TajiYama — Unrequited Chapter 1
Published: 2011-11-07 21:36:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 820; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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“Hey, Mihashi” Mihashi looked up to the familiar voice of his classmate and team-mate, Izumi. He blushed at the sudden interaction of another person and avoided his gaze as he struggled to reply to the freckled pretty boy.

“W-w-w-what Izumi-kun” Mihashi stuttered, Izumi smiled at the nervous boy—he was used to his timidness.

“Abe’s asked for you” Izumi replied, his lip twisted with something unknown as he watched Mihashi start to blush furiously and widen his eyes. Mihashi sat up straight on his desk and started to fidget uncontrollably, his hands flying to his shirt, to his face, to his hair then back to his shirt.

“A-Abe kun?” Mihashi stuttered, looking over to the door and finding that Abe was, in fact, standing awkwardly in the doorway staring intently over at Izumi and Mihashi. Mihashi’s blush grew and crept down to his neck as he caught the catcher’s eyes.

Abe motioned for Mihashi to follow him, Mihashi nodded, completely dazed and obeyed; he followed Abe out of the room without another glance to the rest of the room.

Tajima narrowed his eyes slightly at the pair, his eyes followed the back of Mihashi, desperately wishing for the pitcher to turn around and look at him. His eyes lowered to his desk as Mihashi exited the room without a second glance. Shit.

“A-Abe kun?” Mihashi said quietly as he followed Abe into the corridor, Abe turned to look at him and he flushed. “W-why—” Mihashi trailed off, he looked to his feet as they both stood still, silence engulfing them.

“I like you” Abe blurted out way too suddenly, Mihashi’s eyes grew impossibly large as time seemed to stand still. Abe looked determinedly at Mihashi, his focus never straying from the nervous pitcher. He moved to lay a hand tentatively on Mihashi’s arm; the other boy flinched yet held his ground. “I mean it, Mihashi.” Abe said. “I really like you”


“Do you think Abe finally told him?” Hamada asked, Izumi shrugged his shoulders.

“No way, Abe’s way too stubborn” Izumi replied simply. Hamada seemed unsure. Both boys turned their attention to Tajima.

“What do you think?” Hamada asked the clean-up hitter, who seemed to be scowling for some reason. Maybe he was hungry, the captain of the cheer squad thought.

“What does it matter what I think?” Tajima muttered dejectedly, Izumi and Hamada exchanged glances before Izumi spoke up.

“Well aside from Abe you and Mihashi are the closest” The freckled boy said, Tajima scoffed.

“Abe close to Mihashi? All he does is yell at him and nag him, he’s just bossy” Tajima stated, Izumi muttered in agreement—he hated to admit it but the freckled clean-up hitter was right, Abe didn’t seem that close with Mihashi at all outside of the field.

Tajima resumed his previous activity of scowling at his desk, Hamada and Izumi decided to leave the freckled boy alone—he seemed to be in a bad mood anyway.


“You don’t have to reply to me straight away” Abe said, completely embarrassed, to the pitcher. Mihashi shifted uncomfortably where he was standing.

“I-I-I-It’s not th-that I don’t like A-Abe kun” Mihashi stuttered out, his face gradually turning redder at each syllable. “I-I’ve just never thought of Abe kun in that way” Mihashi finally managed, Abe nodded to show that he understood.

“I was a bit sudden, wasn’t I?” Abe said softly, Mihashi nodded and averted the brunettes gaze. Abe deliberated hugging the shy boy however he knew that now wasn’t the time—it’d be too confusing for Mihashi.

“I’ll get back to class now” Abe stated, he walked past Mihashi and made his way down the corridor, before he turned the corner he looked back to where Mihashi was standing—Mihashi was looking in his direction, with a dazed expression. Abe’s face flushed bright red and he quickly turned around and walked to his classroom without a second glance—wishing that these things didn’t have to be so embarrassing.

Mihashi could still feel his face heating up as he made his way back into the classroom; Izumi caught his eye and grinned widely.

“Hey, look, Mihashi’s back!” The freckled boy exclaimed, Tajima’s head shot up to where Mihashi was standing awkwardly by the door—his eyes narrowed as he saw the crimson blush on the pitcher’s face.

“Mihashi, your face is really red” Hamada stated, Mihashi brought a hand up to his face to attempt to hide the blush as he sat back down in between Tajima and Izumi. Tajima eyed the pitcher warily before turning back to his desk with a strange heavy feeling in his heart.

