talking2myself — The Story- Section 4
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Description Chapter. 9

SONYA woke up bright and early. She opened the window and peered out to watch the town with an eager smile. She wondered vaguely if she’d get to keep traveling with the two. They were funny and she liked them a lot already. She whistled and flashed a toothy grin. It’s going to be a sunny day! she thought happily. Sonya blinked and leaned further out the window.
“Are those royal guards?” she wondered outloud. Suddenly, her had slipped and she toppled out the window. “Wah!”
Kieran’s hand shot out and grabbed Sonya’s dress. “I didn’t save you from slave traders so you could just jump out a window, idiot!” he snapped, pulling her back inside.
Sonya blinked and flashed her smile again. “Yay! Daddy saved me!” she exclaimed, hugging him tight.
Kieran blinked rapidly, “WOAH! Hold it! One: don’t touch me!” he said shoving her away from him. “Two: I am NOT your daddy!”
Sonya just kept smiling, “Oh yeah, I saw some people dressed in fancy outfits outside, Daddy! Are they part of the Royal Guard?”
“Do NOT call me Da… what?” Kieran stiffened and carefully looked out the window. Sure enough there were three guards walking through town. His eyes narrowed, “They sure are determined.”
“What’d you do this time…?!” Kelsey asked, peering outside.
   “STOP!” Kieran snapped, pulling Kelsey away from the window. He quickly closed the curtains.
“Kelsey blinked, “What was that for?!”
“King’s men are out there,” Kieran grumbled, “We need to sneak out.”
Kelsey rolled her eyes, “I’ll go talk to them. Maybe they can bring me to the king and then he can help me find my friends. I won’t let them know you’re here, don’t worry.”
“Idiot!” Kieran snapped, “They’re after YOU not ME!”
Kelsey blinked and looked at him, “Me? Why would they be after me?!”
Kieran merely shrugged, “No idea. But I ran into the Royal Assassin in the woods and she was looking for you.”
“ME?!” Kelsey exclaimed, eyes wide.
Kieran glanced out the window. “Damn, the innkeeper will rat us out in a second! We’ve got to get out! Come on!”
Kieran ran out of the room, Kelsey and Sonya running after. Kelsey’s head was once again spinning. Kieran ran to the small window at the end of the hall. “Crawl out of it.”
“Are you crazy?! It’s TINY!” Kelsey exclaimed, “I can’t fit through that!”
Kieran looked down the hall, hearing the voices of the guards in the lobby. His hands clenched into tight fists at his sides. “Kelsey, unless you want to be captured, out. Now!
“Kieran, I can’t fit!” Kelsey exclaimed with exhaustion, trying to squeeze out the tiny window.
The guards rounded the corner and pointed at Kelsey. “Kelsey Hanson! Halt!”
Kieran glared and pulled out a dagger. “Get out the Goddamn window!”
Sonya walked over to the window and tapped it. Sparks flew out of her finger and the window suddenly grew and morphed into a large square window. Kelsey stared wide eyed at Sonya.
“H-how did you…?” Kelsey stammered out, looking at the winodw and then at Sonya.
Sonya smiled sweetly. “I can’t do magic. I’m an elf, after all.”
Kelsey stared at Sonya. She said elf right? Elf? Pointy ears… magic… sounds like an elf… oh my God! What is going on?!
“God damn it!” Kieran wrapped an arm Kelsey’s waist and jumped out the window. Sonya hopped out after, window quickly returning to its normal state. “You’re heavier than you look…” he murmured. Kieran stated running, still holding Kelsey. Sonya bounded quickly after.
Kieran dodged through the crowds, hearing the guards running after. He swore under his breath and stopped. He grabbed Sonya around the waist too and ran again.
“Don’t need to get scolded for leaving you behind…”
Sonya smiled sweetly, “Thanks Daddy!”
“Stop that!” Kieran snapped.
Kieran turned into an alley way and dropped the two. He quickly pulled off the sewer grate. “Get in!”
Kelsey opened her mouth to object, but Kieran grabbed her arm and tossed her in. Sonya hopped in after. Kieran crawled in after and threw the grate on after. “Get moving quietly.” he whispered and started slowly down the sewers. Sonya scuttled quietly after.
Kelsey shivered, gagged and covered her mouth. So… gross… she thought, trudging after.

“KYAA! Don’t kill me!” Vanessa cried, crouching down and covering her head.
Miley put her hands on her hips, holding a sword in her right hand. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “You CAN’T be serious…!”
