Starline-Amy — Star Warriors: Chapter 1
Published: 2011-02-05 15:02:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 491; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 5
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Description Star Warriors Episode 1: Blade's First Mission
Chapter 1: Blade's Mission
The clouds started to look dark and heavy and evening was already turning to night. The bugs were beginning to sing their night songs coaxing everyone to fall into slumber. Building lights were turning off in the city as everyone was closing and heading off to the dream world. Street lights flickered even though the streets were seemingly empty of city dwellers. Only the sound of the wind could be heard in the city streets. Though in the alleys of the city while it was still very quiet and the lights were off, whispers could be heard. Because while the rest of the city was asleep, there was some who didn't have to sleep. Those who dwell in the night and make most of their living in the dark. Dangerous criminals who either stole, or dug in garbage to survive the hustle and bustle of the city.
Noises were heard in a sewer pipe in the city. A pothole cover lifted up, and out poked a little furry head. A purple flower was on its forehead, as it large yellow eyes glowed in the darkness.
"I don't see anyone." It exclaimed in a childish voice.
"Good." A deeper voice came from below it.
"Let us up already you brat!" Two creatures popped out of the pothole tumbling onto the ground.
An orange creature climbed out dusting itself off. Its green eyes staring angrily at the little green Fawtum.
"Jeez Flame, can you be any more impatient!" A tall dark green creature snapped. Large ears drooping at its sides.
Flame just crossed his arms, his large hands near his chest, and huffed.
"So where to now, boss!" The little green creature said in excitement as his leafy tails moved eagerly!
"Calm yerself kid...give me a minute to decide on the next move." Slade looked deep in thought as he waved his large ears back in forth.
"Ya better hurry boss, we can't stay in this spot for too long!" Flame looked around restlessly, afraid to be spotted.
"Alright alright!" Slade quickly turned his head to the little green creature. "Okay Blade, you ready for your first mission, ya gotta do it by yerself."
"Oh my! You mean right now!"
Slade nodded his head.
"Yay! I am SO ready Slade-I mean-Boss!"
"Alright then kid! It should be a straightway from here. You see that hill over there." Slade turned his head to the right where just away from the alley a hill started to form.
"Yep!" Blade jumped with excitement.
"Okay kid, you know your mission. The castle is just a few miles from the hill. We expect you back by sunrise! We'll meet you back here at the main head quarters, its safe there. Plus I wanna see if you remember how to get in. Good luck kid!" Slade turned his head slightly at Flame.
Flame nodded with a look of annoyance on his face, and the two began to head back down the pothole, Flame going first.
"Thanks boss, I'll do my very best!" Blade said with a pleased look on his face. He could have sworn he heard Flame scuff as the pothole closed.
Blade turned around, determination on his face. "I head to the castle and begin my first mission!"
Blade began to run towards the hill on all fours. With all his speed he ran to the hill climbing his way towards the castle. He could see the castle way up on the hill, but even with his heightened sight it was faintly visible. His feet and the palm of his hands quickly became tired from running up the hill. The hill was a lot steeper than he thought, so he paused from running, lifted his hands from the ground, and begun to walk on two feet. Looking straight ahead, he saw the view fully now that he was moving slower. The castle was far away, and he had to be back by sunrise. Blade sighed and twitched his ears. This was going to be much harder than he thought.
There was nothing around Blade; he was in a wide open field. The wind blew swiftly through his light green fur, and he felt a chill through his body. He began to shiver; it never took much for him to get cold. He crinkled his nose, and continues to walk, but sped up his pace. After a few minutes of walking he grew tired and sat on a nearby boulder. He started thinking of a way to get to the castle faster, when he started to hear a noise coming from behind.
He turned his head to see a herd of Nassie's coming his way. He hadn't noticed them around! Quickly, he jumped in shock and fear. Nassie's had dangerous horns on their head, and were known to attack anything in the way of a herd stampede. He jolted towards the castle trying to get away from the herd, but they were much faster and were gaining up on him. Blade thought he was going to be trampled by the terrible hoofed creatures, until he came up with an idea.
He turned back around with great speed, to face the Nassie's coming toward him. The Nassie's didn't even hesitate as they ran towards the tiny creature. They were just about to collide into him, when Blade lifted himself into the air with his powerful feet. Using his three leafy tails to balance himself in the air, he prepared for a rough landing. All fours sticking out, in a weird position he fell towards the ground and towards the herd.
