superpaulina10 — The Quest of the Echo Warriors: Adrian III

Published: 2016-09-19 08:17:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 251; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Adrian III

That morning Adrian was incredibly nervous. In a few hours, to him, he had to attend a supper with the elite of Haven City. It’s true that his people look down on them of being ‘deaf’, but if the rumours were true, you’d better have a sharp mind and excellent behaviour, because deaf manners and protocol were as subtle as rose petals caress  in your arm.

He took a light breakfast with his parents, his father concerned look making him more nervous. After he explained the reason of missing his lessons, Jak couldn’t do any more than let him go to the supper, knowing that not letting him go could tense the relationships, wrong movement when they were losing a war beyond the sea.

-So, Adrian, why are you going out today?  -asked his brother taking a sip of his tea to hide his smile. Adrian looked at him narrowing his eyes. Keith just sighed dramatically.

-Come’ on brother! I heard that you are going to see the most beautiful deaf in all the word! Nice show, isn’t it?

-Don’t talk about Lady Lemonier like that! –He exclaimed, a little louder he would like. Keith’s smile just turn bigger, but their mother was always ready for situations like that.

-I’ve heard Belduke’s Manor is one of the prettiest in Haven City. Before I married your father, I used to walk past that building. Their gardens at spring were wonderful, a little paradise hidden by a black iron fence and stone walls.- She said, Adrian smiled at her, thankful.

-Lady Catherine told me that the party would be in the gardens, and a music band will play. It wouldn’t last much though, since there are more parties today, so I guess I’ll come early

-I want you at the palace before midnight, understood? –said Jak, still concerned.

-Don’t worry father, I’ll be here

-I’m sure the party will be splendid –said his little sister. –Promise you will tell us how it’ll be when you came back

-I promise sister, I’ll do it 

After that, the breakfast passed without much interest. At least for Adrian, who was too nervous to listen anything. Fortunately, that day he hadn’t had any lessons, so he could try to relax himself until the party or went to hysterics.

Adrian feared that Lady Lemonier was actually and independent. Also, who was Spargus’ ambassador Julian was talking about?

Adrian began to think about those students. What a funny group they where. Specially Zacharias, with his outgoing and hothead personality, he was the great enemy of every noble in the Law University. He had told Adrian than firstly they were only Aria, John and him since childhood, Julian and Opal joining after highschool. Zach used to live in Kras City, but he has an aunt from his mother's side in Haven City. An aunt that he hasn't known yet. He said that she was an artist, but any famous musician were her. He didn't look very concerned though.

The day passed without distress until 6 o'clock, when suddenly, a two-seated zoomer appeared at Adrian's balcony. Zacharias jumped to the balcony and helped an eruind who was as pale as the moon to come down. Adrian looked at them between confused and amused.

-Hello Adrian! Here is my old friend Bran! He is the designer I talked you about! -yelled Zacharias with a big smile. Adrian just bursted into laughing before gretting the two students. Bran made a clumsy bow while trying to not puke in the floor.

-Are you ready Adrian? -asked the mestizo. 

-I'm sorry, I was waiting for you! I still need to take a bath and all

-Well, while you take a bath I'm going to get dressed and Bran can take a rest. Poor guy, he can't hold his body

Bran muttered something about a bad driver when Adrian closed the door. He took a long bath, trying to calm himself. He didn't care about outside the bathroom until the door opened and Zacharias entered there.

-Hey little prince! You were there for half and hour!

-What! Oh no we're going late!

-Don't worry, Bran is better now and he will take care of you -said the other trying to tame his orange hair, failing. Adrian snickered.

-If you want I can call Argo to help you

-That guy who has a stick in the butt? No thanks. He came to the room earlier and stared at me for a while. What's wrong with that guy?

-Seriously, I don't know. He is always trying to make me the perfect prince and...

-Prince Adrian, Zach, do you need me? -asked Bran shyly. Zacharias pushed Adrian to him, laughing.

-He's all yours, Bran! Do your magic!


Adrian looked himself at the mirror. The suit he was wearing was completely different that the ones he wore during royal meetings. A white shirt, a white waistcoat with a white bowtie under the black smoking. The black shoes on his feet where so polished he could see his face on them. Zach wore the same as him, with his red hair brushed backwards.

