T0xicCh4s3y — Story update

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Undertale Story?

The snow within the underground fell in uncountable numbers. The blizzard was the strongest it had been in quite some time. The air filled with white and the wind howled from the outside. Within the blizzard was a two-story wooden house. The house had a balcony on the side, fairy lights strung on top of the house and a black pirate flag with a skull on the middle. A figure appeared from within the blizzard and forcefully opened the door before walking inside the house. The wind from outside slammed the door behind them making the figure jump a little. The figure was a tall, lanky skeleton with a bulky shirt, big boots and a damaged red cape.

“THAT WAS LOUD, IT SPOOKED ME!” the skeleton exclaimed presumably to himself. But to his surprise, he wasn’t alone in the house. “oh, hey papyrus.” The sudden voice from the second floor startled the lanky skeleton. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE AT WORK OR GRILLBYS OR, OR NAPPING!” papyrus yelled that back to the other ‘person’ in the house. The other ‘person’ was another skeleton. This skeleton was half the size of papyrus and wore a blue puffy jacket, black shorts with white stripes and pink fluffy slippers. The jacket zipper was open revealing his white turtle-neck shirt underneath. The skeleton had light bags under his eyes and two white dots for eyes within his eye sockets. “well I guess you could say that I got tired of sleeping.” the second skeleton giggled at his own joke meanwhile papyrus stomped his foot in frustration. “SANS! I JUST GOT BACK AND YOU’RE ALREADY DOING THIS?!” papyrus seemed annoyed as he yelled at the other skeleton. “oh, come on papyrus, you’re smiling.” Sans teased papyrus furthermore. “I AM AND I HATE IT!”

papyrus sighed before brushing the snow of his shoulders. “but, on a more serious note. Were you seriously training in this weather?” sans gave papyrus a puzzled look. “WELL OF COURSE! I SHOULD GET MY BODY USED TO THE HARD WEATHER SINCE I AM THE LEADER OF THE ROYAL GUARD NOW!” papyrus seemed very impressed with himself as he said it. Sans just shrugged his shoulders as he slowly came back downstairs, giving up on the argument before it happened. ”so, what did you do out there?” sans wanted to start up a conversation with papyrus. “WELL, I DID I FEW LAPS AROUND SNOWDIN, HELPED DOGGO WITH SOME DOG TREAT BAGS AND GAVE UNDYNE THE REPORT IN THE PALICE!” papyrus seemed proud of himself as he said it. “you’re so cool bro.” papyrus agreed with sans.

“WELL SINCE YOU’RE AWAKE, HOW ABOUT YOU RECALABRATE YOUR PUZZLES!” sans didn’t like the sound of that idea. “how about we visit Toriel today instead?” papyrus thought for a moment before speaking. “THAT’S BRILLIANT SANS! I HAVENT SEEN HER IN A FEW DAYS!” without second thought, papyrus picked up sans, putting sans on his back and ran out the house. “woah, papyrus!” sans didn’t expect the sudden movements of papyrus. After a minute or two of papyrus running through the harsh blizzard, sans suggested an idea. “hey bro, why don’t we use one of my shortcuts?” it seemed like a good idea at the time since the weather was not on their side and they could risk getting sick. “NO SANS! THAT’S JUST LAZY!” papyrus seemed annoyed at the thought of Sans’s shortcuts even though it would probably help in this situation. They soon reached the woods outside of Snowdin and papyrus came to a halt to let sans down. Though papyrus was a skeleton, he only had so much cold resistance. He shivered slightly from the fierce blizzard that did not seem to calm on their journey. “you cold bro?” sans seemed slightly concerned with papyrus’s wellbeing since he was the older brother. “WH-WHY WOULD THE GREAT PAPYRUS BE COLD?! I AM THE LEADER OF THE ROYAL GUARD AFTER ALL!” papyrus denied that he was cold even though he was. “not if you’re sick you’re not.” As sans said it, he made papyrus lean down to his level before taking off his jacket and putting it on papyrus. “it may be small but it’ll do the trick.” Papyrus rose back up putting the jacket on properly. “THANK YOU, SANS.” They continued to walk further into the woods and shortly came across a big purple door. Sans walked in front of papyrus and went up to the door. He knocked on the door in a certain pattern and moments later the door opened slightly, allowing the brothers to enter with the door closing softly behind them.

