This was my most challenging and satisfying piece. I’m proud of it. Sure, there are some choppy blends but I still love how it turned out. I studied colour theory in order to understand more about shades and blending. I highly recommend if you want to boost your colouring and blending skills, I wouldn’t be able to do the yellow to gray shift without it.
When it comes to colour palette it was inspired by a ray of sun falling on my purple wall and turning it brown. It was lovely with a steel blue cloudy sky outside. The palette was actually more limited than you may think – sure, I used plenty of pencils (but in general, this is how I roll), but I didn’t implement any red/pink shades. Only browns, purples, yellows and grays. The reddish pinkish undertones came by blending and mixing the base colours in different combinations. The only one I didn’t go for was purple-yellow, because I suspect it would pull too red and I didn’t want to introduce any more colours.
The inspiration for the name is the warm, heavy feeling when you are just about to fall asleep, kind of one leg already there, somewhat conscious, but the thoughts losing shape like melting butter, swirly and twisted…
Done purely with colour pencils: mostly Faber Castell Scholar (60 p. set), Koh-i-noor Polycolors (72p. set), Colorino kids double sided (18/36 p.), few random nameless pencils.
No blenders or blending mediums.
Design from the Polish edition of "Zen doodle design" by Angela Porter ("Świat kolorów. Skuteczny trening koncentracji")