empty and dark corridor.


"Come on, she must be here somewhere.".

Ashla was running through the empty corridors of the fortress. Wheeljack, Twin Twist and Top Spin followed her with Daisy. Wheeljack was surprised how fast Ashla was with her tiny feet.

"Are you sure, that you have heared screams?" Twin Twist asked.

"Yes, I am. And I know the persone who is screaming. We need to find her!".

"Who is it this persone?" Wheeljack asked "You haven´t even told us who it is. You have just said, that you have heared screames and in the next second you were already running down the corridor.".

"I think, we should at least know, who we are searching." Top Spin added.

"Even I don´t know, who you are meaning exactly." Daisy said. She was still sitting on Wheeljack´s shoulder. She hadn´t want to walk by her own.

"That´s Anna. She is one of our friends." Ashla answered without stoping or even looking back to them. "Are you realy sure, thar she is here? Maybe it´s a trap from the Decepticons." Twin Twist said. "I´m sure." Ashla said, still not looking up to them. "But it´s very likely, that it´s a trap." Top Spin said "They know for sure, that you were able to flee and know you are searching your friends. Maybe they know, that we are here in this corridor and the screams are a trap and behinde the next corner, there are waiting the Decepticons for us and shot us all down before we even notice them.".

"I´m sure." was all what Ashla said again.

"But..." Twin Twist started again. But Ashla interrupted him immediately "I´m SURE!".

Daisy sighed and shook her head "Ashla, maybe they are right.". Ashla ignored her. "Ashla, please wait. We need to talk about this possiblility." Daisy said. But Ashla still paid no attention to her. Daisy sighed. "Ashla, we should be very careful." she tried it again, this time a bit louder.

No reaction.

"Ashla wait, please.".

She didn´t even look up to Daisy.


She still ignored her.

"Ashla, wait! We need to be careful!" Daisy said loudly.

This time, Ashla stoped but she didn´t turn around. Wheeljack, Twin Twist and Top Spin stoped behinde her. "They are right, when they say, it could be a trap. You also know that. It´s a possibility. And it´s even not so unlikely. So, we must be careful!" Daisy said. "No, that´s not right! I know, she is there and she need our help!" Ashla exploaded suddenly. She turned around towards them. Tears of fury and fear ran down her cheeks.

"And we are waisting time here with waiting and "beeing careful" just because, it´s maybe a trap. But it´s not a trap! It´s her voice! She is there and... and..." her voice bacame more and more quiet. The fury gave away more and more to the sadness and more tears started to fall down over her cheeks.

She just stood there for a while, before she covered her head in her hands for a moment. Then she lifted her head again and whiped away her tears. "I´m sorry... it´s just... it´s..." she shuttered. Then she took a deep breath and started again "It´s just... this all is too much for me. All this strange knew things and people and the ignorance for what has happened to my friends. I know, you are right. It´s even very possible, that´s a trap. I just don´t want to believe it...".

For a brief moment it was completely silent in the corridor.

"It´s okay.".

Ashla looked up. "It´s okay." Twin Twist repeated again. Ashla was surprised, that he said this. "It´s okay. I can understand your worries and fears. I would feel the same, if I would be in your situation.". Ashla simled. Twin Twist smiled back and reached down a hand for her again. Ashla climed back on his hand and he placed her on his shoulder again. "Thank you" Ashla said.

"I agree Twin Twist, but we need to be careful nevertheless" Wheeljack said "Were do you think, you friend is? How far is she away from us?". Ashla showed towards the next corner. "I think, we need to go around this corner and then follow the corridor behinde it. Then she should be behinde the next or the next two corners, I guess." she answered.

"Well, we should be careful and silent know. If it is a trap, thay mustn´t notice us or we are dead immediately. So, we should walk the way Ashla said. But quietly and without any sounds. If it is a trap, we have only one chance, because, they don´t know, that we have noticed the trap. If it is not a trap and your friend is realy there, we rescue her and leave this place immediately." Top Spin said "Okay?". The others nodded.