Little did they know that there was something watching within the bushes. Beside the door that they had just entered, there was a small camera that was within the small bush and that camera lead to a large monitor where two people were watching. “traitor!” the first ‘person’ was a strong and thin woman. She was more fish than human, her scales were a deep blue colour, blood red hair, fins where human ears would be and she was wearing a black singlet. “w-well, m-maybe it’s a m-misunderstanding?” the second ‘person’ that was there was a yellow reptile, similar to a lizard. She was smaller than the fish lady and was wearing a lab coat and some round glasses. “I knew that lazy skeleton was up to something!” the fish lady seemed mad at where they had gone to. “w-well he goes to the ruins e-everyday.” The yellow lizard was sitting in front of the monitor and seemed timid. “EVERYDAY?! We need to do something about that retched skeleton!” the fish lady was shocked and what the yellow lizard said just fanned the flames. “b-but Undyne!” the yellow lizard tried to stop Undyne from storming out but it was to no avail. Undyne ran out of the lab before spawning her magic spear then disappearing into Hotlands. “o-oh no…” the lizard exclaimed...

The skeleton brothers walked into the room and see a tall goat woman standing in front of them. She wore and purple dress with the Deltarune symbol on the front. “why hello Sans and Papyrus.” The goat lady exclaimed. “HELLO MISS TORIEL!” papyrus was excited to see her and gave her a firm hug. “don’t goat me wrong, she loves hugs but don’t squeeze to hard.” Toriel snorted before bursting out with laughter. Meanwhile, papyrus was not amused. “SANS, FOR THE LOVE OF MONSTERS, WHY?!” sans began to laugh alongside Toriel at the same time Papyrus let go of Toriel in disgust. “shall I invite you boys to my humble home for some snail pie?” just the thought of eating snail pie made the brothers sick to the non-existent stomach. “thanks for the kind offering but we’ll pass on the pie for now.” Papyrus nodded fiercely when sans said it. “alright, if you’re sure. I just don’t want you to go hungry, that’s all.”




Toriel guided the brothers through the ruins, papyrus loved completing all the puzzles but sans barely could stay awake the longer it took papyrus to do certain puzzles. Eventually, they arrived at toriel’s house but by the time they got there, sans were fast asleep on papyrus’ back, papyrus had taken off the jacket sans gave him since it was no longer cold and placed it on sans as if a blanket when he slept. When they climbed the stairs leading to the house, the smell of pie and charcoal filled the air. They ventured into the living room which was a soft cream colour, there was a couch in front of a fire place which was lit and had a slow burn.

Papyrus looked at Toriel before speaking in a slightly quieter voice then before, almost a whisper. “MISS TORIEL, WHERE SHALL I PUT THE LAZY BONES TO REST?” Toriel quietly guided papyrus to the guest room and papyrus lightly tucked sans into the child sized bed, placing the blanket over-top. The room was dark but bright enough to see everything, there was a closet full of children’s shirts, a box full of child sized shoes and a box full of children’s toys. “this room is perfect for his size.” Toriel giggled when she said it, knowing how short sans is. Toriel and papyrus soon left the room so sans could rest, getting out a small puzzle with around fifty pieces to entertain themselves in front of the fire.

“JUST ONE MORE PIECE!” papyrus grabbed the last piece of the puzzle and firmly put it in place. “well done papyrus!” Toriel clapped her hands to congratulate papyrus once he completed the puzzle. “I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS COMPLETED ANOTHER DIFICAULT PUZZLE!” papyrus was very proud of himself. Sans came out of the guest room and stretched. “heya.” Sans came in and sat next to them. Papyrus was laying stomach to ground while Toriel was sitting with her legs crossed. “OH, SANS! YOU WOKE UP JUST IN TIME FOR MY VICTORY!” papyrus sat up and looked at sans. “congrats bro.” sans lightly pet him on the shoulder as he spoke. “did you sleep well dear?” Toriel turned her attention to sans. “yep.” Sans put his hands in the pockets of his blue jacket. “well that’s very good then.”

Undyne reached the door to the ruins and found it was locked. Her anger only grew further. Without hesitation, she broke the door with her spears and stormed into the corridor leading to the ruins. She came to a stop in front of the puzzles and thought for a moment. I don’t have time for this. she thought to herself. A few moments later she was done with thinking and without a second thought, she destroyed the puzzles making them turn off, allowing a safe passage. She continued on and gripped her spear tightly.

