SukoshiMomo — [Free] Kiyoko profile sheet

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Published: 2015-07-09 18:58:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 3702; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 4
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Description A new profile sheet for my bby 0 v 0
ayee new info on Kiyoko
here last profile sheet is a year old now so I thought of revamping it a bit 
hope you guys like it! <33
I put alot of effort into her profile 

General Information

Name:  Okumura Kiyoko 

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 16( iwatobi swim club)/ 17 (eternal summer)

Birthday: July 17th

Zodiac: Cancer

Blood Type: B

Occupation: 1st/ 2nd year student at Iwatobi High School; Co-Manager of the swim club (Health related manager, makes sure that the boys are in shape and are in good health, are eating well also treats any minor injury)


Okumura Ayame (mother): She's the main parental figure in Kiyoko's life. She's works as a physical therapist in one of the local hospital around Iwatobi town. She has a very close relationship with her mother since she's been her main parental figure in her life since she was 7 years old. She often visits her at the local hospital, bringing her dinner if her mother is working late and stays a few hours to talk about her day at school and to get recommendations on how to possibly help to boys if something happens

Okumura Masaru (father): When Kiyoko was a child was actually closer to her father than her mother. After the divorce she didn't get to see him as much as she would have liked to. As of recently Kiyoko is quite upset with her father for getting into a relationship with other woman, when she still had the slight hope that her parents could have gotten back together. She resents the woman that I between that dream and at the moment she rather not see her father, even though he tries to reach out to her. 

Morimoto Miyuki(older sister): Miyuki and Kiyoko have a tendency to butt heads quite often, typical sibling fights. When they were younger they didn't get along at all since Miyuki would believe that Kiyoko was too clingy and wouldn't leave her be. Now that they are older they fight less   And they get along more, but that doesn't mean they don't disagree at times. Miyuki deeply cares for her younger sister and visits her from time to time with the baby and helps Kiyoko with her school work when she needs it. Miyuki also supports Kiyoko with whatever she wants to do with her future.

Morimoto Kenji (nephew): only being a year old, he still adores his aunt Kiyoko. Getting excited whenever Miyuki tells him that they are going to visit her. Kenji is extremely attached to Kiyoko and is always asking for her to pick him up. Kiyoko adores her nephew to death and would do anything for him. Often watching him when her sister needs to run an important errand. Kiyoko also got Kenji into pineapples and practically feeds him pineapple everything.

Nanase Haruka: Their relationship is limited to a few awkward sentences said here and there. Most of their conversations are during practice about ways to help him stretch out his muscles but they do acknowledge each other's presences when they are in the same room. Most of the time Kiyoko is the one saying hello first to him and he'll quite say hello back. Haru sometimes can find her personality to be a bit overbearing especially when Kiyoko is having one of her mood swings, when he's realizes that she in one of her moods depending on the surrounding area he'll either jump into the pool and block her out or he'll quickly walk away from not wanting to deal with her temperament at that time. Other than that Kiyoko can be understanding of him and and he need for space and when she notices that he needs his space she'll let him be. 

Tachibana Makoto: When she first met Makoto she was amazed on how large he is but also how docile and sweet he can be. She sees him as a giant teddy bear that can't really do any harm. Their friendship is pretty casual with her and him usually having conversations when they are in school and greeting each other when they spot each other in or outside of school. Makoto is one of few people who can actually get to her when she's being temperamental.

Hazuki Nagisa: Nagisa and Kiyoko have an extremely good friendship, they can be two peas in a pod sometimes with how eccentric they both can be. They both a love for the Iwatobi specialty cream bread and usually go together to buy some. Later on Kiyoko begins to help him eat a more balanced diet stating that he wouldn't like to feel the wrath of Gou when she finds found that he keeps eating that bread and that they can go to the swim store to get some other flavored protein powder after the time Gou feed them the cocoa protein powder food . They also tend to hype eachother up and get all excited over festivals. 