The bell rang for lesson to be over and Mihashi had started to pack his books away, he was doing so half-heartedly as he had too much on his mind to concentrate on such insignificant things.

I wonder how I should reply to Abe kun…

Mihashi was snapped out of his trance as he felt hands slam down onto his desk and looked up find Tajima in front of his desk—staring intently at him.

“Mihashi” Tajima started, he seemed to be fighting with himself in his mind as he struggled to form a sentence—which was seriously unlike him.

“T-Tajima kun?” Mihashi uttered, he saw something flash in Tajima’s eyes as the clean-up hitter bit his lip. Tajima glared at Mihashi, his eyes delving straight into Mihashi’s own. An angry look covered the dark haired boy’s face which again was incredibly unusual to see.

“What did Abe say to you?” Tajima asked, almost bitterly to the nervous boy. Mihashi stared at Tajima’s current expression; he watched the clean-up hitter’s face twist into something strange, he watched as an almost hurt expression covered the freckled boy’s face, as if he was in severe pain over something.

Mihashi’s eyes widened at this expression, he watched a blush spread furiously across Tajima’s face and he found himself blushing at the sheer sight of it. What was up with Tajima today?

“H-he—it was nothing” Mihashi managed to mumble, Tajima shook his head and leaned forward to catch Mihashi’s eyes in his own.

“Don’t lie to me Mihashi” Tajima remarked desperately, Mihashi avoided the boy’s stare and muttered something about having to get home quickly on his mother’s orders. He left Tajima in a hurry and exited the room all too quickly.

Tajima dropped down onto Mihashi’s seat and rested his head against the table angrily.

“Goddammit.” Tajima hissed to himself as he felt tears well up in his eyes. “Goddammit it all.”


Mihashi couldn’t get Tajima’s pained expression out of his mind, there must’ve been a reason for the boy to look that way but Mihashi really couldn’t figure out what it could be. He was lost deep in thought however the constant buzz of his phone snapped him out of his trance. He looked over to his cell phone and felt his face heat up. Could it be Abe kun? What if he changed his mind about liking him? Mihashi bit his lip and reached over to grab the small electronic item.

From: Abe Takaya
Subject: About Today

Mihashi read the subject title and felt sick; maybe he was going to take it all back after all. The pitcher carried on reading.

Mihashi, I’m sorry if I was too forward today, I just can’t help myself around you anymore, you know? I’m not going to rush you for an answer or anything I just need to see you, meet me tomorrow behind the clubhouse? Again, you don’t have to; I’m not gonna pressure you into anything. – Takaya

Mihashi blushed furiously at the use of his first name; did Abe want him to call him Takaya? Was that a hint? Should he call Mihashi Ren? Mihashi shook his head, no. Not until they were both in some sort of relationship with each other.

Honestly he didn’t know how he felt about Abe, he genuinely really cared about the catcher, but whether that was love or admiration Mihashi couldn’t decipher. He did get nervous around the boy, that much was obvious, he blushed a lot around him but then again he blushes when he gets nervous.

He had never really anticipated Abe to like him, he had always thought Abe despised him and thought of him as a nuisance, to think that the catcher actually harnessed feelings for him was really a strange thought. But here they were, Abe had confessed to him, all Mihashi needed to do now was realise what it exactly was that he felt for the boy.

Mihashi laid back on his bed, his cell phone still clutched tightly in his hand, he pictured Abe’s face still nervous and blushing from his confession. Mihashi sighed and closed his eyes. He had a lot of thinking to do.


Abe didn’t even know how long he stared at his cell phone for; he couldn’t control the embarrassed blush creeping over his features. He had finished off a text as Takaya, he knew he was being way too forward—he couldn’t help it though, after confessing to Mihashi he didn’t want to waste any more time with the pitcher, he wanted every single second of their relationship to mean something. He knew Mihashi needed time and despite being incredibly impatient Abe respected that.

His phone buzzed with life, in a shot he had opened the message and began reading it.

From: Mihashi Ren
Subject: RE: About Today
I’d like that Abe kun, thank you for giving me time, I want to be sure of my feelings first before I decide on anything, I’ll see you tomorrow. – Mihashi

His heart sank as he read the last part, he signed it as Mihashi, Abe was going too fast.

