SuccessfulTallWomen β€” nautical nuptials [πŸ€–]

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Matteo frequently visited Napoli for his shipping company based in Malta, but enjoyed the leisure lifestyle most. He had waggled an invitation from the city council chair, to watch the annual Miss Campania finaliste gala. At the entry reception, invitees mingled amongst a bevy of buxom competitors. Many of the guests were press or social media promoters. Within the throng, he was talking to a charming girl studying in Salerno. Then a particularly tall brunette walked past directly in front of him, completely eclipsing his view. She had not noticed him. She completed blocked his conversation. Matteo, annoyed, quickly reconnected with his girl by ducking under the tall girls armpit. Seeing this, the Salerno girl could not help giggling at the ridiculous height difference; unable to take him seriously with a towering amazon directly behind him.

Another contestant saw this as well, and put her hand to her face in suppressed laughter, while another took a photo of it. "La gigantessa e il nano" she giggled.

Distraught, Matteo turned to the tall candidate. She appeared to be posing for a photographer and had not heeded him. He realized she had a stunning body, and perched on platform wedges, her buttocks came up to his chest. Even posteriorly, she commanded attention. As a rule he did not date tall women, but he was aroused and flummoxed. Even now it would look bad for him, looking at the rear of a woman like this, in such proximity.

"Excuse me" he snapped. "I'm standing here. Excuse me!"

Since she did not answer in the noisy crowd, he stepped around her to face her; but just then, her arm came down from a photo pose, causing her elbow to slam down backwards into the bridge of his nose. Through waves of pain, she turned to discover what happened and her breasts brushed hard against his head, almost knocking him off balance again. She took a step back to take this in, looking down at him in horror.

"Caspita! I'm so sorry. " her face blushed. "You're bleeding, quickly here!" she reached in her purse and gave him something lacey. He pushed the cloth to his face.

"I didn't see you there" the beauty contestant frowned. Several drops of blood had already fallen on his tuxedo.

"Minchia! I think he's a judge" said another fair-haired contestant who did not recognize him.

The statuesque brunette gulped, realizing that this could jeopardize her chances. "Come to the wash room", she said, using her tall figure to cut through the crowd with the stunned Matteo in tow.

In the bathroom, she applied a wet cloth, in vain. "This was a nice suit, it's too bad its ruined" she offered in consolation. "I worked in sales for Cesare Attolini".

He looked in the mirror, realizing she might be almost 200 cm in her shoes, he felt child-like in the confined space with her so close.

His face throbbed, as he continued held the lacey cloth to his nose to staunch the bleeding. "It must have paid well - why did you stop?" he said.

She sighed "My fashion contracts were better pay - and the men customers were always self-conscious to talk about their size to me. I think my presence detracted from their machismo."Β  She looked down her nose at him. "No man wants to discuss size or be measured by a woman 30 cm taller than him" she smirked.

His nose was surely broken, he should how bad it was in the mirror. He removed the cloth to check on his nosebleed, noting it was a silky pattern material. "What is this?" he said perplexed.

Her skin erupted in blush. "That was my lingerie panties - I always change before a reception, so I put the used tangas in my purse. It was the first thing I thought of -" Β 

His skin tingled with warmth, as he put the tanga back to his face to staunch the bleed, he realized he could smell her body in the delicate cloth. "You have expensive taste" he conceded, addressing her left breast because he coudl not move his head up, "La Perla is the best fabric."

"It feels soft, right?" she agreed, "I love the texture, it just feels so.." then swallowed at this impropriety. "I always ask my dates for the best brands" she finished.

He considered, "Its important for the feminine esteem" he added.

She sighed and looked at him in the bathroom mirror, conscious of the absurd height difference. "As a girl I wanted to be dainty and small, instead I got moved up in grades before I was ready" she reminisced, then look down again at the injury. "I feel so lanky and clumsy sometimes." her mouth began to quiver.

With her used panties still held to his bloody nose,Β  he said. "You're the most beautiful women here, the stangonas like you always dominate the passarela." and smiled.

She relaxed and took a breath, and fixed his hair on his head with her long hand, out of instinct. Perhaps it was the only thing she saw.

"You're right." she said. "My nona always said, that once I grow up, men worship tall women. Life would be very good to me. She hasn't been wrong yet" she smiled, tousling his hair again.

"Are you going to be late for the competition?" he asked.

"It's ok. In the passarela, the tallest girl always goes last." she said, irked.

"That's because, if reverse order, no one would stay to the end" he answered."No one cares about the little ones."

She reconsidered, "True, at least I don't need to stand there on stage while my makeup melts" she brightened.

"You should return to prep for the competition" he said. "I'll return your.. underwear later."

Battered, he simply returned to his seat for the evening, and watched the passarela. It struck him that he would have to wait until the end to see her routine, and as the prizes were announced, she won runner up; the patron offering in the prize on the diagonal, and her kneeling low to be crowned.

He waited patiently, through perhaps 90 minutes of photographs, social media exchanges, and caught up with her.

"Congratulations! " he beamed.

"I think your nose is broken, she bent down to inspect, "or was it always uneven? I can't tell with short - I mean from this angle."

"Likely yes - nothing ventured, nothing gained" he shrugged.

"There's an afterparty at Palazzo della Borsa -" she started.

"- I'll take a rain check" he said. "But could I have your number? I doubt you'd ever even DM me back on Instagram." he joked.

She laughed and patted his neck, "Don't be silly. I don't even know how to use it, my agency does that."

Later that week, he took her onto his 40m yacht in the Bay of Naples with several other friends. More than one raised eyebrow was exchanged toward Matteo, and astonished laughter hushed, when she walked onto the dock, towering over the passerby in a contouring dress with an asymetric cutout. "What do you think of the dress?" she twirled, exposing the pert ruched back. "So generous of you help me buy it. Supposed to be midi, but on me its a mini!" she confessed.

He could not complain. "That's what money is for - making pretty girls smile" he joked as they kissed, to the whispers of the group of friends behind them.

"I didn't expect it to be so big" she remarked looking at the long elegant craft, and then at him. "i hope you're not compensating for size" she teased, looking at the top of his head as if he might grow still.

"I told you I'm in shipping, so I need a leisure boat too. My ancestors traded in this sea for millenia," he grinned "Maybe it is too large for me, but thats how I like things." as he gave her a quick squeeze on the hips.

Β It was a beautiful sunlit afternoon, and the small villages of the Amalfi coast smiled back at them from their perches on the rocks, the fresh sea air blowing.

"Its hard to imagine the chaos, when Pliny was trying rescue people from Vesuvio." he reflected, holding her waist as the sunset to the sound of Nu Genea.

"Your nose is looking better" she remarked.

"How does it feel to be Vice Miss Campania? Everything to the north has your allegiance now" he joked.

"The press says I'm the tallest contestants for Miss Italia of all time." She embraced him. "The sashes do look short on me." she reflected, then teased, "sort of like my boyfriends do" and let her bodice rub his ear playfully.

He kept returning to the continent to visit her. Later that year, he invited her for a yacht journey to his family estate in Gozo, Malta. At a garden party, he proposed to her, surprising her with a 15-ct diamond ring. Later than that walked down the beach.

"Someone asked why your nose was broken" she laughed "I had to admit it was me! I had broken your facial bones with my elbow before I even met you!" she laughed.

"I'm always the laughingstock around you." he said. "I was telling the story of how we met" she laughed. "

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