Sylizar — Various Sea Creatures

Published: 2010-01-27 03:45:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1583; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 8
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Description "The sea is home to an incredible array of life, from the unusual, to the beautiful and everything in between."

Fish, Denizens of the deep, Children of the Sea Mother, Sea Creatures. They go by many names, and all of them are unique in their own way. Sea Creatures is a term used to display an enormous array of different species living in the sea. The few listed here, from left to right are:

(Top Left) Horn Fish, (Top Right) Hypseridont, (Middle left) Bloated Angler, Ripper, Armored Pufferfish, (Down right, lone fish) Kern Fish, (Below Puffer) Lanternhead, Murk Glider, (Big fish, left) Mithandrill Gulper, (Bottom Left) Parahorn, (Bottom right) Acanthropeloro

Horn Fish:
The Horn Fish is a small, uncommon fish found only in the Pacific Ocean. These fish hunt by impaling small crustaceans or other small fish on their horn. They then use the tiny mouths located on the top of their horn to feed.

Various Facts:
- Male - Top  Female - Bottom
- Horn Fish are very fast and can outswim most fish their size. They can swim at speeds reaching up to 5 miles an hour.
- Horn Fish are suprisingly aggressive for their size, and will attack things larger than themselves.
- Horn Fish have a simple gill system.
- Horn Fish have been known to leap out of the water.
- Their horns are sharp and can pierce human flesh with ease.
- Horn Fish are approximately 7 inches long, and can weigh up to 20 ounces.
- They can live for 5 years.

Threat Level: Low

Hypseridont are the distant relative of the Barracuda. Hypseridont are highly vicious, and are some of the most feared fish in the sea. This, alongside their ferocity, is due to their large numbers and pack tactics. Hypseridonts are commonly found near the shore, and cause almost 100 fatalities around the world a year.

Various Facts:
- Male - Top  Female- Bottom
- Hypseridonts are quick like most carnivorous fish. They can reach speeds of up to 25 miles an hour.
- Hypseridont fins are sharp and can easily slice skin. Some species have venomous fins.
- Their skulls are rather unique amongst most animals. Their eyes are on the bottom of their skull instead of the top, this allows them to see straight ahead as well as down. This allows them to catch possible sneak attacks from below.
- Their jaws have immense closing power, strong enough to sever limbs.
- Much like sharks, Hypseridonts stick their fin above water when closing in on prey.
- Hypseridonts have a complex gill system.
- Hypseridonts have tough scales.
- Hypseridonts can reach 5 feet in length and can weigh up to 50 lbs.
- They can live for 36 years.

Threat Level: High

Bloated Angler:
Bloated Anglers are a light, slow moving species of fish that live in the deep. These fat anglers simply float through the dark, holding their luminescent angler ahead of them. When prey is drawn in, they simply lure them into their gaping mouths and close it. Their pouch is then filled with a deadly venom and the prey is killed.

- Top - Female  Bottom - Male
- Female Bloated Anglers can weigh up to 2 lbs. and can reach 3 feet in length. Males can weigh up to 50 ounces and can reach lengths of 1 foot.
- They can live for 29 years.
- Bloated Anglers are practically filled with air, cutting a hole in one may kill it.
- Some Bloated Anglers accidentally swallow precious minerals, or items that have sunken to the depths. This makes them valuable when they wash ashore during large tsunamis.
- Bloated Anglers mostly eat nearly microscopic organisms, but they do occasionally eat slightly larger prey.
- Bloated Anglers have a simple gill system

Threat Level: Very Low

Rippers are small, fast, ferocious and are distant relatives to the Piranha. These small pack hunters are found only in the rivers of the Southlands, rivers that are usually connected to the ocean. These small horned terrors are feared by the locals, and rivers are treaded carefully during the rainy season when the fish become most active.

