TeaAndPixels — New Mystic

#crystal #referencesheet #undertaleoc #undertalereference #fanmademonster #undertale
Published: 2018-07-09 16:53:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 5639; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 0
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Description A big visual update for my Undertale oc Mystic
His old one just wasn't sitting right with me, so I left it for a while and came back with new ideas.
To start he's got a completely new body shape, looking more cartoony that realistic. His skin is now a dark pink, as the lighter colour made him look a little too human. And finally his stone hair has been replaced by a pink wool wig!
I'll repost his bio here, with a few additions such as new friends and an updated backstory.

Name: Mystic (Pronounced like Miss-Tic)

Nickname(s): Mr Crystal, Mysty (Nickname from Muffet and his adopted siblings), Sweetie (Taffy), Pudding (Muffet), Pinkie, Barbie, Peach, Doll, Dolly

Gender: Male

Age: 25 years (backstory), Around 30 Years (current)

Species/What Are They: Crystal Monster

Just a head's up! The way I wrote the info about his breed is a little jumbled up. This is my first time making a new species, so 1) It's probably not the best, but I'll get better, and 2) I wasn't sure what order everything should be in, so sorry about that ^

Fan made creature. Crystal Monsters are humanoid monsters that are born from crystal caves near Waterfall.
Their entire bodies are made of rock and crystal. They are actually hollow and don't require food or water to live, but they can consume foods and drink if they so choose. Those that chose to consume foods have drill a little hole in their foot to evacuate the food which they then have to plug in with a cork or something. They are also unaffected by the climat, as they do not feel the cold or warmth. So they can live virtually anywhere.
The fact that they are mostly hollow makes them incredibly fragile, they can be compared to china teacups. If one were to fall from a high place (ex: On top of a wardrobe) their body would smash on impact. The only place were they are not hollow is inside their mouths.

A crystal monster's maturity is measured by how many small crystals appear on their bodies. They appear on the face (typically cheeks and forehead but it can vary), ankles, back, neck, collar, legs and biceps. A mature adult Crystal monster has crystals on all these places. Crystals can appear in other places but it's less common. The crystals never stop growing so they have to either be cut off or shaved when they get too big. Cutting them and shaving them doesn't hurt, it's just like clipping your nails. However if ripped out, it would cause intense pain. This is actually the only time a Crystal monster would feel pain, as they are immune to it the rest of the time. Especially rare CMs have these crytals covering their heads (instead of their stone "hair"), this is the case for Mystic's sister Burma.

All other CMs are born with a large rounded square stone on their heads, which is their "hair". Most wait until they are at a more mature age to style it or cut it off completely. Styling it is stone carving, which can be hard to do. Most prefer to cut the entire thing off and resort to wigs or plugging their heads with fake hair (the top of their heads is hollow after all).
They live for about 80 years, and only reach full adulthood at around 30 years. However if a crystal monster proves that they are capable of taking care of themselves before that (which most are) they are legally adults.
A crystal monster's body is whatever colour crystal they are born from, Mystic was born from a Rose Quartz, so his primary colour is pink.

Crystal monsters are named after adjectives associated with gemstones (Ex: Smoky (Quartz), Paraiba (Tourmaline), Snowflake (Obsidian), Kurma (Sapphire), Mystic (Topaz) etc...
When hit in combat they do not bleed, the impacted zones crumble away or crack, and if hit hard enough fall off.
This is also an issue when they are looking for jobs. Because they are so vulnerable they can't do jobs that require hard manual labour or anything that could cause even small injuries.
When in combat a CM will try and make as much distance as possible from their opponent and will use projectiles for weapons and attacks.

They can create crystals and use them to fight, known as Crystal Magic. The crystals also start to grow around where a CM settles for a long time, essentially marking it's territory. While rare, it is possible for a baby to be born from them.
The ability to use said crystals varies from person to person. It appears to be that rarer gemstones have more powerful Crystal Magic than more common gems. Mystic's brother Honey is one them, as he is able to create entires houses out crystals. He is subsequently an architect who charges very high prises for his Gemstone Homes.

Music and dancing is very important to their race, it's a big part of their culture. Most of them go into the entertainment business as singers and dancers.
They have the reputation of being fragile and while beautiful, they are actually meretricious. This is not actually the case.
Their souls are white like all the other monsters, but they are all enclosed in a crystal that protects it. Mystic's soul is protected by a pink crystal, so it appears pink in combat.
They are not born with gender defining body parts, they are like Barbie and Ken dolls under their clothes. They are genderless, but female CMs tend to have wider hips, while males have wider shoulders and torsos.

