Sucrosis — [[::Paris]]

#app #paris #victorian #thepennydreadfuls
Published: 2018-06-08 09:55:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 752; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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"I have no interest in the affairs of others, but tell me what you know."

✦ Name: Paris Gossamer
✦ Age: 29 [Physical, actual age unknown]
✦ Gender: Male
✦ Nationality: American [Southern]
✦ Race: Homunculus (Serpentine Gem)
✦ Alliance / Faction: None/Denizen
✦ Hair Color:Serpentine Green
✦ Eye Color: Onyx Black
✦ Height: 5’11
✦ Weight: 175lb
✦ Birthday: October 29th
✦ Occupation: Chemist (Specialty in Pharmaceuticals; runs a pharmacy.)

✦ STR: +2
✦ FOR: +2
✦ CON: +4
✦ REF: 0
✦ INT: -3
✦ SPD: 0
✦ PER: -4
✦ PRE: -2
✦ WILL: 0
✦ MAG: 0


Blessing or Curse: Curse




Paris can voluntarily shift into the astral plane, where he is then unable to interact with the living world (unable to be heard, unable to enter buildings or leave buildings if shifted inside) and could only be seen and heard by a medium. During this astral shift, he can see, hear, and interact with spirits and spy on the living.

After he shifts, roll a d2 to determine insight on hostilities, then roll a d10 to determine how many hostile spirits are present and a d10 for how many hours he is stuck in the Astral Plane until he can shift back. Paris must make the choice whether or not to take the risk. 


-Doesn't have to be alone. Paris oft finds himself more at home with ghosts anyway.

-Can interact with spirits, and could potentially learn about locations, objects, or people.

-Can spy on others and follow them around like a ghost ( but cannot interact or talk to them, only observe.)

✦ Cons: 

-When he astral shifts, or 'Ghosts', he is susceptible to physical and psychological harm as there is often evil and hostile spirits inhabiting the astral plane. He is especially susceptible as he is clearly an outsider and his aura is that of a living person as opposed to the deceased.


-Cool down times in between uses, which depends on the length and activity of the astral shift. Shorter periods result in need of rest or sleep of a few hours (1-3hrs), while more intensive periods require rest of 5-12hrs and even days. Especially strenuous shifts can result in severe episodes of dissociation where he is 'caught between' the divide. During these episodes Paris is essentially bed/home bound 

✦ Personality: 

[+Receptive +Devoted +Calm +Curious +Capable +Aesthete] 

[=Experimental =Mystical =Iconoclastic =Absentminded =Subtle]

[-Aloof -Brusque -Disconcerting -Morbid -Clandestine -Withdrawn]

A man that keeps to himself; mind, body, and soul. He is quiet and withdrawn, far off and distant. One who would rather see than be seen. Like water, he is seamless in his flow and unassuming in his daily undertakings of life. A still air hangs around him, be it from his dark features or his personal delusions; a moving body in presence but the mind is somewhere else. A walking dissonance. Paris treats things as if they were both precious and replaceable; a child with a tendency to break his toys, but insists that he keeps the parts. 

Living and life is strange to him, and he does not understand the many nuances that go into its steps which can lead to frustration, but he is the type to let things go, knowing that everything will recycle and begin again. There is peace in death, and everything is temporary. Why waste energy on something that doesn't matter? 

And yet,

He believes in beauty. He knows the quiet lulls of spring days, the buzz of cicadas, and the way fireflies light up the cypress trees at night. He is curious, and knows there is more beyond this; more than what he knows.

✦ Backstory: 
Whoever Paris used to be is lost to the tide, but how did a southern lilted American come to work in an English Pharmacy?

Much of his own memory is blurred, and willfully pushed to the nether of his mind as the truth of his situation doesn't matter. One way or another, his memory starts as being taken in as an apprentice to a Chemist who's fixation on nature and metals and the divide between that and life soon became his own gentle obsession.

Unbidden and unquestioned. Paris would come to accept the grace of the Chemist’s generosity--after all, what else would he do, and where else would he go? Try as he might, there was no memory of family, of friends, of home. Besides a few innate abilities, such as reading and writing (which the Chemist has stated on offhand occasions as ‘odd’, which it was given the times.) he remembered nothing. His mind, a blank void. 

Maybe something would come back to him.

Oft nothing did, except for flittering flickers of cypress trees and magnolias in his dreams, as the call of cicadas and katydids faded out with morning light. 