Various Facts:
- Female - Top  Male - Bottom
- Male Rippers can reach up to 1 foot in length and weigh up to 2 lbs. Female Rippers can reach 25 cm in length and weigh around 1 lb.
- Male Rippers can live for 10 years. Females can live for 8.
- A pack of rippers (up to 30 members) can shred a human sized animal within 10 seconds or less.
- Male Rippers, and sometimes females, contest dominance by slicing each other apart with their horns. The losers, and sometimes winners, are viciously devoured by any nearby Rippers.
- Rippers can swim at speeds reaching up to 5 miles an hour.
- Rippers have been known to leap up to 4 feet out of the water.
- Rippers are said to taste excellent, and are a dangerous meal to try and catch. It is also a trial of manhood for certain tribes to be stuck in a pool with up to 10 Rippers. The trial is to kill each one, or to reach the other side without dying.
- It is said their scales can cure illnesses.
- Rippers have a simple gill system.

Threat Level: Very High

Armored Pufferfish:
Armored Pufferfish are much like their ancient relatives, but they do not use spikes as a defense. Instead, as their name states, Armored Pufferfish are heavily armored, and when they puff themselves up, they essentially become a large armored ball. Armored Pufferfish only eat microscopic organisms.

Various Facts:
- Female - Bottom  Male - Top
- Armored Pufferfish can reach lengths of up to 2 feet long and can weigh up to 5 lbs.
- Armored Pufferfish have a complex gill system.
- They can live for 24 years.
- When puffed up, Armored Pufferfish become approximately 4 feet in diameter. This can choke up medium sized sea predators and allow the Puffer to escape.
- The odd fins on the Puffers head are often considered humorous since it looks like they have flapping ears while they swim.
- Armored Pufferfish meat is tender and savory, but very hard to get to. Although in some sea-side villages there are people who specialize in cracking open their armor.
- Their mouths are almost always open to catch any wandering food.

Threat Level: Non-Existent

Kern Fish:
The Kern Fish is a rare fish found only in the Kernese Sea off the coast of Australasia. These fish have been hunted to near extinction due to their flavourful meat and healing qualities. Of course now they are a forbidden species until their numbers reach a large amount again.

Various Facts:
- Kern Fish can reach up to 4 feet in length and can weigh up to 25 lbs.
- Kern Fish only eat a quick-growing plant that grows at the bottom of the small sea. This plant is an offshoot of Plant of Life and explains why the Kern Fish has healing qualities.
- Kern Fish can live for 40 years.
- Kern Fish have no instantly noticeable mouth, but in between the two objects hanging from its chin is a small mouth used to tear at the plants.
- Kern Fish can swim at speeds of up to 10 miles an hour.
- There are still Kern Fish being sold on the markets, despite one not having been killed for nearly five years. That's how long the meat lasts.
- The odd tentacles on their chin were used to sense vibrations in the water, but since they evolved with few natural predators, this ability slowly dissapeared. By the time humanoids appeared, these tentacles were just useless features.
- Kern Fish have a complex gill system

Threat Level: Non-Existent

Lanternheads are fish that live deep in the sea, and like many deep sea creatures they have a feature of bio-luminescense. Lanternheads can cause their entire head to glow brightly, so bright in fact that most predators shy away from them. Lanternheads only eat microscopic organisms.

Various Facts:
- Female - Top  Male - Bottom
- Female Lanternheads can reach up to 1 foot in length and weigh up to 2 lbs. Male Lanternheads can reach up to 35 cm in length and weigh up to 1 lb.
- Female Lanternheads have large eyes, these eyes are specially adapted to seeing in the pitch black of the deep. Males on the other hand rely on the bright glow of others to see and usually stick with females to survive.
- Lanternheads have very flexible skeletons, this allows them to squeeze into even the tiniest of spaces.
- Lanternheads eat through small pores that are located near their gills.
- Lanternheads have a complex gill system.
- Female Lanternheads can live for 6 years. Males can live for 4.
- Lanternheads can swim at speeds of 15 miles an hour.

Threat Level: Non-Existent

Murk Glider:
Murk Gliders, often known as Quad Fin Gliders, are a species located between the deep and the upper sea, this area is known as the Murk. Few species live here due to the odd placement of the zone, but those that do are just as odd as the Deep sea creatures. Murk Gliders are one of the larger species in the Murk and they eat just about anything there.

