Last part:
Jennifer enters the living room and locks the door, while putting a piece of furniture in front of the door. She backs up to the window, where the villains bust through. She screams, and then runs over to the couch. She sits there, screaming in fright, as the villains bust their way into the house. Tony is the final zombie to enter the house, by busting in
Through the front door. He throws aside the furniture that is blocking the rest of the door. He and the zombies approach Jennifer, but all Jennifer can do is sit there in Sheer horror. Tony then grabs Ola, causing her to scream. She looks up at
Tony, and realizes that she was just dreaming after falling asleep at Tony's House).
Tony: What's the problem?
(Jennifer looks at Tony, still a little confused).
Tony: Come on, I'll take you home.
(She smiles and gets up, relieved that what she just went through was only a horrifying nightmare and nothing more. As they begin to walk, Tony faces the camera and smiles, as he eyes transform into the wolf's eyes, sort of making us think, "Was it a dream or was it not?")
Vincent Price: Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.