Swissis — c0s | Arthur L. North

Published: 2017-05-27 21:09:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 2235; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description PROFILE

Name | Age | Sex | Nationality 
North, Arthur L. | 24 | Male | American

I [Graduate] | Lieutenant Colonel | Marines | Reconnaissance: Criminal Investigation Division Agent

January 5th

5'11 ; 180.34 cm    |     174 lb ; 79 kg    


Special Item

Abilities | Talents

  • Marksmanship
  • Outdoor survival
  • Tracking, hunting, and field dressing 
  • Mushing
  • Basic construction and repairs
  • Interrogation and hostage negotiation
  • Spacial Reasoning
  • Crime scene processing
  • Undercover operations


  • Astronomy
  • Lacrosse
  • Dog Sled Racing
  • Hunting
  • Hiking
  • Writing [Poetry]
  • History


    Miraculously, Arthur did not have a tragic past. There weren't any unexpected, soul wrenching losses, no crises of self identity. That's not to say everything was easy, of course. Quite on the contrary. The fact that Arthur was the second of three children, out of a total of seven (of whom four were cousins) living in very close proximity, wasn't easy in itself. The fact that they all lived in the Alaska Interior with an ancient phone as their only link to the outside world only further complicated things. 
    Arthur's great-great-grandfather had come to Alaska in a last bid for fortune in the Klondike Gold Rush in 1898, but finding only failure in the Alaskan cold, married a Hankutchin woman--despite the wife and children still waiting for him in Pennsylvania--carved out a homestead fifty some miles from the town of Eagle, and never left. Neither did his children, or their children, or theirs--until Arthur broke the mold. 

