Sweetcheeks121 — Blood and Magic: Chapter 12 [NSFW]
#oc #lokilaufeyson
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Description Chapter 12

A month had passed since my discussion with Loki and I had created a routine to keep me focused: wake up, meet Mwyn and learn more about the court; I now know almost everyone and everything there is to know about the subject, I then retire to my bedroom and train before going for dinner in the Grand Hall where I taste Loki’s wine, eat and leave as soon as possible so I can sleep.

“Tanau? You don’t talk about your parents much.” Mwyn says while concentrating on her sewing, a very boring and mundane activity which I am also forced to do.

“That is a very good observation Mwyn.”

“I thought so… by the way, why are you Loki’s wine taster, people have jobs to do that and you are related to the royal family.”
I sigh, putting my needlework down, “I’ve been his taster for a month now Mwyn, why are you bringing this up now?”

“I didn’t want to be rude, but I keep thinking about it and this whole thing is rather odd…” She avoids eye contact and pretends to be engrossed with her sewing but her face betrays her.

“There’s nothing odd about this Mwyn, I have come to court and I will stay here until my father calls me home, and in the meantime Loki wants me to be his personal wine taster, it is an honour for me to comply to his wishes. He is a Prince of Asgard, even though he is my cousin; I would not refuse his wishes. I highly doubt anyone would.”   Mwyn looks up at me red with embarrassment and guilt.

“I am sorry for doubting you Tanau, when you say it like that the whole thing is just down to Loki’s wishes … and if I was in your position I guess I would do the same,” She sighs, “Although he is a little strange.”  Mwyn giggles and I smile at her before we both continue sewing in silence. It was becoming harder to lie to the girl; she was the closest thing I’ve had to a friend in years.


Back in my room I undress and change into my black fighting gear, although I have grown used to wearing dresses, they are nowhere near as comfortable as a black t-shirt and skin-tight bottoms. I quickly get from the secret passageway and into my personal training room, it was always pretty dark in here but it helped fine tune my senses again. Ever since I got sentenced to death my mind and body had lost some of its greatness, which annoyed me to no end as I am not a weak little princess, I’m an assassin. I’ve had the feeling that everything is being dimmed in my mind, making it hazy and stopping any serious concentration, but I just can’t pin-point why.
I walk over to my weapons, choosing a bow and arrow, and aim for the entrance of the secret passage way and shoot. Loki appears and catches it just before it could penetrate his forehead.

“Sharper than ever I see.” He smirks. “Why are you still in Tanau’s form?”

“No reason.” I turn around and pick up my favourite sword; it had a bright blue gem at the hilt and gold in colour, apart from the actual blade which was silver and sharper then an old woman’s tongue.

“Change back into Eira and we can have a dual.” Loki wonders over to the weapons and chooses a thin, gold, silver and green spear like metal staff. I smile and change back into myself.

“Are you sure you want to do this Loki? You may get your shiny little ass kicked.” I walk to one side of the room as he walks to the other.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that Eira.” I snigger.

“Ready when you are God of Mischief.”  He starts forward and disappears. So he’s going to play it like that is he? I grin widely; I don’t need to see him to fight him anyway.  I listen out for any sound he could make and then sidestep to the left before slashing at where his body would be, metal hits metal  and sparks fly, Loki appears in front of me, “Nice try Loki.”  He smirks and aims his staff for my ribs, but he doesn’t manage to hit me before I jump up high and kick both my feet into his chest and doing a backflip as he stumbles backward, I land on my feet and run towards him, sword and staff clash again and again before Loki disappears and reappears. Though now there are ten of him. “Playing dirty I see.” I lift an eyebrow, scanning the faces.

“You know I wouldn’t play any other way.” All of the Loki’s reply, smirking slyly. I use my magic to find the real Prince, I jump into action, lunging to the floor, and I slide between his legs and latch onto Loki’s hips with my legs. I pull myself up and put my sword to his throat. “Now this is the Eira I met in the cells!” He disappears again. I look around and see him leaning casually against the weapons holder, studying his staff.

“What do you mean? I’ve had to be Tanau recently, I’m not about to blow my cover and have people trying to hunt me down. That’s happened before my friend, trust me, it doesn’t end well.”  I stand ready to strike at any moment, but Loki seems content with the conversation.