He’ll have to tone it down tomorrow, unless he wanted to scare Mihashi off. Mihashi. Just the mere thought of the blonde haired boy caused Abe to smile stupidly to himself, when he had first met Mihashi he couldn’t even imagine liking him, especially not in that way. Mihashi had always been unusual, yet that unusualness is what caught Abe’s attention—he wasn’t like the other pitchers, he obeyed Abe, he listened to Abe, they helped each other. Abe treasured that relationship more than anything. Everyone had always joked about Abe and Mihashi’s unusual relationship, they compared Abe to a nagging wife of Mihashi and always stated that they acted like an old married couple, Abe smiled at the thought.

He closed his eyes and pictured Mihashi’s surprised face after he had confessed, there was a hint of relief and joy in Mihashi’s expression, mixed with the shock of the sudden confession. That look meant more to Abe then anyone would ever know.

Tomorrow he planned to make Mihashi see that his feelings are true, that they were perfect for each other.


Tajima was fed up, he had been in such a good mood until Abe showed up, he had talked to Mihashi loads and even put his arm around the boy like he usually did. However Abe decided today of all days to grow a pair and ask Mihashi out.

Tajima knew that this day would come eventually however he hoped that he would get to be the first one to confess to Mihashi. He never thought that Abe would be the first, and he really didn’t expect that much of a reaction out of Mihashi. Which is why he got pissed off and confronted Mihashi about it.

Tajima placed his head in his hands and let out a deep groan. What was so special about Abe anyway? He treated Mihashi like crap and ordered him around way too much; he had to use Tajima as a translator for when Mihashi mumbled too much for God’s sake.

Despite all of that deep down Tajima knew that Mihashi had feelings for the catcher, he would be a fool to think that Mihashi only saw Abe as a friend.

He couldn’t believe he had fallen for Mihashi, it happened completely out of the blue as well, ever since Abe injured his leg and Tajima had to play catcher he just felt this instant connection with Mihashi, he knew straight away that he liked Mihashi as more than a friend. He didn’t say anything though, he kept things peaceful and acted best friend to Mihashi, like they always had done.

It was starting to eat away at Tajima now, however. He couldn’t handle it anymore—the wishful thinking, the stolen glances, the rush he got whenever Mihashi was near him—it was more than he could bear and he was finally at his last tether.

He wanted to tell Mihashi his feelings, he wanted to be clear with the blonde haired boy that he wanted to pursue him, he wanted them to be more than best friends, he wanted to give the world to Mihashi and give him much more than Abe could ever dream of.

He heard the subtle tones of his phone cover the silence of his room; he rolled across his bed and lazily checked his phone.

Hanai Asuza Calling

Tajima raised an eyebrow and clicked  ‘ok’

“Hanai?” Tajima said sleepily, he feigned a yawn hoping Hanai wouldn’t notice that he had been crying.

“Mihashi’s meeting up with Abe tomorrow” Hanai started, Tajima stopped breathing for a split second, he held his breath as the captain carried on speaking. “He’s probably going to give him an answer” Hanai finished and waited patiently for Tajima to reply.

“S-so what, good for Mihashi and Abe” Tajima stated, he tried to sound nonchalant but it came out incredibly bitter, he winced at his own voice.

“You never had a chance, you know” Hanai continued, Tajima felt a jolt in his chest and anger soar straight through his veins. “Mihashi would always pick him, they’re the battery after all” Hanai finished. That’s it. Tajima was pissed off.

“What the fuck do you know” Tajima growled into the receiver, Hanai didn’t reply—Tajima assumed that he was surprised. “You don’t know what Mihashi feels for me you—” Tajima choked out, he let out a small sob which sounded so pained and heart-wrenching Hanai wasn’t entirely sure what to do.”You don’t know what I feel for him” Tajima wept, he cried long and hard as Hanai patiently listened, now and again uttering words of comfort to the broken boy.  “I’m sorry” Tajima whispered over and over again.


Hanai wasn’t the type to let his jealousy engulf him; he didn’t lose it like Tajima did. He waited, he would always be the one to wait, that was just his personality, he thought rationally unlike the clean-up hitter.

However lately his jealousy had been getting the better of him. Every time he saw Tajima casually fling an arm around Mihashi—every time the freckled boy looked dotingly at the smaller blonde boy Hanai felt his chest ache, he felt his mood spiral downwards—he was angrier, yet he refused to show it.