Vanessa peeked an eye open and looked up at Miley. She watched the assassin for a little longer before cringing as Miley smacked her on the head with the sword’s scabbard.
“You are PATHETIC! Practing all damn morning and I swear you’re WORSE than yesterday!” Miley spat venomously.
Vanessa teared up, “St-st-stop yelling at me…”
Miley groaned, “I give UP with you! GET OUT!” she snapped.
Vanessa stood up and raced out of the room, Katy coming in, immediately began attacking Miley. “Hope you’re ready, Mi Hi.”
Vanessa walked through the hallway. “Keep her busy, Katy. I’m going snooping…”
“You’re what?”
Vanessa froze and looked up slowly. “Heh. Aiden… Hi Aiden… just going to… walk around… get to know the palace more, you know?”
Aiden beamed. “Would you like me to escort you, my love?”
Vanessa forced herself to shake her head. As much as she’d love to have Aiden there, she was on a mission. A mission that couldn’t have any HG interference. She smiled at him and nearly turned into a puddle when he kissed her cheek. She watched after him as he walked off.
What a nice as-- FOCUS! She smacked herself across the face struggling to not to think about Aiden.
She quickly and quietly started off again, once more singing quietly under her breath. “Secret… Agent Nessa! Secret… Agent Nessa!”

KIERAN walked through the sewers, Sonya and Kelsey still following. Kelsey was trying hard to not focus on the horrendous, gag inducing smells surrounding her. She noticed that Kieran seemed unbothered by the smell. Probably used to sewer crawling… But what really shocked her was that Sonya wasn’t bothered either. Kelsey began to wonder how often the little girl went sewer crawling when she noticed a translucent film across Sonya’s nose.”
“Sonya? What’s on your nose?” Kelsey asked in a nasally voice, since she had her hands over her nose and mouth.
Sonya blinked and pointed at her nose, “This? A spell so I can’t smell…”
Kelsey blinked again, “Can you make one for me!” she asked, gagging a little bit as she brought her hand away from her nose.
Sonya nodded and pointed at Kelsey’s nose. Sparks flew from the girl’s fingers and danced on Kelsey’s nose, making her sneeze. Soon the smell of the sewers vanished and a translucent film appeared on her nose. Kelsey smiled.
“Thanks Sonya.”
Sonya nodded, “No problem, Mommy.”
Kieran froze in his tracks, “Oh no no no no no! If you are calling me Daddy, she is NOT Mommy!”
“She is so!” Sonya protested.
“She is not!”
Kelsey sighed, “Children, children…”
Sonya raised a hand, ears twitching. Kieran and Kelsey looked at her in surprise.
“What?!” They both asked in unison.
Sonya closed her eyes and stayed silent. Kelsey stained her ears to try to hear whatever Sonya was hearing. Sonya’s eyes flew open.
“Someone’s coming!” Sonya cried, “There’s lots of them… and lots of weapons… in front of us… they’ve got women and kids…”
“Great!” Kieran grumbled, “Royal guards behind us and slave traders in front of us!”

Chapter 10.

KELSEY looked back at Kieran in disbelief, “Are you kidding me?! Slave traders?! What kind of world is this?!”
“You don’t have slave traders where you com from?” Kieran asked.
“NO!” Kelsey exclaimed.
“Quiet down, Woman!” Kieran hushed Kelsey, “Or you’ll get us all enslaved! And I’ll have you know, I refuse to work for anyone other than myself!”
“Oh yes! Because you’re doing so well on that aspect!” Kelsey glared at Kieran with her arms folded across her chest.
Sputtering in shock, Kieran managed to reply, “I’ll have you know that I have a very respectable standing…”
“As one of the most wanted!” Kelsey spat out.
“Hey now! I worked hard to be within the top ten on that list!” Kieran retorted.
“Daddy… they’re coming closer!” Sonya stated as she listened.
“Don’t call me Daddy! We’ll just have to figure out some way of avoiding them…” Kieran stated while looking around the sewers.
“And how do you propose we avoid them? Hmm? We’re in a freaking sewer!” Kelsey cried out, flailing her arms around, “With no other way to go but in the direction towards either the slave traders or The Royal Guard!”
Suddenly, Kieran dragged Kelsey and Sonya into the water. “Wait a minute!” Kelsey I am not going into sewer water here!” Kelsey yelled.
“You are going to do what I need you to do, Woman!” Kieran yelled back.