    For the first ten years of his life, Arthur never dreamed of anything beyond their Alaskan home. There was simply too much to do. Tend the garden, repair this, repair that, go hunting, tan hides, dress meat, negotiate the latest quarrel among his siblings and cousins, stock up for winter, take care of the sled dogs. It was never ending, and only during the long night of winter that he got the opportunity to read through their house's collection of books. By the age of eleven he'd gone through every single book in their possession. They were mostly old classics and penny dreadfuls, his family having lost interest in procuring new reading materials a couple generations ago. This outdated library was enough to let Arthur know that there was a world beyond Alaska out there, and first sparked his interest in seeing it firsthand. Of course, at that age--and even into his later years--he was fairly convinced women in the Lower 48 wore hoop skirts and the primary mode of mass transit was the train, but there's only so much you can do with a bunch of 50+ year old books.
    When he was twelve, they received their first neighbour in decades. His family did not take kindly to this intrusion on 'their' land, even if said neighbour had settled down nearly three miles away, but Arthur was eager to see a human being he wasn't related to. Eagle--where they went a couple times a year to shop for whatever they couldn't make themselves--was a small town, and wasn't really frequented by anyone who hadn't lived there for several years.
    So, Arthur packed some provisions and hiked the three miles to check on this new neighbour of theirs. The first couple visits, Arthur kept out of sight and watched, waiting for this neighbour to emerge. His family had drawn up many unpleasant speculations about who or what this neighbour was, so naturally Arthur was weary. No amount of waiting seemed to draw him out though, so on the fifth visit, Arthur finally worked up the courage to go up and peek through a window.
    Of course, that was the moment the man finally decided to step outside. By that point the man had more or less come to expect unwelcome visits from the wildlife, and the instant he noticed movement pointed his rifle in its direction--fortunately realizing it was just a kid before doing anything rash. Arthur wasn't going to stick around to find out if the man really was planning to shoot him or not, and took off, running home as fast as his legs would carry him.
    He was mortified, when a couple days later the man came knocking at their door. He knew that his family would be furious if they knew he was out bothering their unwelcome neighbour and hadn't said a word about the encounter, but the ever growing rumours that circulated within his family and the rifle incident had grown in his mind into the solid idea of a crazed murderer, who was now coming after his family to avenge the intrusion of his property. 
    He was so convinced, in fact, that he flew to the door and threw his back against it, begging his parents not to open it and let this boogeyman in. His parents opened the door anyways, of course. Under their circumstances, strangers generally only came knocking on your door if it was a life or death situation. Neither they nor Arthur were right though. The man had neither gun nor life threatening injury, but rather Arthur's hat, which the boy had lost in his desperate flight from the man's property. His parents took the hat, and shut the door in the man's face. While Arthur felt bad for assuming the worst of their neighbour, he felt even worse when he had to explain exactly how his hat had gotten into the stranger's possession. 
    Between the guilt and the embarrassment, Arthur chose to focus on the latter. Why did that stupid guy have to bring his hat back? If he'd just minded his own business he would've never gotten in trouble with his family. So, he determined upon avenging himself. Maybe a broken window, or an open fence gate, or a messed up rainwater collector would teach this stupid neighbour his lesson. At the tender age of twelve Arthur wasn't exactly thinking about the fact that any of these petty vengeances could mean a very real catastrophe for the man. So, he snuck out of his house at night, creeping up on the man's residence under the cover of twilight (there being no true 'night' in the summer months.) To his surprise, he found the man outside, struggling with a generator. Arthur was so amused by the sight he entirely forgot his plot, but after a while the amusement turned to pity. So, he stepped out of his hiding spot and offered to help. It didn't take him long to realize that the man wasn't exactly suited for an off the grid life. 
    Timothy Dean was a man in his late late fifties, a former professor of military history at Auburn who's personal and professional life had gotten too 'complicated,' prompting him to fly the coup for Alaska, in search of an escape from the complexity of civilization. Unfortunately he hadn't accounted for how difficult surviving without modern conveniences could be. He'd already begun reconsidering his decision when Arthur appeared. The young boy hadn't known anything besides this life, and didn't see anything particularly special about helping the professor set up his generator or solar panels, or helping him make repairs, or showing him how to harvest and preserve his crops. 
    To Arthur that was just everyday life--what had captured his attention was the wealth of books the professor had brought with him. Unlike the cheap literature found in his house, the professor's library consisted of stately academic literature, books on history, science, politics. Dean was more than happy to give Arthur free access to his books, and teach him what he knew about military history on top of that. He was shocked and somewhat upset to learn that such a bright young man was denied a proper education and destined to spend the rest of his life chopping wood and hunting moose in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. He knew perfectly well that Arthur's family disapproved of it, but he encouraged Arthur to take an active interest in his education, and consider his options for higher education in the future.
    At first Arthur's family tried to put a stop to it, but no matter what punishments they threatened or creative constraints they devised, Arthur would find his way to the books. In the summer months he'd hike the three miles back and forth, and in winter hang a light on the dog sled and go that way. Arthur had found his dream, and he was going to pursue it to the ends of the earth. He wanted to see the world, and learn, and be around other people as passionate and eager as himself--but more than that, he wanted to do so while part of the armed forces. The tales of military valour and hardship he'd learned from the professor had sparked his imagination, and he longed to trade the isolation and self-sufficiency of his Alaskan home for something greater to belong to. 
    Without a school to attend or even internet, it wasn't going to be easy though. He was fourteen by the time he made up his mind to leave his family's homestead, far too late to start proper schooling even if he could consistently travel the fifty miles to Eagle. That left only one option--homeschooling. With a family totally uninterested in participating. Arthur didn't let this discourage him though. With the help of the professor, they developed a curriculum to follow, built mostly around the resources at their disposal. While his family did their shopping in Eagle a couple times a year, Arthur spent his time at the library, filling in whatever gaps the professor's library left in his education. As his 'graduation' approached, he increased his visits to the town, mostly going in winter by sled. These trips had two purposes: the first, of course, was the library, and the second was training. His family had no money, and he'd realized long ago that the only way he could afford all of his entrance exams and a ticket to whatever college accepted him would be with a windfall--and he intended to get it through the Yukon Quest. 