He would always notice Tajima acting like a love sick puppy around Mihashi, the pitcher was (of course) completely oblivious, as was the rest of the team for that matter. Hanai truly thought the only one to pay attention to Tajima’s actions and expressions was himself.

He admired Tajima, in many ways. His personality drew people towards him, he was an amazing clean-up hitter, an amazing baseball player, an amazing friend—he was everything that Hanai wasn’t, initially, that’s the reason why Hanai fell for him. He was attracted to admiration, he idolised Tajima and in turn began to fall in love with him. Tajima was completely oblivious, not that Hanai showed it at all anyway.

When Abe had arrived back from his meet up with Mihashi his face was crimson, Hanai had asked what had happened and Abe mumbled that he had confessed to Mihashi. Hanai’s heart fell, he thought of Tajima—how would Tajima take this news? Everyone knew that Abe and Mihashi would get together, it was inevitable, surely Tajima hadn’t tricked himself into believing that Mihashi could be his?

Hanai was angry, not at Tajima, but at Abe and Mihashi, that they would unknowingly hurt someone like Tajima. He knew he was being stupid, Abe and Mihashi deserved this happiness but seeing Tajima hurt or upset just tore him to pieces, Tajima was always the optimistic one, the one who would smile even though they could be losing the most important game of their lives, the one to say “we can do this” and seeing him upset was just wrong.

Which left Hanai in the situation he was in now, a distraught Tajima crying down the phone to him. To say that it upset him to hear Tajima acting this way was an understatement, Hanai was on the verge of tears while trying to calm Tajima down.

“Tajima listen” Hanai said, Tajima’s sniffs became quieter and an uncomfortable silence dawned upon both boys. Hanai took a deep breath. “Mihashi likes Abe, you know that” Hanai remarked, he winced as he heard Tajima whine slightly. “You can’t do anything, this crush you have on him—I hate to say it but I don’t think it’s likely he’ll respond to it” Hanai admitted, Tajima became quiet which unnerved Hanai, the raven haired boy wasn’t usually this quiet.

“Tajima?” Hanai said softly.

“I don’t know what to do” Tajima stated in barely a whisper, his voice sounded so broken, Hanai couldn’t stop the tears from falling down his cheeks, his heart yearned for this boy—too much. “Every time I see him I have to—to stop myself from saying how I feel” Tajima sniffed, Hanai felt a jolt in his chest, he needed to hold this boy and he needed to hold him now.

Hanai felt so helpless, Tajima needed physical comfort and all Hanai could give him was a few reassuring words which he doubted Tajima was even listening to.

“Tajima, I have to go now—but meet me tomorrow, okay?” Hanai asked, he heard shuffling on the other line and figured that Tajima was moving into a more comfortable position.

“Okay, where are we meeting?” Tajima mumbled, still dejected. Hanai paused to think of a secluded place for them both.

“How about behind the clubhouse?” Hanai suggested.

“Okay, thank you Hanai” Tajima whispered before hanging up swiftly. Hanai’s heart was beating in his chest, his faced flushed red as Tajima’s words circled in his head.

Thank you Hanai

Shit. Hanai had it bad. 

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Comments: 9

SexyKill69 [2011-11-11 06:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Interesting~ Please post more!
But oh god, I hated Mihashi's reply....now I'm kinda pissed at him.. >_>

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MusicRainbow [2011-11-09 10:45:38 +0000 UTC]

omg i read the on fanfiction.net

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TajiYama In reply to MusicRainbow [2011-11-09 14:12:39 +0000 UTC]

Yep it's on my fanfic account aswell! :3 Should be updating chapter 2 today!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leorabbit247 [2011-11-08 15:29:45 +0000 UTC]

OAO You got me hooked now!! I can't wait for the next chapter!! I love how well written this was and it was an easy read. You did a great job keeping them in character and the flow of your storytelling was well paced. Nice job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TajiYama In reply to leorabbit247 [2011-11-08 15:46:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! That means a lot! The next chapter is gonna be a lot less depressing than this one! I feel so bad for Tajima and Hanai D:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leorabbit247 In reply to TajiYama [2011-11-09 22:20:01 +0000 UTC]

you have me waiting in suspense! >u<

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zayra12 [2011-11-08 01:02:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TajiYama In reply to zayra12 [2011-11-08 13:30:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ;__; the second chapter will be up eventually It gets happier I promise!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ryuzakihowl [2011-11-07 21:38:26 +0000 UTC]


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