Tay-Zeus — Basilisk - [Pyrrhia-Pantala AU]

#tayzeusocs #tayzeuswofocs #tz_basilisk
Published: 2018-08-25 21:14:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 2882; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 3
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Description ༺ G E N E R A L ༻

Name > Basilisk
Nickname(s) > Basi, Lisk, Lisky

Tribe > SkyWing
Occupation/Affiliation > Student
Mentor/Apprentice > Basilisk would love to have a Mentor.
Talon/Order > Gold Talon (GTBT <3)

Appearance > Basilisk is quite a tall SkyWing for her age (though she's not big enough to be considered unnaturally large/tall) and very slim as well. She's muscular enough for that it's slightly noticeable but not enough for them to stand out. She's a soothing red color that fades to a light orange, her legs fade from the light orange to a dark burgundy color. It's similar for her wings, but it starts as the red color and fades to the dark burgundy. Her wing membrane is like a setting sunset, dark red at the top and light yellow at the bottom. Her main scales are a light orange that fade to yellow. Her underbelly is a light tan like color with purple freckling and a dark purple stripe that runs along it. Her talons, spines, and horns are a even darker burgundy red, though the tips of her horns are faded to a light grayish white. On the left side of her mouth she has a snaggletooth and dark freckles are splashed across her cheeks and some of her snout. Her eyes are a bright red, orange, and yellow.

Scars > She doesn't have any.
Accessories > She doesn't have any

Age > 8
Sex > Female
Gender > Female
Pronouns > She/Her
Sexuality > Bisexual (Leans more towards females)


༺ A B I L I T I E S ༻

POWERS > Hot firebreath (major) & powerful flight (major)


Survival > [2+3]= 5/8
Tribe Abilities > [4+0]= 4/8

Drawing > 6/8
Harp Playing > 4/8

Skill Slot 3 > [X]/8
Skill Slot 4 > [X]/8
Skill Slot 5 > [X]/8

༺ E D U C A T I O N / T R A I N I N G༻

Past Schooling > Homeschooled by parents (and sorta by older siblings too)

Past Training > Learned a few little blacksmithing skills from helping & learning from her father. Has very basic knowledge (like tip of the iceberg knowledge) about scavengers since her mother studies and works with them.

Current Schooling > Pyrrhia Pantala University


Level > 1
Tier > 1

Strength >5/10
Agility/Dexterity > 4/10
Defense/Constitution > 2/10
Intelligence > 6/10
Wisdom/Observation > 4/10
Charisma > 6/10
Stamina > 5/10
Flying > 11/14


༺ P E R S O N A L I T Y ༻


Friendly/Charming > Basilisk is quite the friendly creature, she'll prance right up to ya and introduce herself charismatically. She'll happily chat and share stories for hours if you let her. She enjoys meeting new dragons and getting to know them. With her charming demeanor, well placed words, and her big toothly grin, what's not to love?

Kind/Nurturing > Basilisk may not be the best with understanding emotions, but she'll sure try her best to help one out to the best of her abilities. Need a shoulder to cry on or a hug? This SkyWing's got you. She can be surprisingly encouraging as well and loves it when others go after their goals/dreams. She'll be your personal cheerleader to the end.

Intelligent/Creative > Basilisk is a creative and intelligent SkyWing. The gears in her mind are always moving, figuring things out and how to create. She also really enjoys creating things as well. She enjoys challenges like puzzles and games. Lisk also love painting, carving, sculpting, and more. She can easily come up with an idea or creation within seconds.

Physically Fit > Basilisk is quite athletic. Ever since she was a teeny little dragonet she has always been quite active. Especially since she had 6 crazy and energetic brothers to keep up with since she didn't want to be left out on the fun. And with that, as time went on, made her very physically fit as she grew older. So she has developed some great stamina for running, flying, fighting, and even though she isn't the best at swimming she can hold her own.

Romantic > Ever heard of falling head over talons for someone? Well, Basilisk certainly has. She's a romantic gal and happily do anything for the special someone. She may go overboard with some things, but the gesture certainly is sweet and sometimes even heartwarming. Some say (and some is referring to her brothers) that she's a hopeless romantic.