The Pharmacist treated him as a business partner, and sometimes, unsaid, as a son. He mentored him and taught him his crafts; ranging from pharmaceuticals to the science behind clothing dye; through the ebb and flow of daily tasks. Learning was as second-nature as running the store. It was a part of the job. Paris would become quite knowledgeable as things fell into routine, and he would find more and more time to read, practice, and experiment as the constant plague of insomnia served quite well in that endeavor.

After shop hours, he would find himself with the Chemist in the workshop, collaborating on theories and hashing out hypotheses. Starting off as a wall to bounce ideas off for the Chemist, Paris would soon become an active and driving participant--proving himself adaptable to the challenges and problems that they would both face in the troubleshooting of various experiments and theories on the deconstruction of nature through chemicals and elements.

Paris flourished behind the closed doors of the pharmacy's workshop, but behind the shop counter during business hours much was left to be desired.

Along with his lack of memory, he had a lack of tact. A lack of--je ne sais quois-- that left customers unhappy. Off-put, unsettled. It was soon apparent that Paris was effectively, and thoroughly, socially inept and verbally hindered. He fumbled with interpersonal interactions, the lofty sort of flow that one finds in between the delivery of information; for Paris, there was none. Polite chit chat of--Oh, lovely weather isn’t it? What do you think of this color? My daughter’s birthday is coming up, and she also has a voracious love of books and science--funny for a girl isn’t it? Though I’m sure a man like you could appreciate that-- was met with silence and dismissal. 

And eventually, scorn and derision.

It would take many a conversation and slaps on the wrist from the Chemist before Paris learned exactly what to look for, how to respond, when to smile. He could never pass for anything more than ‘stoic’, but it was better than being called soulless. Through many years of trial, error, and observational study, he was able to develop emotional intuition, though he could never feel those emotions himself--at least, not in the same way that everyone else seemed to feel them.

The charade left him weary, jaded. How strange life can be, to still be able to live a lie when you never knew your own truth.

Paris would become a familiar fixture amongst those that regularly sought out the services of the Chemist and visited their Pharmacy, eventually accepted as a common person despite his 'eccentricities’ and things would carry on in this sort of domestic flow unbothered, unfettered. 

The Chemist would come to age, and Paris wouldn't.

Death came, and Paris stayed.

Paris would find himself alone for the first time in his conscious memory.

And everything would slowly become more methodical, repetitive, simplified. The Chemist was his only tie to what it meant to be 'normal'. His only frame of reference, his only example. Everything else and everyone else seemed foreign to him, and perhaps he never quite learned how to be normal himself and just mimicked the Chemist through observation; but now there was no one to correct him, no one for him to ask for help or give him answers. 

No one to offer guidance.

And without guided practice, everything would lose its meaning.

And he'd forget the steps to their dance.

And he'd become a ghost. 

With his frayed sense of connection to reality, Paris would discover his ability to astral shift and the many terrors that would come with it; but it was better than being alone.
The years since the Chemist’s passing, Paris would become sole proprietor of the pharmacy and its services. As the new main point of contact for a loyal and local clientele, Paris would have to improve his social abilities and find a balance between himself and the masquerade he put on--but fortunately he would find a driving reason to up the charade--the pursuit of social knowledge. Gossip as it was, it seemed to be as valuable to the common folk as cold print on the page.

✦ Strengths & Weaknesses:


+Emotionally intuitive: You learn a lot when you watch things from the outside. He has an easy time detecting what others are feeling, or if they're lying. However, due to his own personal lack of empathy, he can only read these emotions due to textbook knowledge and personal observation. It is a learned intuitiveness that is not always right. Think of it as reading lips.

+Knowledgeable: When most things have no hold over you, you're more equipped to dedicate yourself to topics. Paris is a voracious reader and tinkerer, and is a well of trivial and practical knowledge with a specialty in scientific subjects and nature.

Despite appearances, Paris will resort to whatever means necessary to survive or protect and is not afraid to get his hands dirty. There is a solution to every problem, so don't make a fuss of it.

-Socially Inept/ Weak grasp on reality: He doesn't understand people very well or the solidity of the physical realm due to nature of his curse. He has known death more than life and he is haunted by the living. 

-Verbally hindered: Paris has a hard time finding his voice in social situations and is deplorable at small talk. Better at arguing than pleasant conversation

-Jaded: There is a certain melancholic wear to him. He has known disappointment and has seen the impermanence of life. There is a question of meaning that he is still trying to find the answer to. This causes him to come off as a bit snappy, and sometimes self-righteous and standoff-ish.