    He'd been mushing his whole life, and knew what he was doing, but he knew better than to think he could win the YQ with his limited experience. The significantly shorter Junior Yukon Quest (which conveniently for him had been brought back in 2020) was his only hope, and he had only one year left to qualify. As soon as he turned 18, he'd have to start looking for other ways to raise the money.
    So, he trained. He'd make the trip to Eagle nearly every week of winter once he turned sixteen, pushing himself and his dogs to go faster and faster, and going into more and more advanced topics of study. The library's SAT and ACT prep guides were at least ten years out of date, but he studied them cover to cover until he could complete every question within. He knew he couldn't waste this chance. Then, he turned seventeen. There was no more time to waste.
    In a town of less than 100 people, a sixteen year old who shows up weekly on a dog sled just to spend hours in a library wasn't going to unnoticed, and people had begun taking an interest in the strange boy. It wasn't often things like this happened on this town on the edge of the world, and his ambitions found nothing but support--so when this crucial final year approached, the people of Eagle who'd taken an interest in Arthur's aspirations provided him with the money he needed to enter the JYQ. Although to be fair that was $50 so it wasn't that touching. But still, a nice gesture of support.
    Fortunately unlike education, his family fully supported his mushing aspirations. They'd been raising sled dogs for generations and his older brother was an accomplished musher in his own right. He was pleased to see Arthur taking an interest in the sport. So, a compromise was reached. If he won, he could leave to pursue his studies. Not that they would've been able to stop him. They would also finally sign his homeschool diplomma, making him eligible to apply for college. The time of the race came, Arthur signed up, and his brother lent him the money to catch a flight from Eagle to Fairbanks, making him promise to pay him back when he won. 
    Arthur hadn't been terribly worried. Not many people his age were into mushing enough to participate in organized races of this caliber, and he was confident that his team was as good as any. So he was stunned to find nearly a dozen people and their dogs already there when he arrived. This was his first time in a major city--by his standards, at any rate--and his first time encountering so many other people, let alone people he would be competing against. He'd raced his brother several times, but this was on an entirely different level.
    But he'd come too far to give up. He didn't know what his opponents had at stake here, but he was competing for his future. Maybe it was because no one else was taking this quite as seriously as he was, maybe it was luck, or the results of hard work, but he finished the race in first place. And got his reward of $1000. 
    To Arthur, this was a fortune, but more importantly enough to cover his first round of SAT and ACT testing and HSLDA fees. Afraid that his outdated study materials were less than reliable, he'd studied for anything the tests could throw at him, and was beyond prepared, getting almost perfect scores. The next step was his applications. He made his first e-mail account when he was 18 at the Eagle public library, and spent hours attempting to figure out how to navigate the internet before swallowing his pride and asking the librarian for help. Then came the hours of typing college essays, 60% of which was spent staring at the keyboard trying to find letters. Then there were the hours of trying to figure out how to pay the fees with cash, before he finally figured out that he'd need to go to the bank and set up a checking account, then wait a couple months for the plane to arrive with the post containing the card. Getting to this point hadn't been easy, but the application process was the first time he actually considered giving up and just staying with his family the rest of his life. But, after several stressful months of contacting government offices for personal legal info he hadn't even known existed before and begging state representatives for letters of recommendation to various military institutions, it all paid off. Arthur was accepted to the Unites States Naval Academy on full scholarship in exchange for service after graduation. An agreement he was more than pleased with.
    Dean was thrilled by his protege's success. It was great news in its own right, but more importantly it meant he could finally head back down south. He'd grown tired of living in Alaska many years ago and would've left long before now had it not been for Arthur. Arthur's family, meanwhile, grudgingly accepted his decision, although they made absolutely sure he understood all the evils of civilization. But Arthur couldn't wait to see those 'evils' firsthand. He packed some clothing and books Dean had gifted him, had a long, tearful goodbye with the sled team that had made this possible, said goodbye to his family and mentor, and left for Maryland.
    Maryland took some getting used to. The sun, the consistent day-night cycles, the technology absolutely everywhere, threw him off at first and he couldn't help but wonder if he'd made a mistake. He felt like he'd been thrown into the midst of a completely different world, full of wasteful, selfish people who wandered around staring at little blocks of plastic. But on the other hand, there were the classes and the rigorous military discipline of the USNA. This was his first time in a proper academic setting, and although it wasn't quite as he'd imagined it, it was everything he hoped for and more. In time, as he adjusted to life in the Lower 48, he became a model student and midshipman. And with all this room to grow, his ambitions only got bigger. He didn't just want to be a soldier any more--he wanted to be a CID Agent, pursuing criminals and acting in the name of justice. And just like he'd done what it took to get here, he was going to do everything in his power to achieve this. 
    Over the four years he spent at USNA getting his degree, Arthur amassed scholarships, awards, and future job offers. Before completing his third year, he had amassed enough credits to graduate early, and requested leave to attend Fort Leonard Wood for a year to complete his CIDSAC and ACSC. Returning a year later to resume his final year of studies at USNA, he was selected as the Brigade Commander, and served in that capacity until graduation. As the year drew to an end, he was fully prepared to enter the Marine Corps and begin repaying the United States for his education, when he was called to the office of the Superintendent. He had been selected for a very special programme, which would allow him to both serve his country and pursue a post-graduate education at the Northshore Commandos. And it was very strongly encouraged that he accept. He was not given any details, but assured that participation in this programme would be a massive boost to his career. In short, it was an offer Arthur could not refuse.
    Arriving at c0s, he was introduced to the sitting Student Council and the Commander in charge of both the Academy and the Special Division. He hadn't been selected as simply part of the SD, it turned out. He was selected to be one of its commanding officers. The powers that be had grown increasingly sceptical of the capabilities of the SD in its initial incarnation, and had been only somewhat mollified by promises of change. Although very much a member of the SD who took orders from the Commandos chain of command, Arthur was there to watch and make sure the promised changes really did take place. He was to be the eyes and ears of the higher powers interested in the SD's success, and his reports be made out to them.  
    Although not too pleased to find himself embedded as a pawn within the distasteful politics of the military, Arthur has ever intention to faithfully carry out his orders, while simultaneously fulfilling his role as the newest member of the Student Council. 