(It has been brought to my attention the similarities between the CMs and the Gems from the Steven Universe. Despite agreeing that they are very similar, I have to stress it was purely coincidence  I DO watch SU, but it never came to mind when making my species. The two have nothing to do with each other, and I didn't intentionally rip-off the gems. This is just a massive oops from me)

Soul (Color): Pastel Pink, crystallised; White, vulnerable

Sexuality: Homosexual


-Honestly at the moment I'm really not 100% sure about his attack powers and levels and stuff, so this part is still up for debate.

HP: 1000 (looses 500 hp when he looses the crystals around his SOUL, and 500 hp again when struck a final time)

Atc: 36

Def: 0 (crumbles when hit)

Exp: 400

LV: Unknown

Crystal Shard (single shard that pops out from either side of the box) (initial attack to see if the protagonist is serious about fighting him)
Crystal Shard combo (series of crystals coming from either side of the box) (main attack)
Rolling Crystal Screw (series of small spinning crystals that circle around the player's SOUL before being thrown at it one by one)
Crystal Megaton Shower (Shower of fast moving small crystals falling from the top of the box followed by a giant one)

Weapons: None, manipulates crystals (technically not a weapon, more like an element)
Oh wait he throws tea, tea cups and tea pots at you as a last resort

Fighting Style: Long distance, element user (Crystals), Crystal projectiles


Friends With: Muffet, Nice Cream Guy, Asgore, Frisk (Pacifist and Neutral Route), Grillby, Nyki and Chi , Taffy , Cypher , Betsy Bell , Hairy Popper , Jackie Lantern , Kasper Tanopl , Farren
Mystic has a one sided friendship with Chi, a demon monster. She doesn't want anything to do with anyone, while Mystic wants to help her come out of her shell and enjoy life. It's not going well so far.

Neutral With: Almost everyone, he sees everyone as either a potential friend or customer

Enemies With: Flowey, Asriel Frisk (Genoside Route), Taffy (more rivals than enemies) (Reconciled)

Family: None technically, but considers every other Crystal Monster he knows his family, as he grew up with them, they all see each other as siblings; Angel (Surrogate Mother), Honey (Adopted Brother), Sky (Adopted Brother)(sta.sh/0qbb9zf92wu) , Snowflake (Adopted Sister), Burma (Adopted Sister), Unnamed number of older and younger adopted siblings

Crush(es): Asgore (Small crush but that ain't going nowhere), Taffy (But it'll be a cold day in hell when he admits it)

Single, Taken, Or Talking (If the last two, with who): Married (Taffy)


In his youth, Mystic was headstrong and ambitious. He had a habit of biting off more than he can chew, and as a result often ended up failing at what he set out to do.
He used to be very proud and could be considered pig headed. He’s an optimist however, and he’ll always try again when he fails.
He took himself way to seriously, which resulted in him often getting laughed at by other for his behaviour. He’s pretty sensitive, so that didn’t sit well with him.
He was, and still is, very patient and dedicated. But something he concentrates too hard on a task and can become unpleasant to deal with.
He had a lot of growing up to do, but now he has changed for the better.
His uptight and proud attitude has mellowed out, he’s a very “chill” guy now. He's kind and patient to everyone he meets, and loves a good chat with a cup of tea. He now fully embraces his other side. His passionate, imaginative and wonderfully ambitious side. He’ll forever be a workaholic, but he loves his life and isn’t unpleasant about it anymore.
He’s unrivalled in rampant enthusiasm and passion for his business, proudly calling it his pride and joy.
He holds his heritage very close to his heart. He's a very talented singer and dancer. His personal favourite being swing dancing (he can't resist a little jazz music), but he's knows quite a few more. He learned a lot from working with his siblings on stage shows, so he knows mambo (Honey), Jive (Sky), Disco (Sky), Tango (Burma, though she never let him lead) among others.
Despite being an absolute diva, Mystic never wanted the glitz and glam lifestyle his race was expected to have. So in a sense, his goal of opening a tea shop was considered crazy among his peers when he first announced it. Most of them didn’t believe he was actually going to do it, and would eventually come around, stop this nonsense and become a normal gem again. But Mystic was never going to, and (mostly) everyone eventually accepted it and tried to find ways to lend a helping hand.
And he's a total diva. Like the worst kind.

