Tauntaun99 — The Flawless Beagle [🤖]

#tf #dogtransformation
Published: 2024-02-02 13:37:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 4300; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 13
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Description Lucas and Mia had been dating for a few weeks, after they met at a dog show and shared their love for dogs. Mia was a dog trainer, and competed at shows with her prized Beagle, Bailey. Lucas was a software engineer, who enjoyed watching Mia and Bailey perform their tricks and routines.

The competition season was almost over, and Mia had one last show to attend. She invited Lucas to travel with her and they stayed together in a hotel room near the show. Lucas was happy to spend more time with Mia, and also curious to see the dog show up close.

The morning of the competition, Mia woke up early to check on Bailey, who was sleeping in a crate next to the bed. She noticed that Bailey was not his usual energetic self, and seemed to have a fever. She tried to feed him some water and food, but he refused to eat or drink. She felt his pulse and realized it was too fast. She panicked and called the hotel's vet service, but they said they were fully booked and could not see Bailey until the afternoon.

Mia returned to the hotel room, where Lucas was still waking up. She told him the bad news, and burst into tears. She said that Bailey was her best friend, and that she had worked so hard to prepare for the show. She said that she had no chance of winning without Bailey, and that she felt like a failure.

Lucas hugged her and tried to comfort her. He said that Bailey was a strong dog, and that he would recover soon. He said that Mia was an amazing trainer, and that she had nothing to be ashamed of. He said that he loved her, and that he was proud of her.

Mia smiled weakly and thanked him. She said that he was the best boyfriend ever, and that she loved him too. She said that she wished there was something she could do to make Bailey feel better, or to compete in the show.

Then, she remembered something. She said that she had a small amount of druid heritage, and that she had inherited some magic from her ancestors. She said that she had never tried it before, but she could try to channel some magic to transform Lucas into a copy of Bailey.

Lucas was shocked and confused. He asked her if she was serious, and if she knew what she was doing. He asked her if it was safe, and if it would hurt. He asked her how long it would last, and how he would change back.

Mia said that she was serious, and that she had a feeling it would work. She said that it would not hurt, and that it would be fun. She said that it would last until the end of the show, and that she would change him back afterwards. She said that it was the only way to save the day, and to make her happy.

Lucas was hesitant, but he could not turn down the chance to experience the life of a dog. He also wanted to make Mia happy, and to support her dream. He agreed to try it, and told her to do it.

Mia kissed him and thanked him. She told him stand in front of the bed, and to relax. She closed her eyes, and whispered some words in a language that Lucas did not understand. She started to wave her hands towards Lucas.

Lucas felt a strange sensation in his body, as if he was shrinking and changing shape. He felt his hair grow longer and thicker, his ears become floppy, his nose become wet, his tail sprout, and his paws replace his hands and feet. He opened his eyes, and saw that he had become a Beagle, identical to Bailey.

Mia opened her eyes, and saw that her magic had worked. She was overjoyed, and hugged Lucas. She told him that he was a beautiful dog, and that he looked just like Bailey. She told him that he had to act like Bailey, and to follow her commands. She told him that they had to hurry, and to get ready for the show.

She put a collar and a leash on Lucas, and packed her bag. She left a note for the hotel staff, saying that she had taken Bailey to the vet, and that she would be back later. She put Bailey in the crate, and gave him some water and food. She told him to rest, and that she would be back soon. She told him that she loved him, and that he would be okay.

She took Lucas to the car, and drove to the show. She registered him as Bailey, and no one noticed the difference. She took him to the backstage area, where they met the other competitors and their dogs. Lucas was amazed by the variety of breeds, sizes, and colors of the dogs. He was also nervous, as he had never done anything like this before.

Mia reassured him, and said that he would do great. She said that he just had to copy what Bailey did, and to listen to her voice. She said that she would guide him through the show, and that they would have fun.

She took him to the practice area, where they warmed up and rehearsed their routine. Lucas learned how to jump over hurdles, weave through poles, balance on beams, and catch frisbees. He also learned how to sit, stay, lie down, roll over, and shake hands. He found that he enjoyed the challenge, and the praise from Mia. He also found that he had a natural talent for the tricks, and that he could do them with ease.

They finished their practice, and waited for their turn. They watched the other teams perform, and cheered for them. Lucas was impressed by the skills and the teamwork of the other dogs and their trainers. He also felt a friendly rivalry, and a desire to win.

Finally, it was their turn. Mia and Lucas walked to the stage, where they were greeted by the announcer and the judges. The announcer introduced them as Mia and Bailey, and said that they were the favorites to win the show. The judges smiled and nodded, and wished them good luck.

The music started, and Mia and Lucas began their routine. They ran, jumped, weaved, balanced, and caught. They moved in sync, and in harmony. They dazzled the audience, and the judges. They performed flawlessly.

They finished their routine, and bowed to the crowd. The crowd erupted in applause, and cheered for them. The announcer praised them, and said that they had given an amazing performance. The judges gave them perfect scores, and said that they had shown excellence and creativity.

Mia and Lucas hugged, and celebrated. They had done it. They had won the show.

They received their trophy, and their medal. They posed for pictures, and gave interviews. They thanked the organizers, and the sponsors. They congratulated the other teams, and complimented their dogs. They were the stars of the show, and the heroes of the day.

They left the show, and returned to the hotel. They checked on Bailey, who was feeling much better. He wagged his tail, and licked their faces. He was happy to see them, and to meet his twin.

Mia took off Lucas' collar, and his leash. She held his paw. She closed her eyes, and whispered some words. Lucas felt the same sensation, as he changed back to his human form. He opened his eyes, and saw that he was himself again.

Mia opened her eyes, and saw that her magic had worked again. She was relieved, and hugged Lucas. She told him that he was an amazing human, and that he had done a wonderful thing. She told him that he had made her dream come true, and that she was grateful. She told him that she loved him, and that he was the best boyfriend ever.

Lucas hugged her back, and told her that he was glad to help. He told her that he had learned a lot, and that he had enjoyed the experience. He told her that he loved her, and that he was proud of her.

They kissed, and cuddled. They were happy, and content. They had shared an adventure, and a memory. They had become closer, and stronger.
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