"Ooof!" Blade fell on top of one of the Nassie's, and managed to stay on. Startled, the Nassie lifted up it's front hooves, and neighed angrily!
Luckily Blade was able to hold on to it's mane. The Nassie then began to run faster than the others, eventually catching up the lead Nassie. Blade's idea worked like a charm. He smiled to himself as the castle was coming even faster into view. Holding onto his big blue hat with one hand, and the Nassie's mane with his other, he pushed his legs up against the Nassie for balance. He hoped to get to the castle before night had settled in.
The Nassie had calmed down during the ride, and Blade was able to keep his hat on without having to hold it. Both hands free, Blade was able to pet the Nassie's head, which in turn allowed him to befriend the Nassie. The herd was at a much tolerable pace, due to Blade's Nassie being at the head. Blade finally saw that he was much closer to the castle, and pulled the Nassie's mane back gently to stop. The Nassie had stopped. Giving Blade the exact response he wanted. Though all of the other Nassie's stopped as well, and began to graze. Blade decided to walk to the castle, but when he walked away from the Nassie, it followed close behind. Blade turned around and faced the Nassie.
"Hey! No need to follow me. Thanks for the ride, but you belong with them. You stay here, I'm going inside anyway." Blade petted the Nassie's head.
The Nassie nodded its head in agreement, and Blade was surprised by it's gesture. He hadn't expected it to understand a word he was saying. Blade nodded back to it, "Thanks!"
Blade headed towards the castle, and arrived in there quickly. He appreciated the Nassie's help in getting there. He looked all the way up at the top of the castle. It was one long way up!
The entrance to the castle was heavily guarded with five guardsmen. "The Castle used to never be guarded that way…It's only just recently changed…" Blade remembered what Slade had told him.
Blade sneaked around to the back, but to his disappointment even the back was heavily guarded. "What do I do when even the back is blocked out…"  Blade scratched behind his left ear. A strange smell wafted itself towards Blade. Blade's nose twitched towards the smell. There was a small hole with foul smelling liquid coming from it at the side of the castle. With a closer inspection, Blade realized he was just barely small enough to fit inside the gaps of the bars blacking the hole.
The one thing Blade was grateful for being small. He squeezed his way through the bars and gawked around the room he now entered. It must have been some sort of airway, for the air-conditioning, as it was mainly metal and small. "Perfect!"  Blade screamed in his head. He then crawled forward hoping to get towards his destination.
The airway did smell a bit funny, and was a little moist where his hands and knees touched beneath him. Blade scrunched up his nose as he continued crawling. After what seemed like forever of crawling in such a tiny space Blade saw what he believed to be an opening. He poked his head out and a more pleasant smell hit his nose.  "Awesome a kitchen! Maybe I can find something quick to eat in here" Licking his lips, Blade jumped out of the airway, and into the kitchen.
Thankfully no one was in the kitchen, so Blade sniffed around to see what was cooking. His nose was caught on a certain smell, and a big gaping smile appeared on his face at his wondrous find!  "Cookies!!!"  Blade shoved a cookie in his mouth and savored the delicious flavor.
The chocolate chips tasted great with the sweet taste of the sugary cookie dough. They were nice and soft and gooey, and Blade couldn't help but take a few more. He put two more in his mouth, and took big bites with his cheeks all puffed up. "What do you think you're doing?!" A tiny, girly voice shrieked!
Blade swallowed hard! His throat hurt from the load of cookies being shoved into his throat.
"Well?! I want an answer! Those are my cookies your eating there! Do you know how hard it was for me to distract the cooks long enough to make those!" The light gray creature stared at him angrily with big red eyes.
"I…I'm sorry." Blade looked down not wanting to see the anger in his spotter's eyes. "I was just hungry…and so I thought-"
"So you thought you could come in here and gobble up some hard worked cookies…"
Blade stayed silent.
"Sigh…OK well there's no helping it I suppose. At least there is some left. What are y-" A loud slamming sound came from outside the room. "Take those cookies and follow me!" The red-eyed creature whispered.
Surprised, Blade grabbed the plate and followed the creature to a wall. He was about to protest, when the creature pushed the wall and it flipped upward. Blade stared in astonishment. The creature grabbed his free hand and pulled him along. A long hallway was behind the wall, and the creature pulled Blade along not even stopping for a second. The wall behind them flipped itself back shut.