-Are you ready Your Highness? -said Zach smiling. Adrian just could laugh at his sarcasm, does he knew who was he talking to? 

-Whenever you're ready, sir Barnham -answered Adrian following the joke. The teenager just rolled his eyes. It was Bran who pointed out the obvious.

-So... How are you going to go to Belduke's house?

Zacharias stayed in silence, thoughtful. He could took them with his zoomer, but it wasn't space for three people. Fortunately, the prince had an idea.

-Do you know how to drive Zach?

-Well... Yes, but I don't have a license

-Don't worry, we can pick one of the palace's vehicles and a choffer, in case the guards stop us. Where do we have to stop?

-Two streets before we reach the palace. Julian and the others are waiting for us

No sooner said than done, the three of them were with the rest. They were amazed of the royal's car, making Adrian embarrased. They stoped at Belduke's palace entrance, seeing how many people were there. Adrian was the first to leave the car, helping Aria to get down and offering his arm to her. She laughed shyly and accepted to be his companion. Then John and Opal came, who nearly broke her dress becaus eher boyfriend was not as graceful as Adrian to help her. Bran, Julian and Zach where the last. The zoomer left without a word, and they began to walk to the palace, enchanted with its gardens. Marble statues representing women with butterfly wings and antennas were at the side of the stoned way. At their left, a willow presided the viwe next to a pool where some swans and acuatic birds tried to have a quiet evening, impossible for the party in the same garden. At their right, the wall was covered by bloomed ivy, amd two dogs looked at them with amused expressions. Adrian resited the urge to play with them, he needed to be the perfect prince for that evening. 

Without thinking about it, they were right in front the hosts. Lady Selene looked beautiful with a blue dress with pooffy white sleves, her violet hair styled in a bun with a blue bow. Her face, rounded and soft, was paler than usual, but Adrian couldn't tell if it was for his friends being there or the powder she used. At her left, and in the center, Lord Belduke looked at them lifting an ewebrow, but he took a step to greet them with the proper bow destined to the prince.

-It's a honor to us all to receive you in our house, Your Highness

-The honor is mine, I've heard your parties are the most beautiful in Haven City -I replied -I only hope that my friends wouldn't trouble your plans for this evening

-Don't worry, Your Highness. Lady Catherine's told me they were coming, so they have their respective seats

Talking about Lady Catherine, she was behind the Belduke all the time. Adrian looked at her, surprised for her appearance. He couldn't see her face when they met, because she was wearing a widow's veil, but now he could say she was beautiful. Her heart shaped face contained a pair of slanted, clear green eyes with thin eyebrows. Her full lips were curved into a smile, while she tried to calm Lady Selene, who looked at her annoyed. Her dress was more discreet than Lady Selene's, dark green with poofy black sleeves. Her dark grey hair was in a black hairnet, just leavin two ringlets at her face sides. She bowed at him after Lady Selene, and looked at him smiling.

-It's a pleasure to see you here, prince Adrian. I hope you enjoy this evening

-Thank you for inviting me, Lady Catherine

They went through them to the tent in front of the house. The tables were put making a C, taking advantage of all the space they offered allowing the service serve them properly. In front of them, there was a smaler tent preapred fot the musicians to entertain the soiree. They sat on their seats, seeing thare was some people missing. After twenty minutes they spent talking about the house and the hosts, and how they were amazed, the final guest arrived and Lord Belduked said a short speech, the supper began. With a selection of fine cheeses and other hors d'oeuvres, they ate cucumber salad with moustard seeds and sour cream as starter. Adrian was a bit absent, watching Lady Catherine as she talked with another woman.

-Something wrong prince Adrian? -asked Julian, seeing he barely eat anything.

-It's nothing, just... I feel the need of properly apologize Lady Catherine, but she is pretty far to talk to her

-Don't worry, I'm pretty sure after the food you can talk to her. I heard after the dinner it's going to be a dance

-A dance? You can't be serious

-Well, of course I am! Wait, are you telling me you can't dance?