Courageous > No matter what it is or what's happening, Basilisk will always be one of the first dragons to do something. She'll always dive headfirst into the activity happily. Oddly enough, she finds the "energy" of being the first one to do something or if she's facing some sort of danger, to be thrilling. She still gets scared like everyone else, but one could say that she's just better at pumping herself up with a "you can do this!" before doing whatever it may be.


Loyal > Basilisk is a very loyal SkyWing and once you've earned her trust she won't leave your side. Need someone as backup for an argument or just need a friend to take a stroll with? Basilisk will definitely have your back till the very end, no matter the situation or dangers that may lay ahead. She's also quite hard to get rid of once she has become your friend.

Ambitious > A gal with goals is a gal you should get out of the way for. If Basilisk wants something, oh she won't stop until she gets it. She's very determined and will do anything in her power to get what she wants. And in all honestly she quite enjoys the challenges that pop up along the way as well.

Stubborn > Basilisk is worse than a boulder that you can't move no matter how hard you try once she has her mind made up. She's hard to convince to do something else. Especially if someone is negative about whatever it is she has her sights on. In fact, it'll just make her want to do whatever she has as her goal even more.

Self-Confident/Independent > Basilisk is very confident in herself and is quite independent as well. She believes that she doesn't need anyone's help and that she can do everything on her own. No matter the situation. And furthermore, she thinks that doing things on her own is right cause who needs the extra help if you're that good?

Flirty/Smooth > This SkyWing tends to flirt with everyone, no matter who they may be or what their sexuality is. Though she does enjoy having fun with it and she sometimes gets a few laughs in return. But Basilisk is smoother than butter with her words, especially when she's interested in a special someone.

Dare-Devil/Thrill-Seeker/Reckless > Tell her to jump off a cliff and  Basilisk will do it with a powerful leap. Heck, she might even do some fancy dive move cause she's that extra. She just loves that feeling of adrenaline racing through her veins! Though what she does may seem like she isn't thinking things through or if she even has a brain at all. And some may try to stop her from what she's about to, but there's a small chance to.


Overprotective/Possessive > Basilisk is protective over her personal things, friends, and family. Try to take or hurt them and she'll fight you. You'll have to get through her first! She can be quite possessive and will become antsy if someone is taking a look at something of hers or someone she's close too. She just doesn't like it one bit.

Short-Temper/Sensitive > Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you catch  Basilisk at a bad time and say one wrong thing to her you're done for. But if she does happen to be in a good mood all it takes it someone to push her buttons too far. And since she it sensitive some words will obviously bother her more than it's bother others.

Combative/Confrontational >  Basilisk is the type to get pissed off over someone purposely insulting her or her friends. She won't go out swinging right away, she's somewhere merciful, and will just ground you out with her words. But eventually, if provoked enough, will go all out and start her rampage with a classic "Fite me, bru!" or "Wanna say that to my face, pipsqueak?!" and get all up in your face.

Nosy >  Basilisk just has to know about anything and everything. She just wants that juicy information! She'll invite herself into conversations that she's not apart of, will eavesdrop, sneak about, and so much more. Some may think she's some crazy spy but in reality she's just putting her nose everywhere where it shouldn't be.

Blunt > Whether it's bad or good Basilisk will say it. It just flys out of her mouth as if she doesn't have a filter. Sometimes it truly does seem like she has no filter at all to be perfectly honest. She may not be trying to be hurtful when she just blurts things out but she does tend to hurt others emotionally at times.

Rebellious > Ever heard of actually listening and being obedient? Naw, Basilisk doesn't know her. Tell her to do one simple thing and this SkyWing is going to do the exact opposite of what she was told. She goes to the beat of her own drum, even if it means not listening as who has time for that? In the end most just expect her to not listen to what she's told her.

