TBBarker — The Undressing of Makoto Niijima [NSFW]
#persona5 #sleepingbeauty #undressing #makotoniijima
Published: 2017-06-02 18:14:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 12290; Favourites: 80; Downloads: 0
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Description Opening doors with her feet had been a skill Ai had learned since she was in junior high school. Back home, she always had to help carry groceries, trash, and what have you in and out of the house, usually with her hands full. Now, though, she was carrying into her modest apartment something heavier, and frankly much, much more appealing than canned sardines, veggies, and minced beef. As she nudged the door closed with her derriere, Ai proceeded towards her bedroom with a spring in her step as she kicked off her shoes. Entering, she paused for a moment to look at herself in the wide, wall-length mirror standing by her dresser. Her long, dark hair was straight and quite thick, falling to just over her shoulders. Her slight build, wrapped in a loose fitting shirt and nondescript jeans, belied the fact that she was physically much more capable than she looked. A fact reinforced by who she had cradled like a stolen bride in her arms. 

Makoto Niijima's head hung back on a swan-like neck, so pale and invitingly vulnerable looking. Her short brown hair wasn't quite long enough to trail down underneath her like damsels in anime and movies, but it fits her whole 'look'. She was slender, waifishly so, her arms neatly folded across her stomach while her long, shapely legs dangled limply. She was, quite obviously, unconscious, and would be for some time, barring any overly intrusive external stimuli. Like placing a prized posession, Ai moved to lay Makoto on her bed. It was a king-sized bed with a soft, almost yielding mattress, covered by a tasteful red bed sheet of satin. Makoto now lie across its width with her legs dangling off, her brown boots just hovering off of the wooden floor. One of her arms slipped off of her stomach to lay on the bed, her head lolling to the side.

It had been quite the windfall, indeed. Even as she slid the seventh deadbolt securing the door, Ai still couldn't believe what she had just done. Giddily, she walked up to one of the few pieces of furniture in her loft apartment, an expansive bed covered in blood red sheets. She wasn't ready to call it a day just yet. Rather, her bright, brown eyes were utterly fixated on the slim, feminine figure laying atop it. The first thing that caught Ai's eyes was just how much of Makoto was covered, and yet so little was left to the imagination. An off-white, form-fitting, long sleeved shirt wrapped Makoto's trim, lean figure. A black vest was wrapped over that, fastened just right to underline her athletic, yet now inert, physique. 

"You're so frail looking..." Ai whispered as she eased herself onto the bed. She slithered next to Makoto, propping herself on an elbow so she could look down admiringly at her catch. The short haired lass, laying so languidly beside her now, presented quite the resistance when Ai first descended upon her, striking from behind to deliver a syringe full of a calming concoction. Makoto had turned immediately at that. Even as the drug began its work, sapping her vigor and chemically instructing her brain to shut down for some time, the slender girl put up a brief, memorable struggle, attempting to fight Ai off before she inevitably and unceremoniously succumbed. "You... you look pretty..." Ai said, almost nervously, her thin lips bending into a smile as she leaned in closer, the act making her long, dark hair fall from her shoulders and onto Makoto's porcelain countenance, stringy strands caressing the sleeping girl's cheeks. 

Gingerly, Ai drew back, hands moving deftly to tie her hair back so as not to disturb her. Reluctantly, she lifted off of the striking, scarlet sheet of the bed and made the short trip to an inconspicuous looking cabinet. "There you are..." she said, taking a a small, clear bottle containing a very potent and familiar soporific. A necessary precaution, and one Ai was quietly hoping would be needed as she put it in a pocket. 

"I'm back..." she said sweetly, tracing circles with her index fingers over Makoto's rather modest bosom. "Did... did you miss me...?" Her damsel didn't reply, of course, still quite insensate from the earlier drugging. "Well, I'm going to do something now..." Ai said, her hands moving to trace along Makoto's stockinged leg, "If that's okay..." 

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ai lifted Makoto's left leg; one hand holding her by her boot, the other by the calf, feeling the girl's tight musculature underneath the thin veneer of her stocking. Then, she did the simple task of unzipping the sleeping girl's footwear and pulling it away. The boot hit the carpeted floor with a soft thud. She let go of the leg, moving to the other and repeating the motion, leaving her stockinged feet visible to the eye. 

Moving up, she found the little brass pins keeping Makoto's skirt fastened around her slim waist. Not one to tarry, Ai began to unclip them, one by one, each snapping away without much resistance. Then, Ai pinched the skirt at their pleats and pulled it smoothly away, revealing the full length of Makoto's long, slender, stocking-clad legs. Setting the article of clothing aside, Makoto's captor indulged herself for a moment; she slid an arm underneath the crook of her knees and pulled, lifting the sleeping beauty's legs and making her calves drape over and her hips to bulge against its nylon covering ever so slightly before setting them down. Playing with Makoto's limp legs was fun, but the experience, Ai thought, would be so much better if more of the girl's skin was showing.