Various Facts:
- Murk Gliders can reach 7 feet in length and weigh up to 70 lbs.
- Murk Gliders' mouths open in a star shape. They then suck anything in front of them into their mouths. This suction can pull anything smaller than 4 feet into their mouth, this mouth is filled with razor sharp teeth and shreds anything pulled in.
- Due to the placement of their fins, the Murk Gliders spiral through the ocean when swimming.
- Murk Gliders can spin their eyes a full 360 degrees enabling them to see in any direction.
- If the suction doesn't work, the two tentacles located on the side of the Murk Glider will whip forward and grab the prey, pulling it back.
- Murk Gliders can live for 44 years.
- Murk Gliders can swim at speeds of 20 miles an hour.

Threat Level: Low

Mithandrill Gulper:
Mithandrill Gulpers are located in the Mithandrillian Sea south of Africana. These massive fish are the largest in the Mithandrillian Sea and dwarf any that come near. Sea side tribes worship these fish as Children of the Sea Mother, and when one shows up during a famine it is believed to be a gift from the Mother herself.

Various Facts:
- Mithandrill Gulpers can reach lengths of up to 15 feet and can weigh up to 300 lbs.
- Mithandrill Gulpers can live for 60 years.
- The spines on the Mithandrill Gulpers back are sharp and can slice through fishing boats with ease.
- Mithandrill Gulpers 'gulp' a ton of water into their pouch, and then push it through a sift located in the pouch. The sift will rid the water from the pouch and will keep food inside. From here, anything inside the pouch will be swallowed by the Gulper.
- Mithandrill Gulpers can leap up to 10 feet out of the water. this is a stunning sight for sea side villagers.
- They have a complex gill system.
- Mithandrill Gulpers sometimes kill careless humanoids. Their sharp teeth allow them easily latch on and drag humanoids to a watery grave.
- Mithandrill Gulpers have thick scales, and are very tough to kill.

Threat Level: Medium

Parahorn are a deep sea fish species. They are odd, even by most deep sea standards, for example, they have necks. Parahorn can only eat small fish and microscopic organisms due to their small, toothless mouth.

Various Facts:
- Parahorn have large eyes, these eyes, like the female Lanternhead, are specially adapted to see in the darkness of the Deep.
- Parahorn earned their name due to the odd shape of their skull.
- It is unknown why Parahorn evolved necks, but most assume they were once related to a land dwelling species. The necks help with 360 degree eyesight.
- Parahorn can dart around suprisingly fast, at up to 15 miles an hour.
- Parahorn mouths are pointed straight up. When they open, they lower similar to a drawbridge, but the movement is quick.
- Parahorn have a complex gill system.

Threat Level: Non-Existent

The Acanthropeloro is a smaller relative of the Riorisuchus. It is also believed to be a direct relative to the mythical Sea Mother. They, along with the aforementioned Riorisuchus, a few species of sharks and fish, are on the list of most dangerous seafaring predators, and to avoid them, massive ships are recommended. Acanthropeloro have been known to swim alongside ships and, depending on your views, this can be seen as good or bad luck.

Various Facts:
- Acanthropeloro fins are sharp, sharp enough to slice through some of the toughest hulls.
- Acanthropeloro bites are always fatal due to their size and jaw strength. One bite is usually enough to sever a humanoid in two, if not worse.
- Acanthropeloro can reach lengths of up to 60 feet and can weigh up to 2,000 lbs. They can be 10 feet in diameter.
- Acanthropeloro can swim at speeds reaching up to 20 miles an hour.
- Acanthropeloro have thick, tough skin. This makes them hard to kill.
- Acanthropeloro can shoot out of the water at incredible speeds, when viewed this is an amazing sight. When encountered, this is a scary last moment.
- Anthropeloro can have up to half their body on land for over an hour. This is when they are heating themselves up. Although sometimes they do this to grab prey right off the beach.
- Some believe these to be related to the Destroyer due to a few select similarities. This has cults searching for them and sometimes worshipping them.

Threat Level: High


Hmmm, this one seemed so much easier to write things for, despite taking a long time. Maybe it's just because I really liked a lot of these.
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