Strengths: Good projectile attacks, makes a great cup of tea

Weaknesses: Abysmally physically weak, literally falls apart if struck in battle

Flaws: Dorky, takes himself too seriously, quick to judge, Clumsy, clingy, pushy, loud and proud (previously), Stubborn, Sensitive, Can be short tempered (previously), Impatient (previously)

Likes: Tea (WOW who saw that coming?), Pudding, Cakes, Donuts, Being a Gentleman, Pink, Muffet's food, Happy Customers, Yogurt, Musicals (namely Hello, Dolly!), Singing, Dancing, Everything Pink, 1920s aesthetic

Dislikes: Coffee, Awkward Customers, Embarrassing himself, Failure, Mess, Unrequited crushes, being bested at things by Taffy, being seen as a joke, being laughed at, socks and sandals

Fears: His Business Failing, Cockroaches, Water (Rocks can't swim they plummet)

Pacifist Route/Neutral Route: Mystic's tea parlour can be found by the player in Snowdin.
When you first enter the shop/parlour Mystic will get scared and will hide behind the counter. To lure him out, the place must select the dialogue option to "say a heartfelt compliment about tea/the colour pink". Mystic will stop hiding and say "Oh my! Well maybe humans can be civil after all! How may I help you, teacup?"
You have to buy some tea from Mystic and say yes to him offering a chat with you to become his friend. During the conversation you learn of his backstory and likes. After this you can buy and sell items to him like any other shop keeper (however he only sells tea) and he has an optional mini game for you to grind money. It's a very simple give the right order to the right person mini game and your timing and accuracy determines your final paycheque. This mini game is always available, and depending on what point of the game you're at, characters you've met will appear as customers (Ex: Papyrus, Undyne etc...). You can also have a Chat with Mystic any time you want to replenish your health completely, and you learn more stuff about him in the chat. He calls the player "Teacup".
You only fight him in the Genoside Route. In the Pacifist and Neutral Route he is either stand behind the counter of his parlour, or walking around the tables. In the G Route, he is standing in front of the counter.

Genoside Route: Unlike the rest of the townsfolk, Mystic refuses to go into hiding. He keeps his shop open, despite no longer getting customers, because he believes he's worked too hard and too long to just abandon it (He's not a very smart rock).
The player does end up meeting him and to get the true genoside route you have to kill him. Mystic's attacks are projectiles that the player has to avoid. While he attacks the player will spot a hand or a foot (indicating which body part Mystic used to make the attack). The player simply has to touch each one twice (two for left hand, two for left foot etc...) with their SOUL to break them. When done correctly, Mystic becomes his most vulnerable (having no limbs as they were broken off) and is left defenceless. One hit at this stage does a substantial amount of damage to him and the crystal around his soul is destroyed. After the one hit he regenerates his lost limbs and the player has to repeat the previous step. After that, Mystic is dead. From the fight the player collects the small crystals on his body and can sell them.


Eye Color: Pink

Height: 5'8

Weight: (I'm not too sure what to write for this. Mystic is made of rock, which is heavy, but he's also mostly hollow, which would make him lighter.)

His work clothes consist of a white shirt and dark grey trousers. He wears red shiny shoes. He sometimes wears a black fedora with it, but not often (because it's rude to wear hats inside). When making his hand made tea he wears a mostly clean white apron over his clothes. On special events he wears a dark grey dress suit vest over his shirt.
His style is inspired from the 1920s
When he was younger he wore an oversized shirt (it was blue with different coloured stripes), grey-pink trousers and orange plastic sandals.

Hair: Used to have a block of stone that was his natural "hair", it looked like a solid afro.
As a young adult he cut it off and had his head replugged with pale pink wool which he now styles short and curly.

Skin: Pale Pink

Other: The moron's fashion sense makes it so that he often wears high heels, but he's too clumsy to actually walk in high heels so he typically doesn't move around a lot when at work.
He has a crack on his left cheek that he got from a punch. He airbrushes it in the morning with pink paint to make it less obvious.
He has small crystals on his cheeks, neck, back, and left thigh. While he does like them, and they show his maturity, they tend to get in the way of his work and would require him making holes in all his clothing. If he was in show-business, he would have let them grow out. So on on a weekly basic she files them down.


Alignment: Good

Goals/Purpose: Run a successful business, getting enough money to buy his shop to beat Taffy (succeeded)

Job: Tea shop owner  teaandpixels.deviantart.com/ar…
Various odd jobs (previously)
Entertainment (Theatre and part time singer) (previously)

Items: Infinite number of tea brews and tea boxes to sell

Voice: Nick Pitera

Theme song: Don't Rain On My Parade, Barbara Streisand
OR Mad Tea Party


(Note: This is a pretty long backstory, and I still need to iron out details and stuff. I worked really hard on it, and I know I can still improve it. The backstory might be a little too long for an Undertale oc thought. I don't know.
And finally, I've structured the story to follow the movie format (three act structure with an overarching character arc) and in my mind, if it would be told with musical intervals. Think movies like Greatest Showman and Hello Dolly!.)

