Sycopomp — tGB: Toto tryout

#butterfly #golden #javelin #jet #marvel #toto #tgb
Published: 2017-09-07 04:25:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1008; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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me: okay! September is the month of productivity! No more procrastinating! Time to clean my roo--
[Javelin tryouts!]
me: ... //sweeps everything off desk// I must have the childe

I went with a Jet bio and a dmab because I'm a sucker for symmetry and there were two dfabs and two Marvel bios (I am a simple person)

anyway here's my bean... I love him...

showing early signs of that groovy mohawk......


| Name: | Toto

| Nicknames: | Toto, Tot, Totty

| Past Names: | n/a

| Reason for Name:

  • Toto: Named after Kato.
  • Name: Meaning

Tribe Information

| Age: |  Kitten

  • Joined:
  • Autumn

| Gender: | Cis male

| Breed: |American Curl / British Shorthair/ Highlander x Oriental Shorthair / Bombay

| Rank: | Kitten  
  • Previously: Fetus
  • Reason: The Pre-Birth Place
| Tribe: | Shadow
  • Future: N/a

| Abilities: | N/a

| Apprentice: | N/a

| Mentor: | N/a

| Soulbond: | N/a

Tribe Skills

| Signature move: | N/a

| Status: | 0/13 Skills | 0 Level-Ups

  • [Skill 1:] Name

  • [Skill 2:] Name

  • [Skill 3:] Name

  • [Skill 4:] Name


| Relationship status: | xxx

| Sexual orientation: | xxx

| Currently attracted to: | xxx

| Preference: | xxx

| Attractions: |
  • xxx
| Current: |


| Cardinal Trait: | Calm

| Fatal Flaw: | Forgiving

| Temperament: | Phlegmatic

| Enneagram: | 9 - The Peacemaker

| MBTI: | INFP - The Mediator

| Summary: | A placid, ever-peaceful little kitten with scatterbrained tendencies and a terrible memory, he's compassionate to a fault and loves to play.

{ Placid | Absentminded | Harmless | Benign | Credulous | Thoughtless }

  • [Placid:] [ pleasantly calm or peaceful; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed. ]
    Toto can be surprisingly calm for a kitten his age, composed and unruffled no matter what life throws at him. It may cause one to question his ability to understand the severity of things, but it's yet to be seen whether he comprehends the scope of certain events. Ultimately he seems capable of responding to unpleasant surprises, though he seems not to feel the usual onset of panic that comes with such things. Patient and tolerant, he's a star student for enduring a fathers' grooming, as well as an obliging sibling, readily doting on his brothers and sisters.

  • [Absentminded:] [ so lost in thought that one does not realize what one is doing, what is happening, etc.; preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one's immediate surroundings. ]
    Toto's attention span is one of the greatest causes for concern in his fhaters' day-to-day lives. Even midway through a conversation, his attention is easily diverted, to the point that he'll wander off either in the midst of talking or being spoken to. Even aware of this problem as he is, it gets the best of him more times than not. It's a bit of an embarrassment, but he isn't the type to dwell on it. Easily distracted as he is, it also affects his memory; Toto is a forgetful little kitten, never meaning to disobey but often not remembering the rules. It isn't to say he doesn't think they're important; he merely gets absorbed in what he's doing, all else falling away.

  • [Harmless:] [ without the power or desire to do harm. ]
    Toto, for his faults, never means any harm. Even to those who may perhaps wish it upon him, this little kitten appears to be entirely incapable of violence, even to the degree of merely thinking it. No matter the scenario, his mind never resorts to doing something that may hurt or upset another cat. Instead, he always attempts to find a peaceful resolution. Or, in cases where he feels that he has been wronged, he will take time to himself in order to nurse his proverbial wounds, then return to the situation and speak to the cat. It never even occurs to him to exact revenge, or to blame the person who has hurt him; rather, he will tend to himself, then attempt to help the cat so that they won't do the hurtful thing again.

