StormBringerBoy — Shinkalion: Defenders of Japan. Chapter 2
Published: 2018-08-17 00:02:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 1929; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description Akio Chiko and Kyou Hanako, The Masters of combat!

Previously on Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion: Defenders of Japan.

 A young boy named Akio Chiko had encountered the little-known Black Shinkansen. Akio wanted to know more about the train, so his father, Yugo Chiko, Brought him to work, but when Hayato, Akita, and Tsuranuki are in danger, Akio began to pilot the E8 Shinkalion and fight the monster. Now the only thing left is to figure out a way to beat it.

Akio was the new driver for the E8, but he had no clue how to fight the monster without a team to help him. "How do I fight this guy by myself? I'll be killed if I do myself unless I have a team to back me up. Wait, That's it!" He exclaimed. He Decided to prop up the three other shinkalion units and fix Akita's arm. He used the heat from the Pantograph Axe's electricity to weld the joint back together. "Try and move your arm now, Akita." stated the young boy. Akita moved his robot's arm and to his joy, the repairs worked perfectly. The damage was gone. "It feels good as new! Thanks, Akio! I'll hold the monster off in anyway I can while you help the others." He replied. Akio nodded and went to tend to Tsuranuki, who went partially insane from the hits he took. The E7's Driver was laughing manically and sputtering nonsense.

Akio was not sure how to solve this problem until he remembered that sometimes slapping a person helps them calm down. "I can't believe I'm gonna do this, but here goes! Sorry, buddy!" Akio said as he raised his robot's hand and swiftly slapped the E7's Head and since the drivers are connected with the Shinkalion, Tsuranuki felt the blow and snapped out of his mental episode. "What happened to me? I feel like I went crazy for a while." He groaned while rubbing his head from the impact. Akio said he'd explain later, but he needed The E7 to keep the monster at bay until the E5 was up and running again. Tsuranuki agreed and went to fight alongside Akita.

Akio walked over to the E5 and activated his axe. "Now the only thing left is to power you up again, Hayato. is there a place on the E5 i can plug my axe into and charge you up?" Hayato though hard about any power plugs on his robot and he soon remembered that his Shinkalion's nose cone had a coupler that can act as an outlet and absorb electrcity. Akio opened the front coupler and placed the handle of the axe inside. "Ok, brace yourself, Hayato!" Warned Akio. He started up the axe's electricity and began to power the E5, but the creature saw Akio and shot some darts at the E8. "AKIO, BEHIND YOU!!" Akita and Tsuranuki yelled with worry. Akio turned around and saw the darts, but he was too slow and they hit the E8's back. "AAARGH!" Screamed Akio in pain. "Son, Please respond! are you ok!?" Yugo said frantically. Akio got up and was ok, despite groaning in pain a bit. " Yeah, Dad. I'm alive." He replied assuringly, Yugo let out a long sigh of relief and sank into his chair. "Oh, thank goodness!".

Soon enough, Akio charged the E5 to full power and Hayato was ready to fight again. "Thanks for the power boost, Akio!" Said Hayato gratefully. "No problem. Now, let's kick that monster's sorry butt!" Akio replied as the E8 and E5 jumped down from the overhead tracks and rushed towards the monster with their weapons in hand. The E6 was shooting the monster with the rapid fire setting on the railway crossing rifles, While the E7 was attacking with the drill, using brute strength as usual. Hayato joined in the fight, but Akio stayed back and watched the three drivers and how they were fighting. "Akio, Why aren't you fighting? That was the whole point of you piloting the E8!" Exclaimed Mihara anxiously. Even Commander Izumi was getting puzzled, but Yugo was the only one who knew what his son was up to. "Just give him time. He's thinking.". "Thinking? We don't have time for him to think!" said one of the operators impatiently.

The command crew was getting restless, but Akio knew what to do in order to defeat the monster. He raised his axe and quickly activated the wheels under the E8's feet and sped into battle, but instead of going to fight the monster, he went to the wall of the capture field and let the wheels catch into the train tracks on the floor and propelled the robot to 200 miles an hour. The other drivers and the monster watched with confusion as they saw Akio's robot circling the battlefield. "Akio, what on earth are you up to? Has Tsuranuki's insanity gone to your head too?" Akita asked. Tsuranuki glared at him angrily for saying that. Akio Smirked but only said "Just wait and see, boys, But keep attacking the creature!". He Didn't reveal his plan for fear the monster could hear him.