Now unhindered by the skirt, Ai's nimble fingers found the border where Makoto's black stockings ended and her white shirt started. Like peeling back film from a new piece of gadget, the stockings came off soundlessly and sailed serenely through the air as Ai threw it away, though it didn't land too far. Now, Makoto's legs were well and truly denuded, milky and pale and all the more vulnerable it made her look. Ai then spent a good long while just running her fingers along its smooth surface, occasionally rubbing and pressing at Makoto's supple, athletic calves, or venturing scandalously in her inner thighs, close to her, surprisingly frilly, white panties. She didn't think that the short, auburn-haired damsel had such tastes, but like the rest of her clothing, they hugged her body quite tightly, teasing at what lie beneath them.

"Mhh..." A short, discontented moan then escaped Makoto's lips. Her eyebrows creased for but a fraction, before her countenance became relaxed in repose once more. Not wanting to be caught off guard, Ai produced the bottle of soporific. Looking around, she reached for Makoto's discarded pair of stockings and soaked a generous amount of the chemical on it. Luckily its mesh wasn't too thin, and absorbed the devious liquid quite nicely. Setting the soaked stockings aside, the raven-haired somnophiliac then decided that her victim's vest would be next to disappear. As much as Ai liked how it enhanced Makoto's slender, lean figure, like the underline to a bold statement, it would have to go. Unbuttoning it patiently, relishing how each small stud slid away, Ai's mind began to wander. "What could we do together...?" she said, glancing at her sleeping beauty's mask of restful slumber.

One glaring, tantalizing possibility was to slake her longing then and there. But then that would hardly appropriate to the subject of her unwanted affection. She needed to be discreet, as well, so with reluctance, Ai shelved the thought as she opened Makoto's vest. The girl's tight-fitting, long-sleeved shirt was a study in paradox; it covered her yet at the same time showed her off. The skin was obscured, but the form of her slender, elegant body was clear enough to see. As Ai set the vest aside, intending for it to rest on the bed's edge, she saw Makoto's eyebrows furrow. This time, it was followed by the telltale sounds of someone slowly emerging from the thick, cloying fog of somnolence. 

"Mmhh.... mhoohh..." Makoto sighed as her head turned to the side, the musculature of her neck showing itself from the movement. 

Ai had been ready for this however. She moved over to sit cross-legged, and placed Makoto's head in the bowl formed by her folded legs. The girl's short, brown hair tickled Ai's skin, its smooth strands making jolts of electricity shoot up her captor's legs and onto her spine. With the soaked stocking in place, she waited patiently for her princess to open her eyes. 

It was almost supernatural, Ai thought, the way Makoto's red eyes complimented the pale exquisiteness of her skin. Shy of a pair of pointed ears and much, much longer hair, the girl stirring on Ai's lap could very easily pass off as an elf. "....Ouuhh..." Makoto mumbled, red irises peeking out from daintily fluttering eyelids. "Wh... where...." 

"Here..." Ai said, gently pressing the bunched up stocking against Makoto's face, melding it so that it hugged the contours of her nose and mouth. Her hands moved to either side, towards Makoto's cheekbones, pressing the fabric tight and taut against the damsel's face. It's funny, Ai noted, with the black length of nylon draped across her face, Makoto sort of looked like a ninja. Or a thief of some kind. Of course, ninjas and thieves are so much more adept at avoiding ambushes. 

The soporific's effects, overpowering to a fully conscious person, was downright invasive to Makoto's still stirring mind. A base, primal part of her must have realized she was in distress. A realization reflected on her fair face, which took on a somewhat disdainful look; eyebrows creasing and eyelids curling. Ai could feel Makoto's mouth and cheeks move underneath the fabric as soft mumbles seeped through. "Mhhh... mmmhh, mmmhphh?" 

"Shush.... shushushush..." Ai leaned forward, her own long tresses secured behind her head so as not to interfere. "It's not time for you to wake up yet..."

"Whhmm... uuhhmmph?" Makoto gave Ai a confused, disoriented look for the briefest of moments before her red eyes began to roll up into her skull. "Hmmmhmm... ohhohhmmphh..."

"That's right..." Ai smiled, relishing how Makoto's head seemed to grow heavier as it settled fully on her lap. "Sleep, Makoto... Just like a princess... A cute, sleepy little princess..." One of Ai's hands then moved to gently graze over Makoto's face, shutting her eyelids and settling there for a few moments as she felt her prize fade back out of consciousness. Satisfied now that she was asleep once more, Ai removed the stocking and gave Makoto's lips a quick kiss. Sure that the girl is firmly in the realm of sleep, Ai slid an arm underneath the brown haired lass' back and pulled. The delectable limpness of her spine made Makoto wilt back in Ai's grasp, her youthful body arcing back and pushing her modest bosom out. Her head lolled back and to the right, exposing the length of that elegant neckline once more. Tempted, Ai took one of Makoto's arms by the wrist and held the back of the girl's hand against her head. She took a mental picture of the sight, imagining that Makoto was swooning in her arms like a damsel from an old black and white film.