At the end of the hallway another flipping wall was there, and then there were stairs. A tall stairway, which seemed to lead up and up and up forever.  After reaching the top they stopped for breath.
"We…should be...safe here…" The creature stated between pants.
Also panting, Blade had his hands on his knees. He looked at the creature panting before him.  There were long eyelashes that lashed from the deep red eyes. Blade assumed it was a girl, from her voice all the way to her physique. She had light-gray colored short hair, with long pigtails on the backsides of her head. A strange blue-mint-green pattern was at the end of her pigtails. It looked similar to the one in the middle of her forehead, and the one on her large puffy tail. She had a large patch of blue-mint-green fur on her chest that stuck out all puffy-like. Her ears were twisted behind her head like a braid, and reached all the way down to her feet.
Her eyes quickly turned from exhausted to angry. "What ARE you staring at?! Is there something on my face?!" Blade confirmed her as female.
"uh..no..?" Blade still refused to look her in the eyes.
"Oh…well…I must be just so pretty you can't stand it." She giggled. "Well, anyway, back to my earlier question. What ARE you doing here?" She stared at him profoundly.
"Uh…well you see. I'm-"
"Oh my stars! I completely forgot!" She spluttered, interrupting Blade. "My name is Heiress. Heiress Flora, what's yours?"  
"My name is Blade." Blade's answered almost inaudibly.
"Blade…I like it!" She smiled as she giggled. "Well Blade, how would you like to visit a super secret area, and eat some cookies with me?!"
"OK!" Blade was still hungry, and the smell coming from the cookies on the plate was still strong.
"Yay! Well then, prepare to see an amazing sight. Especially at this time of night! Heehee, I rhymed! ♥" Heiress pushed at the wall in front of them, and again it flipped; letting in a breeze of cool air.
Silently, they both headed through the door, and into the outside air. Blades found himself on top of the roof in the castle, and above the stars were beautifully shining above.
"Pretty nice, huh?" Heiress's hands were on her hips and a smirk shown on her face; her blue-mint-green color glowing beautifully in the moonlight.
"Umm..yea." Blade felt his cheeks get warm.
"Heehee, you're blushing! Oh cool! Your eyes glow in the darkness, they look amazing! ♥" Heiress ran forward and sat on one of the large cement crenelations; she waved for Blade to come over and join her.
Blade followed and sat next her, putting the plate of cookies between them. Heiress took a cookie and shoved it in her mouth. She looked content as she went about chewing it. Blade also took a cookie, but ate it more slowly not wanting to see her red eye's angry again. They sat silently eating the cookies and enjoying their great taste.  Feeling more relaxed, Blade finally decided to eat more quickly. Heiress giggled a couple of times when both of their mouths were full of cookies, and their cheeks were puffy. When they were all done, Heiress took the plate and hid it in a corner behind the wall of the castle.
She then headed back to the crenelations, but lay down in front of them. Again she waved for Blade to come join her. Blade lay down next to her head to head, both looking toward the stars on their backs.
"The stars are real pretty aren't they Blade." Heiress's voice was calm and quiet.
Blade just nodded, and stared at the large variety of stars in front of his eyes. He took his hat off and held it gently against his stomach.
Heiress began to explain the different types of stars and their constellations. Blade listened intently, as he felt the fur on his head touch the fur on Heiress's. His flower was partly on her forehead, but she didn't seem to mind. Heiress suddenly went quiet after explaining a story about a Spin-fur constellation. When she started to speak again, her words were very soft.
"Blade…"she started quietly. " I have to tell you something…"
Blade leaned up, and heiress followed.
"Well…it's just." Heiress got up, went towards the wall where the plate was and picked something up. "Blade…I'm the princess of this castle." Heiress held a shiny black crown in her hands. She walked back to Blade and sat down.
The crown had three large dark-blue gem-stones on it, with tiny dark-purple gem-stones in between. Four spikes stood on top of the crown, with the same dark-purple colored cushion inside. It lay in Heiress's lap, as she stared at it sadly.
There was an awkward silence. "Well…"Heiress looked up at Blade. The sadness swelled in her glowing red eyes.
"Well…what?" Blade answered bluntly.