As the E8 punched the wall and sent itself speeding towards the monster, the other drivers kept up the attacks on the beast. Izumi saw the movement the E8 was using and suddenly figured out what Akio's idea was. "That explains the circling around the field. He was using the high speed from the shinkalion's wheels to turning into momentum for attack power. He knew he can't just hit it wth the weapon normally, so he decided to boost his strength. You raised a good kid, Director Yugo." He thought to himself Akio readied the the Pantograph axe and jumped in the air. "Guys, you can fall back now! I'm going in for the knockout! Shinkalion E8, Activate Electro Pound!" Akio roared.

The white and blue Shinkalion unit turned on it's electric current, creating electrical arcs and shock around it's axe and began to dive towards the monster. "Akio, What are you doing!? You'll get hurt!" Yugo said fearfully. Akio knew that was possible, but at this point, there was no going back. He knew he had to take risks to protect the people he loved. "I will do whatever it takes to protect Japan and the people in it and if I hurt myself, so be it." He valiantly replied, though even he could hardly believe he said that. but he somehow meant every word. Yugo could only watch as his son's robot dove towards the monster and smashed the missile launcher, while seeing the massive explosion the came after the creature's defeat. "AKIO! NO!" Everyone shouted in worry, but thankfully, the fear was soon revlieved as they saw the E8 leap out of the blast in one piece. "YES, AKIO SURVIVED! WHOOHOO!" Yugo cheered loudly. The Command team smiled and chuckled at Yugo's happiness.

The drivers returned back to the hanger and when they stepped out of the Shinkansen, Everyone cheered for the Kids' excellent performance in the battlefield, especially Akio, for his great idea of gathering speed and using it as attack power to destroy the monster. "Akio, Your performance today was astounding, considering your time on the job. You boys can go rest in the lounge room." Said Commander Izumi. The kids arrived at the relaxation lounge and began to talk about today's battle. "Akio, that was an incredible idea you had! Rolling around the Capture Field and gaining more power, that was amazing!" Hayato exclaimed cheerfully. "I gotta admit. I could never pull that move off either." Said Akita and Tsuranuki at the same time. "Hah, Jinx! You owe me a drink! No, you do. YOU DO!" Akio shook his head, smiling as he watched as the two boys get into another argument. "Hey guys, I've been meaning to ask you. How did you get so banged up in the battle anyway?".

Tsuranuki was scratching his head, trying to remember the details of the fight. "I think it went something like this. We got in the Capture field to fight the monster. Hayato was running to hit the monster with his sword, Akita was perched on the upper levels tracks, Shooting at the thing and I was trying to whack it with my drill. But that plan didn't work because when we gave it everything we got, the creature shot missile darts at us and threw us into that small corner. It was that time when Hayato lost power, I went cuckoo, and Akita's Shinkalion broke it's arm until you came along and helped us out. At least that's how it went for me." He replied. Akita and Hayato agreed, believing that to be the story of the day. "Well, now I have one more question. How was I able to beat the monster, when the three of you got wrecked? Is there like a power boost in my Shinkalion?" Akio Asked. "I think it was how we were fighting in the battlefield which gave the monster the upper hand." Answered Akita insightfully. Hayato was puzzled. "What did you mean by that?" Akio was confused too, until he understood what Akita meant. "Based on Tsuranuki's description of today's brawl, You guys were just rushing into battle without figuring out what the beast was able to do to counter your moves and styles. It also means that whoever is creating these weird things is testing our skills to see if we can be beaten easily at some point."

"You have a very good point, my young friend." said Commander Izumi as he walked in with Akio's father. The two tall men heard Akio's theory about being guinea pigs for dangerous tests. "If what you say is really true, Akio, then we need as many drivers as we can get for our team." Yugo said sternly. Akio thought about how to get more drivers to assist in the war against the monsters, when he remembered his best friend at school, who had a slight obsession with robots. and even had a theory about shinkansen that transform into robots and fight monsters. "Hey dad, remember that kid from school who actually knew about the shinkalion, even though he didn't really know?" Asked Akio. Yugo nodded. "Why do you ask, son?". "Well, I think he's the perfect one to drive a Shinkalion. He's even been playing the Simulator and got a very good score!" Added the young boy. Yugo approved and told Akio to bring him over to the Ultra Evolution lab after Karate class, to which Akio excitedly agreed to do.