“This is what I mean Assassin, people have tried to hunt you down. A few months ago you were hitting me, screaming upset that you were going to die. With the power you showed in the cells you could easily have escaped.” I frown to myself and realise that this was true, but then Loki’s staff was strangling me which snapped me to attention. I bring my sword up and stab backwards into his side, the blade cutting through his body to the other side, I twist the sword and spin around to face him and I hear the staff clatter to the ground. He grunts and soon falls to the floor I jab the sword into the hilt and take it out again.

“Don’t under -estimate my power Loki.” I say darkly, staring coldly into his eyes.  I suddenly snap out of it and quickly kneel to his side to heal him. He soon pushes me off him, standing up; he walks determinedly to the door.

“You will regret that Assassin,” He turns his head and I see the glint of mischief and madness in his eyes, “You will pay.”  He disappears and I raise an eyebrow before getting up. I put away the equipment and change back into Tanau, heading back to my room.  

I quickly get changed for dinner and hear a knock on the door from Mwyn.

“Coming!” I call before hurrying out in a plain, dark blue, floor length dress. Mwyn wore a flower patterned, yellow, floor length dress. “Awh, you look lovely Mwyn!”

“Oh stop it, you look just as beautiful!” I smile, closing the door. She links arms with me and we carry on down the corridor. “I wish I could sit next to you.”

“I’m sure Loki will soon get tired of me tasting his drinks and sitting next to him on the head table, then I will be able to join you again.” I smile at her again but she gives me a sad one in return.

“It’s just, those idiot women keep sitting opposite me, and it’s harder for me to defend myself when you’re not there. It’s pathetic I know.”

“I’ll talk to Loki later.” She looks at me wildly,

“Don’t you dare, he’ll only make things worse for you, and I can wait this out Tanau.” Mwyn replies sternly, I only nod as we enter the Great Hall and split apart to sit in our separated seats. I walk to the head table and take my seat next to Loki.

He completely ignores me.

The crowd quietens as Odin enters and we all stand, he quickly makes his way to his place next to Loki and Thor before he motions for everyone to sit down again. The Old King tends to be quiet during meals and likes to study those closest to the table, I do the same mostly.  Loki and Thor sometimes miss the daily court dining, in fact it’s not actually compulsory to go, it’s just considered a little rude to not attend. Although, most of the women are not around if the Princes aren’t.

The food and wine is served and I wait for Loki to pass me his wine which he does, but just as I bring the cup to my lips, the silence is disturbed by someone shouting out,

“STOP!”  I bring the cup down and look up to see one of the three attention seeking idiot girls standing up and looking at me, I think this one’s name was Llwynoges.

Odin looks at her with anger in his eyes, “What is it girl?! That you have to shriek loud enough to awaken a Draugr from its second death!” His voice boomed throughout the Hall.

“I am sorry My King; it’s just that I think it unfair that a member of Royalty must check Prince Loki’s wine for poison. I would happily risk my life to ensure that neither member of your family had the chance to die of poisoning.” Llwynoges bows low, but I can see that she only wants to gain status in this court.

“This has been happening for a month now, why do you choose now to speak!” Loki stands up and glares harshly at the woman, his hands fists on the table. I raise an eyebrow but do not say anything.

“I thought it would be unwise My Prince, but now I see that it would be a disaster should Tanau drink the wine and die. I would be willing to taste your wine so that neither of you are in danger.” My eyes glance over to Mwyn and I see her eyes open with fear and worry as she stares at Llwynoges. I look again at the woman protesting with open confidence.

She thinks the wine is tested before it reaches me. I can tell by the lack of fear on her face, I know from court gossip that she would never risk her life for anything, she was just power hungry and wanted Loki to appreciate her courage. Before I could do anything Loki seemed to un-tense and sit back down.

“Come here then Llwynoges. Taste my wine.” I look at Loki in surprise and catch a glint of loathing and mischief in them. I looked wide eyed at the woman as she draws near to the table and snatches the cup off me. Just as I protest she gulps down the wine and puts it on the table.

“It seems that there is,”   -cough-   “nothing to,”   -cough-   -cough-  
I stand up as she bends over and coughs blood onto her hand. She looks up at me in fear,

“Someone call for a doctor!” I shout, but then she collapses to the floor, I run around to help her but by the time I reach her and check her pulse, she is dead.

“She’s dead.” Loki says from behind me, I stand and turn to him, I catch a slight smirk on his face and I know.

Loki had tried to kill me.
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