Ryugazaki Rei: Kiyoko and Rei have an interesting friendship. He doesn't understand how Kiyoko has a good grade for health and science but horrible grades on math and simple academic skills. He nags at her about how the other classes are important to be a well rounded person. They sometimes get into logical talk but that usually ends quickly with Kiyoko losing focus when he stops talking about something that interests her. He finds her to irrational at times with her moodiness and is the one to tell her that she needs to learn to control it, giving her documents and books about it. For the most part they get along pretty well.

Matsuoka Gou: Kiyoko get along very well with Gou since they are classmates. Right off the bat they became friends within the first week of school. She finds Gou to have a warm personality, and when she told Kiyoko that she was going to be manager of the boys swim club Kiyoko was all for it. Even offering to help out with the boys health and nutrition. When managing the boys, they work as a well oiled machine and they can seem to be in sync with other at first glance. Kiyoko also goes to Gou when she needs help with school work if she notices that Gou understands the lesson when she herself doesn't.

Takahashi Wanaka (best friend): They are childhood friends, ever since Kiyoko moved to Iwatobi town. They are also neighbors ever since they were young. Kiyoko use to go over and play dress up with her when they were children. Kiyoko acts as Wanaka's translator whenever they are around people who Wanaka isn't to comfortable around yet. They hang around with eachother at school even though Kiyoko is a year youger than her grade wise. She supports Wanaka in her dream of be a fashion designer. She acts as Wanaka model whenever she crafts petite clothing.

Matsuoka Rin: Rin and Kiyoko and mostly acquaintances, their friendship usually consists of them greeting each other when they see each other at places outside of school or the join practices. Rin just knows that she's the health manager of the boys swim club and that she's good friends with Gou. They have mutual respect for each other but during the first season Kiyoko didn't know what to think about him, but as time progressed and the the second season started she actually saw him as a passionate person and she has respect for that.

Yamazaki Sousuke (love interest): Kiyoko first met Sousuke during the swim festival with the reopening of the Iwatobi Swim Club. She was hanging out with the boys of Iwatobi and Gou during the festival when they ran into the Samezuka boys. Kiyoko greeted Rin and Ai but when she laid her eyes unto Sousuke she realized that he was someone new and she was instantly attracted to him. She thought in her head that he was extremely handsome and she became a blushing mess. When she saw Gou go up and talk to him she decided to question Gou about him after she came back from her conversations with him. She kept on pestering Gou about Sousuke the entire day wanting to know more about him and asking her to please introduce her to him. Gou did her the honor and introduced Kiyoko to Sousuke as the health related manger of the club. He kindly greeted her back but quickly dismissed himself stating that he had important matters to take care of. 

Time pass by and Kiyoko couldn't get the thought of Sousuke out of her head. She would fantasize the thought of confessing to him but she would shake it out of mind saying that it would be extremely weird for to do that and Sousuke would surely be creeped out by her actions. She would see him during the joint practices but she couldn't bring herself to have a full on conversation due to her nerves. 

They started to get close when Kiyoko one day went to visit her mother at the local hospital. It was her day to stay at work late so Kiyoko decided to bring her dinner and to stay awhile to keep her company for a few hours. After asking one of the nurses about her mother whereabouts in the building she walked into her office and saw Sousuke sitting at the opposite side of her mothers desk. She was extremely shocked to see him sitting there that she almost dropped the bag of food. Sousuke recognized Kiyoko as the co manager and asked her what she was doing her. Her face was as red as a tomato when he directed his speech towards her, and stuttering she croaked out that the lady sitting in front of her is mother and that she visits her often after school. Her mother realizing what was happening told Kiyoko to go grab some equipment and to meet them at the physical therapy room. She finally cooled down and grabbed the equipment that her mother asked for and made her way back to the therapy and noticed that Sousuke and her mother were working on his shoulder. Putting two and two together Kiyoko realized that Sousuke has Swimmer Shoulder. During the duration of his treatment Kiyoko kept her distance and watched intently to much of Sousuke's dismay. After the treatment he confronting her asking for her to tell nobody about what she saw, agreeing to his request she parted ways with him saying that she'll see him later. From then one Kiyoko made it a point to go visit her mother whenever Sousuke had an appointment. She even bothered her mother to tell her whenever Sousuke's appointments were. 