The next day. Akio woke up and got ready to go to his martial arts school. When he arrived, the students all ran to him, talking about the black bullet train he encountered. "Akio, Did you see this!? It's insane! Where did it come from? It's pretty scary, right?" They all said at the same time. Akio was surprised to hear that half of the people in class had seen the monster train. "You all saw it too!? That thing woke me up in the middle of the night! I even have it recorded!" he said pulling out his phone and showing everyone the video. Everyone was shocked to see that Akio had filmed the train passing by. "What's everyone so excited about?" Asked a young, Yellow haired boy, who looked to be Akio's age. "Hi Kyou!" Akio Started Happily. "I have to talk to you about something in private. You won't believe it!"

Kyou and Akio Walked over to the benches to discuss Akio's surprise. "Ok, so what did you wanna tell me?" Asked Kyou curiously. "Remember when you said there were Shinkansen that transform into robots and fight monsters? You were right. They do exist and I get to drive one, and you will too, once I bring you to the Omiya railway museum to get your train, But you can't tell anyone but your parents about this" Akio Whispered. He wanted to keep his voice down so the other kids wouldn't hear about the shinkalion. "Are you serious? I get to drive a train at this age?" Kyou exclaimed excitedly. "Even better. A robot train!" Akio replied.the boys were very excited to be working together soon. After their class, The two boys made their way to the shinkansen station. "Dude, I'm sooooo hyped that we'll be working together and fighting monsters with the Shinkalion!" Kyou said cheerfully. Akio giggled, watching his best friend dance on the spot at the station platform.

The E5 pulled into the station and the boys got onboard the train. As they got into their seats, Akio noticed a boy who looked to be 14 years old. the older kid's sweater had the same SUEI logo as his and that made him wonder if he was a shinkalion driver too. "Hey Kyou, Do you see that boy over there?" He asked his friend. Kyou nodded and revealed the boy's name to be Ryuji Kiyosu. "He goes to our Karate class too, though nobody talks to him because they didn't have the guts to do it. Not even I can utter a word out to him. He always looks upset about something though." Akio took a look at Ryuji again, but when he saw the teenager look in his direction, he immediately turned away and faced the seat in front of him. "Do you think he knows about me looking at him?" Akio interrogated to his friend nervously, Hoping the tall boy didn't know he was looking at him. "Uh, Yes. He does seem to know that." Kyou answered sheepishly. "How do you know he saw me?" Asked Akio as he slowly turned his head to the older boy. "Because Ryuji is looking at us too." Said Kyou and he was right. Ryuji was looking at them, but he seemed focused on both of them more than anything. "Those two must be the new drivers commander Izumi told me about." Ryuji thought to himself. He saw how timid and shy Akio was, so he decided to stop looking at the boys.

 later the E5 Arrived in Omiya where the museum was. The boys walked to the doors of the building when they saw Ryuji again, walking to the same place they're going. This time, Ryuji looked over at Akio and Kyou and smiled softly at them. "Hello, My name is Ryuji Kiyosu. What are your names?" Akio looked at Ryuji and smiled back as well. "My name is Akio Chiko and this is my best friend and partner, Kyou Hanako!" The young boy replied, gesturing to his buddy on the other side of him. "Hi." said Kyou, smiling bashfully. "Are You two going to look at some trains?" Ryuji asked. "Actually, Commander Izumi asked me to bring Kyou here so he can drive the shinkalion, like me!" Replied Akio. "Oh, so you guys the new drivers here. I'm a driver too. Maybe I can ask Izumi to give a simulation of the capture field so you guys can use it to your advantage in your battles. Would you like that?" said Ryuji politely. Akio and Kyou accepted his offer and went into the Lab With Ryuji, where Hayato, Akita and Tsuranuki, Along with three other kids. The first boy dressed like a ninja, wearing a sweater, some brown pants and ninja shoes. The boy also had black hair like Akio, but sported a purple streak in his bangs. The second kid had light brown hair with yellow dye and wore a jean jacket, some black pants and red sneakers. the third was a Turquoise haired girl wearing an argyle sweater, a black skirt with dark gray leggings, and purple boots,  sitting with the boys. She was the only female in the group. 

