> If you want to buy - write comment under this deviation! (+ tell me how do you want to pay)
> First come, first served <
> Paypal / points
> NOTE : If you're late, don't worry! I can make something on your personal order or the same thing as on the auction, if I had needed materials
More info about the jewellery commissions and other info (TOS, pricelists, art status, to-do etc.) -β¦
> Prices :
1. holo - $3 -
2. pink-blue - $5 - anett
3. pink-lavender - $9 - yutada-chi-2
4. pink-violet - $8,5 - yutada-chi-2
+ $5,5 for shipping (shipping to Poland is cheaper)
$1 = 100pts
Instagram - tayga_crafts
Discord - Tayga#7550