Sans and Toriel continued to harass papyrus with their puns until he stormed out of the house. “I’M DONE!” as he stormed out, he stomped his feet furiously. “papyrus, c’mon.” sans giggled slightly before letting out a long sigh. “he’s not coming back anytime soon” Toriel looked at sans before she spoke. “has the child called you back yet?” she seemed worried about the child. “nope.” Sans didn’t feel like talking about the kid but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. “thank you for keeping your promise my friend.” She put her hand on his shoulder as if to comfort.

Moments later, there was a screaming noise coming from the stairwell and both sans and Toriel looked to that direction. “sans you retched skeleton!” undyne came from the stairs and grabbed sans by the collar. Sans did not expect what happened since it only happened in an instant. Undyne held a spear to his face and sans put up his hands to say ‘I mean no harm’. Sans smile has visibly faded slightly and he started to sweat. “you traitor!” undyne wanted sans to explain himself but sans didn’t know what he did.

his job, next helped that human, then he let that human kill countless monsters while he sat back but when he did do something, he probably didn’t do much since he’s right here and the human is not dead and roaming the surface world. But now, he’s going to the ruins every day like nothing happened even though you are clearly banished!” undyne’s grip on sans tightened and Toriel froze since she was unaware that the child had hurt people. Toriel looked at sans and saw that his smile has faded. “you… didn’t try to fight them?” Toriel didn’t know how to feel after what she heard. “trust me, I tried.” Sans’ eyes went black when he said it, he seemed more serious then before. “then why are you alive as well as the human?! One of you should be dead!” Toriel gasped after undyne said that to sans. Sans thought for a moment before speaking. “heh heh heh heh… Y'know what? Maybe I should’ve died. But at least I tried to give it my all for once.” Undyne either didn’t seem to care or believe what he was saying. “that’s just a bad excuse for being lazy since that’s all your good for.” Sans just looked down, obviously angered but he doesn’t want to start a fight he knew he wouldn’t win. “Go to hell” sans said it under his breath but it was just loud enough for Undyne to hear. “what did you say to me punk?!” as she yelled at sans, she winded up her arm and almost punched him square in the face before she was stopped.

Her soul had turned blue and she got thrown back slightly to put distance between her and sans, she turned her head and saw papyrus with tears in his eyes. “PLEASE DON’T, HIS HP! YOU’D KILL HIM!” undyne looked at papyrus for a moment. “right... I forgot how weak he was.” Undyne gave sans a death glare before papyrus let her go. “WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE EVEN ABOUT? SANS SAID EVERYONE THAT DISAPEARED WAS ON VACATION!” everyone in the room fell silent. “the only thing I’ll say to you papyrus is that your brother has done some horrible things and he needs to be taught a lesson!” toriel stepped in front of sans with her arms out. “Sans did nothing wrong! He was only keeping his promise!” Toriel stared at undyne but undyne just looked her in the eyes and toriel got a blue spear to her face. “move aside.” papyrus didn’t know what to do, his friends were fighting and his brother almost died. “EVERYONE STOP!”

everyone fell silent and looked at papyrus, tears started to roll done his face. Sans rose to his feet and went to papyrus, undyne tried to interfere but toriel stood in her way. Sans made papyrus kneel on one knee so they were on the same level and he wiped papyrus’s tears away. “don’t be such a baby bones, everything is fine” sans gave papyrus a reassuring smile. “YOU COULDN’T HAVE DONE SOMETHING BAD, RIGHT SANS?” papyrus looked at sans for answers but sans just looked down. “eh, I’ll go. After all, you’ll will have to listen to my pun-ishment.” sans shrugged as he said it, putting a wide smile on his face, acting like nothing was wrong. Papyrus and toriel looked at sans, unsure if he had made the right decision.

“trust me, I’ll be okay.” Sans hugged papyrus not fully knowing if he would be okay, papyrus hugged sans firmly and smiled. “IF YOU ARE SURE BROTHER THEN I HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! AFTER ALL, I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!” undyne brushed past toriel who was still processing sans’s decision. “I don’t have time for sappy stuff. Come on sans, lets go!” undyne grabbed sans by the shirt and forced him to move, sans soon walked by himself. The went down the stairs and into the purple bricked hallway. “so, whats my pun-ishment?” sans didn’t think much of undyne since she was best friends with papyrus meaning she might have mercy. “you will find out at the palace.” Undyne growled as she said it. Sans and undyne walked back through the destroyed ruins and out to the snowey woods.


