StoneMan85 — Cerise Hood, Casual w-out Hood

#grimm #redridinghood #cerisehood #femaleteenagewerewolf #grimmhunters #brothersgrimmacademy
Published: 2019-08-05 23:44:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 4658; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 4
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Name:  Cerise Hood

Aliases:  Scarlett Red, the Red Hood, Wolf Hunter

Age:  16

Hair:  Magenta Red with Red Tips (in both forms but with gray streaks)

Eyes:  Brown (Yellow in Wolf and Lycan)

Likes:  Jogging/running, dancing, festivals, meat, meat lover’s pizza, her job as a Grimmhunter, Dexter (is not afraid of her or hate her/love interest), hoods, the color red, Carmine (pet/friend wolf), bunnies (not for eating but for cuddling), being on the Book Ball Team, Raven (2nd person who doesn’t hate or fear her), the woods, living on her own, having her head petted (mostly by Dexter)

Dislikes:  Fleas, her ears (formerly), prejudice against half-wolves or werewolves (like her), her grandfather’s legacy, Father David Solomon (werewolf hunter), keeping secrets from her, boys treating her like just another girl, the superstition of Wolves always labeled as bad guys, arranged marriages, Perverts, having a small chest, people talking about her small chest, being called a midget (which is a context to call her flat in bust size), Toby’s sense of humor (almost gave her a heart attack from when he popped up with a skull on his head), prettier girls showing up, saying she stinks, idiots, people leaving her, being found out she’s half Wolf and being hated for it

Family:  Valerie and Peter Hood (parents - deceased),  Lucie (aunt-deceased), Cesaire and Suzette (grandparents – deceased?)

Background:  Cerise Hood was born to Valerie Hood, the girl of legend who was known as Red Riding Hood.  And her father was Peter, a woodsman that grew up alongside Valerie since they were children, and had fallen in love.  During some point in their life, Valerie and Peter had left the village and moved deep in the forest into the home of Valerie’s deceased grandmother, getting married and leaving their lives from their village of Daggerhorn as they lived in the forest home.  Months later, they had a baby girl.  That girl was Cerise.  Though her birth had come with a strange defect:  she had lupine ears instead of human ears, and they were atop her head.  There was a secret to the couple:  Peter was in fact a Wolf, or rather a Werewolf, and unknown to all, except for Peter and Valerie, Valerie’s deceased father was in fact the Big Bad Wolf of legend that had terrorized her village.  It seemed in the past, her father tried to forcefully turn Valerie into a werewolf during a Blood Moon, that could only be shown when Mars aligned with the Moon once every ten years.  But instead, Peter was bitten, but both managed to kill her father to end his reign of terror, filled his stomach with stones and sunk his body to the bottom of the lake.  Valerie’s life had been full of secrets, so they had told Cerise everything.  It did help the little girl feel like she wasn’t a monster, but deep down, she felt uneasy about her grandfather’s blood coursing through her veins.  And as a precaution, she always wore a red hood and cape, like her mother did to hide her ears.

Though it couldn’t last much long.  When she was six, several kids had accidentally stirred a den of wolves that were about to attack them, until Cerise jumped in.  one of the gifts that Cerise had aside from a Wolf’s speed and senses, was that she was also able to understand Wolves, both normal and Lycan alike.  She argued with the wolves in which she absentmindedly let out that the wolves said the kids had thrown rocks at a cub and ordered them to apologize, of which they did.  Once the wolves were gone, one of the girls called her a witch, as only witches could commune with animals.  When they tried to pull her hood off, she snapped at them, not biting them, but they feared her when her eyes had turned yellow.  Realizing they were afraid of her, she sped off back to the woods and back home.  She had told her family on what had happened, but before anything else, a knock came at the door, as the guest was none other than Alistair Grimm, who had heard rumors of a witch nearby.  He carefully examined Cerise as Valerie had told him the truth but begged him not to hurt her daughter.  Though in a surprising turn of events, much to Cerise, he gently pet her hoodless head and smiled, saying that all he saw was a little girl with big ears, and commented on his small ears, making her giggle