"You don't care that I'm a princess?! You're not going to treat me all special-like; like I can't do anything for myself!?!" She yelled at Blade in astonishment.
"No…Should I?" Blade stared blankly.
Heiress stared back with giant gaping eyes. Then all of a sudden, she quickly hugged Blade and squeezed him. Blade's eyes opened widely in surprise.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She let go of Blade, but still sat closely in front of him. " You don't know how happy I am to hear that!" Her happiness showed in her eyes.
Blade sat there looking confused.
Heiress went on. "I get so tired of being treated as if I can't do anything for myself. I know I'm only nine, but I so can do things for myself!"
Blade was surprised to hear that they were about the same age.
"Oh Blade! I'm so glad to have met you!" Heiress gave Blade a kiss on the cheek and giggled. She placed her crown on top of Blade's head. "How about that! You look like a prince!"
Blade laughed, and threw his hat on her head. "And you look like any old normal girl to me.  Able to do all that normal girls can!"
The two laughed, and Heiress pulled something out of the inside of her crown. It was a rose. "Here Blade, you keep it! That way you remember me when you get home. Sunrise is almost here, so you should probably start your journey back home."
Blade took the rose and stared at it. Its dark red petals and thorns made it look lovely. Blade then suddenly jumped up. Something seemed to have hit him upside the head!
"I completely forgot about my mission!" Blade shouted loudly.
"Mission?" Heiress asked confused.
"Yeah, I was supposed to bring some of the king's precious jewels to my teammates…I'm going to be in big trouble, and then I'll never become a good thief" Blade's ears drooped in disappointment.
"Thief, huh?" Heiress looked at Blade. "Cool! Though you look kinda young to be a thief?" Heiress replaced Blade's hat on her head, with her crown that was on top of Blade's head. "No worries though Blade, because I can help you with that. The king IS my father after all!" Heiress poised herself in front of Blade.
"Really!" Blade's tails waved around with happiness, as he stuffed the rose in his hat that was  now on his head.
"Yep, you just follow me. Though keep quiet. I'm sure your aware that the jewels are extremely rare and some of daddy's favorites!"Heiress kissed Blade quickly on the cheek again, and without giving him time to respond; she took his hand in hers and led him back down the stairs giggling.

Back down the stairs, the two find their way to and through the halls of the castle thanks to the help from Heiress.
"OK Blade, you stay quiet now, we are very near the room where daddy keeps his precious jewels. The room is guarded by Herman, and Phill. The two are very strong, so the best thing is to think of a distraction." Heiress whispered over her shoulder as she peered over the other side of the wall.
Blade thought in silence as he tried to think of a way to distract the guards. Then he had an idea. "There isn't any other hallway nearby is there?"
"No, there isn't…why?" Heiress looked confused.
"Well then…how about you distract them and get them to follow you. Then I'll head into the room, and get what I need real fast and get out quickly."
"Umm…OK. I guess that'll work, but how will I know when you're done?"
"My hands can stick to walls; I'll climb above and spit on your head."
"Eeew…OK! Here goes nothing!" Heiress then walked away from behind the wall.
Blade watched as she walked towards the two guards. The guards, covered in armor, lowered their heads and looked at her from under their helmets.
"What are you doing her princess, shouldn't you be asleep." A guard to the left Heiress spoke with a deep pitch.
"I wanna play!" Heiress quickly took the guards spear and ran towards the hallway, and to the opposite side of Blade.
"Hey give that back! Phill help me catch the princess!" Herman shouted running after Heiress.
The two guards chased Heiress down the hall, and Blade made haste to where they once stood. Blade quickly tried to open the door, but it was locked. In a hurry, Blade took the rose from out of his hat to see if it'll fit in the lock hole. Surprisingly it did, and with the help of its thorns it unlocked the door. Blade entered inside as fast and as quietly as he could.
Inside, there was jewels laid out everywhere. The place was covered with gold and jewelry. Blade was surprised to see so much in one area. Blade lifted his hat, and took out a bag. He began to stuff it with jewelry until no more could fit. He then tied the bag and put it in his hat. The bag was extremely heavy, and it hurt his head when he put it back on his head. He had no time to complain though, as he quickly left the room, he still had to be back by sunrise.