Toriel was silent and papyrus continued to stare in the direction that they had disappeared to. Papyrus slowly stood up and smiled. “THERES NO WAY SOMETHING BAD COULD HAPPEN TO HIM! HE SAID SO HIMSELF!” toriel just looked at papyrus. “I sure hope you’re right…” toriel looked around the room and saw that it was a complete mess from undynes rampage. “how about you help me clear this room my dear?” papyrus agreed and so the both of them cleaned and fixed the room around them. Papyrus seemed to have fun cleaning with toriel but toriel seemed worried. She tried to forget what had happened but it was hard.

Both sans and undyne were silent momentarily while walking. Sans thought of the distance that they must cross before getting to their destination. “hey undyne, how’z about we use one of my shortcuts? It would be much faster.” Sans looked at undyne to see what she would say. Undyne was annoyed by his request but it would very much help in this situation. “alright, fine.” Sans was relieved to hear that she had agreed i am not about to walk that far he thought to himself. “well, follow me your majesty.” Sans led undyne in the opposite direction of their destination but they suddenly appear inside of the throne room of the palace. The room had a small glow coming from the top of the room, it was a small beam of sunlight shining on the numerous dead flowers, the shrivelled-up flowers were spread all over the room. in the middle of the small room was a throne, more decorated for undynes style.

Undyne stood infront of her throne and looked down at sans. “sans. Ive known you as long as papyrus and I know how much he cares about you. But you’ve crossed the line. You’ve lied to and betrayed the monsters of the underground a number of times. You were our last line of defence because the king trusted you. Look where that got him.” Sans began to become nervous from the way she spoke so he just looked down in silence. “you’ve done nothing for the underground, im guessing you even let the human pass, didn’t you?” sans didn’t speak but instead clutched his chest. “it nearly costed my life.” What sans said just made her anger grow. “getting a punch to your face nearly costed your life!” sans fell silent again. “im sorry sans but this is the end of the line for you.” Sans seemed to give up, he looked down accepting his fate before an echo rang out in his head. A memory played in sans mind, flashing before his eyes.

The memory was surrounded by white, snow maybe? Papyrus stood infront of a new looking house, and looked at sans. “OH BROTHER, THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I DON’T KNOW WHAT ID EVER DO WITHOUT YOU!” another memory played, this time he was in grillbys, sans had his head on the counter and seemed upset. Grillby saw this and he had an idea. “sans…. What do you call a skeleton out in the snow...” Sans just looked up at grillby. “not now…” grillby insisted on sans answering him. “… what?” grillby thought for a moment before answering. “a numbskull.” Sans giggled looked at grillby. “thank you.” The last memory would play, he was at the door to the ruins. “knock, knock.” He was not expecting a reply but someone from the otherside did answer. “whose there?” sans became surprised by the sudden response. “dishes a very bad joke” the woman on the otherside of the door just howled with laughter and sans’s smile grew.





Sans snapped back into reality and dodged to the side before the spear touched him. “I am still needed here.” Undyne threw multiple spears at sans, expecting him to dust but he dodged all of them. “you’ve just got dumb luck!” undyne turned sans’s soul green so sans couldn’t move, Sans struggled before he started to panic. Dozens of spears appeared over sans’s head, he struggled but he couldn’t move. The spears overhead started to rain down and undyne was sure that he’ll be dusted but a bright light appeared, disintegrating all the spears. Sans had summoned something big. It looked like an animal skull of some kind but no animal had a skull quite like this one. It had horns and glowing eyes that stared down at undyne. It had sharp teeth and had summoned a lazar from its mouth. Sans eyes had gone black, he snapped from his built-up rage and once he found a new reason to live, he became more determined than ever before in his life.

Undyne let go of sans in shock, she did not expect him to be stronger than a child. Undyne checked sans’s soul to see how strong he truly was, his soul shown his stats which were at 1 DF, 1 AT and 0.5 HP. “show me why the king chose you.” Undyne smiled, eager to see his violent side. Sans, blinded by rage attacked undyne with bones which came from the ground, undyne took the hit and only 10 damage was done. “is that all you got?!” undyne just challenged sans, thinking he was weak. sans’s right eye began to glow a bright blue colour with frequent flashes of yellow, representing patients and flashes of justice. “weak huh? Heh heh heh heh… you’re in for a bad time.” Undyne saw sans in this state and thought he went mad. Undynes soul suddenly turned blue and she got thrown into a wall of bones, making her HP go down quickly. Sans threw her once again across the room but this time she landed on her feet and began her turn. She spawned spears all around sans and they closed in fast, he just blocked them with the bones he created with magic or by shortcuts.