Easing her fainted damsel back onto the bed, Ai knew there was only one thing left to do now. Easing Makoto's head onto the scarlet sheet of the bed, Ai's hands reached to where Makoto's white shirt hugged her waist and, much like pulling back a shroud, she began to undress the last claim the drugged girl had to dignity. The shirt disengaged smoothly, by increments revealing first Makoto's flat, tight stomach, her skin glowing like mother of pearl underneath the lights, then, her pert yet perky breasts, protected by a lacy yet somewhat understated bra. Inevitably, Makoto's arms were pulled up by the undressing, and for a moment, her face was obscured. But only for a moment. Her arms were fully pulled back, like someone in surrender, by the time the shirt came off, the mouth of its sleeves clinging to Makoto's curled fingers as if reluctant to leave its owner. 

"My word...." Ai breathed as she set the shirt away and looked at her captive. From the tip of her toe, Makoto looked ravishing. Her legs were mostly straightened out, her left knee resting against the right, making the girl's hip shift to cover her crotch. Her torso, so slim, and slender, and svelte, was pearly and radiant, showcased like prized jewelry set on top of a bed of crimson. Her breasts rose and fell in muted rhythm, understated yet not something that would escape notice. Her head, titled back by the stripping and facing the ceiling, rested on a pillow of brown hair, which Ai wished was longer. Makoto's face was one of deep, undisturbed rest, her eyelids shut gently, her brow and jaw relaxed to make her look as if a sleep spell had rendered her comatose. Well, the soporific does work its magic. Makoto's arms stretched out past her head, reaching for the end of the mattress, somewhat bent at the elbows with her palm up, her delicate, ladylike fingers curling in. For a moment, Ai froze, not sure where to begin. She knew she wanted this, but the fact that Makoto Niijima was now quite unconscious and in lingerie, laid out on her bed before her. 

Perhaps somewhat childishly, Ai's hand were drawn immediately to Makoto's breasts, which she began to knead with mounting lust. There wasn't much there, but what was was quite a delight. The mounds were yielding and cool, and thanks to the bra, enough of it was pushed forward to be properly appreciated. While this was happening, her other hand moved to run through Makoto's brown hair. "It's a shame..." Ai whispered, admonishing how short her stolen damsel's locks were. But her eyes immediately locked onto the braid crowning Makoto's head. "I wonder how...." as she moved to unravel it, she made a rather disappointing discovery. It was simply a headband. "Oh..." Ai said, setting the item aside and huffed. "Well that's lame." she said, settling to tilt Makoto's head limply on its joint, turning it this way and that in a deliberate manner, like a jeweler examining a precious diamond. Or, pearl, in this case. A soft hued, radiant pearl.

"You're so beautiful..." Ai whispered as she settled beside Makoto. She leaned in and began kissing that swanlike neck of hers, while her hand roved slowly down the sleeping beauty's the smooth, cool as porcelain skin of her stomach, tracing along the slight indentation of her musculature to stop just shy of sliding into her panties. "I'll savor you..." Ai said, pressing her own body against Makoto's as she cupped the girls face in her hands. Her legs moved to pin Makoto's, the girls' bare, soft skin rubbing against each other as Ai's lust began to mount. "Ohh... You're sublime... Makoto... you're so... oohmmph..." she cut her own moan off as her lips locked against her unwilling lover's, smacking greedily, tongue forcing its way into her object of desire's mouth before sloppily trailing down her slender, swan-like neck, where Ai proceeded to plant a series of long, heated kisses. At length, after leaving a few, indiscreet marks, red hot amidst the pearlescent hue of Makoto's throat, Ai whispered... "And you won't remember a thing...." she smiled, before she continued to please herself, indulging in her sleepy puppet.

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Comments: 3

DOAFan247 [2017-12-21 13:57:03 +0000 UTC]

Quite a nice piece here, TB! The way you paint the picture of every scene with words, you describe them beautifully. Engaging from beginning to end. The chloro scene was very well done as well. The gentle motions of both captive and captor were absolutely wonderful. Overall, an amazing read!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Damselbinder [2017-06-03 04:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Hot effing shenanigans, TB, this was one hot shenanigan. You really got across the sense of Ai's mounting lust as she strips her helpless prize, and you describe her so intimately and gorgeously. Fantastic stuff. I loved that chloro scene as well. Makoto's soft whimpers were just perfect - she was very much the 'sleepy little princess'!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BungleBing [2017-06-02 19:08:11 +0000 UTC]

Very nice little fic here! Makoto is definitely the most attractive P5 girl, and you did a great job of unwrapping her here. Really feels like we're opening a lovely gift as we read along. Overall a fantastic little story, and a great read overall.

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