SuperHybridLlamaLion — Chapter Four - Kagura Sohma (FBxYT)
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Description The next morning I woke before the others so I made some breakfast. Yuki and Shigure woke up soon after.
Yuki walked into the kitchen and yawned as he started to make some coffee. Shigure said thanks for making breakfast and started talking about how great it was to have a girl in the house. He was interrupted by Kyo who hit him in the back of the head with a milk carton before drinking out of it. Which Yuki hit him in the head with a spoon for drinking straight out of the carton. They started flighting, again. Yuki won.
By the time they had finished the first batch of pancakes were done so they all sat down after Yuki got out some plates. I sat out the pancakes and some butter but they didn’t have any syrup…
“Should I go to the store and get some syrup?” I asked after Shigure complained about it.
“No, no. It’s fine.” Shigure said.
“Yeah, I can go get some this evening.” Yuki said with a smile.
“Well it’s not going to be to much use this evening…” Kyo said.
“Sure it will!” Shigure said.
“I don’t even want to know…” Kyo said. Shigure was about to say something but Kyo picked up the pancake and shoved half of it in his mouth.
I was about to ask Shigure was okay when Kyo mentioned the pancakes cooking in the kitchen. I rushed back into the kitchen, the pancakes were luckily unburnt.
After I finished cooking I sat down with everyone else and ate.
There was a rumbling “Is this an earthquake?” I asked.
“No…” Yuki said and continued to eat.
“Huh?” I asked.
“Oh god.” Kyo said in fear then jumped up. About to run out the back door. Shigure grabbed the blue hoodie she was wearing.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
Before anyone could reply the rumbling stopped and the front door opened. I didn’t see anyone but I was sure someone must have been here… I got up and walked to the door. I still didn’t see anyone but when I was about a foot from the door a head peeked out. It was a girl with dark brown hair that covered most of her right eye. She had grey eyes and wore a green dress with white sleeves. “Is Kyo here?” She asked shyly, she was kinda cute, like a lost puppy.
I moved out of the doorway for her to come in but before I could say anything she rushed by me shouting at Kyo at why she didn’t call her.
“I was living in the mountains. I didn’t have phone service.” Kyo said, still looking terrified.
“Then why didn’t you send a card?!?!” She asked. She was standing on the opposite side of the table from Kyo. Shigure and Yuki both took their plates off the table and scooted back a couple feet. Who is this girl?
“Because I was busy and I didn’t want to talk to you…” Kyo said.
She tackled Kyo, stepping on, and breaking, the table in the process. Flinging my pancakes and plate into a wall, silverware flying everywhere. She started punching Kyo in the face.
I freaked out, obviously. “Shouldn’t someone do something??” I asked Shigure.
“She’ll be fine. Kagura will calm down soon…” Shigure said just as the brown haired girl, who I guessed was Kagura, pushed Kyo through the back door and she landed in the backyard. I really wanted to help her but she would probably kill me if I got between them… So I just stayed back and helped Yuki clean up the table bits and pancakes. She really did make a huge mess…
Kagura soon calmed down, as Shigure said she would. She flipped out asking who beat Kyo up, I guess she didn’t realize it was her…? But before she would answer Kagura dragged her by the hand back inside.
“Who’s the girl?” She asked Shigure.
“Her name is Tohru. She’s been living with us for a while.” Yuki said before Shigure said anything.
“It’s more polite to introduce ourself to her to find out her name not just run into the damn house and start beating on me without even saying hello…” Kyo said.
“But I missed you!!” Kagura shouted at her. “Didn’t you miss me?!” She asked picking up a vase, where are all the vases coming from??
“If I say yes will you not hit me with the vase?” Kyo asked.
“I missed you too!” Kagura said hugging her.
“Wait. How isn’t she turning into a cat?” I asked, not to anyone particular.