"Hello, everyone." Akio said meekly, but they didn't hear him at all. Ryuji noticed that whenever Akio is around people he doesn't know personally, he acts as nervous as a fainting goat, so he decided to say hello for him. "Hey, everyone! I'm back and guess who I ran into on the way." Ryuji said, revealing Akio and Kyou from behind his back. "Who are they?" The girl asked. "My name is Akio Chiko. You look like a vocaloid named Hatsune Miku." Said the black haired boy. The girl giggled. "I am Miku. It's very nice to meet you Akio!" Miku Replied. "My name is Kyou Hanako. Akio here is my best friend!" The yellow haired boy said happily. "Why are you here, Kyou? Did Akio forget this place was top secret?" Asked the boy with light brown hair teasingly. Ryuji only looked at him with an unamused glare and replied. "No, He's going to be a driver, Rei." "Really? You're gonna be a Driver, Kyou?" Asked Hayato Excitedly. Kyou nodded and asked Hayato where he should go to get his shinkalion. "Head to Commander Izumi's office and talk to him about it. He'll give you a good train. I'd take you, but We're talking some things over. Sorry." Hayato Apologized Sheepishly. "Don't worry about it, Hayato. I'll Take him to Commander Izumi. Akio replied. The Two boys set off to find the director's office. "That Akio kid is very unusual." Rei said to his friends. I think he's gonna make things interesting." Said Shinobu. Everyone agreed with the ninja kid while watching Akio and Kyou walk away into the hall.

The boys eventually made it to the Commander's office, where they saw Akio's dad, Yugo, talking about the monster war with Izumi. "Hello Commander Izumi, Director Yugo." Akio and Kyou said in unison. "Hello, boys. You must be Kyou Hanako, The new driver. Welcome to the Ultra Evolution Lab. Come with me to the hanger and I'll give you your new Shinkalion." Said the commander. Kyou complied and followed him to the train hanger. "Akio, I keep telling you, You don't have to call me Director Yugo. I'm still your dad." Yugo chuckled. "Oops. Sorry Father." Akio said laughing a bit. "You don't have to call me Father either. Just Dad or Yugo is fine, son." stated Yugo, Laughing. Akio giggled cutely after joking around with Yugo. "You're funny sometimes, Akio. Even when you don't plan on it, you're still funny." Yugo said, patting his son's head. Akio smiled and said "I always thought you were the funny one, dad!" Yugo and Akio always enjoyed their father-son moments.

Suddenly their phones rang, alerting all of the drivers of a giant squid monster with tentacles in the Hokkaido Region. "There's a monster in Miku's hometown! I gotta go dad. See you in the command center!" Akio shouted as he ran off to fight the monster. "Ok, Good luck, Akio!" His Dad replied. He was about to walk to the command center when He felt something wrap around his waist. It was his son, who ran back and hugged him. Yugo returned the hug and the two let go, running to their stations. Akio and the other drivers rushed to their trains, but Kyou was puzzled about what was going on. "Akio, What's happening?" He inquired nervously. "There's a monster in Hokkaido. We gotta get there quickly!" Akio Replied. "Seriously? I'll be right there!" Kyou said, Running to as fast as wind to his train, thanking his best friend for everything. Akio Smiled and got into the E8. Kyou entered a Yellow and orange Shinkansen that had the shape of the 500 Kodama shinkansen. When he entered, the Shinkalion changed his outfit into a driver's uniform that was the same color as the train itself"Shinkalion E9 Nagano, Online." Said the onboard P.A system. "Alright, Kyou, Ready to get to work?" Asked Akio confidently. "You know it!" Kyou Replied excitedly. He put the Card in the Shinca gear and pulled the lever down. "This train is bound for the Hokkaido Region." The P.A speaker said. "Shinkalion E9, All Aboard!" Kyou Shouted. The signal turned green and the E9 Left the building, speeding off to Hokkaido.