Outside the room he heard Heiress and the guards running back into the hallway. Just in time, he jumped up and pushed the palm of his hands and bottom of his feet onto the wall. Keeping his head upright was tough with the weight of the jewels pushing against it.
He had to climb to the ceiling however, so he wouldn't be caught. So he continued upwards and made his way to the ceiling. Not fully thinking it through for his hat was falling of his head. He tried to hold it up, but it was hard to stay onto the ceiling with just one hand and his feet. He had to manage for a bit though, or else he'd be caught.
Oddly crawling he made it to the other hallway just as the guards and Heiress showed up. She still had the spear in her grasp, and was running at the same pace. The guards however, were running a bit slower. They looked as if they were getting tired from all the running.
Blade chuckled to himself, and waited until Heiress was near so that he may give her the signal. Making sure he timed it just right, Blade let a bit of his spit out so not to be noticed by the guards. Right on target! It hit Heiress on the forehead and she stopped suddenly and looked up. She smiled, and turned towards the guards who stood before her panting.
"That was fun lets do it again sometime! I'll head to bed now, goodnight!♥" Then she turned back around and headed down the hallway.
Blade struggled to keep up on the ceiling his arm hurting from the strain of trying to hold on the the ceiling with his sticky palms. Finally a decent way from the guards Heiress signaled it was safe for him to come down, and Blade carefully crawled down the wall. Once down, he held on to his arm as it surged with excruciating pain.
"Come on we gotta hurry, other guards will be in these halls soon. They go up and down them all the time." Heiress whispered.
She grabbed his aching arm and dragged him along. Blade winced, but let her take him along. She lead him through the hallways so quickly, though all of them looked the same. Blade was confused with all the maroon flooring, and black walls. "How does she know her way around so well. What does she see that I can't?" Blade pondered as they came across some stairs.
Up the stairs the halls looked very much the same. Three more times up some stairs, and more hallways to tread through Heiress finally stopped at a dark-blue door. Blade's arm felt numb, as she didn't let go of his hand the whole time.
"OK Blade, this is my room." She opened the door and the two walked in.
Blade immediately noticed the large canopy bed in the middle of the large room.  The bed itself was a dark purple, with a dark blue canopy. It had tons of pillows on one side, and looked extremely comfy. Heiress threw herself onto the bed, and looked cozy.
Blade looked around the room, decorated with a dark purple dresser, a toy box, a book case, and a little mini Dark blue bed. The walls were dark blue with bubble-like wallpaper. The floor was a soft maroon carpet and Blade's feet were drenched in the soft flooring. Blade then heard a growling noise come from underneath Heiress's bed.
"Pluffy quiet, he's a friend!" Heiress shouted sitting up.
A little orange creature appeared out of the bottom of her bed. One ear was shaped like a wing, the other stood up pointed. It had four green rubber-looking feet. It'd underbelly was was a light yellow, and its giant fluffy tail was dark blue. One eye was spirally and the other was a light blue.  It now stood in front of Blade wagging its large tail, it's tongue sticking out.
Blade reached to pet it, when it jumped onto him and started promptly licking his face. Laughing Blade pushed it off wiping his face. His arm still hurt from the climbing. Pluffy plutted at him, an odd sound that sounded similar to squeaky earth dog's bark.
"Oh Pluffy, leave him be! So Blade, like my room?"
"Its okay, too girly looking for me though." Blade walked up to Heiress.
"Well...sunrise really is starting to get close, you might want to be on your way." Heiress jumped off the bed.
Blade nodded, sad to have to leave his new found friend.
"Look Blade...I know your probably busy and all, but..." Heiress looked uneasy. "Maybe you can come visit me again sometime I'm usually up on the roof or in my room. I'm hardly allowed anywhere else, my daddy has been ordering to keep me in here lately." Heiress looked down at the ground.
Blade looked at her with sympathy. He knew how hard it was to be lonely. He took his good arm and lifted up Heiress's head to face him. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at Blade. He could tell she didn't want him to leave just by looking at her.
"Don't worry Heiress!" Blade said with a smile on his face. "I'll come by again, I promise!"
Heiress hugged Blade, and practically squeezed him with all her might. " Oh thank you Blade! You really have become a great friend!" She let go of him and walked towards the only window in her room. "This is where you can head out, I'm sure you can hang on to the wall and climb down right?"
Blade cringed at the idea, but it did seem like the only way. He nodded and headed towards the window. Heiress gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before trotting back over to her bed.
