SummonWolf — WoLF | Grimoire - Tier 0

Published: 2023-03-31 06:55:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1139; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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March 31st 2023: Accepted!
September 20 2023: Age up to Adolescent

► :: I D E N T I T Y :: ◄

Name: Grimoire
   Alias(es): Grimm

Sex: Male
   Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent
   Born March 31st

Bloodline(s): Dominant: Timber || Recessive: Forest Steppe | Bayou | Marsh | Mist
   Height: Below average || 30” adult
   Weight: Below average || 78 lbs adult

Voice: Jarrod Spector | Voice bits: 1 , 2 , 3  (adult)
   Mannerisms: As a pup Grimm is scared of almost everything bigger than himself and he hides behind an aggressive behavior in a mix of bullying others physically, being a bit too rough in playfights and attacking random tails and bodyparts alike. He wants larger wolves to be afraid of him and keep their distance. He often keep his tail held high to show off the dominance he so desperately wants you to believe he possesses.

Physical Description: Grimm features a small frame with one floppy ear and freckles from his mom and a smaller take on his father's mohawk. He's eyes are big, only visually enhanced by the dark brown color, making his irises appear almost blackish. The markings underneath could easily be mistaken for dark circles, giving him a somewhat tired or restless appearance. The tail is bushy at the base and rounded at the tip.
   Rare Traits/Birth Traits: N/A
   Related Deficiencies: N/A

Guild: Harami Clan
   Rank: Tier 0 | Adolescent

►:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::◄

Traits: Protective || Intelligent || Creative || Intense || Self-righteous || Judgmental || Aggressive

In Depth:

    Protective: Grimm might be small, but that doesn't stop him from taking on bigger and/or stronger opponents. He's actually pretty scared of the unknown and creatures on the larger side, but he's driven by the desire to protect himself and those he cares about, keeping them out of harm's way. Even if it means to put himself in danger and get hurt in order to reach his goal.

    Intelligent: Grimm is not a dumb kid and he's quite the fast learner. If the subject is of interest, it's no trouble for him to keep up with his teacher as well as being quick to learn from experiences. He likes to figure out things and puzzles on his own. He's neither a fan of not knowing what's ahead nor when others are keeping secrets from him. He likes to be informed, to be involved and to have the opportunity to prepare for what's to come.

    Creative: Despite seeing the world in black and white, solutions can come in many shapes and colors. Grimm is a resourceful wolf and likes to come up with new, innovative ideas on how to solve problems; an alternative method to catch prey, a way to cross a river without getting wet paws or perhaps cover the only entrance with mud to later on follow dirty pawprints of an unwanted intruder.

    Intense: He likes to know the next move of his opponents and strives to be at least a couple of steps ahead of them at all time. If there’s something Grimm needs to know or learn, he will study hard, almost to what can seem obsessive to some. He takes all possible consequences into consideration and is normally not that impulsive. Most times he has a reason behind everything he does - whether or not you agree with his course is your own headache.

    Self-righteous: Rules are important to have and follow, but not all laws are correct according to Grimoire. He prefers to follow his own set of rules because they will always be the right ones. He plays by his own book and will let you know, if you're doing it wrong. Grimm believes he's a good judge of character and it would be in your best interest to follow his advice – if anything, just to get him off your back and leave you alone… Grimm has his opinions and he values them greatly. He does his best not to be influenced by others' ideas and feelings.

    Judgmental: People don’t get many chances to form Grimm’s opinion of them and once it is set, it can be difficult to change. If you do something once, he will expect you do to it again, even if you made a mistake or didn’t mean it. He will often judge a book by its cover and becomes rather frustrated if it turns out he’s wrong, sometimes still not accepting the actual facts even if they are right in front of him. A lot of things are black and white to Grimm and staying neutral just doesn’t work for him. If he comes across someone refusing to take a decision, he will pick one for them.

    Aggressive: His aggressiveness mostly originates from being small, angst of larger creatures and uncertainties regarding their intention and thoughts. He's very much the guy to attack first and ask later. He's not afraid to draw blood and sometimes the sight of it can rile him up even more. Grimm will more often than not be the one to initiate the fight in his attempt to establish dominance or to teach someone a lesson. He also believes he's always on the good side, protecting other small wolves against big bullies and taking action for those who cannot stand up for themselves or are too weak – even when they don’t want him to.

   More to come as he grows older...

►:: H I S T O R Y :: ◄

Pre-Group History: Grimoire and his littermates are not born out of love but rather as a last resort for his mother sake. A wolf from her past had tracked her down and slowly managed to win her trust and affection, only to turn on her shortly after an intimate night together. In order to save her own life, she took his in self-defense – but the damage was already done and Cherry didn’t want to risk giving birth to pups that would eternally remind her of the black male who tried to assassinate her. She sought out Cypher to help her erase the fear of getting pregnant by her attacker. She spent a night with him in hopes of planting seeds of doubt of who the true father really was.

Grimm grows up in Harami Clan as the runt in the litter, surrounded by siblings he all believes are sired by Cypher. They might not all look the same, but that doesn’t make them any less related to him! 

Group History:
- Antler Log

► :: R E L A T I O N S H I P S :: ◄

Mate: N/A
   Offspring: N/A

   Father: Cypher
   Mother: Cherry
   Littermates: 'Solstice' | 'Wicca'  | Salem | Laufey  | 'Ostara'

   Grandparents: Bronco  [NPC] | Aureola  [NPC] | Tigris [NPC] | "Unknown" [NPC]
   Uncles: Codex [NPC] | Crypto [NPC] | Castel  [NPC] | Pheasant [NPC]

► :: A V A I L A B I L I T Y :: ◄

Timezone: CET - Central European Time

Preferred Methods
  Notes: Maybe
  Comments: No
  Discord: Maybe
  Docs: Yes
  Other:  N/A

► :: E X T R A:: ◄

  - Grimm feels a certain form of ownership over the old shipwreck in Harami’s coastal territory and he spends many hours a day playing upon it as well as driving anyone out he doesn’t want to share it with.
  - Grimoire is highly cautious regarding spirits and especially Ruuxun. Whether or not it's respect or fear (or both) is hard to tell. He doesn’t want to go near Strangerocks if he can avoid it.

Orientation: Unknown

Grimoire © me

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