It took only a few minutes until they have reached the last corner. "I think, it must be here behinde this corner." Ashla said with a look on the display of her tablet "I can go.". "No, nobody goes. If it is a trap, they see you immediately." Wheeljack said. "I can go." Ashla repeated. "She can become invisible." Daisy added "They won´t notice her.".

He looked down on her in surprise. "You can become invisible?" he asked. "We explain that later." Ashla said and disapeared. Wheeljack starred at thev place, where she had stood a few moments ago. "Wow, I need to know why you can do things like this." he said. "Long story." Daisy said.

Ashla walked carefuly towards the corner. Even if she was invisible, she had to be careful. Carefuly, she looked around the corner- and her eyes widened in shock and surprise.


When the others heared Ashla´s shout, they ran to the corner immediately. Only a few moments later, they reached the corner. "Anna!" Daisy shouted as well and jumped down from Wheeljack´s shoulder.

Anna was kneeling on the floor of the empty corridor and cryed. Ashla was kneeling by her side and talked quietly to her. Daisy ran towards them and kneeled down next to them on the ground. "Anna, is everything okay?" she asked worried. Anna didn´t answered to her question. "What is with her?" Daisy asked Ashla. At first, Ashla also didn´t answer but a few minutes later, she said "I´ve scaned her with the medical-scan of my tablet. Something strange is in her blood. I don´t know, what it is, but it has a effect like a drug. I think, it causes halluziantions.".

"Can we stop it?" Daisy asked. "No, but I think, the effect faded after some time." Ashla answered. Then she talked to Anna again. "Anna? Anna, listen to me. Everything becomes good, okay? This things aren´t real. They are just halluziantions. Daisy and me, we are here and we will help you and bring you out of here. Okay?" Ashla said soothing.

Slowly, Anna lifted her head and looked up to Ashla. She just looked at her for a few minutes before she nodded slowly. "Okay, then we go now." Ashla said and helped Anna to get up.

But when Anna saw Twin Twist, Top Spin and Wheeljack, she immediately yield back and nearly felt down to the ground again. "No, no, it´s all okay. They are our friends." Daisy said quickly. Anna looked at her. "Friends?" she asked. Her voice was husky and almost so quiet, that Daisy nearly couldn´t understand her.

"Yes, they are our friends. They will help us. You need to trust us, okay?" Daisy said soothing. Anna nodded again and slowly walked towards the robots.

"Twin Twist, can you carry us both?" Ashla asked. "Sure, come up." he answered and reached down a hand. "You need to calm up." Ashla told Anna and she did as she ws told. When they were both sitting in Twin Twist´s hand, Top Spin said "Well, than let´s leave that stupid fortress finaly.".

"I agree, but we can´t go immediately." Ashla said and looked on her tablet again. "What? Why?" Wheeljack asked. "I´ve a new signal.It´s not far away." Ashla answered "At first, We need to pick up someone.".


"Ultra Magnus?" Alex asked "I´ve a question.".


"How long is your meeting point away from here?".

"It´s not such a long way anymore." he answered.

"Good. Rosalina´s condition becomes worser and worser with every minute." Alex said. "Yes, you´ve already mentioned that several times before." Ultra Magnus said with a slight annyoed underthone. Alex noticed his underthone but she decided to not pay any attention to it. "Sorry, if I repeat it over and over again. It´s just..." she sighed "To be honest, I´m very afraid. I´m very afraid of loosing her. I don´t know, where my other friends are or whether they are okay. I don´t even konw whether they are still alive. But I know, that Rosalina is still alive and I don´t want to risk, that I loose her. I hope, you can understand that.".

"I understand it." Ultra Magnus said a bit colder than he had meaned it to be. He sighed "But reapeting the fact, that she isn´t okay over and again doesn´t make it better." he said more gentle now. "I know." Alex said quietly.