"Goodbye Blade, I hope to see again soon!♥" She lay in her bed and got under the covers.
She looked as if she was gonna fall asleep so Blade just sounded an okay and started his way down the wall. His arm ached the whole time, as the way down was a lot longer then he had expected.
Blade moaned as he made it to the ground and rubbed his arm. The pain was beginning to become unbearable, and his head started to ache from the weight of the bag under his hat. Blade looked up and to his surprise the Nassie's had stayed put the entire time. They were sleeping now as they stayed in the same spot he had left them.
Slowly and tired Blade walked over to the Nassie's to see if he could still get a ride. He was very tired from all that went on that night. One of the Nassie's lifted it's head, and noticed Blade. It got up and galloped towards Blade, a look of happiness shown on it's face.
Blade recognized it as the same Nassie he had ridden there, and was grateful it still seemed to be bonded with him. Blade climbed onto the Nassie when it arrived next to him. The other Nassie's were waking up when they realized that the other Nassie got up. Blade guessed they must have traveled in groups because when his Nassie was running back towards the city the others followed along.
Blade was enjoying the way back, as it gave his feet and arms a chance to relax. He would have to run back to the base as he saw the sunlight peering over the horizon. He gave the Nassie a quick nudge on the side with his feet to try to get it to speed up. Noticing the gesture, the Nassie sped its pace, and Blade held on with his good arm to stay on. It felt great to have the other Nassie's behind them as they ran.
They reached the city in no time, and Blade gently pulled the Nassie's mane. Stopping, Blade jumped off and patted the Nassie's nose. "I have to go now." He spoke in a soft gentle voice.
The Nassie's reacted with a sad neigh, but seemed to understand. It took a few steps backward. It lifted its front hooves in the air and neighed loudly. Then with the herd it galloped back to the field, no longer in the lead.
Blade felt sadness swell through him, as the thought of leaving both of his new friends behind. He had a mission to complete on time though, or else he'd have to spend his time looking for a new home. On all fours he ran back to the city he hated so much.
Running through the city brought Blade back some unpleasant memories, and he pushed them to the back of his mind and kept trudging forward. He came across and alley way and headed into it. He had to find the headquarters quickly.
All of the sudden he was tackled to the ground and landed on his bad arm. He yelped  from the pain and looked at his attacker. A look of shock appeared on his face and he saw who had attacked him.
Slade looked Blade in the eyes with a fierce look. "You may have made it here, but you are a tad late. Can you get past and still make it in the headquarters in time!" Slade ran towards Blade with tremendous speed and head butted him just as Blade just got back up.
Blade stared at him confused, but quickly focused himself as Slade came in for another attack. Blade rolled himself to the side to dodge the attack. He didn't understand exactly what was going on, but he knew he had to quickly stop Slade. That would require a fight between him and his mentor.
Getting up Blade saw Slade coming close for another attack. Ready now, he jumped outta the way making Slade slam into the building nearby. A small alleyway was surely no place for a fight.  Blade's arm still hurt from the night, but he had no choice but to fight. He clenched his good hand prepared for an attack.
Slade now stood facing Blade, an intense look on his face. He ran towards Blade once more. Blade thought of an attack. When Slade came near he jumped in the air and pounded his feet onto Slade's head. Slade pushed him off and whacked Blade with his ears. Blade's face hurt immensely. Slade's ears were outstandingly powerful.
Slade twirled his head, a smirk shown on his face. Blade wiped his mouth, a bit of blood dripped onto his fur. Blade quickly became serious. "Its my turn to attack first!" Blade ran towards Slade on all fours. He stretched out his hands and tore out his claws. He scratched Slade multiple times in his face.
Slade bounced back and knocked Blade to the side with his ears. A more serious face also shown on his face. Blade ran back towards Slade, wanting to attack first again. Slade blocked the scratched with his ears as a shield. Thinking of a quick way to counteract, Blade grabbed Slade's ears and pulled. Dragging Slade along, Blade threw him against a building.
Slade collided with the building and Blade retracted his claws. Not wasting another second he ran through the alleyway. He was running out of time! He came across a dead end, and remembered where he had to go. Looking beneath him he saw the pothole. He lifted the pothole, the weight hurting his bad arm. It took almost all his strength to move the pothole off and then back in place as he entered the smelly  sewers.