The Monster was teleported to a capture field so it wouldn't cause anymore damage, But it began to try and break through it. "How close are any of you to the capture field? The monster is trying to break out!" Mihara Futaba exclaimed. "As of now, Akio and Kyou are closest, but the rest of us will be there soon." Ryuji Replied. The E8 and E9 pulled into Hokkaido at full speed, entering the capture field. "Ready, Akio?" Kyou asked his friend excitedly. "I was born Ready!" Akio Replied. The Two Drivers pulled their Shinca Gear modules and began transformation. "Change, Shinkalion!" They shouted, as the Bullet trains converted into robots. 

Once the conversion was complete, the Shinkalion landed in the battlefield facing the giant monster which resembled a squid. "What codename shall we give this monster? Izumi asked curiously. "We can call it Metal Mollusk. It looks like it's a mechanical squid." Akio Stated. "Ok, Metal Mollusk it is." Said Mihara. The E8 and E9 Got out of the Steel Squid's line of sight and began to discuss their battle strategy. "What should we do first, Akio? Kyou asked. Akio Looked at the monster and got an idea. "Find out what it's capable of and exploit any weakness it may have. Everyone has some flaws, whether they like it, or not. Don't attack yet, but don't get hit either, K, buddy?" Akio said as if he were a war general. "Loud and clear, dude." Kyou replied. The boys came out of hiding and got their weapons ready. 

The monster detected The E8 and Tried to hit it swiftly with one of it's tentacles, but the E8 Jumped and dodged it. "Well, that's one of the things it can do. Is there anything else you can see, Kyou?" Akio questioned. Kyou saw the Squid monster almost pin him to the wall with a chained spike from it's tentacle. "It can do that too, and since it has ten of those things, it may be harder to attack until the others arrive!"" Kyou added. Just then, The boys saw the other Shinkalion land in the Capture Field, ready to fight. "Akio, Kyou, since you have figured out what the Metal Mollusk can do, You will have to take the reins in this fight. Tell the other drivers what they have to do in order to destroy the beast." Yugo told the two boys seriously. Akio and Kyou looked at each other and the drivers. "Ok, we'll do it, dad." His son replied.

Akio and Kyou got ready for battle "Alright, guys, That robot squid has about two abilities that can only be countered with all of us working like a team. Ryuji, Hayato, Shinobu, Tsuranuki and Miku, You guys and I will attack the monster with our melee weapons." Akio commanded. "While the shooters, Akita, me, and Rei use our long range weapons to disorient and damage the squid. Miku's Home is at stake here, so give it everything you've got, OK, Guys?" Kyou finished. The drivers all agreed to the battle plan and went into action. The E5 and H5 Hayabusas were doing a syncronized sword fight against two of the squid's tentacles, but they were overpowered and got knocked away. "Hayato, Miku! Are you ok?" Asked Akio worriedly. "We're fine, but this thing is strong. " The two drivers replied, getting up from the hit. Akio and Kyou looked at each other with worry in their eyes. If the drivers attacking with perfect sync can get beat up easily, How can they defeat the monster at all?

Next stop is Chapter three. Fight! Shinkalion VS Metal Mollusk!

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Comments: 6

CaseyHung [2019-03-02 11:39:29 +0000 UTC]

If this story takes place between ep 22 and 25,then Rei shouldn't be here. 'Cause it should be Rei's first time to meet Shinobu and Miku in person in episode 26.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaseyHung [2019-01-29 02:19:19 +0000 UTC]

Usually the members of SUEI,including the Shinkalion drivers,wear clothes with SUEI logo only when they are training and they don't wear them outside the base.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaseyHung [2018-12-28 02:11:53 +0000 UTC]

E5's nose coupler is a launcher of a kind of beam called Gran Cross in its Shinkalion mode.It doesn't serve as a charging socket.
The shinkalion's charging sacket is on its back.(See episode 27 of the animation.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StormBringerBoy In reply to CaseyHung [2018-12-28 02:48:34 +0000 UTC]

Now, that episode wasn't around when i wrote this, so i went with what i thought up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaseyHung [2018-12-26 02:20:59 +0000 UTC]

What time does your story take place in the animation story timeline? I can only tell that it's after the Episode 21 since the shinkalion 800 had appeared in your story while neither 500 Kodama nor the 700 Series had appeared.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StormBringerBoy In reply to CaseyHung [2018-12-26 02:24:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, It takes place after episode 21. and, from there, It acts as events that happen in between the episodes of the story. The whole thing will be updates, so it's be better than last time.

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