“She’s a member of the zodiac too so they won’t change if they hug each other, or if she hugs Kyo seeing Kyo doesn’t really hug back…” Yuki said.
“See,” Shigure said hugging Yuki “None of us change if we hug each other.” He said, still hugging Yuki, who looked frightened…
‘Help.’ Yuki mouthed to me.
“Uh… Shigure could you go get the… The broom out of the other room, please.” I said.
“Um. Sure.” Shigure said, releasing Yuki and walking into the other room.
“Thanks.” Yuki said in a whisper then chuckled.
“No problem.” I replied with a giggle. “So what exactly is there relationship?” I asked.
“They’re engaged.” Yuki said. I was a little shocked.
“Yeah. She’s my fiancée.” Kagura said with a smile.
Kyo sighed and glared at her as she started to tell the story of their engagement.
“She asked me to marry her when we were kids. It was really sweet she-“
“Sweet? Sweet!?” Kyo questioned.
“Yeah, it was sweet.” Kagura said, looking confused.
“You tried to kill me!!” Kyo shouted at her “If I didn’t ask you to marry me I would’ve died!! That’s not friggin’ sweet at all!!” She stomped off.
“Kyo~!” Kagura called after her as she followed.
Shigure walked into the room and handed me the broom. He looked around the room and asked  where they went.
“They were talking about how they got engaged then Kyo shouted at her and ran off…” Yuki said taking the broom from me and handing it to Shigure “It won’t kill you to help…”
“Just another of their married couple quarrels then? And how do you know it won’t kill me?” Shigure asked with a laugh.
Yuki sighed then laughed.
“They’re married?” I asked, as I thought they were just engaged.
“No.” Yuki said “They just act like it sometimes…”
“I can’t find Kyo… He ran off into the forest…” Kagura said as she walked through the hole where the door used to be.
“Yuki will go look for her. How about you go get cleaned up.” Shigure said “Tohru? Can you go show Kagura to the bathroom?”
“Uh, sure.” I said. “Come on. Follow me.” I said to Kagura with a smile.
Kagura had twigs and leafs in her hair and was covered in dirt. She explained it was because she followed Kyo but got a little lost and tripped… I helped her get cleaned up.
It was Saturday so I had planned to wash everyones cloths and do a couple other house chores. The guys seemed almost incapable of taking care of the house on there own, at least I’m here now, they won’t die from an untidy house, if that’s possible…
I mentioned this to Kagura and she offered to wash Kyo’s clothes.
“No, no. It’s fine. I can do it myself. It’s no trouble.” I said.
“No. I’ll do them.” She said, I’m not sure why but the way she said it was quite scary so I said alright.
She skipped off. Actually skipped… She’s a strange person… I just wonder which zodiac she is…
I heard yelling from outside, it sounded like Kyo. I rushed to the door, or at least where the door used to be. Kagura was trying to steal Kyo’s jacket. Which she succeeded at.
“Get the hell of me you crazy bitch!!” Kyo shouted as she tried to steal her tube top.
“Kagura! Don’t wash the clothes she’s wearing!” I shouted. Which distracted her for a minute. Just enough time for Kyo to escape into the woods again.
“Kyo~!” She called after her.
“Kagura! She’ll catch cold if you take all her clothes!” I said to her “You don’t want that do you?”
“I guess not…” She said as she walked back to the house “But her clothes are dirty…” She said when she got to me.
“I don’t think she has anything else to wear.” I chuckled.
“Then just let her borrow something of yours.” She said, looking like a lost puppy again.
“We don’t really have the same taste in cloths…” I said as we walked to the utility room.
“I think she’d look cute in something that wasn’t boy clothes. That’s all I’ve ever seen her wear. Boy clothes that is…” Kagura said.
“I guess she just likes that kind of clothes… We can’t change her mind on that…” I replied.
“I guess…” She said.
“Do you got the washing from here?” I asked.
“I think so.” She said then smiled “Don’t worry, I got it.”
“Okay,” I said with a smile “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
“Alright.” She said. I left the room and went upstairs.