He didn't have time to try to cover his nose as he ran through the sewers. His hands and feet splashed the dirty water in his face as he ran through the nasty gunk. Trying to remember the way through was tough, but luckily he had a knack for guessing.
Finally he arrived at the door, and he let out a sigh of relief. If he figured it right morning had still not come, though it was a very close call. Both arms ached now, and it didn't matter which arm he used to knock loudly on the door, it still hurt.
The window on the top of the door slid open and Blade saw eyes.
Blade remembered it all too well, he made sure he did the first time he heard it. " Dr. Swoop. I'm Blade, training in Team Star-knights!" He exclaimed proudly.
The door opened and in the entrance stood Flame and the Smogett.
"'Bout time you made it shrimp!" Flame announced with a look of annoyance on his face.
Blade smiled and nodded, he noticed then how tired he was and that he was panting.
"Ya made it just in time kid, and your not too shabby a fighter too. Ya know...for a beginner!" Slade's voice from behind surprised Blade.
Slade moved himself in front of Blade next to Flame. "Well kid, welcome to your training in Team Star-knights! You can tell us all about your little journey on the way back home!"
Blade smiled tremendously as he felt so happy to hear of his passing. "Home!" He loved the sound of those words as he had never truly had a place to call home. Flame scuffed and crossed his arms. "I was hoping the half-pint wouldn't pass." A look of disgust was on his face.
Slade laughed, and Blade joined in. He didn't care if Flame didn't like him. He still considered him a friend after all he was his new team-mate. The three headed out of the headquarters.
  "Alright kid, we are going to a store to get some groceries and some things to celebrate you victory with." Slade spoke as the walked through the sewers.
"Alright!" Blade yelled hoping to find some yummy cookies there to get.
"Though you and Flame will have to carry them, my ears are no good at carrying bags."
Blade moaned at the thought. His arms were still aching from that night and all the climbing. Blade then remembered something.
"Here you go Slade, you didn't even take the jewels." Blade took the bag from under his hat.
"That's great and all kid, but since you were a bit later then I thought, the guy that usually trades us the money for the jewels left. You'll have to hold on to that 'till we get back home 'Kay."
Blade reluctantly put the bag back under his hat. He then felt a thorn from the rose prick his finger, and he took it from a wedge in his hat. Looking at it reminded him of Heiress and he knew he had to see her again.
"Where'd you go and get that from. We don't have roses 'round these parts anymore. They're a sign of royalty and you can only get 'em from the king himself." Slade looked at Blade intently.
"Well...I met the princess there and we became friends. She helped me get the jewels, and even wants me to visit again. I'm thinking about going there again tonight." Blade put the rose back onto his hat.
"Whoah! You met the princess! Crazy kid, real crazy. Ya could've gotten into some real trouble there ya know. As for visiting her, well...I guess, but you better get some rest first. I can tell your real tired from your mission."
Blade nodded.
"Good! Your an odd kid, but ya did pretty good. As for getting help from the princess, I did not see that coming. Though this could come in handy!" Slade looked deep in thought as they made their way out of the sewers.
After getting groceries morning already came and went. Blade asked for all sorts of things, and got yelled at by Flame, who in return got yelled at by Slade. "You ask for things too, so don't yell at the kid!"
Blade was happy that he got cookies, and looked forward to eating them after their dinner. "We are gonna have a mini party for ya kid!" Slade had told them at the store.
Blade was happy with all the junk food they got, but carrying all the bags was certainly no fun. He was planning on taking a long needed rest after eating. Though even though tired, he didn't act it at all as he told Slade and Flame about how he went about the night.
Never before had Blade felt so secure, so happy. As he went on talking on and on about how he and Heiress met and managed to distract the guards, the three walked back towards the forest. The three walked on, together as a team, back towards home.
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Comments: 2

Char1ika1 [2011-02-06 23:57:10 +0000 UTC]

finally finished reading it (stars fault i couldn't finish it, hehe) this so far is one of my favorite parts of the story !! i loved it! though i found 3 misspelled words but, hey! dont worry, its prefect, not even i could write this much without 3 mistake :s..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Starline-Amy In reply to Char1ika1 [2011-02-07 02:10:24 +0000 UTC]

XD I tend to type fast is why!
Glad you like it! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0