Sonya looked at the water and asked nervously, “There aren’t any crocodiles in here, are there?”
“Too late dammit! They’re here!” Kieran stated angrily.
The little trio could hear the clumping of feet by men burdened down by weapons and the soft shuffle and clinking of shackled slave feet. A moment later, Kieran could see the group of slave traders coming around the corner. Seeing Kieran, Kelsey, and Sonya, the traders stopped and lifted their javelins, pointing them towards Kieran.
“Well, this seems a bit unfair,” Kieran snapped, “One bow against thirty javelins?”
“What?!” Kelsey cried, “You don’t have a sword?! What about your daggers?”
“My daggers are like toothpicks compared to those!” Kieran snapped pointing to the javelins, “And swords are just so… messy.”
One of the slave traders shoved his way to the front. He was clearly tired of listening to Kelsey and Kieran’s exasperating conversation. “Now I hope you’re not trying to run away from us. That would just be rude.” He strolled around the three of them casually. Quick as lightning, Kieran swiped an arrow from his quiver and aimed at the man’s head. The man didn’t appear too threatened. “Now, now,” he scolded, “What that going to do to me? You’re outnumbered here, boy.” He motioned towards the other traders, some of them stepped forwards with ropes and shackles. The man smirked, “Bind ‘em up boys!”

Chapter 12.

KELSEY, Sonya, and Kieran trudged through the muck of the sewers, single file, hands bound. Kelsey could feel the sharp point of a javelin in her back, forcing her forwards. Kieran peered over his shoulder to check on her and Sonya. One of the slavers smacked him hard on the head. “Eyes forward!” he ordered. Kelsey couldn’t help but enjoy that.
“You can stop glaring at me,” Kieran muttered, “This isn’t my fault!”
“I’m covered in sewer slime, being poked in the back by javelins because slavers caught up with us,” Kelsey snapped, “Yeah, I’m gonna glare at somebody!”
“Um…” Sonya said nervously, “You never really answered my question. Are there crocodiles in here?”
“No, Sonya. There’s no crocodiles…” Kelsey suddenly looked very nervous, “Right?” Several slavers laughed wickedly. Kelsey went very pale and scooped Sonya into her arms. “This is just great,” Kelsey grumbled angrily, “Brilliant!”
“At least it can’t get any worse,” Kieran shrugged.
PING! At that moment, something bounced off the back of Kieran’s head. “Yowch!” Kieran let out a wail, “What was that?”
“Little squirt about two rows back threw something at your head,” Kelsey said.
“What is this?!” Kieran groaned, “Is throwing stuff at my head the new national past time?!”
“I find it quite enjoyable,” Kelsey admitted,. Kieran groaned. Kelsey smiled wickedly, “I’d stop complaining. You’ll start giving the slavers ideas and they can throw a lot harder.” Kieran cringed at the thought.
“I said EYES FORWARD!” the slaver roared, hitting Kieran hard in the back of the head… again.
Kieran scowled, “Everybody likes to hit me in the head. Whack! Whack! Whack! Where does that leave me? What do I do for entertainment?!”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN‘T FOUND HER YET?!” Vortigern demanded. The members of the guard trembled with fear as Vortigern’s voice echoed off the walls of the throne room.
“She disappeared into the sewers of Trouble,” The captain of the guard reported, “We’ll never find her in that maze!”
“I don’t care!” Vortigern thundered, “Get going! Find her… or else!”
The guards clambered over each other, struggling to get out of the room first. Vortigern sighed heavily before dropping back onto his throne. He rubbed his temples in frustration. “Useless! Completely useless!”
“Couldn’t agree more,” Miley agreed, stepping away from the throne, “Honestly… it’s just one girl!”
“One girl that you couldn’t capture either,” Vortigern snapped, “My finest assassin.”
Miley glared at him, “I didn’t run into the girl! I could’ve taken her! It was that thief! He ruined my plans!”
“Oh! I beg your pardon,” Vortigern said with mock sympathy, “My finest assassin was taken out by A COMMON STREET THIEF!” Miley tried to stammer a retort, but she was interrupted by a servant knocking on the door. “WHAT?!” Vortigern bellowed.
“Apologies, my lord,” the servant said softly, “But your son requests an audience with you.”
Vortigern sighed, “Is it important? Fine. Send him in.”
Aiden inched into the room and bowed low. “Forgive me for intruding, my lord.”
“Of course,” Vortigern said gently, “What is it you need?”