Though celebration had to be put on hold as a raging mob outside caused the Grimmhunter scholar to walk out and quell the mob, even threatening them if they started something, he would finish them all.  However, his threat was on deaf ears as the house was set ablaze, and he heard screaming inside, as he rushed in.  two of the villagers had broken in and killed Valerie and Peter, and was about to kill Cerise, until Alistair knocked them out cold.  In the confusion, he and Cerise raced out the backway as the cabin house collapsed for all to see, as the villagers cheered that they had been rid of the evil haunting their woods.  All the while Alistair and Cerise had gotten to a safe distance as the old man carried and cradled the crying and scared girl, walking away.  

Taking her to Fantalasia’s Grimm Bros. Academy, Cerise was made a ward of the school, given a scholarship so she could learn and study like a person.  When she learned of the Grimmhunters, she wanted to volunteer to be one at the age of 10, even though Alistair wasn’t all that happy about it, until she made an argument about wanting to stop incidents like the one that happened to her.  Years later at the age of sixteen, Cerise was one of the quickest and more talented Grimmhunters to be ranked even in the Bottom of the Barrel group of the Dorm House GRIMM.  Though she had a habit of working alone to hide her ears from others, making her something of a lone wolf among others, with people mistaking her attitude as being snobbish and grouchy.

Then one day, whilst coming back from a mission with the two 3-feet teeth of a dragon she had slain, she was assigned to two new trainees and students:  Dexter Blake and Raven Queens.  Alistair had appointed her to try and train them both for field work that day, much to her dislike in it.  The whole day they had been given the cold shoulder, and even given harsh criticism from her, which only made it hard for them both to try and get along with her.  And whenever they got close to her, she’d snap and glare at them sharply enough to get them to freeze in their tracks.  Later that night, when Alistair tried to convince Cerise to be a little more lenient with them, she refused, saying she’d push anyone away to hide her secret.  Though this did not go unheard as Dexter was nearby.

When she was back in the dorm lounge, Dexter faced her on it, and asked what her secret was.  Of which she nearly ‘bit his face off’ as she roared to go screw himself.  Getting fed up on it, he picked her up over his shoulder, while glaring at everyone that he and Cerise were gonna have a private chat, of which everyone backed off while she berated on them to try and save her calling them idiots.  It did little good, as he carried her off to her room, and locked them both in.  once she was sitting in the bed, she defied his request, but became worried as he pinned her suddenly down, and smirked, saying he’d have to persuade her to talk, making her worried he’d do shameful things to her.  Though for a moment of hesitation and a shocked look on his face would give Cerise the chance to push him off… but paled as he asked if those were wolf ears sticking on her head.  Paling, she realized that her ears had been exposed.  About to try and knock him out, he managed to gently grab one of her ears, rubbing it.  Since nobody ever rubbed her ears, it sent a rather shivered pleasure down her spine, causing her to whimper at the feeling.  As Dexter pressed on for the info, she weakly but willfully denied anything, until he blew in her ear, causing her to cry out a moan.  Almost about to break, and much worry for Dexter as he was thinking he was going too far, she managed to weakly ask if she told him, would he still like her and not runaway.  The question seemed to catch the boy off-guard, but answered he would accept her, though finished her off as he lightly sucked on her ear, causing her to cry out in a climax of the torture.

Afterwards, with her calm and him apologizing, though she said it was unnecessary as she was happy, because he didn’t hate her.  And then finally, she revealed her father was a turned werewolf, and that her mother’s father was actually the one that turned her father, as well as the Big Bad Wolf.  Though she didn’t expect him to take it so well, as well as say that he wasn’t the kind of guy that would hate others because of her heritage or a furry ear or two, as well as saying he’d keep it a secret for her to help her.  This was too much for the daughter of Red Riding Hood, as Cerise suddenly balled out crying in her hands.  When he apologized again, she shook her head, saying she was happy that he didn’t hate her, left her, or told on her.  

