suicunetobigaara — DOW: Burntstar's Cough

#dow #seaclan #crowsun #burntstar #shallowreef #codkit #moraybolt #coastshadow #warriorcats #warriorcatsoc #dawn_of_warriors
Published: 2023-02-01 10:02:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 652; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description Oh no, you aren't looking so good there buddy.

To accompany this story:  DOW: A Seeping Sickness Surrounds SeaclanWhite toes traced the edge of a paw print in the sand. Shallowreef couldn’t help but frown, his whiskers twitched in thought. They looked just like a cat’s footprint, but bigger… Did this have any sort of meaning?“Shallowreef! Catch up!” The familiar voice of Mistpaw caught his attention.Wait, Mistpaw?Shallowreef turned to see his littermates once more, all running across the sand, aside from Mistpaw who had decided to wait for him. Oddly enough, all of his littermates seemed as small as kits, and for once in his life, Shallowreef was taller than them. “Come on, Long Legs!” Mistpaw teased, before running after the rest of his siblings. Shallowreef cracked a smile, before chasing after those familiar faces. The air was warm and the dark tabby felt like he was flying across the sand. His legs didn’t feel any longer, but they felt strong and capable. Plus they looked a bit longer than his own littermates’ legs, but they were kits for some reason…“Look out, behind you!” Crowstripe yelped, his little kitten screeched high-pitched, “A fish is going to eat you.” Shallowreef chuckled, “I might be small, but I am not that small.” “No really!” Mosspaw chimed in, skidding to a halt in the sand, “It’s going to crush you!” A shadow loomed over Shallowreef and he turned to see a giant fish flying through the sky. The dark tabby let out an undignified yelp, and started to run. Unlike before, the sand seemed to suck him down into the earth. It slowed him down enough that the Medicine Cat could see the shimmer of the large fish’s silver scales, before it slammed into his side., Shallowreef gasped awake, his dark blue eyes were wide as he glanced around his den. There was nothing but the overgrown vines and leaves in his den, and the soft moonlight that illuminated camp. Not a Starclan dream, Shallowreef knew that much. His paws might still walk with Starclan, but his eyes were shut to them forever, they made that plain to see. It did allow Shallowreef to have other dreams, ones normal warriors had. Oddly enough, Shallowreef found it a blessing, to know his dreams would hold no weight when he was awake. The Medicine Cat sighed gently, and shuffled around in his nest until he felt comfortable. It was too early for him to be awake, so the dark tabby closed his eyes and tried to doze off once more. “Shallowreef! Come quick!” An urgent voice ripped any semblance of sleep the Medicine Cat had.Shallowreef leapt to his paws before Burntstar had reached the entrance of his den. His leader’s fur was ruffled, but flattened enough on one side that he could tell that Burntstar had been sleeping until recently. “Calm down and tell me everything,” Shallowreef demanded, seasons of training kicking in.“It's Moraybolt, he was coughing so loud. He is having trouble breathing,” Burntstar explained quickly, his green eyes wide with helplessness, “He can’t breathe in.” Shallowreef turned to his herb store and stared at the leaves with dismay. He had given the last of the tansy, lavender and borage to Codkit that afternoon, thinking the young kit was in need of it rather than the young warriors that were also sick. He never expected Moraybolt to be coughing as much as he was. Shallowreef knew he had a few scraps of catmint, but the sickness wasn’t Whitecough or Greencough, and he was reluctant to use it so early. Especially when there wasn’t enough for all four sick cats, and when Codkit was still so fragile. “Shallowreef!?” Burntstar urged, his voice cracking slightly. “Sh,” Shallowreef murmured, as he frowned in thought. The Medicine Cat knew he couldn’t do nothing and let Moraybolt suffer. If tansy and borage weren’t available then there had to be another herb to help Moraybolt somehow. He would not lose the yellow and brown tom this night, or any other night. “Feverfew!” Shallowreef decided, as he stretched out to rummage through the vines that stored his herbs.Feverfew was rarely grown on Seaclan soil, as it liked dry conditions like Lightningclan and Highclan. Seaclan’s soil was often too damp, and so Shallowreef hadn’t been able to use it as much as some of his other herbs. However Fireflyspark had wanted goatweed few moons back, and had exchanged feverfew for it. The herb would be old and dried by now, so Shallowreef would have to double the dose, but it was still usable. After hooking the dried weed with his claws and grabbing it with his mouth, Shallowreef tore out of the den so quickly it had left Burntstar stunned. Thankfully the Leader’s Den was close to The Medicine Cat’s den, so Shallowreef made it there in what seemed like heartbeats. “Breath in and out, you can do it,” Coastshadow was sitting by Moraybolt and comforting the older warrior, while Codkit looked on with fear in his eyes.Moraybolt hadn’t passed out yet, which was a good sign, but from the gasping sounds it was clear he couldn’t breathe properly. That concerned Shallowreef and he promptly placed the herb at Moraybolt’s paws.