Exploring new places
Trying new foods
Adventure, horror, and romance novels are her favorite
Snuggles and cuddles
Books and scrolls
Spending time with the ones she loves
Being with her family
Hanging out with Sirius

> Her brothers getting hurt
> The thought of losing Sirius
> Sirius getting injured
> When others step on her tail
> Her glasses breaking (Like come on!)
> Losing her glasses
> Dragons who make fun of her friends
> Bullies
> Really cold places
> Being called a failure
> Pineapple (she's allergic to it)
> Sore losers
> Being lonely
> When something happens to her books/scrolls that have the possibility to destroy or damage them

> Basilisk has a soft spot for small dragonets and she just adores them.
> She actually quite enjoys collaborating with others even though she doesn't like admitting it.
> Basilisk, surprisingly, plays the harp and a very little bit of violin.
> She'd love to travel the world and visit all the other kingdoms.

> She's afraid of losing her family.
> Surprisingly, HiveWings scare her.
> She finds it terrifying that some dragons have the ability to read her mind and thoughts.
"Do those dragons not know what privacy is?!"
> Being unable to protect or save the ones she loves and cares about.
> Having her heart broken.
> Losing or hurting Sirius.

> To attend and have an enjoyable time at Pyrrhia-Pantala University.
>  To meet her special somebody.
> She's interested in joining one of the Orders. Specifically the Order of the Shield, she believes she would "fit" there the best.
> Basilisk would love to have a mentor to learn from them.
> She'd like to become a famous artist, musician, or adventurer.
> Basilisk would love to get a Skyfire earring.


༺ H I S T O R Y ༻

Baby Dragonet > Basilisk was the last and only egg her parents had. She cracked through the egg in a lonely little cavern area, blinking about to see her surroundings. The small SkyWing heard a yelp of "Mom! Come here!" that she didn't understand as she looked around, spotting a young dragon bound towards her. For a short moment in her life, she was scared. What was this thing? And why was it going at her? She closed her eyes and whimpered out for her mother. A few other SkyWings made their way into the room, a large dark red one weaving her way around her other children to meet her new child. The female SkyWing gently picked up the baby dragonet, giving her a small glance over to make sure she was healthy before softly nuzzling her. "Welcome to the world, darling." She cooed to her youngest child. Harpy and Phoenix stood up, balancing on their hind legs to reach their new little sister. Griffin just had to lift up a tad as he was already pretty large for his age. "Can I hold her?" Harpy asked, he had been the one to discover her hatching. Valkyrie glanced down at one of her sons before handing her to him. "Be gentle." She informed him, to which Harpy nodded as he sat down, cradling the dragonet. "Did we pick out a name her?" Phoenix asked, trying to remember as the family had picked out a name, one for a boy and one for a girl. "Didn't we decided on Basilisk if it was a girl?" Griffin interjected. Valkyrie nodded, "Yep. That's what we decided on. The rest of your brothers and father are going to have a wonderful surprise when they get home."

Dragonet > As luck would have it Basilisk was a chip of the old block. She was a very playful and energetic dragonet, always on the move. She also loved learning and wanted to do everything her brothers did, no matter what. The six siblings were extremely close as well, they just adored each other and would protect each other in a heartbeat as well. Ra was a very success blacksmith and owns one of the most popular forges around. He's created armor, weapons, etc. you name it and he'll create it. Ra has even worked for Queen Ibis and King Helios at times, sometimes even for something personal. So he has a pleasant relationship with them, some may even go as far to say that they're friends. Valkyrie works on studying scavengers and learning more about them, which can be very helpful. Valkyrie and a few of her close friends have a small store that focuses on everything about scavengers. So Basilisk and her siblings tend to go with one of their parents to where they work, to not only experience what their parents do, but to also learn some special skills as well. As time passed Basilisk developed a love about scavengers and really wanted one as a pet. Her parents promised her that once they thought she was responsible enough she'd get one. A small problem soon appeared once Ra and Valkyrie's youngest child turned 2. She couldn't exactly see and was being to call others by different names (cause she couldn't see them unless she was a foot away from them) and apologizing profusely after finding out she was wrong. At first her parents believed that she was going blind. But after an appointment they found out that she just had terrible eyesight. So the bought her glasses. Basilisk wasn't thrilled about having glasses at first. She thought that it made her weak and useless for not being able to see. And as she learned to get used to the glasses she began writing and drawing, which eventually with time became a hobby for her. Thunderbird, her oldest brother, was into music and wanted to pursue it to hopefully one day become a famous musician, but for now he was working with his father. Basilisk soon became interested in music and fell in love with the harp, to which Thunderbird made her one as he knew how to carve. She was thrilled as she was somewhat interested in music before but never found an instrument that intrigued her. But now she does and she adores it. All of her brothers played an instrument as well and they'd all practice and play together. Soon enough her 4th birthday rolled around and was gifted a scavenger of her own. The scavenger's name was Sirius, which just so happened to be Basilisk's favorite star. Basilisk, as time went on, soon learned about the Isle Mezzo and Pyrrhia-Pantala University. Once learning about it she really had the desire to go there and asked her parents if she could attend. Ra and Valkyrie were a tad hesitant but made a deal with her that once she was 6 years old she could try to attend. It wasn't that they didn't believe she could get in, they were just worried about it. Ra got into contact with Queen Ibis and talked to her about the Pyrrhia-Pantala University.

