taythebloodlust — Anti-Fairy Oddparents pt 4
Published: 2011-07-27 00:10:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 725; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description "Turner, where is the Statue of Liberty located" Mr. Crooker shouted, standing tall, leaning forward has he pointed his finger at me and my friends.
'New York' I thought, staring at him blandly but instead I said "I don't know"; with a shrug of my shoulders. It was a complete lie but then again I had no reason to excel others expectations.
"You know what that means" Mr. Crooker said with a somewhat evil smile, and glared down at me waiting to deliver my F.
"Yes" I said with a bored look on my face, I expected this so I just rolled my eyes and waited patiently for my sheet of paper with a large red F on the front.
"Then here's your F" Mr. Crooker said, slapping a sheet of paper on to my forehead and then taping it on, to keep it there. I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out over the paper; it fluttered up, and fell back into place.
"Whatever" I said, with a shrug, and maneuvered my way to my seat. I sat close to Chase and A.J which helped make school bearable. I set Foop down next to me on the floor, ripped the sheet of paper off of my forehead, balled it up, and tossed it away.
"You don't know where the statue of liberty is located?" Anti-Cosmo hissed in disbelief, I glanced down at his angry steel bat face and glowing green eyes.
"It's on an island several miles away from New York; it was a gift given to America from France" I replied without looking down at him, I pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.
"Well if you knew that then why did you give an idiotic answer" Anti-Cosmo pressed glaring up at me with questioning eyes.
I frowned "Why should I bother sharing this information, he'll just give me another F for whatever reason" I explained crossly, with a deep frown on my face.
"To further your education" Anti-Cosmo replied, has if it was the most obvious answer like air being clear. I grunted in response and began my two hour long stare at the clock has the teacher prattled on about Fairy's, but I found it odd that he didn't mention Anti-Fairy's, but I decided not to mention this.
"You want to further my education so much than why don't you tutor me yourself" I argued back, with a little annoyance added in, but I quickly remembered last night's argument with Foop and I hoped I wouldn't be chewed out by Foop later on for this.
"I will, you can bet your last truffle on it" Anti-Fairy replied back rather crossly, setting me with a firm glare.
I raised an eyebrow at him but I heard the distinctive meaning behind it, has clear has day, I knew he was being dead serious.  
"Turner, stop talking to your necklace" Mr. Croker ordered before suddenly appearing half way across the class room in front of my desk. Upon closer inspection I realized his eyes were rolling around wildly in his head before he continued by shouting and spazzing "Or is your necklace really a Fairy God Parent" he landed in a heap on the floor with a strange painful cry.
I looked down at him with a frown on my face and said "No, I do not have fairy god parents" but I also made it sound as if I were trying to explain this simple fact to a two year old.
"I know your lying, just like your father when he lied about not having…Fairy. God. Parents." He shouted and spazed again, landing in another heap on the floor with his limbs twisted around him in a ridiculous way.
'My dad had Fairy God Parents' I wondered, I put this in the back of my head for later; the teacher untangled himself with a lot of bone snapping, and twisting muscles. Once he had straightened himself out, he stood tall and… hunched over.
"So admit you have Fairy God Parents" He urged, placing his hands on either side of my desk and leaning forward so that he was uncomfortably close.
"I don't have fairy god parents" I repeated with growing irritation; technically I wasn't lying I had Anti-fairy god parents not the normal one's. Anti-Cosmo, Wanda, and Foop spent yesterday afternoon decorating my room and explained everything to me about Anti-Fairies, Fairies, and Pixies. That night I had spent my afternoon, thinking about everything Anti-Cosmo told me. When something has complex like that happened, I couldn't help but feel obligated to sort it out the best I can.
"Liar" Mr. Croker shouted, pointing his long bony finger at my face to the point I had to lean back to gain some space.
"Hey, just because Lil' T is dressed up like a scary goth boy doesn't make him a liar" Chase said, jumping to my rescue, she had a limited tolerance level for madness, and if Chase jumped into a fight or debate has A.J so called it, A.J was soon to follow.
"Yeah, and besides it's impossible for Fairies to exist, if fairies were real than that would mean monsters and other mystical beings would be real also" A.J added, than threw a smile our way, although I had a feeling it was more aimed at Chase than me.
"Oh yeah, well, F's for all three of you" Mr. Croker shouted, producing three red F's on three separate sheets of paper.
"For what, we didn't even take a test" A.J argued throwing his arms out in complete outrage there were only two things that set him off like that; first being some loser who picks on Chase (and his friends), second being an unfair test.
"But you're constantly being tested in my class" Mr. Croker sneered, with an evil crocked smile on his lips, his teeth had aged and stained badly because of too much tea and coffee. I winced when some of his breathe slithered up my nose forcing me to resist the urge to puke.
"That's completely unfair." A.J argued back, his outraged look was still holding strong on his face.