They slowly started to become friends through this and she would visit him regularly, sometimes bringing him snacks. They became good enough friends that she even gave him her phone number. They actually got along pretty well and they would joke around while together. Kiyoko is still slightly shy around him and blushes easily if accidentally makes physical contact with him. Sousuke on the other hand is slowly catching  onto Kiyoko's feelings for him but he doesn't pay much attention to it at the beginning. 

At the end of the season Kiyoko confesses her feelings for him and the amount of time she felt that way for him. Sousuke realized right there that he grew feels for her too and confessed back too. 

Physical Information

Kiyoko is quite small for her age, standing at 5’ 1” and weighing 109lbs. She has slender shoulders and a medium sized chest, and wide hips. Her she has a light complexion and she has straight/slightly wavy dark brown hair that just pass her shoulder blades to her upper back. She has wide hazel/amber colored eyes and medium thicked eyebrows, not too thick but not too thin. She has strong long legs due to her to playing soccer/futbol in her younger years.

At school she wears the first year uniform with the red ribbon. She pairs her uniform with navy just above the knee socks. Her outfits outside of school consists of long jeans, over the shoulder shirts, flowy tanktops paired with cardigans, shorts, dresses, skirts, boots, flats and flip flops 


Generous: Kiyoko will readily lend a helping hand to family or close friends. Even it means sacrificing personal time and possibly items if needed

Friendly: Kiyoko is actually quite approachable most of the times. She has a warm personality to her and can be out going. People describe her as an extrovert and most of the time she's seen with a smile on her face when she isn't in one of her mood swings. She can quite a social butterfly not really minding who she talks too. The only exception to this is when she's around a guy she thinks is attractive then she becomes a stuttering, blushing mess and can't compose herself because of her nerves.

Down to earth: She's reliable and sensible when it comes with dealing with certain situations. She rarely lets it go to her, always having a level head on her shoulder. She quite polite in her speech and the way she approaches others.  

Patient: Kiyoko has patience to spare. She learned this trait while helping her older sister with her nephew when he was a newborn. She rather do a task the correct way rather than be the first one done with it.

Persistent: Once Kiyoko set her eyes on something, she persistently put in all her efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks don't really bother her. She'll just pick herself up and dust herself off and try again one more time. This doesn't mean that she'll keep on doing x amount of time. If she sees that the results aren't going the way she planned she'll drop it and leave it.

Stubborn: Although easy going and respectful, Kiyoko can be unbelievably stubborn and slightly  inflexible in her approach. So much so that when logical arguments don’t make sense to her, she will just refuse to listen.

Passive aggressive: In conflicts, Kiyoko may not be up front about what the real problem is. Instead of starting an argument, she might ignore the person or simply treat them with indifference.

Genuineness: Putting up with facades, or false impressions isn't tolerable for Kiyoko. She wants people to present themselves as they truly are, and she'll quickly grow weary of those who dance around issues or try to shape her perceptions of reality. 

Clingy: Kiyoko has a hard time letting go of things that she holds close to her heart, it's difficult for her to look beyond the imperfections and move on. She grows attached to people and objects easily and it hard for her to part from them when the time comes.

Moody: Kiyoko can be slightly temperamental  and her mood swings can be unpredictable at times. This trait can be overwhelming for some people around. Her moodiness can be set off easily and by small irrational things. Kiyoko is also oblivious towards her moodiness and rash moody swings, and if someone points it out she can become defensive about it.