✦ Likes & Dislikes:

+Bugs and Plants
+Writing letters
+Touch and tactile sensation

-Loud Noises
-Loud Conversations
-Being Alone

✦ Extra:


-Collects dead flowers, pollution and litter from waters, things typically viewed as junk and either keeps them or arranges them into artful collages.

-Collects trinkets, books, locks of hair; things of antique or personal nature.

-Penchant for violin and piano, sings to no one
-Sowing seeds and tending the garden
-Taking things apart and putting them back together in the right and wrong ways


-Has a soft southern lilt

-Despite amorality, he has a strong sense of honesty and justice and values it in others. i,e likes to cut through the bullshit and call people out   

-Will not hesitate to strike if you take the initiative hit.

-Scavenger tendencies, doesn't understand the concept of 'private' ownership and will just take things and hoard them like a raven
-Likes to groom and 'pamper' others, but its more in a way one would adorn a shrine or statue, as a display of friendship or affection. 
-Adept at making herbal concoctions that can poison or heal.
-Likes to dance
-Favorite flowers are magnolias, water lilies, and dandelions
-What is love?
-Hair appears as dark brunette in dim/night lighting, but if it draws too much attention or if he is going somewhere public he will hide it under a hat.
-Eyes are completely black; sclera and all. Due to this, he wears tinted glasses at all times except in private.
-Despite wearing gloves most of the time, Paris has an affinity for touch and is one of the primary ways he learns about the world around him. Texture, taste, scent, etc are very important to him.
-Has a strange soft spot for religion (specifically southern baptist), like a reverence for a fairytale, but in reality doesn't understand the point of it

Florence+The Machines-Hunger
Florence+The Machines- Sky Full of Song
Purity Ring- Heartsigh
Purity Ring- FineShrine
Purity Ring- BodyAche


✦ Media: [Discord] | [Google Docs] | Notes

✦ Methods: Paragraph | Literature | Script | Headcanon
✦Themes: Psychological | Violence/Gore |Angst| Plot |Slice of Life |Drama | Light Fluff | Crack| Mature
✦Shipping: If chemistry allows!

✦ Timezone: PST (UTC -8)

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Comments: 10

warblewastrel [2018-06-23 02:45:20 +0000 UTC]


Seriously tho fucking uhhh, he's so Romantic in the literary sense. Wispy, watery, a hollow heart that aches for something he doesn't know so he doesn't miss it?? He's creepy and eerie but it doesn't stop him from being beautiful in the sort of way something unearthly is, spectral, it catches your breath in your throat and then suddenly it drags you down and overwhelms you--

As a character? I think he and Mercy would get along. Paris seems like he's no-nonsense, but with the heart of a poet still? That would really resonate with her. For all his being floaty (you know what I mean), Paris is really grounded? It's a good good balance, you do good with him

He's really beautiful, this design is good, the outfit is GOOD, his hair, his eyes, his unnerving-not-quite-right skin, his face, his grace? I love Paris,,,,,,,,, Good job on him,,

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nicesideburns [2018-06-19 21:30:13 +0000 UTC]

the absolute madman,,,hes in

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sucrosis In reply to nicesideburns [2018-06-19 22:49:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

M-O-T-H-M-A-N [2018-06-19 21:17:01 +0000 UTC]

AA this beaut finally got approved? <3
I love him so much
If he needs a homunculi budd hmu OvO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sucrosis In reply to M-O-T-H-M-A-N [2018-06-19 22:49:23 +0000 UTC]

ahhh <3 thank you!! I'm glad to hear that, and I'll be sure to ; u ; <3 !

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hostlessghost [2018-06-08 19:03:22 +0000 UTC]

what a good green boi

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sucrosis In reply to hostlessghost [2018-06-08 21:04:42 +0000 UTC]

tHANK YOU,,,he's a fave of mine that i've never got a proper chance to use yet, so I hope I get in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hostlessghost In reply to Sucrosis [2018-06-08 21:08:28 +0000 UTC]

yes he is a good boy and even if he dosent get in he is V ER Y G OO D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tortaleenie [2018-06-08 09:59:22 +0000 UTC]

i love him.. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sucrosis In reply to tortaleenie [2018-06-08 10:16:55 +0000 UTC]

awkward weed man

👍: 0 ⏩: 0