Because of this, Cerise was able to trust in Dexter and seemed a bit more open with him as she was with Alistair.  Though it would also grow to Raven as well when she discovered her heritage due to Chessie Cheshire, the daughter of the Cheshire Cat, attempted to expose her secret as a prank… only for Raven to quickly cover it up with a speed spell she claimed to have put on Cerise… and then put on Chessie sending her running around the track, cementing the trio in a secret kept.

It would also be later on that Cerise would have to go back to Daggerhorn when she heard the Big Bad Wolf was shown again, planning to put her past behind her, as well as revealing more secrets later on.  It would also cement her feelings for Dexter in the process too.

Personality:  At the beginning of the series, Cerise had a quiet and cold personality, rarely showing any feelings or emotions, even when she was speaking, more with an attitude befitting a lone wolf figure.  She was also the only one in the dorm who didn’t get along with anyone, much less Raven or Dexter, often insulting and rebuking the latter for being a guy and claiming he had a perverted nature, although she reveals that she respects him for never giving up and considers him a hard worker later on that day, but immediately punches him in the stomach to make him not think she was warming up to him. She shows the most concern for her comrades when they are in trouble, often lending her strength in fights. Cerise apparently has a problem with people calling her a midget (although the context of the phrase could be used to be called flat, as in bust size), as shown in her second battle against a Grimmhunter gone rogue named Freed Seltzer.  This may stem from her insecurity about her small bust size.

She is really uncomfortable concerning her small chest, as it's not only rare for a Lycan but also she sees it as a huge disadvantage in trying to win Dex's affections. She doesn't object very convincingly when Bliss plays with her body when they had a sleepover. While she does like shows of affection, she easily gets wildly flustered when such affection is even remotely public. Further, whenever she catches either Raven or Bliss in anything remotely erotic with Dexter, she gets quite angry, both because she thinks it's inappropriate and because she feels left out.  Later on, she starts to, instead of getting jealous that she's being left out, will insert herself into and mimic whatever it is Raven or any other girl is doing. She's pleasant and cordial with just about everyone she meets, it's only those to whom she gets close that see her honestly snark, quarrel, and pout.

Cerise seems to be on good terms with most of the students and fellow Grimmhunters, but she's nonetheless a reserved individual who is more than meets the eye.  Granted that she's not exactly a loud individual, her inhuman athleticism surprises most.  Being part wolf as well as having the blood of the Big Bad Wolf in her, Cerise is an excellent athlete, if not the best at Grimm Bros. Academy, as well as being a swift Hunter on the field.  She's prone to wolf-like tendencies and outbreaks, which is a huge inconvenience as she has been trying to hide her heritage.  Nevertheless, she loved her parents equally as she was ecstatic when they had a picnic together when she was little and before they died, and regularly carries around a locket of their family photo, one of her as a baby with her parents, and when she was six and with them as well.   She is cautious about her secret and makes sure she keeps her wolf heritage out of public knowledge.  Because of this, she brushes off others as well as putting up an agitated and angry attitude to push others away.  And as such, she has always kept her hood on. 

Though Cerise acts somewhat standoffish to the people who want to know more about her, she is incredibly protective of her friends and respects them for their secrets, and is definitely not the type to betray anyone for something of her own benefit. She is a bit mysterious. She goes under the name "Cerise Hood" with the family name "Hood" from her mother to protect the fact that her father is a wolf and that her grandfather on her mother’s side is the Big Bad Wolf.  The last time someone found out, both her parents were killed and her house burnt down by an angry mob.  Because of this, she has tried her best to hide her wolf ears, and to keep her heritage a secret.

