SuperNoahWorld — Chapter 7 and Epilogue: One Hell of a Time

#sonicoc #euvoria #pokemonoc #mariooc #sonic_oc_male #sonic_oc_female #euvoriastyle
Published: 2023-11-26 16:31:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1226; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Continuation of Rematch!
With the Benzrael Empire in ruins, Noah and Volt say their final goodbyes before returning home.

Noah: Volt, words can't describe how happy we are that the Pipeline Kingdom is saved. Not only that, but we saved your kingdom from potential invasion. This day never gets better.
Volt: Well, it's what friends are for, helping each other, even out of different kingdoms. That was one hell of an adventure.
Elisha: You teens have proven yourselves worthy of being first class heroes, I'm impressed!
Solar: So am I. Noah, I think you make a great team with Volt after I saw you kick Ben and Azrael's asses.
Blake: There something else to consider though. Our kingdom's citizens aka Pipeliners are considering life in your kingdom after our victory!
Solar: Oh yeah, same with our wolves, they're also considering life in your kingdom.
Toadrian: Perhaps Mobians like them can be the next line of species in our kingdom after Poplins from the Flower Kingdom.
Elisha: Cool. Toads, Koopas, Shy guys, and many other Mario species could be next on the species list too. The royal wolf family can't wait to study on them.
Noah: So Volt, what do you think we should do to raise are friendship higher?
Volt: How about a handshake?
Noah: Good idea.
(They make up their own handshake under inspiration of Mario and Sonic at the Sochi and Rio Olympic games)
Noah: Damn, that was sick.
Volt: Sure was, it's getting late though. You might wanna get back to Pipeline.
Blake: Yeah, we were about to do it anyway.
Noah: Volt, at any time when Wolfern is in peril, call us and we'll be there to assist.
Volt: We will and same with you. Alright then, see ya Noah!
Noah: Arrivederci!
(Noah, Blake, and Toadrian enter the portal back to the Pipeline Kingdom)
Solar: Come on son, we've got a celebration awaiting.
Volt: Yes, dad.

Meanwhile in hell

Ben: Ahhhhhhhhh, hot hot hot hot!
Azrael: Ohhh this lava burns! We wouldn't be here if you didn't rely too much on your shy guys!
Ben: Come on, they're my soldiers!
Azrael: It doesn't matter, we're suffering a fiery fate here!
Ben: Oh shut up! This is one hell of a defeat!
(Ben and Azrael screaming in agony)

Special thanks to Voltlightning20 for his backgrounds and character builders
In memory of Kphoria
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