“Moraybolt, listen to me,” Shallowreef said firmly, but not unkindly, “Did you eat anything?” Moraybolt wheezed out an answer, but his breath was too laboured for Shallowreef to make any sense of it. Realising his mistakes, despite the panic, Moraybolt shook his head. “I know it feels like it won’t help, but I need you to eat this,” Shallowreef pushed the feverfew to the yellow tom, “Chew it well before swallowing, then you should cough up whatever is restricting your airway.” The Medicine Cat turned to Burntstar who was in the middle of wrinkling his nose, “I need you to fetch moss for Moraybolt.” The patchy tom looked determined as he nodded, “I know a spot near camp. I will be right back.”With that, the patchy tom raced away. Shallowreef could only hope that Burntstar was as quick as Shallowreef had been in his dream. When he turned back to see how Moraybolt was doing, the warrior was chewing the feverfew in between his gasps for air. Had the feverfew been fresh, the juices would be helping Moraybolt already. But age caused the dried herb to be less effective in both how quickly it worked, and well it worked. Shallowreef didn’t have much of the herb remaining, not enough to be used for three other cats. He could treat one or two more at most…“All gone?” Shallowreef asked softly.Moraybolt nodded, and while he seemed breathless the bright tom wasn’t wheezing like he was before. That was a good sign, but Shallowreef knew he wasn’t out of the woods yet. The sound of paws against the wood caught Shallowreef’s attention, and he turned in time to see Burntstar emerge with a bumble of soaked moss in his mouth. Seaclan’s leader padded over to Moraybolt, gently placing the moss between his paws. Moraybolt bent down, burying his muzzle in the moss to drink the water. “How is he?” Burntstar murmured so quietly and lowly his voice sounded scratchy.Shallowreef ignored him in favour of watching Moraybolt to see if his symptoms had eased. Moraybolt coughed slightly, but he sighed as finally whatever was in his lung loosened. The yellow and brown tom coughed a few more times, each cough louder than the last, before something spilled from his mouth and onto the ground, right next to his nest. Shallowreef peered with concern, fearing he would find green mucus amongst all that spittle, but thankfully it was white and foamy.“Finally, I can breathe again,” Moraybolt sighed with relief, “Thanks Shallowreef.” “You even woke up Crowsun,” Coastshadow teased, the calico relaxed now that Moraybolt could breathe easy again. “My thumping paws could be the cause of that,” Burntstar added awkwardly, before nodding at Crowsun, lowering his tail slowly to indicate to Crowsun that the black cat should go back to sleep.“Keep the moss by your nest, and drink it throughout the night when you feel your throat getting scratchy. Don’t drink it all at once,” Shallowreef sternly advised Moraybolt. “I am not a kit,” Moraybolt muttered with a roll of his eyes, as he curled up in his nest once more. “Alright everyone, back to sleep,” Shallowreef ordered, “Tired cats can’t fight off sickness.” Coastshadow nodded, before returning to her own nest. Codkit never left his nest, but the small tom obeyed and nestled down, ready for sleep. Shallowreef wondered if Codkit would have been scared by what happened to Moraybolt, but it was important that Codkit at least try to get more sleep. “Shallowreef, can I talk to you outside?” Burntstar asked quietly.Shallowreef nodded, and allowed Burntstar to guide them outside. The pair didn’t stray too far from the Leader’s den, a fox tail at most. The Medicine Cat was grateful for that, he wanted to be close in case he heard any wheezing again. Even if Moraybolt was fine now, thanks to the feverfew, one of the other cats might have a coughing fit. It was lucky they confined the sick cats to the Leader’s Den, it gave them space but also kept them away from the Elders and the other Queens and Kits. “What should I do, if Moraybolt and anyone else gets like that again?” Burntstar asked anxiously, his ears and tail were twitching, “Should you just give me the herb to give to anyone who is coughing?”“No, you get me. We don’t have enough feverfew to use in every situation. Had Moraybolt’s case not been so dire, I would have given him water and honey,” Shallowreef answered calmly. “Water and honey? Is that enough?” Burntstar sniffled. “Until the Half-Moon meeting in a few days, yes. It is important that if anyone gets into a coughing fit that bad again, you all remain calm. Stressing will only make the attack worse,” Shallowreef explained, “I have yet to find evidence of greencough, although now I suspect we might be dealing with a minor outbreak of whitecough.”