Stilton60 — Wrong Choices, Right Reasons
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Description InFamous: The Wrong Choices For The Right Reason

Chapter 1: The Big Day.

An inFamous Story
By Stilton60

Rating: (T) Though likely to change in later chapters
Disclaimer: The main characters of this story are from the video game inFamous and therefore they are all owned by Sucker Punch. Others are my own original characters.
Cole stood shakily, every nerve in his body screamed for him to run. He didn't know why this was happening to him, at now of all times. The eyes of all the people watching him, waiting for him to do what they had all hoped to see, he could feel everyone one of them all over him. He couldn't breathe, it was too much.

He felt a light tap on his left shoulder, shaking him from his attack.

'Hey,' Zeke whispered quietly, 'Your lady's here, man,' pointing towards the end of the path that divided the guests.
As the gentle piano filled the air, Trish began to walk towards him, her wedding veil unable to hide the smile lighting her face or the tears that twinkled at the edge of her eyes. Despite, her dress' simple arrangement nothing could stop her from radiating beauty across every person around her. Elderly couple's leaned into each other, returning to their own day, whilst Trish past, her father unable to stop his expression of pride as he walked with her. The bouquet of pink roses sat gently in her still hands, though Cole barely noticed them as he stared right through the veil.

Cole's tremors disappeared, as a grin of his own spread across his mouth, as the woman he cared more for than the air he breathed, drew closer to him. As Trish ascended the gazebo steps, the crowd faded away and Cole's whole world became her. Her smile, her eyes and her support had been more than enough from her than he'd ever need. She had helped through his problems, only to emerge stronger from them, something he doubted any other couple should've survived. He loved her, as true as possible, and she was the same, but most importantly, she carried his love which they would share in nearly a year's time. As the emotions of their past and present swarmed Cole, after this day he knew he wouldn't need anything else ever again.

A slight 'coff' from the vicar, brought Cole back to reality. He shook his head out of the stupor, grinning in embarrassment, Trish looked at his actions and only smiled further. The small crowd let out a few 'aw's and laughs of its own, from some of the closer guests. The vicar rolled his eyes, motioning for the couple to stand in front of him and began,
'Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony. Do you, Cole Adam MacGrath, take this woman, Trish Elizabeth Dailey, to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, to keep her only unto her, so long as you both shall live.
'I will.'
'Ok, Bride and Groom. Cheese!' Cole just smiled, leaning gently into his new wife as the flash passed over him, happy to just quietly enjoy the first few moments of his wedded bliss. Trish's gentle kiss opened his eyes, staring into her own as the pink confetti fell around them.
The crowd began to descend on the newly-weds, as Zeke pulled him away into a brotherly hug, 'Hey man, you did it! Guess you're all grown up now, heh heh.'
'Yeah, I guess one of us had to in the end,' trying to get an enthusiastic Zeke to let go.
'Aw, don't say that man. You've always gotta leave time for a few brewskis with me, you here?'
'Yeah, yeah, I hear you.'

Turning away to face his crying mother and beaming father, she clasped him in an even harder bear hug. 'My baby's 'sniff' all 'sniff' grown up now', she cried, Cole tried to comfort her, but his arms were trapped in her vice. 'It's ok Mum, I'll still call now that I'm married.' 'Margret, ya crushin' our boy there', Cole's father, Mark, called in his soft Irish accent, as he managed to calm Margret away from his son.
'I'm proud of you, lad. She'll make an honest man o' you yet', he laughed.
'Thanks Dad. I'm glad you guys managed to fly all the way over here, from Baltimore, in time.'
'Well, ya know how a feel about airline food. But, I would'na missed it for the world, lad. Oh come on, dear. He's married, not terminal and to a lovely lass, if I didn't say so too.'

With a pat on his son's shoulder, he led his emotional spouse away, leaving Cole to the remaining guests. A cousin of his was next to confront Cole, giving him a strong handshake, followed by a cheerful aunt, kissing Cole's cheeks before leaving for the catering under the trees. The crowd all wanted to show their joy for Cole, as distant uncles offered some warring marriage advice, earning them slaps from their spouses, friends from work wishing him luck in the most entertaining ways possible, with a few 'Give her a few weeks', some 'She'll be leaving her laundry on the floor' and one count of 'Never leaving the seat down, you watch out'. Cole laughed gruffly, as he worked his way through them, trying to get away, only to see that Trish had her hands just as full.

Eventually, as noon began to pass away, the crowd began to fade in the direction of the dinner tables. Cole was glad that Memorial Park had been so quite, though few people have wanted to get up before twelve on a Sunday anyway. The cloudless sky and the flourishing trees had given Trish the perfect wedding, he hoped, though he felt the sun was always a greater luxury for people with hair on their heads.
The past hour had stiffened his legs and he decided that he deserved a quiet reprieve from the guests, spying an empty bench under the shade of a small beech tree. As he relaxed his aching muscles, he let his head back to face the clear sky. His life had been far from perfect, especially these past few years, but for the moment he could just about fool himself into believing it was. He felt his carmine red tie sticking to his shirt, breaking him away from his illusion, as he shifted the tie to remove its static, so much for perfect.

Cole leaned forward to face the reception, he was that one man hadn't left in the direction of the food, instead he beginning to pace slowly towards the groom. Cole didn't recognise the elderly man from his side of the family, but he began noticing his differences from the other guests. While, he was dressed in a suitable tuxedo for the occasion, complete with an ebony cane, it looked much more expensive than the rentals the other men had worn. Cole then noticed his eyes, bright, much brighter than any man that age he had ever seen, like the eyes of a young boy who had just been told that Christmas was early this year. The expression began to unnerve Cole, as he shifted on the park bench, trying not to stare back. The older man finally approached and slowly sat next to Cole, fumbling to balance with his cane, almost comically, and let out a sigh as he stared away at the reception.

'Ah, weddings. They're such happy times to be alive for, Cole. Friends together. Families growing larger. Fewer things bring joy to so many people at once.'
'I'm sorry, are you Trish's Great-uncle or something?' Cole asked, turning to face the man.
'Oh no.' Still facing away from Cole. 'Heh heh. I assure you. I am of much closer blood to you, than your blushing bride.' A grin forming on his wrinkled face.
'Then, who are you, exactly?'
'Tate....my name is Alden Tate.'
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