  • [Benign:] [ having a kindly disposition; gracious; showing or expressive of gentleness. ]
    Toto is pacifistic by nature, entirely incapable of knowingly inflicting or being the cause of negativity. This applies to all things, including insects or animals; pain without reason is a terrible thing to him, and he will pay respect to even the smallest of bugs that have been killed by his playful siblings. This compassion extends, of course, to his fellow feline; even to the most heinous of villains he will exhibit understanding and empathy. Perhaps to his detriment, Toto does not believe anyone too far gone so as to be deserving of abandonment or condemnation. Nor would he attempt to justify their actions, of course, but understanding is the first step toward healing, and changing. 

  • [Credulous:] [ willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullible.  ]
    At this stage in his life, Toto is quite willing to put his faith in just about anyone. This isn't to say that he'll compromise on his beliefs easily or readily, however when it comes to things like animals, or physics, or any other such worldly things, then the first person to tell him about it is basically the authority on that subject. You could tell him that rabbits grow wings in the winter and are harder to catch, or that some trees grow upside-down with their roots in the air and their leaves in the ground, and he'd see no reason to doubt you. It's likely because Toto puts too much trust in cats not to lie; rather, he believes that those who dispense misinformation were merely misinformed themselves, and will take any opportunity to return and correct them if he learns otherwise. This is a... very concerning trait for his fathers, as he has difficult comprehending malice, and so would likely be happy to follow just about anyone if they told him that his fathers sent them for him. Don't talk to strangers, Toto. Please. 

  • [Thoughtless:] [ not thinking enough; careless or heedless. ]
    Toto sadly has a very narrow scope of attention. He's entirely incapable of focusing on anything outside of his immediate vicinity or consideration, thus leading to a fair bit of careless decisions. Whether it's something like following a butterfly... even when it goes out of camp, or inviting a new friend into the nursery... even if they have a different tribe's tattoo, he's not very adept at recognizing the potential consequences of his actions. Because of this, he's rather irresponsible in all that he does, not noticing the recklessness of some of his actions until it's either too late, or it's pointed out to him.

| Other Traits: |
  • [Affectionate:] [ showing, indicating, or characterized by affection or love; fondly tender. ]
  • [Introspective:] [ prone to observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself. ]
  • [Sheepish:] [ embarrassed or bashful, as by having done something wrong or foolish. ]


| Notable Features: | White points; freckles.

| Items: |

  • [N/a:

| Wounds: |
  • [N/a:]

| Build: |
  • [Head:] Chub
  • [Legs:] Chub
  • [Body:] Chub
  • [Tail:] Stumpy

| Voice: |  xxx

| Scent: | Dust and seaspray

| Eyes: | Amber (right) and robin blue (left) [Subject to change]

| Fur: | Soft

| Tattoo: | N/a


| Facts: |

  • Humandryx Toto would have a bonzai tree.
  • As drowsy as he seems, Toto loves to play. His favourite game is chasing balls of moss.
  • Toto likes to talk to the stars.

| Likes: |
  • [Marvel:] He luvs his daddy.
  • [Jet:] He luvs his papa.
  • [Siblings:] He luvs his sibbies.

| Dislikes: |
  • [Roughhousing:] He doesn't like ouchies.
  • [Loudness:] He has sensitive ears.
  • [Fish:] Icky smell, icky taste.

| Dreams: xxx
  • [Horizon:] He dreams of the place where the sky and the water touch, where he can swim in the air.

| Fears: |
  • [Pain:] He's afraid of pain as a concept, as experienced by anyone.

| Talents: |
  • [Fast Learner:] He picks things up so easily... but he's prone to forgetting the lesson, or wandering off partway through it.

| Hobbies: |
  • [Talking:] He just loves talking with everyone.

| Mental Health: |
  • 100%
  • Healthy bean brain.

| Physical Health: |
  • 100%
  • Healthy bean beans.