-Good with finances,

- Has a motherly nature


- Emotionally Sensitive 

- Passive Agressive 

- indecisive 


Kiyoko is the youngest out of two children her parents had, she has an older sister who is 6 years older than her. She was born in a small town in the countryside of japan. When she was 7 years old her parents filled for a divorce, her mother gaining custody of her and her older sister. They relocated to Iwatobi town. There she grew up and calls Iwatobi home.

There she became neighbours and soon friends with Wanaka Takahashi.  

When she was 9 her mother enrolled her in a minor league soccer team. She was a natural at it and loved to play it. It was the only sport that actually caught her attention, but when she was 12 her mother took her out of soccer due to her not doing so well in school. Even though she was not in a team, you would still find her kicking a soccer ball around for the fun of it. Later on she all together stopped playing soccer because she wanted to get serious about her studies.  

She later went on to going to Iwatobi High, where she was a first year student along with Matsuoka Gou,  Hazuki Nagisa, and Ryugazuki Rei. She ended up being in the same class with Gou where they quickly became friends. When the swim team was begin brought back as a club Gou mentioned to Kiyoko that she was going to be the manager even though it seems like a daunting task for her to manage everything within the group. Kiyoko offered to take some of the stress off of her by being the assistant manager and dealing with the well being of the boys; if they are eating right, are they in good shape, treating any minor injuries, preparing a towel and drinks for them. She goes to all the practices and joint practices with the club.


- She actually not a real strong swimmer. She learned how to swim at the age of 12 due to an irrational fear of water covering over her head when she was younger. She over came that fear but isn't a strong swimmer, but she loves to swim and get into the water even though she has an awkward/slightly clumsy swimming style. 

-  Her parents are divorced, she was only a toddler when it happened but she visits her father once in a while. She lives with her mother. 

-  Kiyoko isn't very fond of her fathers girlfriend, they don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. This causes strife and unnecessary stress between her relationship with her father, since she tends to nag to him about how much she dislikes her. 

- She loves to put ketchup on EVERYTHING she eats. 

- The animal that represents Kiyoko is the “Umiushi” or Sea Cow. Nagisa gave her this representation because the way she swims reminds him of a Sea Cow; slow and awkward at times 

- Kiyoko has a thing for tall guys with strong backs, the taller the better. When Gou introduced her to the team, Kiyoko quickly had her eyes on Makoto. She wasn’t romantically interested in but she admired his height and muscles.

- She imagined Rin a certain way before formally meeting him. When she met him for the first time she was a bit shocked seeing how different he was in personality than Gou.

- She loves Pineapples. It’s her favorite fruit/ snack to eat, even though when she eats too much the acidity of the pineapple cuts her tongue. She will still continue to eat it and then complain about her tongue afterwards.

- Her main goal at the moment is for her to get her school grades up. She's very weak in academic's and has trouble sometimes understanding the lesson, Often leaving her confused. She made it her goal to at least come out on the upper average side of her test scores by the end of the year. 

- Kiyoko's dream job is to be a nutritionist. The human anatomy extremely interests her and it would be combining two of her passions; helping people and food. 

art and kiyoko (c) me
free! (C) koji ouji

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Comments: 17

Club-Dreamiverse [2018-03-28 03:12:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

azulann [2015-07-10 23:06:12 +0000 UTC]

She really does seem like a very well developed character!
makes me wanna go back and revamp my baby ;~;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to azulann [2015-07-11 04:08:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you! I worked really hard on her and I want to make her seem like a believable character that would be in Free!, she's my bby <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to SukoshiMomo [2015-07-11 04:18:51 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean, I'm constantly working on my baby, never satisfied with her xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to azulann [2015-07-11 04:44:58 +0000 UTC]

Same, I'm the same way. I'm constantly adding more information to her too but I actually never post them XD 
Constantly sketches pictures of Kiyoko and he interactions with the canons too but never post them either ; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to SukoshiMomo [2015-07-11 04:50:21 +0000 UTC]