    Born into a large family that had lived off the grid in the Alaska Interior for over a century. Became interested in the outside world by reading old penny dreadfuls he found around the house, until a former professor moved in nearby. Arthur got curious and started bothering him, and finding that the guy didn't have the first clue about surviving in Alaska decided to help him. In exchange the professor let him read his books and encouraged Arthur to pursue a real education. With the professor's help Arthur homeschooled himself against the wishes of his family, making up his mind to leave Alaska and go to college when he was old enough. Having no money though, he trained with his family's sled dogs to enter the Junior Yukon Quest to win enough money to take his ACTs and SATs and apply to college. He succeeded and painstakingly figured out how to use a computer to apply, and got accepted to the USNA, where he completed his degree only to be 'offered' to participate in a unique programme at the Northshore Commandos. He, of course, accepted, and here we are. 


[+] Optimistic - Arthur is still very much young and hopeful--despite his general seriousness, he's a genuine optimist who believes the ideal outcome can always be achieved through hard work. As someone who's endured several month long nights, he feels justified in saying there's a light at the end of the tunnel. He doesn't believe in giving up, and treats failure as just a learning opportunity. Even the most painful losses can be overcome, and should be inspiration to strive for improvement. 
[+] Dedicated - Even if he does not agree with many of the SD's policies, he believes in what it stands for, and the broader goal of the armed forces. Conflict of interest does not mean that he will not do everything in his power to carry out his duties to the best of his ability. 
[+] Pragmatic - Arthur favours straightforward, practical solutions rather than painstakingly complex theoreticals. If it gets the job done, there's no need to complicate it. 