"Life isn't fair" Mr. Croker yelled, his rank breath knocking A.J out of his seat and on to his large bald cranium.
"A.J, are you alright" Chase asked hoping across the desk to get to A.J; I felt my lips curl back over my teeth in anger, my eyes narrowed darkly, I felt my blood turn into adrenaline, and I felt anger beginning to toil in my chest.
"Oh you don't like the way he's treating your friends do you" Foop hissed, with the evil intent of a clever snake, I glanced down at him but I couldn't stop my fist from clenching. I watched has Chase helped A.J to his feet and began her own argument with Mr. Croker only to be yelled at herself. My anger grew to the point I was beginning to wonder if the room had suddenly been bathed in red.
"No" I growled out in a low threatening voice, I was reaching my breaking point a lot faster than I usually would.
"You know, all ya gots ta do is wish it, and we'll make tat no good teachur suffer" Anti-Wanda added, In a surprisingly evil voice; I remembered Anti-Cosmo mentioning all the little superstitions that brought a ravenous evil hunger out of any Anti-Fairy;  I thought about it long and hard, and I finally decided.
"I wish the lights were all out" I whispered, and with a wave of their tiny wands the lights were out. After another moments thought I added "I wish everyone was glued to their seats". I could hear the sounds of a struggle and protest. Now it was time for the real from. "I wish the floor was full of cracks and salt shakers were all over the floor." I whispered glaring hatefully in the direction I heard Mr. Crocker's voice, 3 tiny wands waved in the air, and hundreds of tiny cracks appeared in the floor while salt shakers exploded into existence from what I could imagine. "I wish black cats were running lose in the class room" I continued, and the door and windows exploded open has hundreds of old and young black cats raced one another inside. "I wish for ladders and mirrors" I continued, ladder and mirrors appeared around the floor and on the walls. I could hear Mr. Croker stumbling around the class room trying to find the light switch. It was only a matter of time before the fireworks started. "I wish I had night vision" I whispered, three wands waved again, and I watched has Mr. Croker walked across cracks on the floor, and slipped on the many salt shakers causing them to fly through the air and crack the mirrors on the wall. Mr. Croker landed on the tails of several cats, causing them to Screech in surprise and pain. Mr. Croker didn't have time to react before the now angry black cats clawed at his face. Mr. Croker yelled, and tried hard to pry the cat's claws off of his face and body. In the process he stumbled back under several ladders and fell out the open window with a yell. I laughed loudly and nearly fell out of my chair in the process. I sat up and wiped a tear from my eye.
"Oh what delicious evil" Anti-Cosmo said enthusiastically; has if he were rolling in the best thing ever; but I guess for an Anti-Fairy bad luck is the best thing ever.
"I wish the lunch bell would ring" I said, and the lunch bell rang; "I wish the lights were back on" I whispered, the wands waved again, and the room was bright once more. Shattered glass decorated the floor along with salt and black fur. I stood picked up Foop and left the room, momentarily forgetting the other children still trapped in their seats. The stroll down the hall was a silent somewhat pleasant one until a hand grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. I turned around to see my twin sister, with an annoyed look on her face.
"What do you want" I asked annoyed, seeing my sister at any point got me agitated.
"Were you the one who glued everyone to their seats in your class room?" Timantha questioned, placing her hands on her hips, and setting me with a glare. 'Bossy little brat' I thought in aggravation.
"No, I wasn't the one who glued everyone to their seats" I replied, crossing my arms and setting her with a frown; her own eyes narrowed in response, she didn't believe me, no surprise to me there.
"I'm watching you" Timantha said, leaning in close so that we were nose to nose. She held that pose for a moment before pulling away and stomping to the lunch room to hang with her friends. I glared after her before saying "I wish the glue on everyone's seat was replaced by mildly harmful pins" I said, watching my sister leave, with a heavy frown on my face. Three wands waved and the sound of painful cry's filled the air.
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Comments: 7

ladyepic247 [2013-04-20 18:06:39 +0000 UTC]

Crocker still works at the school? Wow. He has no life, i wonder if his mom died yet. wow... that sounded really mean..
Awesome chapter

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TitanOfElements [2012-01-23 09:02:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Crocker deserved it. But everyone else... Ouch.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taythebloodlust In reply to TitanOfElements [2012-01-29 03:38:06 +0000 UTC]

yeah i know i know

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FanGirlStephie [2011-08-05 04:35:19 +0000 UTC]

this story is AWESOME!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taythebloodlust In reply to FanGirlStephie [2011-08-06 01:09:57 +0000 UTC]

New chapter just got in be sure to read what's below the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TwistedZepher [2011-07-27 00:29:10 +0000 UTC]

love the way this story is going, keep up the great work! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

taythebloodlust In reply to TwistedZepher [2011-07-27 01:50:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you i really appreciate it

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