“I don’t need anything, my lord,” Aiden said, “It’s Vanessa.”
Miley scoffed at the mention her name and stalked away from the royal pair. Aiden glared at her before returning his attention to his father. “Vanessa… is not happy here.”
“Oh?” Vortigern asked, “Why’s that? Hasn’t her every comfort been seen to?”
“No, she’s comfortable,” Aiden said, “She just seems to think that she’s being held prisoner.”
Miley looked rather anxious, but Vortigern only smiled wider. “My dear boy! She’s not being held prisoner, but I cannot allow her to leave the palace.”
“Because, Aiden,” Vortigern said solemnly, “There are men out there who are eager to kill her… and her friends.” Aiden cringed. “You see now…” Vortigern said, “Perhaps you can find a way to keep her happy.”
“I will try,” Aiden said, “Thank you, father.” Aiden bowed once more before scurrying out of the room. Miley watched him go.
“He’s smarter than he looks,” Miley noted.
“I know,” Vortigern admitted. He turned to face Miley, “We don’t have much time. Find that girl! Immediately!”
“And her companion?” Miley asked.
“He is of no use to me,” Vortigern said, “Kill him.”
An evil smile spread across Miley’s face, “Yes, milord.” She turned to leave, still grinning. “And they say this job doesn’t have any perks.”

“I’M sleeping in a puddle of filth!” Kelsey grumbled angrily, “And in case that wasn’t bad enough… I’m sleeping next to you… for the second night in a row!”
“Is that why you have the irritating little one between us?” Kieran grumbled.
“She’s not even talking,” Kelsey muttered.
“She doesn’t have to talk to be irritating!” Kieran snapped, “She kicks in her sleep!” As if to prove his point, Sonya squirmed, lodging her little foot squarely in Kieran’s stomach. Kieran grumbled and rolled onto his side. Kelsey could hear the water sloshing around them as he did. There were plenty of people in the group, but there were only two children. Sonya and the little blonde boy who had been throwing rocks at Kieran. The others didn’t seem to have a problem with sleeping in cold water or marching through the dark.
It wasn’t going to be easy escaping. The slavers had taken Kieran’s bow and arrows. They had even found the twin set of daggers that Kieran kept hidden in his boots. At least they were descent enough to give Kieran his boots back after they were done searching them. Kelsey shivered and sat up looking around at the guards.
“You should get to sleep,” Kieran murmured, “Could be a long walk tomorrow.”
“I don’t plan on sticking around till tomorrow!” Kelsey said, “How can you even think about sleep? Escape should be our prime objective!”
“Without my bow there’s not much I can do!” Kieran snapped.
“You’re a thief!” Kelsey cried, “Find a way to steal your daggers back!”
“Any recommendations?!” he snapped. Kelsey frowned. Kieran was good, but he wasn’t that good. “Just be patient,” Kieran said gently. He gave her a dazzling smile. “I’ll think up something.”
That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Kieran rolled his eyes before lying down again. Kelsey marveled that he could sleep in the filthy water with no problems, but he still complained when Sonya kicked in her sleep. Kelsey shook her head and stared at the dirty waters of the sewer. The sewer split up ahead., Kelsey wasn’t sure which way they were going. She turned her attention again to the guards. They were slowly starting to fall asleep one by one.
“If only I could get a hold of Kieran’s weapons…” Kelsey muttered to herself.
“Weapons?” a strange sounding voice whispered, “What’s a nice girl like you doing with weapons?”
Kelsey jumped at the voice. She looked around anxiously. She didn’t see anything. “Down here!” Kelsey looked down at the water. All she saw was her reflection. Suddenly, the reflection winked at her. Kelsey jumped and got to her feet, but her reflection remained seated. “You sure are jumpy,” her reflection smirked. Her reflection’s lips were moving, even though Kelsey wasn’t talking. Besides that, the voice of her reflection was a male voice.
“Oh great!” Kelsey wailed, “Now my reflection is talking to me!”
“Hardly,” her reflection said, “I’m a river sprite. I can’t leave the water, so I take the forms of reflections in the water. Kelsey inspected the water a little more carefully. It really wasn’t her true reflection. The Sprite’s eyes were a different shade of blue than hers. They were bright turquoise.
“This is too weird!” Kelsey cried.
“Anyway, you wanted weapons?” The Sprite asked.
“Yes,” Kelsey said, “I did, but why would you help me?”
“Are you kidding me?” The Sprite cried, “You’re the prettiest form I’ve taken in a long time. It would be my pleasure.”