A few days after Basilisk's 6th birthday she wrote to Queen Ibis, kindly asking her to write a recommendation letter for her to the Grandmaster of Pyrrhia-Pantala Alliance-University, Merlin. Queen Ibis was happy to help the young SkyWing. She had even asked Ra to bring Basilisk with him to chat with her since he was going to have a meeting with her to talk about what he needed to make for her. Basilisk was nervous, she had never met the queen personally, she had only seen her at some events. After the meeting Basilisk joyfully yet nervously chatted with the Queen Ibis for a few moments. Basilisk thanked the queen profusely for helping her and then left with her father, Ra, who also thanked the queen kindly. It's been a couple of months of waiting to learn if she's been accepted or not, but she's silently hoping that she gets accepted. But as she waits for her letter of acceptance she continues to practice her instrument, study scavengers, work with her father and mother, and other things as she waits.

༺ R E C E N T   H I S T O R Y ༻
Stuff that’s happened since she joined the University.


Dragonet >

Young Adult >


༺ R E L A T I O N S H I P   G U I D E ༻











Just Met | New Acquaintance


༺ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ༻


    >> Ra - Father
    > Ra and Basilisk have a humorous relationship together. The two enjoy joking and teasing one another playful. But Basilisk really loves her father and he always can put a smile on her face.

    >> Valkyrie - Mother
    > Valkyrie and Basilisk have a strong relationship and love to read together as well as study scavengers. The two are quite close and Basilisk feels like she can tell her mother anything and that she'd have her back.


    >> Thunderbird - Brother [5 years older than Basi]
    > Thunderbird is the largest of the siblings and Basilisk always feels safe whenever she's around him. The two have a wonderful relationship and he'll always comfort her and be there for her as well as the rest of his siblings.

    >> Banshee - Brother/Twin [4 years older than Basi]
    > Banshee is actually Wendigo's twin. They hatched from the same egg, which was fairly large. Basilisk loves her twin brothers very much. Banshee is extremely smart and is a bookworm. He's quite the nerd and enjoys helping Basilisk as well as the rest of his siblings.

    >> Wendigo - Brother/Twin [4 years older than Basi]
    > Wendigo is the crazy twin. He's always on the go and will sometimes join Phoenix and Basilisk on their pranking adventures. Heck, he's the mastermind half the time. He'll challenge and dare Basilisk to do crazy things which he'll join in on. Cause what's the fun in only watching?

    >> Griffin - Brother [2 years older than Basi]
    > Griffin is the artistic kid. He'll talk with long fancy words and is almost always proper. But once he starts talking about art he'll never shut up, which can be quite helpful, but it can be annoying to some. Basilisk actually learned from Griffin how to draw, so the two are very close and they'll happily draw together.

    >> Harpy - Brother [2 years older than Basi]
    > Harpy is probably the sibling that Basilisk is the closest to. He's a very gentle and sweet boy, taking after his father. Harpy will happily sit down and read for hours with Basilisk, or even just stargaze.