“Whitecough!?” Burntstar gasped, his eyes were as wide as a dead fish, “Water and honey for whitecough!?”“Yes. Whitecough is treatable with the herbs I have given Codkit, Crowsun, Coastshadow and Moraybolt. My stronger herbs are reserved for greencough and blackcough,” Shallowreef explained gently, “I can’t waste them, especially when I may need them for Codkit in the future. But if it gets more serious than that, I will ask you and Snappingjaw to send out patrols to scour Seaclan’s territory and the Neutral Zone for herbs.”“Okay,” Burntstar sighed, but he sounded frustrated, “I was scared for Moraybolt, Shallowreef. What good are these lives if I can’t help my clanmates?”“You are helping your clanmates, Burntstar,” Shallowreef reassured the younger tom, “Now, please, rest. You are helping me care for all these cats too, you also need your rest to avoid weakening yourself and getting sick.”“Yeah, you are right,” Burntstar murmured, “Goodnight, Shallowreef. See you tomorrow.”“Goodnight, Burntstar,” Shallowreef replied.The dark tom turned away and started to head back to his den, however he lingered. Shallowreef held his breath, so not even his breathing could mask any sounds. There was a long pause, before the silence became deafening. Shallowreef breathed out, content that everything was going to be fine.Then he heard it, a sneeze. The fur on the back of Shallowreef’s spine began to prickle, and the short tom turned and went back to the Leader’s Den, to see if the sneeze was just a cold or indicative of something worse. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness in the den, but when they did Shallowreef could see Burntstar half crouched in between the nests of the sick cats. The tom tensed for a moment, before sneezing once more. A quick glance around told Shallowreef that the other cats were stirring. ,“Burntstar?” Shallowreef called out quietly, as he took a step further into the den.“Stay back!” Burntstar yelped, as he turned to face Shallowreef, “I don’t want you to catch it too!”Burntstar’s nose was running freely like a waterfall, and Shallowreef felt his heart drop like a pebble in the ocean. “How long?” Shallowreef dared to ask.“Just now, but I felt tired all day. I thought it was because I was kept up last night,” Burntstar explained, as he backed away from Shallowreef, “You need to leave. We can’t let you get sick, Shallowreef. You are Seaclan’s only Medicine Cat.” “Just a sneeze?” Shallowreef pressed, but he took a step back just to be safe.“The mucus looks green…” Burntstar trailed off, as he used his paw to wipe away the sludge.“Greencough,” It was as Shallowreef feared. Before Shallowreef could order the sick cats out of the den, away from Burntstar, Crowsun started coughing. Shallowreef stared in dismay as the young warrior shook from the force of their cough, before they too hacked up mucus. Moraybolt seemed to also cough a bit, but drinking the water from the moss ball quelled his cough for now. Either it was too late for the cats Burntstar had been caring for to not catch greencough from their leader, or Burntstar had finally caught their illness. Shallowreef suspected it was the latter, and that Burntstar had been too tired or worried to notice the illness. “I will fetch the last of the feverfew. Use it sparingly,” Shallowreef ordered, his dark gaze on Burntstar, “And you five are to remain in this den until you are all better. No exceptions and no visitors.” “You told us to sleep, yet you keep talking,” Moraybolt murmured tiredly from his nest, “We understand. Night Shallowreef.” Burntstar gave Moraybolt an amused look before he looked back at Shallowreef and nodded. With a sigh, Shallowreef turned away. As he did, he heard Codkit ask a question, but it seemed like Burntstar was doing his best to answer the young kit’s questions. The dark tabby hoped he wasn’t too late. Burntstar and some of the sick cats had asked if it was more serious, but Shallowreef had been so sure. It showed what Shallowreef knew, surely his mentor would be shaking her head at his actions, wherever she was. He could only hope that Burntstar hadn’t mingled too much with the other cats, especially not Snappingjaw. He also hoped that Codkit’s mother wouldn’t take any potential sickness back to The Nursery.By Starclan, the Half-Moon meeting might not be close enough. He needed those herbs before this turned into an epidemic....

Burntstar - Mine.
Crowsun's butt - FyremistRP
The back of Moraybolt's head - Frankenbeanz254  
The lump of fur that is Codkit - Flashaven  
Coastshadow's side and tail - Staraptorlover56  
Shallowreef's head and shoulders - NPC
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Flashaven [2023-02-01 11:55:11 +0000 UTC]

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