“Oh,” Kelsey said, blushing a little bit, “Thanks, but how…?”
“Don’t worry about that!” The Sprite said with a joker like grin. He winked broadly at Kelsey, “I’ll be right back.” Kelsey watched her reflection scurry across the river. A guard sat sleeping in the corner. The Sprite approached the guard’s reflection in the dirty water. He reached into the guard’s bags and pulled out Kieran’s bow and daggers. He quickly crossed back to Kelsey. Kelsey could see her reflection holding the weapons in her hands. “Take them,” The Sprite said.
“I can’t,” Kelsey said, “I need REAL weapons. Those are just a reflection.”
“See for yourself,” The Sprite said. Kelsey nervously stuck her hand into the water. She felt the wood of Kieran’s bow. Kelsey jumped and removed the bow cautiously from the muddy water.
Kelsey gasped, “How the hell…?!”
“These too!” The Sprite said. The reflection waved one of Kieran’s daggers at her. Kelsey reached into the water and retrieved it and its twin.
“Thanks,” Kelsey said, “By the way, what’s your name?”
The Sprite shrugged, “I don’t have one. Maybe you could give me one?”
Kelsey shrugged, “Steve?”
The Sprite looked over her reflection’s glasses skeptically, “Steve? Seriously? Couldn’t you think of something a little bit more dramatic…?”
“Fine,” Kelsey sighed, “How about Kinnickinic? It’s a river from where I live.”
“Kinnickinic?” The Sprite cried, “What a mouthful!”
“Kinni for short,” Kelsey sighed.
“Kinni,” The Sprite said, “I like it.”
“Great,” Kelsey said with a smile, “Thanks Kinni.”
“No problem,” Kinni said with his own joker-like smile, “Good luck.” Kinni faded away and her reflection was her own again. Kelsey immediately hurried to Kieran’s side and shook him awake.
“What?!” Kieran groaned, “I was sleeping!”
“Here!” Kelsey said shoving his bow into his hands, “It’s time for one of your brilliant plans.”
Kieran stared the weapons in disbelief, “How on earth did you…?”
“Never mind!” Kelsey snapped, “Just cut us free!” Kieran did as he was told while Kelsey woke up Sonya.
Sonya yawned and sat up, “What are we doing?”
“Hold still,” Kieran ordered as he cut her hands free and then Kelsey’s. “We’re getting out of here. Be very quiet!”
Sonya glared up at Kieran, “Why did you look at me when you said that?”
“Just come on,” Kieran grumbled as he strapped his bow onto his back. Kelsey gripped Sonya’s hand tightly and was about to follow Kieran when she suddenly heard a voice.
“Wait!” the two whirled around nervously. It was the boy who had been throwing rocks at Kieran earlier. He was kind of scrawny with shaggy, blonde hair and big, blue eyes. “C-can I come with?” he asked nervously.
“No.” Kieran said flatly,
“Kieran!” Kelsey snapped.
“I already have enough trouble with you two!” Kieran said, “I don’t need any more… headaches!” The boy flushed, maybe pelting this stranger with rocks wasn’t the best idea.
“I don’t care!” Kelsey retorted angrily, “He’s a child!”
Kieran groaned and scooped up one of the guard’s bags. “We’ll need the supplies,” he chucked the bag at the scruffy boy, “If you’re coming, you better make yourself useful!”
The boy smiled brightly, revealing a gap toothed smile, “Yes sir!”
“Great, let’s go,” Kieran cried. They sloshed through the water heading towards the first bend when suddenly they heard a voice cry out.
Kelsey froze. She recognized the voice instantly, “Kinni! NO!”
“Kinni?” Kieran cried, “Who’s Kinni?!” Several guards awoke and jumped to their feet. “Come on!” Kieran scooped up Sonya, grabbed Kelsey’s arm and ran down the sewers. Kelsey struggled to keep up with him and hold Sonya tightly. The little boy followed close behind. “Who’s Kinni?” Kieran demanded, not looking back.
“A river sprite,” Kelsey, “I met him in the sewer.”
“Is that bad?” Kelsey asked in a small voice.
“YES!” Kieran cried, “River sprites love excitement. That sprite might have been living down here for a while, you just gave him a golden opportunity to cause mischief.”
Kelsey paled, “Oops!” Kieran glared at her. “So what do we do now?”
Kieran smiled sweetly at Kelsey, “I would suggest that we… RUN!”
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