    >> Phoenix - Brother [2 years older than Basi]
    > Phoenix is the closest to her in age and the two are a terror when left alone together. Talk about double trouble. Basilisk and Phoenix are always putting their noses where it shouldn't be and they leave a trail of pranks behind them. It's somewhat easier to find them as they're cackling everywhere they go.






> Arowana

> Atacama

> Avalos

> Ensky

> Grebe

> Lionfish

> Peacock

> Pyrrhic


༺ I N V E N T O R Y ༻

”Wearable” Sketchbook > A fairly good sized sketchbook that has a loop on the spine, allowing a strap to go through it. Also has a small “pocket” to hold a couple pencils as well. (Kinda like Callum’s from The Dragon Prince!) [Medium]

Item 3 > Description

Item 4 > Description


༺ D R A G O N  T E A R S  &  L E V E L I N G ༻

Total Dragon Tears > 0
Leveling Rate > No Ban

Inspirations >

Quest > Name & Link
Rewards Gained > List rewards here & any other important quest details.

Starting Stats > 43 points to distribute.
> Str [5], Dex [4], Con [2], Int [6], Wis [4], Cha [6], Sta [5], Fly [11]

Starting Skills > 16 points to distribute between 5 skill slots.
> Survival [2], Tribe Abilities [4], Drawing [6], Harp Playing [4]


༺ E X T R A ༻

Link to RP Tracker > To be added.

Link to DS Tracker > To be added.

Scent > Basilisk smells like a warm summer breeze with lilacs and a hint of honey.

Bans > None

Pet/s > Sirius, a black-haired scavenger with green eyes and light colored skin. He's quite brave, humorous, and he honestly just adores Basilisk.

Voice > To be added.

Theme Song/s > To be added.

Fun Fact/s:
> Basilisk has very fuzzy/blurry eyesight, so she has and wears glasses. But she does sometimes go without them. Though she won't be able to recognize anyone from afar. She has to get right up in your face before she can figure out who you are.
> Basilisk and her brothers have a very strong and close relationships. If need be they'd go anywhere in the world for one another.
>Basilisk has an onyx earring on her right ear.
> Hates it when food she dislikes is touching food she does like and will end up not eating it.
> Her father, Ra, made her glasses.


༺ C O M M U N I C A T I O N ༻

DeviantArt Comments >  Nope.
DeviantArt Notes > Yep!
Discord > Hell Yeah! @ParanormallyCryptic#1604 is my Discord user!
Other Chats > Maybe/Possibly.


Application for
Pyrrhia-Pantala Made by @/Biohazardia
Background image drawn by Pandamonic (do not tag) for use of Pyrrhia-Pantala only.

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Comments: 8

River-Flight [2018-08-29 02:30:26 +0000 UTC]

Holy, this character is beautiful! 
That profile is so amazingly detailed too, like holy 

Welcome to PPAU by the way! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tay-Zeus In reply to River-Flight [2018-08-29 19:56:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! For some inspiration I kinda based her design off of sunrises/sunsets.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

deactivated-x [2018-08-28 23:04:25 +0000 UTC]

A new spectacle buddy! I own Arowana, and I would be super hyped if we could do a meeting sometime! Basilisk seems so fun haha. 

also the fact that all her siblings are named after cryptids is so good I-- love this character already my dude.

but yeah! shoot me a message on the group discord-- im Elixir (Wraith/Arowana) inside of the group. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tay-Zeus In reply to deactivated-x [2018-08-29 20:00:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so very much!
And yes, we totally should! I'd love for them to meet.

I had a blast naming all of her siblings and her parents as well. I'll hopefully have some art of her family up eventually.

And I definitely will! My discord is Tay-Zeus (Basilisk).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deactivated-x In reply to Tay-Zeus [2018-08-29 21:10:46 +0000 UTC]

Alright! Feel free to @ me legit whenever-- im on all the time. (Also I accepted the request )

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Biohazardia [2018-08-28 21:29:27 +0000 UTC]

Basilisk has been accepted to Pyrrhia-Pantala University! She's been placed in the Gold Talon! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hot---Chocolate [2018-08-27 16:42:47 +0000 UTC]

hi i love her????

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tay-Zeus In reply to Hot---Chocolate [2018-08-27 18:21:37 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0