   Kagura’s POV

“Her clothes are filthy…” I said under my breath as I looked at one of her shirts, it was covered in dirt. How does she do things like this?
I put the shirt in the washer then added a scoop of soap. “I guess they could use another scoop…” I said as I added another “Or two…” I said. “Or more…” I said and added a bunch more. “That should be good.” I said with a smile then closed the washing machine and turned it on. I bet Tohru has never got her clothes this clean before.
I decided to go make some tea as I waited. I turned on the stove, with the tea on the burner then noticed something wet touching my foot. I looked down and there was a stream of water, I followed it with my eyes, It lead to the closed utility room door. I walked over and opened the door to be covered in bubbles, water, and soap.

   Tohru’s POV

I heard a loud explosion type sound from downstairs I rushed into the hall. Running into Yuki, turning him into a rat. “Sorry.” I apologized.
“It’s fine. It’s my fault Miss Honda.” He said.
As we discussed who’s fault it was we heard Shigure shouting something downstairs. We ran downstairs, or I ran as I carried Yuki. I ran into the kitchen, where all the commotion was coming from.
“How did you even do this?” Shigure asked.
“I don’t know!” Kagura shouted “I was just washing clothes then the washing machine blew up and when I was trying to clean that up the tea I was making caught fire and blew up the kitchen…” She said. She was soaked and had burn marks on one of her sleeves.
“How about you go get cleaned up. I’ll clean up the kitchen.” I said.
“I’ll help.” Yuki said, still in rat form.
“Thanks.” I said. Not quite sure how helpful a rat could be…
“No, no, no. I made this mess. I’ll clean it up.” She said “I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your house…”
“Don’t worry. You should just get cleaned up we can take care of this.” Yuki said.
We all argued about the matter for a long time. She wound up cleaning up the kitchen but we brought her the cleaning supplies…
I decided to go find Kyo. It’s really cold out, -even though it’s only mid day- she must be freezing… I brought one of my jackets.
I found her pretty quickly, she was on the roof. I climbed up to her. She was lying on her back, staring up at the sky.
“Hi.” I said. She jumped and sat up quickly, she seemed grumpy. I giggled “Sorry if I scared you.”
“You didn’t scare me.” She said.
“Well sorry anyway…” I said.
“Whatever…” She replied. “It’s fine.” She said under her breath. “So what do you want?” She asked turning her head to me, still looking annoyed but I think that’s just her normal expression…
“Um… Well… I wanted to make sure you were okay, and also I wanted to give you this.” I held out my jacket.
“Thanks…?” She said picking up the jacket as if it was contaminated.
“I thought you’d be cold so I brought you my jacket…” I said.
“I’m fine.” She said, handing my jacket back.
“You have goosebumps on your arms.” I said, poking her arm.
She crossed her arms and looked away. “I said I’m fine, are you deaf? I lived in the mountains for three months, I can deal with a little cold.” She said.
“Could you at least come inside?” I asked.
“No way in hell!” She shouted as she stood up “Kagura’s in there!” She shouted pointing at the ground.
“Kyo~!” I heard Kagura call from the front yard.
“Oh god.” Kyo said then tried to slide of the back of the roof, probably to get away again. But when she got down Kagura was there, she dragged her inside. I climbed down the ladder as quickly as I could.
By the time I was inside Kyo was screaming at Kagura for ruining one of her good shirts as she held a torn up blue hoodie, I think it was the one she was wearing earlier.
“I was just trying to dry it!” Kagura shouted back.
“Drying doesn’t mean tearing to pieces!!” Kyo shouted back then stomped off again. I comforted Kagura, then started dinner. The day has gone by quite fast… Kagura had gone to ask Shigure if she could say tonight so she could fix the house and such.
I finished dinner, I had made rice balls again. Kyo nor Kagura were there, I guess Kyo was still sulking and Kagura was still cleaning the kitchen.
We didn’t talk to much over dinner and after dinner I went up to my room again to read until bed.

It was a little past eleven and I was hungry so I went downstairs to get a snack before bed. When I got downstairs I seen Kagura still fixing the door, she seemed kinda zoned out so she didn’t notice when I walked past. When I got into the kitchen her and Kyo’s food were both sitting on the counter. I heated them up and brought hers to her.
“You need to eat something.” I said sitting down next to her.
She shook her head “I’m not eating anything until I’m done.” She said, she sounded tired.
“You have to eat. I can finish up here. There isn’t that much to do.” I said.
“No!” She shouted “Sorry… I just need to do this. I have to do something right…”
“I bet you do a lot of things right.” I said with a smile.
“Not in Kyo’s eyes.” She said.
“Oh… This is about Kyo?” I asked.
“Yeah. I love her more then anyone and she just blocks me out… She’ll never love me…” She said.
“Sure she will, just be a little less pushy about it and I’m sure she’ll return your affection.” I said.
“Thanks” She said with a smile “I’d hug you but, ya know…” She said then laughed. I laughed along.
She let me help finish the door as she ate. She made a couple cat cutouts out of paper and stuck them to the door, I made rat and dog ones. The door now looked cute.
She fell asleep so I closed the door and covered her up before bringing Kyo’s food up to her. She was luckily still awake.
“Thanks.” She said after I handed her the plate.
“You’re welcome.” I said as I sat down next to her. After a couple minutes of silence I asked “I have a question…”
“Hmm?” She asked as she turned her head with a mouthful of rice.
“What exactly was your master like?” Yuki had told me Kyo’s master basically raised her so I was curious what type of person he was.
“He’s the best guy ever.” She said after she swallowed. “He’s the one who taught me how to fight. He has a dojo.” She said smiling, I think this is the first time I’ve seen her smile.
“Cool, you got to bring me there sometime. I know some karate.” I smiled.
“Like what?” Kyo asked.
I punched her arm “Right punch.” I said. She laughed “You have no arm muscle.”
“I do!” I said. “I just didn’t want to hurt you.”
She shook her head “Sure~”
“It’s true.” I said playfully punching her arm again.
We talked for at least an hour. She was really much nicer then she appears…

The next day I woke to Kyo shouting. I went downstairs to see Kyo and Kagura flighting again. They have an odd relationship…
Kagura ran out. She ran into the postman. Yuki ran up to him before he could realize what just happened “Thank you for being a great postman, see you tomorrow.” Yuki laughed awkwardly as the walked the man back towards the road.
Kagura sat on the ground in her animal form, that being a boar.
“Watch were you're going next time.” Kyo said. Which she started beating her up for, still in pig form.
I laughed. She stopped beating Kyo up and stared at me. “You guys have the weirdest relationship I’ve ever seen.” I said, still laughing.
Kagura changed back will still staring at me. At least she was standing behind Kyo.
“Put some damn clothes on!!” Kyo shouted.
“Okay, okay.” She said, putting her clothes back on.
“I should go. Bye love.” She said to Kyo and tried to kiss her.
“No.” Kyo said putting her hand over her face.
Kagura hugged her “I’ll miss you, bye~!” She smiled and waved before walking away.
“Bye~!” I said and waved back, so did Shigure and Yuki.
“See ya, you psycho.” Kyo said shaking her head and walking inside. We all went inside too.
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