They walked in silence for some time until Ultra Magnus stoped before a wall. "Why are you stoping here?" Alex asked. "We need to go this way." he answered. "But there is just a wall." Alex said a bit confused. "It just look like a wall." Ultra Magnus said.

Suddenly a blue light lighted up. "What is that?" Alex asked. "That´s a scan. It cheks whether I´m the one who I seem to be." he answered. A second later, the blue light disapeared again and a green light lighted up. Then a door apeared in the wall. Behinde the door was long corridor.

"Wow, I´m impressed." Alex said. They walked through the opening in the wall. Behinde them, the wall closed again. "From here it will only take a few minutes until we have reached the meeting point. We just need to walk down this corridor." Ultra Magnus said. "Is the meeting point save?" Alex asked.

He looked down on. Alex looked up.

"Sorry, but I need to ask this.".

"Yes, it´s save. The Decepticons aren´t able to find it." he answered.




It was a long way down the corridor and it wasn´t that easy. The corridor was pretty dark. Alex almost couldn´t see her own feet on the ground and it was also pretty cold. She was worried, that the coldness would make Rosalina´s condition even worser. But she didn´t mentioned that again.

"Where is the meating point? This looks like a cave here." Alex said after a while. "The corridor is a cave, that´s right." Ultra Magnus answered "The meeting point is in a old energon mine, several kilometers away from the fortress.". Alex looked up to him. "What´s "energon"?" she asked.

"We need that for living." he answered "We refule our engines with it.". "So, it´s like your food?" Alex asked. "I don´t know what "food" is, but I think yes." he said. "Food is what we humans need for living. We also "refule" with it. But that´s not called "refule". It´s called "eating". We eat our food." Alex explained. "Do you have to search your "food" also in mines?" Ultra Magnus asked.

Alex needed a few moments for realzing, that he meaned that question serious. "What? No, we don´t need to search our food in mines. We are cooking our food by our own." she answered. "You can produce your "food" by your own?" he asked in surprise. Alex nodded "Yes. Or you can buy your food in restaurants. Restaurants are places where people are cooking food and you can buy it for yourself. Can´t you produce your energon by yourself?".

Ultra Magnus shook hisa head. "No, we can´t. We need to search it in mines. But since the war have started, it becomes more and more rarely and we need to rationate it." he said. "Oh, okay. How much do you need of this energon peer day?" Alex asked. "You should at least refule one time peer two days. But it´s better when you refule one time peer day. If you are very active and do hard work or fighting or things like this, you burn more energon and need to refule more often." he explained.

"And what happens, when you don´t refule and you have no energon anymore?".

"Then you are very low on energon. At first you lost consicusness and then you die." he answered. "That´s like when humans don´t drink." Alex said "Humans need ti drink wather or other things or they will die of thrist. And when you don´t eat as a human, you will starve.". "You can drink what?" Ultra Magnus asked "And it keeps you alive?". "Yes." Alex answered.

"I think, our energon is like your food and drink in one." Ultra Magnus said "You humans are realy strange creatures.". "Not stranger than you." Alex said.

"I think, we..." Ultra Magnus stoped in the middle of his sentence. Alex looked up to him in confusion. He reached up one hand and touched his audio receptor. He talked to someone in a strange language, she couldn´t understand. Then he looked down at her again and said "I´ve got a message from one of my soliders. They have installed a virus in the systems of the fortress. The virus will destroy the fortress in a few minutes. My soliders are also coming to the meeting point. Oh, and they have found four of your friends.".

"Realy? Who?" Alex asked exited. "I don´t know, they haven´t said their names." Ultra Magnus said. "Can I talk to them?" Alex asked. "Later. You will meet them at the meeting point." he said "Now we need to go.".

Alex nodded. They shouldn´t loose more time than nessaccery.


The computer-office, Soundwave awoke again. He got up from the ground and looked around in the office. Nobody was there abymore. The Autobots had managed it to knock him out and flee.

He wanted to leave the office, when his gaze rested on one of the screens. He turned around again and walked towards the screen. On the screen was standing a message:

Virus installed. Countdown: 2 Min. and 30 Sec.