Although Cerise tries her best hiding her family heritage, she is not discouraged when it comes to exhibiting her athletic ability on school grounds or on the field, or even become outgoing whenever she needs to be. As the grand-daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, she has sharpened senses such as superhuman speed in which she utilizes when playing sports - her favorite sporting activity being Track and Shield.

At the end of the mission with her going back to Daggerhorn, Cerise experiences a change in her personality after Dexter helps her overcome her past and her fears and now starts acting friendly with others, and/or showing emotions of love towards Dex. Her love for Dex grows so much that she starts to go into mating season (though this was later stopped by Raven and the others before she went too far). However, she still acts like a loner due to her wolf nature, but doesn’t hesitate to ask for help from her friends, showing that she’s trying more harder to be part of ‘the pack’.

Cerise has also shown that she has some interests in getting involved with the school and her friends more, such as planning academy sports.

Cerise notes that she's shy around boys but she's "always been drawn to the leader of the pack."  She sees Dexter as the leader of the pack she’s with as such.  Because of this, she seems to be gunning for him, despite him being close to Raven the most.

When she gets drunk, her more wolf-like persona comes out, acting rather cute in the process.  Though most of the time, she seems to go over to Dex to have her back and head petted.



    ·         Lycan Abilities:  Because of her father’s Lycan blood, as well as her mother’s, with her mother being related to the Big Bad Wolf, Cerise has two powerful bloodlines flowing through her. 

    ·         Superhuman Speed:  Cerise has incredible superhuman speed.  Not superman speed, but she can outrun bigger opponents, like Giants or Gularg, and even keep up with fast warriors like Jack the Ripper or Namura, who are insanely fast with their combat styles.

    ·         Heightened Senses:  Like wolves, Cerise’s senses of smell and hearing are heightened to inhuman levels, enabling her to be a pretty good hunter/tracker.

    ·         Night Vision:  Like most wolves, Cerise’s eyes adjust to darkness rather quickly, enabling her to see in the dark easily.

    ·         Lycan Translation:  Like a switch, Cerise’s mind is able to translate and understand werewolves while they’re in their giant wolf state, as well as ordinary wolves.  She’s been known to have long conversations with regular wolves.  Apparently, it can also be used to translate other humans turned into beasts.


    ·         After she is bitten by a Werewolf, more like tricking him to do so, Cerise’s full powers have been awakened.

    ·         Transformation:  Cerise is now able to transform into a horse-sized wolf.

    ·         Lycan form:  She also has a lycanthrope form.  Though it’s not as powerful as her Wolf form, it is still something not to take likely.



    ·         Archery/Marksmanship: Cerise shows reasonably good accuracy with a bow during her archery club events. This is most likely due to her involvement in being trained by her father in the ways of hunting, she is an accomplished archer.

    ·         Combat Training:  Taught by Mulan and Vex, her skills with the blade could rival that of Hansworth or his brother and sister, Darius and Darla.

    ·         Woodsman Knowledge:  Her father taught her his trade in work, hoping one day it would come in handy for her should she ever need to fend for herself.  Her following skills are:

    ·         Survival Skills

    ·         Axe-Handling


Hand-to-Hand Combat



    ·         Outfits/Magic Thread tethered:  After awakening her full powers, Cerise had her uniform and clothes tailor-made with Magic Thread.  This enables them to transform along with her instead of shredding off.

    ·         Woodsman Blades: Made from the fangs of fallen wolves, Cerise had these blades made especially for her; they are both deadly and versatile, capable of transforming between lethal blades and curved hooks. While a sharp blade is always useful in a fight, a surprise hook to the legs can catch an opponent off-guard.  They have three modes:

    o   Short Sword

    o   Scythe

    o    Woodsman Pistols:  In pistol form, they allow her to fire her mana bullets.

    ·         Mirror-lock Picnic Backpack:  A backpack made by her mother’s story that can act as both bookbag and picnic basket.  It stores both meals and gear for her, but can only be unlocked by her thumb print.

