Commission done by Malunis
An idea I had for an Ex-Aid fan sequel I'm working on, called Kamen Rider Utsura
Can be read here
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In case you haven't the seen the show, the heroes get their powers from items called Rider Gashats, like this one, based on fictional video games. This is based around the show's main platform mascot, Mighty, performing in the Olympics. I was kind of inspired by those Mario and Sonic at the Olympics video games, and that one villain from Carranger .
The idea behind this game is it gives the guy using it powers or weapons based on the different minigames of the events by pulling it out, turning the knob to pick another event, and then plugging it back in to change modes. Probably one that Ex-Aid is going to use after he and the other Riders come back, and they're still working on getting his really big power-ups back.