[=] Disciplined - Through years of hard work in the face of various types of adversity, Arthur has developed a steely self discipline. While on the bright side this makes him reliable, efficient and levelheaded, it also makes him unapproachable and cold. Although by no means antisocial, he rarely takes the initiative to seek out company, so it generally falls to others too approach him and stick around long enough to see the personality under the impassive exterior. 
[=] Romantic - Arthur tends to romanticize and exaggerate things in his mind, although he's learned long ago to curb his overactive imagination. A part of him still wants to believe they live in the world of honour and chivalry he learned about in his earliest readings, and in the privacy of his mind every death becomes a sacrifice and every drop of blood a penance to the gods of war. 
[=] Ambitious - Arthur doesn't settle for anything, and keeps a "go big or go home" mentality. He doesn't simply want to succeed, he wants to excel, and will devote himself entirely to doing so.
[=] Serious - He takes his work and education very seriously, and keeps a very distinct line between work and play. There is a time for jokes and tomfoolery, but working time is not it. That said, he recognizes that many people don't share this belief, and is tolerant of a bit of lightheartedness, so long as it doesn't decrease efficiency. 

[-] Stingy - Growing up as he did, Arthur has learned to waste nothing--time, money, resources, tangible or not everything must be used with maximum efficiency. 
[-] Vindictive - His childhood vengefulness never quite left him. Although nowadays his petty vengeances are a bit more stylish and considerate, he is still inconsolably driven to exact vengeance for any and all slights directed against him or something he has a vested interest in. 
[-] Demanding - Just as he expects a lot from himself, he expects a lot from those around him. Sometimes too much, even. Arthur doesn't believe in rewarding subpar performance, and receiving a compliment for him is an achievement in and of itself. He has a tendency to push people to and even beyond their limits, not out of any sense of sadism, but a genuine belief that they are not making use of their full potential. However since this internal thought process is rarely communicated, he can come off as simply tyrannical. 
[-] Ruthless - Although Arthur makes a point to be as fair and objective as he possibly can, when he deems force or coercion the appropriate course of action, he is merciless, and no amount of negotiation or reasoning can dissuade him. This extends automatically to acknowledged enemies of whatever ideology or organization he is working to defend, and he believes that there are no limits to the 'righteous punishment' their enemies chose for themselves.

Likes x Dislikes
+ The outdoors
+ Snow
+ Nighttime
+ Dogs
    ++ Alaskan Malamutes
+ Literature and poetry
    ++ Trashy historical romance
    ++ War poetry
+ Television
    ++ Cop shows
+ Moose (in the food sense)
+ Lazer pointers 
-- Technology
    -- Computers
-- Digital books
-- Complicated dishes
    -- Especially if they have a long foreign name
-- Injustice/exploitation
-- People who are careless with money



  • Even after five years in 'civilization' he has trouble grasping popular culture. He understands memes in theory, but doesn't bother to keep up with them.
  • Although generally speaking he dislikes technology and uses it only when necessary, he is very fond of television.
  • Despite his Luddite ways and unconventional upbringing, Arthur makes a point of not standing out. Outside of pop culture, he's not at all ignorant and has no trouble understanding how a technologically advanced society functions. He simply chooses not to rely on technology to the extent everyone else does, that's all.
  • Despite his outwardly serious, goal-oriented demeanour, Arthur is very much a romantic, in both senses of the word. He aspires to one day become a war poet, and greatly admires the war poetry of the World Wars and Cold War Era.
  • Although he's not taking any classes in the subject, Arthur is a huge history buff, especially when it comes to 20th century wars.
  • Arthur has a Bachelors in Political Science from USNA, and is now studying in a graduate programme at Commandos for Criminology.
  • He is fairly nearsighted and genuinely needs his glasses.
  • Arthur was the captain of the USNA lacrosse team during his junior and senior years, and played midfield for all four.