-I'm sorry for havin two left feet. Happy now? -said the prince sulking. Julian really needed to make an effort and not laughing at his face.

-Don't worry, Your Highness. After the desserts, we have some time to teach you some steps before the dance begin. Oly if you want of course

-Well, if that's a way to talk to her and make an apology, I don't see why not -said the prince, even though he was trembling as a pudding. Julian nodded and the rest of the evening he was entertained talking with Lord and Lady Belduke, who was a more sympathetic woman than he thought initially and tasting delicius meals such as slow-cooked pork with cabbage, kale and potato gratin, while taking furtive glimpse to Lady Catherine. He noticed whe was bolder than the other ladies, and less delicate. Maybe other ladies wouldn't be angry at him if he pushed them and made them broke a mirror, or at least the wouldn't talked to him and resigned to pay it. Did she deserve all the praise she had or it was just for being an exotic lady whe was in everyone's mouth? Her skin was not as white as the others, and she seemed heftier, or it was because of her height? If there was something as beautiful as everyone said about her, it was her doll face, with that sweet smile she wore all the evening.

When they finished the marble dark chocolate cake, the left the table and went to the willow, appart from indiscreets sights. 

-So, we are here to teach our prince how to dance like a gentleman, my friends -announced Julian with a amused look. Adrian didn't said anything, but he was as red as a tomato. The others looked at him confused, but it was Opal who took a step forward, offering her hands to the prince.

-Don't worry Adrian, it's easier than it looks

Adrian took her hands and looked at their feet. He was freaking out when they start to move, but he caught the steps quickly, not without steping on her twice.

-Allright Adrian, but now you have to take the lead

-This is impossible Opal, I'm going to make a mess there and embarrass Lady Catherine

-Don't say that Adrian! You learned so fast and I'm pretty sure Lady Catherine will help you if you ask her! -exclaimed John, but it wasn't enough. Everyone tried to comfort him, but it was impossible. Aria pushed the right button, at mere minutes before the dance began.

-I'm pretty sure a lot of men would like to dace with Lady Catherine. Maybe she will be busy all night and you won't be able to talk to her

Aria was right, thought Adrian, but still he wasn't confident enought to ask for a dance. 


What would he do?

-Ask Lady Catherine to dance

-Stay behind until he had more practice

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Comments: 12

Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 12:39:48 +0000 UTC]

Ask a dance definetly.

yay! My favorite chappy.

how i love it, i never get tired of reading it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 13:42:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Usagichan3549 In reply to superpaulina10 [2016-09-19 13:59:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh also daw the post..i love howls moving castle..especially the clothes and hats.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 15:22:58 +0000 UTC]

Howl's moving castle is an awesome movie. The aesthetic is so pretty!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Usagichan3549 In reply to superpaulina10 [2016-09-19 17:13:43 +0000 UTC]

I agree.

It is easily one of ghibli studios greatest masterpiece. (Huge ghibli fan...sad that they closed the studio down)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 18:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Another Ghibli Studios fan who is sad because the setudio clausure

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Usagichan3549 In reply to superpaulina10 [2016-09-19 18:32:51 +0000 UTC]

I know...i wsnt to know why?

The movies they made...their not only beautiful to look at but the story lines are perfec...why did they had to close down? (Weeps)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 21:07:50 +0000 UTC]

They just stoped making movies because Hayao Miyazaki (productor and director for most of the movies) retired. It's a pity, but I understand it, Mr. Miyazaki is too old and he wants to rest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Usagichan3549 In reply to superpaulina10 [2016-09-19 22:18:56 +0000 UTC]


But one thing...why didn't they have like.a.successor ready or something...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-19 22:27:21 +0000 UTC]

Because we all know nobody can succeed Hayao Miyazaki.

They are still making anime or short movies

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Usagichan3549 In reply to superpaulina10 [2016-09-19 23:13:56 +0000 UTC]

Thats true (slaps forehead) there is nobody that can ever replace the master.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

superpaulina10 In reply to Usagichan3549 [2016-09-20 06:33:07 +0000 UTC]

It's sad, but it's true

👍: 0 ⏩: 0