    ·         Red Hood:  From the handmade hood her mother made to the red hood Alistair gave her as she grew up, she’s never seen without it. Tailor made to be comfortable and rather effective as it has been woven with kelvar and magic thread, making it rather bullet and blade proof.  That, and it’s good for her to hide her ears in.

    ·         Headband:  Dex had the headband made for her in case her hood was pulled off during battle when on the job, making it look like she’s wearing wolf ears.

Voice Actor:  Cherami Leigh

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Comments: 25

IvanksMW [2019-08-15 22:30:38 +0000 UTC]

axe wielding wolfgal and a cute one at that 

nice character design

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to IvanksMW [2019-08-15 22:43:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sideways865 [2019-08-06 19:47:21 +0000 UTC]

I like her. I have to say, with her hood on, it looks more like a big pile of red hair instead of a hood. Her face looks really cute despite her cold personality. Her gear sounds cool as well, especially the backpack. Raven better watch out because Dexter has a wolf girl after him. Sweet work on her.           

When I say I like her, it's not as much as Raven but still.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to Sideways865 [2019-08-08 04:24:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

I figured, but still, thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sideways865 In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-09-16 14:07:09 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

human72 [2019-08-06 16:30:05 +0000 UTC]

I like this gal though the village should be given a taste in a old fassion riot suppression though gather them all up expose there mis deed and wait till one of them lashes out and then give the whole lot a mass volley to the face so that there dead would be enough to be rependence for them mobbing up for a mob only brutal force would have to be used to put them down. one man is not enough to calm the mob and at times making a few examples is all it would take to make sure the rest are behaving.

other then that I would give the gal some rubs and more to help her feel better. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to human72 [2019-08-08 04:23:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. 


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

human72 In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-08 16:11:27 +0000 UTC]

np and the gal should have all the confort she needs etc. wonder if more of the wolf genetics comes in to play though the past will never stay buried for her especially when the wolf comes back.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to human72 [2019-08-10 01:00:09 +0000 UTC]


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human72 In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-10 15:05:39 +0000 UTC]

indeed though idk if the cape woven with such materials to make it blade and round resilient would be pratical unless there is a way she goes about it that would max it's protection or something. we need to see how it works in action.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to human72 [2019-08-11 01:14:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

human72 In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-12 04:46:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thelordofthemachines [2019-08-06 10:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Surprised it took you this long to make a cat ears character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to thelordofthemachines [2019-08-08 04:23:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

but she's actually wolf-eared.

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thelordofthemachines In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-08 07:41:57 +0000 UTC]


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StoneMan85 In reply to thelordofthemachines [2019-08-08 22:50:34 +0000 UTC]


Say, you still think having foot wear for the weres with no toes is still a bad thing?

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thelordofthemachines In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-09 10:03:15 +0000 UTC]

Eh, Suppose not.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to thelordofthemachines [2019-08-10 01:00:02 +0000 UTC]

Okay, just wondering on in the future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-PBG [2019-08-06 05:00:20 +0000 UTC]

I really like this character: although her standard outfit is again a bit on the nose, like RWBY Rose

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to The-PBG [2019-08-08 04:23:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.  I was trying so hard to steer away from that, but in the end, she ended up looking like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-PBG In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-08 06:23:11 +0000 UTC]

Maybe try looking up more gothic corsets and going less messy? (Like no ripped leggings)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to The-PBG [2019-08-08 06:28:11 +0000 UTC]

I see.  Thanks on that info. 

I'll try to implement that on the next goth girl I make.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Skydiver152 [2019-08-06 00:08:16 +0000 UTC]

I like her already, I would definitely give her a hug and a ear rub.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StoneMan85 In reply to Skydiver152 [2019-08-08 04:23:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Skydiver152 In reply to StoneMan85 [2019-08-08 10:58:33 +0000 UTC]


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