Timothy Dean [Mentor] - Former professor of military history at Auburn  - 68
Helen North [Mother] - 51
Christian North [Father] - 53
Lucas North [Brother] - Musher - 25
Josephine North [Sister] -17
Lula North [Aunt] - 59
William North [Uncle] - 55
Elliot North [Cousin] - 27
Frederick North [Cousin] -25
Jackson North [Cousin] -19
Louisa North [Cousin] - 19
Guy North [Grandfather] - 85
Catherine North [Grandmother] - 81
Priscilla North [Great-Grandmother] - 104

[Sled team]
Polaris - Lead dog - 12
Sitka - Lead dog - 10
Adhara - Swing dog -10 (deceased)
Chalawan - Swing dog - 11 (deceased)
Crane - Team dog - 9
Orion - Team dog - 10 (deceased)
Sirius - Team dog - 10
Leo - Team dog - 9 (deceased)
Aurora - Team dog - 11 (deceased)
Maia - Team dog - 10
Taurus - Wheel dog - 9
Fafnir - Wheel dog - 11 (deceased)

[Special Division]
Mishel Beckett [Marine Combat Engineer] - 20
    A reasonably reliable leader. I can see his narrow-mindedness being his hamartia though. I am hardly in a position to judge and speak from very limited experience, but his demeanour alienates many of the men he is supposed to lead and work alongside. He chooses the wrong times to be human, and the wrong times to be a machine. I get the feeling he isn't fully self aware. A very dangerous thing for a military leader.

Milo Beckett [Air Force Biochemist] - 23
    I pity Milo. As far as I can tell, he is a good person, but he has no business serving in the military, let alone leading. Perhaps Mishel thought he was doing his brother a favor, but this is one of the cruelest things I have seen one sibling do to another. Mishel Beckett has done a disservice to himself, his brother, and the armed forces of the United States of America.

Raúl Manuel Salinas Real [Navy Guidance Procedures Officer] - 28
    Again, I am hardly in a position to judge, but I get the feeling that he is not quite part of this unit. There is something that keeps him apart from the rest of the students at this academy. Aside from a bad feeling, however, I have no founded criticism of his performance. Well, I suppose his inability to control his men bears mention, none of them would last a day at Annapolis, but I am somewhat biased in that respect.

Adam Lyvonne [Air Force Air Battle Manager] - 21
    I am sorry to say, I do not like Lyvonne. He seems capable enough, and I am happy to serve alongside him, but personally I would not choose to spend my time with him. He simply has a personality which irritates me. He is far from alone, and there is nothing wrong with that.


[Roleplay Media: Discord

[Roleplay Preferences:  Lit

[User ToS: Romance is extremely unlikely, if that's what you're here for you're better off looking elsewhere. Just a heads up.

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Comments: 10

Ghostini [2017-05-30 09:52:30 +0000 UTC]

Ooo look at dis handsome and scary boi    

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Swissis In reply to Ghostini [2017-05-30 14:17:06 +0000 UTC]

After months of living in my sta.sh he's finally here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ghostini In reply to Swissis [2017-06-04 00:13:29 +0000 UTC]

Yaaaaaaaay >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MicroKumo [2017-05-29 19:05:16 +0000 UTC]

He's so handsome but I'm already scared of him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Swissis In reply to MicroKumo [2017-05-29 23:29:58 +0000 UTC]

I was about to say it's okay there's no reason to be scared


that' a lie 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MicroKumo In reply to Swissis [2017-05-30 00:00:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HimeTarts [2017-05-29 17:31:05 +0000 UTC]

I see how it is Arthur, I see how it is smh
We've waited,
now he's at last graced us
oh hail the bleached blonde

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Swissis In reply to HimeTarts [2017-05-29 17:38:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry Hime Arthur doesn't say nice things about people

He actually likes Mish I swear--

But yes time to terrorize all the children

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PandamoniYUM [2017-05-28 02:37:27 +0000 UTC]

wow swiss cant believe hes roastin already like this

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Swissis In reply to PandamoniYUM [2017-05-28 17:37:19 +0000 UTC]

Arthur is the most pessimistic optimist you will ever meet.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0