I'm just always worried There's something wrong with my Floyd but I can never tell xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to azulann [2015-07-11 05:52:05 +0000 UTC]

I feel you, I worry about the same thing with Kiyoko. Either it's her personality that I'm worried about or her relationship with Sousuke
; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to SukoshiMomo [2015-07-11 06:19:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm currently trying to rework Floyd's backstory, but I also worry about her pairing all the time as well, questioning wether it makes sense e not anymore ;~;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to azulann [2015-07-11 06:38:19 +0000 UTC]

I saw that on one of journals! I guess it's normal thing to worry about the pairing since you want it to seem like a good couple with a legitimate plausible story to it. If you need help with a second opinion with anything, I could help you. I always get second opinions whenever I create back stories and anything that has to interact with the canon character ' w ' it's always helpful

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to SukoshiMomo [2015-07-13 23:05:05 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate any and all feedback honestly! I just finished part of an overhaul for her today, but everything is kinds long and grouped together xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

moonmun [2015-07-10 05:58:11 +0000 UTC]

i don't have anything else to say, mayounnaise's comment already represents everything i wanna say but here we go-

really, really, BRILLIANT IDEA, that you make her mother a physical therapis

kiyoko learned from her, use the knowledge from her mother to be a proper iwatobi swim club health related manager, kiyo's role is definitely not pullass

PLUS it led kiyo to her man! their relationship story is make sense, it's not forced at all, and no cliche whatsoever. soukiyo relationship is totally a long sincere one.

everything you wrote in kiyoko's background is totally make sense, all of it serve a purpose in the future events. her story doesn't make me cringe at all (like most ocs' story does and my oc- ), it's beautifully constructed. well done.

man i think i didn't respect you enough

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to moonmun [2015-07-10 15:27:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much Q v Q

I put so much effort into Kiyoko, I just wanted her to seem like a realistic character that you would see in Free <3

Kiyoko had learn about the human body and how to treat injuries from somewhere so might as well as to learn it from her mom ; v ;
Her mother taught her simple first aid skills and how to treat minor injuries involving the muscular system and how to watch out for possible injuries in the boys ; 7 ;

Yay to hospital romance! I wanted to make that their friendship come first but with Kiyoko having the intention to have it turn to into something romanctic over time. Also Sousuke seems like the guy to take his time and not rush into things.
I'm glad that you think that their relationship is plausible
TT V TT That worried me the most honestly, I was scared that it would seem to sue-ish OTL

Thank you so much Moon! I tried my best
Whaaat, I doubt Aika's story would be cringe worthy. I can't wait to read it, she's a very pretty Oc ; v ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

deliicacy [2015-07-09 21:14:50 +0000 UTC]

She a babe

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to deliicacy [2015-07-10 15:28:02 +0000 UTC]

The ultimate babe 0 v 0

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sharkynnaise [2015-07-09 19:19:48 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful job on the profile Momo!!! Kiyoko is very well written and is a well rounded character. She has a nice balance of flaws and good traits. I also love her backstory and relationships!! >w>b. She blends well into the Free! Timeline. I hope we get to see more SouKiyo, plus I'm interested seeing more interactions between her and her father.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SukoshiMomo In reply to Sharkynnaise [2015-07-10 15:30:50 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh thank you Savvy! I'm glad that you think she's a good character, I tried extremely hard on making her blend well into the story <3
There's a picture of SouKiyo in progress at the moment ;//v//;
I have to write more about her father and her interactions with him soon too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkynnaise In reply to SukoshiMomo [2015-07-11 00:37:42 +0000 UTC]

Anytime Momo!!! >w< Of course! You did an awesome job on that!!! ;3;b

OOOOH YESSSS.... >W> I cannot wait to see the picture to be done!!! >W<
Okay!! .

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