A second later, the countdown was 2 minutes and 29 seconds. The Autobots had installed a virus and the virus activated a bomb. They would destroy the fortress.

Soundwave tried to erease the virus from the systems, but they have also locked the systems. He wasn´t able to enter it anymore. He didn´t tryed it in another way. Instead of that, he left the office. He needed to warn his lord.

The message with the countdown was still on the screen:

Virus installed. Countdown: 2 Min. and 15 Sec.


They had covered more than the half of the long corridor, when they suddenly heared a hollow bang. "What was that?" Alex asked. "That was the bomb" Ultra Magnus answered.

"Wich bomb?".

"The virus was a bomb and it has destroyed the fortress." he said. "That´s good, right?" Alex ansked.

"Yes, that´s even very good.". Ultra Magnus looked down the corridor. At the end of the corridor was a faint light. "And we have almost reached the meeting point.".

Only a few minutes later, they reached the end of the corridor. At the end of corridor was a big hole, but the walls weren´t made out of rocks. They were made out of metal. It seemed like the whole planet would consisted of metal.

There were already other robots assembled in the hole. It seemed like Alex and Ultra Magnus were the last ones.

When Alex entered the hole behinde Ultra Magnus, nobody noticed her. They all talked with each other and payed no attention at her. She thought, it would be better, when they woul´dn´t notice her immediately. So she just stood there and said no word.

Ultra Magnus steped forward and talked to a red and blue colored robot "Optimus Prime.".

The blue and red robot turned around "Ultra Magnus.". His voice was deep, but not menacely.

"Sir, the virus has functionated and destroyed the fortress. Darkmount is destroyed and our mission was successful." Ultra Magnus continued. "Good work, commander." the blue and red robot said "But Megatron and several other Decepticons were able to flee. Windblade has followed their signals, but she lost them over the sea of rust.". The blue and red robot looked pasted Ultra Magnus down at the strange creature behinde him. The creature was very small and thin and it looked like femme.

Alex looked up the blue and red robot. She noticed, that he was the biggest of the robots in the room. He was even a bit bigger than Ultra Magnus. The other robots followed his gaze and noticed Alex as well. In the next second some of them had taken out their weapons and pointed them on her.

Alex raised her hands in surrender. She wanted to show them, that she was unarmed and that she wouldn´t attack them. Asumed, they wouldn´t attack her.

"An enemy has found us!" a blue and pink robot shouted. The voice sounded like a young woman. Before Alex or Ultra Magnus could say anything, the bule robot had raised her gun and shod.

Before the shot hit her, Alex produced an energy shield and blocked the shot without any problems. The eyes of the blue robot whidened in surprise when she saw how the strange creature in front of her blocked her shot without any problems. She wanted to shot again, but Ultra Magnus hold her back. "She isn´t an enemy." he said to all of them.

The red and blue robot kneeled down for being closer to eyeleve and looked down in Alex. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Alex." she replied "I´m the leader of the team Sixtyfive. Me and my friends came to this world through an accident.". The blue and red robot nodded. "My name is Optimus Prime." he said "I´m the leader of the Autobots.". "My pleasure to meet you." Alex said. "It´s my pleasure, too." Optimus said. Then he got up again and talked to Ultra Magnus.

"How have you met her?" he asked. "I´ve fought against Shockwave in his labour." Ultra Magnus answered "Alex saved my life. I think, Shockwave wanted to experimate with her. I´ve also found one of her friends.". He showed to Rosalina who was still laying in his hand. "Her name is Rosalina. She is badly injured." he said. 

"How many are you?" Optimus asked. "We are seven." Alex answered "Still five of my friends are missed and I don´t know where they are.".

"We are here.".

Alex turned around.

Three robots came out of another cave. Daisy was sitting on the shoulder of the green, red and white colored one while Ashla and Anna were sitting in the hand of one of the other. Daisy jumped down and walked over to Alex. "Daisy, I´m glade that you are okay." Alex said relieved and huged Daisy. "Yes, we are okay. But Anna has a little problem." Daisy said. Alex looked over to the robot wich was carrying Ashla and Anna in his hand. "What is with her?" Alex asked.