“now, it’s time for my special attack.” Undyne just smiled and braced for the worst, getting into a sturdier position while wilding her spear tightly. Sans’ blue eye burned brighter, his hands clenched to fists and behind sans, gaster blasters appeared but this time it wasn’t just one or two, it was dozens. undyne just held her breath and stepped back knowing that the only thing she could do is dodge, even though she never needs to dodge. The gaster blasters began to charge up their attacks but as they did, sans’ magic began to drain. He felt a sharp pain on his chest and clutched it with his hand. Blood soaked through his white turtle neck shirt. Not now. He thought. Sans’ looked at undyne and she had a face of shock, the gaster blasters fired at full force, some of them managed to hit undyne, wounding her greatly. Sans saw her fall to her knees, her hp was down to 11.

 He looked at the destruction within the room, the mess he had created from his own selfishness. “what have I done…?” Sans eyes went black and the gaster blasters disappeared, he stepped back from undyne who slowly rose to her feet, injured but still willing to fight. “so, this is what you can do...? its impressive but not enough!” sans just looked at her, his health slowly going down from the large gash wound on his chest. While sans became distracted by the red on his shirt, she tried to strike him down with one final blow. In a blink of an eye, sans seemed to disappear into thin air. “theres no dust.” Undyne used her fist to hit the wall with a mighty blow, putting cracks throughout the wall. “get back here you coward!”

Hours had passed without sans so Toriel and papyrus had deep cleaned the entire house successfully but there was still no sign of sans. “the still have not seemed to have returned.” Toriel seemed worried about sans since they were both good friends. “HE COULD BE AT HOME OR AT GRILLBYS?” papyrus just put the idea out there, not fully know what could’ve happened. “DON’T WORRY MISS TORIEL! I’LL FIND HIM WHEN I RETURN HOME.” Papyrus comforted toriel before he retreated back to the stairs to leave for home. “GOODBYE!” papyrus waved before he disappeared down the stairs.


Papyrus arrived in Snowdin town and the blizzard seemed to have calmed down which was relieving since he was worried someone would’ve caught a cold. He walked past the welcome to Snowdin sign and it was awfully quiet in the small town, this unnerved papyrus slightly. He walked through to the middle of town to try to find sans but some of the monsters in Snowdin just stared at papyrus, making papyrus anxious. Since papyrus was feeling pressured, he went into grillbys to look for him. Grillbys seemed empty without lesser dog, dogamy and dogaressa. Papyrus walked over to the counter where grillby stood, cleaning a mug. “GRILLBY, HAVE YOU SEEN SANS?” grillby was not expecting to hear papyrus’s voice and he looked up to see the worried brother of sans. “papyrus… your brother.” Grillby grabbed a piece of paper from under the counter and showed it to papyrus. “about an hour ago, the other royal guardsmen had put these everywhere. Of course, I got every last one of ‘em off of my shop.” Papyrus froze when he had read what was on it.

Bring sans the skeleton alive for an execution regarding the crimes he has committed. Underneath the sentence was a list of crimes and the reward, which was pretty high for a small skeleton. “NO. HE COULDN’T HAVE DONE THIS! HE COULDN’T HAVE!” tears began to well-up in his eyes. Grillby looked at papyrus, feeling guilty. “I’ll tell you what papyrus, I will help you and sans as much as I can. After all, he is my best customer and your brother.” Papyrus looked at grillby and hugged him over the counter. “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” grillby seemed confused and slightly spooked from the sudden hug. “alright, I’ll tell everyone who still believes in sans to look. You do too okay?” papyrus nodded vigorously before letting go. “THEN IM ON MY WAY BROTHER! THERES NOTHING I CAN NOT DO!” grillby would’ve smiled if he had a visible mouth to smile with. Papyrus ran out with a new-found determination to find his brother.

Sans teleported into his room within the two-story house, the room was dark and cold, sans just slid onto the floor, wounded. “why did you have to re-open now…?”

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