| Battle skills: |

  • [Speed:]
  • [Strength:]
  • [Endurance:]
  • [Tactical:]
  • [Attack:]
  • [Stealth:]
  • [Agility:]
  • [Accuracy:]
  • [Balance:]

| Daily life: |
  • [Dexterity:]
  • [Memory:]
  • [Leadership:]
  • [Willingness to learn:]
  • [Climbing:]
  • [Swimming:]

| Senses: |
  • [Eyesight:]
  • [Touch:]
  • [Hearing:]
  • [Taste:]
  • [Smell:]


With so many tiny scraps of fur bumbling around and being adorable, it was only a matter of time before Marvel and Jet decided it was their turn for a little taste of family life. Little, as in teeny tiny beanie babies. As in four of them. As in not a little at all, but a lot, as in four a lot, as in oh boy it's time for parenthood.

Chapter I.
With an even split of kittens appearing to come from each father, Maerad gave birth on a sunny day-- or so Toto believes. It must have been a lovely, sunny day, because he remembers the warmth on his face and the world was blessed when they came into the world so of course it would be a smiling, sunny day. He's a bit weird about it.

Already a pushover, Toto was often last to suckle, too lazy to spar with his siblings for milk. Yet over time he grew plump and soft, and by the time their eyes all opened, he was ready to start exploring. And oh, explore he has, trundling along after bugs, after fathers, after siblings, and always with that dopey smile on his face, ready for adventure, for play, for cuddles.


| Parents: |

  • [Marvel:] Father | Gold-Shadow | Alive
  • [Jet:] Father (Biological) | Orange-Shadow | Alive
  • [Maerad:] Auntie (Dam) | Orange-Air | Alive

| Littermates: |
  • [Lilia:] idk | Kitten | Alive | SilviBili
  • [Marigold:] idk | Kitten | waxwiing
  • [Jay:] idk | Kitten | Alive | rainwolfeh

| Adopted Family: |
  • [xxx:] xxx | xxx | xxx

Role Play

| Timezone: | Eastern Standard Time

  • [Chat:]
  • Yes
  • [Note:]
  • I'm forgetful, but if you really want
  • [Skype:]
  • Preferred
  • [Discord:]
  • Preferred
  • [Forum:]
  • No
  • [Email:]
  • No
  • [Google Docs:]
  • Yes
  • [Comments:]
  • Yes

| Finished Role Plays: |
  • xxx

| Role Play Samples: |
"I'm sure you'd appreciate the opportunity to escape," Firo called back in reply before disappearing into the underbrush.
In truth, he went farther than he planned to. Along the way he hunted, at least, nestling the prey away as he continued onward. In almost no time at all, the short distance of clear ground that ringed the bog opened up in front of him, and he stopped. The shadow of his past self burst from the edge of the swampy earth, and his eyes grew distant. A ghost-- his old leader-- stood, transparent, to his left; flanked by warriors and guards all bristling at his sudden appearance. Blood, and mud, and desperation poured off of his own apparition.
Clenching his jaw, Firo shook off the memories, and the quaking that it had cast over him. Raising his head, he crossed the clearing, reversing his old pawsteps until he stood at the edge of the bog. A tremor had settled in beneath the nerves of his skin as he stared out at the shades and fog that hovered above the uneven terrain.
He shouldn't have come. He should have let Shibui take him, ease him nearer. A solid, comforting presence. What had compelled him to come now? What foolish impulse had he succumbed to?
Part of him relaxed; the rest continued to tremble. Hovering in a lingo between barely-suppressed terror, and a peculiar numbness. It kept him in place, eyes locked out in the distance, unable to move or tear his gaze away.


| Biography Layout: | quaill
| Character: | Sycophantism
| Reference:

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Comments: 2

Baerrito [2017-09-07 05:15:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sycopomp In reply to Baerrito [2017-09-07 05:23:35 +0000 UTC]

;w; <3<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0