"They have gave her a drug that causes halluzinations." a new voice said.


Peach was sitting on the shoulder of the third robot. She smiled "Hey, boss.". Alex smiled back "You know, I don´t like it when you call me that.". But then she became serious again "How is Anna?". "She is okay." Peach answered "I gave her a medicine wich surpresses the halluziantions. She is still a bit dazed but she will be fit again in a few hours. She will become completely healthy again.". "Well that are good messages. Peach, you need to take care for Rosalina. She is badly injured.". Peach jumped down from the shoulder of the robot and walked over to Rosalina "Well, I will se what I can do.".

"Oh, before I forget it." Alex said to Daisy and her other friends "I´ve found your swords.". She gave Daisy and the other their swords back. "Good, I already thought, I need to build a new one." Daisy said.

"Where is Sam?" Ashla asked. Alex shook her head "I don´t know. I haven´t seen her.". "Oh..." Ashla lowered her head in sadness "We haven´t seen her either.".

"We know where your missed friend is." Optimus said "One of us had found her. They are coming to this place.".

Ashla looked up to him and then down to Alex again. "Who is that?" she asked.

"That is Optimus Prime. He is the leader of the Autobots." Alex explained. Then she introduced her friends as well as he introduced his soliders. So Alex experienced, that the one who had shod on her was a femme named Arcee.

They talked a bit over the accident wich brought Alex and her friends to Cybertron until another robot arrived. It was a black and red robot. She was also a femme and with her was Sam.

"We already thought, you were dead." Ashla said and huged Sam. "Oh, I would never die without saying goodby." Sam said. Alex looked up to the black and red femme. "And you must be Windblade, right?" Alex asked. "Yes, I am." Windblade answered "And you are?". "My name is Alex." Alex said "Thank you for helping Sam.". Windblade nodded "You´re welcome.".

"What are you doing now?" Optimus asked Alex. "I don´t know" Alex answered and shook her head "We need to find a way back to our world.". "I think, it would be the best if you come with us." Optimus said. "Thank you for the offer." Alex said "But I don´t think so. I don´t mean to be rude, but we still can´t trust you. We say thank you to you all for rescuing me and my friends. But this is not our world. We need to go as soon as possible.".

"We can´t go!" Daisy said. Alex looked confused at her. Daisy continued "Wheeljack told me, that here is a war and that there is only one city left on this planet and that they try to defend it against the Decepticons. We need to help them.". "Daisy, I can understand your opinion." Alex said "But we can´t. This isn´t our war. We barely know them. We can´t be sure, whether that is the truth.". Then she added for Optimus and the other Autobots "I hope, you understand this.".

"It is the truth." Sam said "I´ve seen it. The Decepticons are the one wich captured us and the Autobots helped us. We should help them too.". Alex thought a while about this. But then she shook her head.


"Alex, I can understand your point if view." Peach said. She was kneeling next to Rosalina, who was laying on the ground "I agree you. We don´t know them and we can´t realy trust them. But at the moment, this is our only possibility. We don´t know, how we should go back home. We can´t contact Argo and we don´t know, whether the worldgate is intact again. And Rosalina needs medical help immediately or she will die.".

Alex looked down on the ground. She was unsure what she should do. It was a risk to go with them and she wasn´t sure whether it would be worth it. They didn´t know them realy. But Sam was right. They had helped her friends, so they owed the Autobots and Rosalina´s condition was also a big problem.

Then she lifted her head again. "Okay." Alex said "If we are still allowed to, we will come with you.". Optimus nodded "You are still allowed to.". "Thank you." Alex said. Then she turned towards Peach "Gai kwo chay wohchay bai! *I want highest security leven!*". Peach nodded "Tui. *Yes.*".

Alex sighed. She just hoped, that she had made the right decision.
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