Backstory: Mystic was born in a cave hidden deep in Waterfall. It’s the birthplace of all Crystal monsters and it is said to be exceptionally beautiful but very difficult to find.
A glamorous diamond monster named Angel, who had tasked herself with caring for all newly born Crystal Monsters, found him while doing her monthly trip to the cave to find/"harvest" newly borns. Upon finding him, she notices how the crystals on the walls were glowing this time of year and that it looked truly mystical to her. This reminded her of a baby she'd found the month prior, who had taken a fall and shattered before she could save him. That baby was born from a Mystic Topaz, so she named the newfound baby Mystic. Mystic was found with four other babies, Snowflake, Honey, Sky and Burma.
He grew up with all the other CMs she’d adopted and new siblings were a common occurrence.

Angel had made an absolute fortune for herself as a drag queen in her youth (she is still a drag queen to this day) (as well as many marriages to many wealthy men) and she’d bought herself a palace like house with an east and west wing to accommodate everyone. She often likes to boast that her home is actually a palace, which may or may not be true. But it is certainly a very nice place to live.

Mystic was closest to the four he was found with, the five always being together. One day they were playing outside in the rain in Waterfall, when Mystic and Sky wandered off on their own to look at the castle. They are surprised by a monster they'd accidentally woken up, and in their fright they take a stumble and fall down a rocky ledge. Their fall is broken by a bush they fall into, but Sky's arm gets cracked on the impact, it was dangerously close to being broken off completely. Mystic landed on his face, cracking his cheek a little, but nothing too bad. It was too dark for them to see how to climb back up, and they were too scared to even try. They wonder through the stone and bush forest they'd landed in, calling out for help. They keep walking for a long time, well into the night, Mystic eventually carrying his now crying brother. They reach a lake were they stop to rest. By this point they were both crying, and had no idea what to do. They are approached by a tall figure, and in his terror Mystic accidentally creates a big pink crystal shard to shield him and Sky. The figure told them to not be scared, and that he meant no harm. It was King Asgore.
They brings them in to the castle to rest, and he offers them tea to make them feel better. Sky, still scared and wary of him, refuses. But Mystic accepts, and it's love at first taste. He'd never had anything like it before. This began his tea addiction.
Asgore brought the two back to Angel the following day, promising them they'd meet again one day. They were both grounded for a week. But Mystic didn't care, he knew he'd found his DESTINY.
The crystal children all had relatively similar plans for their futures. Going into show business or marrying into money. They are naturally talented in singing and due to them being born from precious gems they are typically very lovely looking.
But Mystic knew what he wanted, he wanted to open a tea shop of his very own.

He grew up into a young man, a set off to accomplish his dream. Many many people tried to discourage him from pursuing his dream. They said he was too young and naïf, and if it wasn't for his afro like hair and mismatched clothing style, he could get by in show business with his looks alone.
He worked at as many odd jobs as he could to get money (markets, waiter, cleaning jobs etc) and saved up every penny.
He eventually sets his sights on a cute little place up for sale located in the Hotlands that had a big shed next door. For him it was perfect because it would be his parlour and a house at the same time. He talks with the owner of the place about buying it, only to find someone else also had their sights on it. The other person was a Spider monster named Taffy. The two debated with the owner over who should get it and got more and more passive aggressive with each other as the conversation went on. The owner finally decided that since neither of them actually had enough money to buy the place, they should race and whoever manages to get the right amount by the end of the year would win. And if both of them had enough it was however with more that would win.
They agree, but the second Mystic and Taffy are alone together they verbally fight, vowing to take the other down. Taffy lays down the cold hard truth that Mystic had no idea what he was doing, to which Mystic squawked a lot of "WHAT?"s. The argument ends with Taffy calling Mystic “You're just a joke, sweetie”.
Growing up, Mystic became very good friends with Muffet and at some point he met Grillby and they’ve been friends ever since.
He went straight to them to complain about Taffy, and they lay the hard truth on them that he really didn’t know anything about running a business and that Taffy was already ahead of him by leaps and bounds. It turns out Muffet and Taffy were also old friends. So Muffet and Grillby agree to teach Mystic in the ways of owning a business. He takes their lessons and advice very seriously and eventually gets up to speed with them.
Mystic and Taffy have a lot of run-ins from that point on, and they butt heads every time. They both get waiter jobs at a local restaurant and have to deal with each other on a daily basis.
Taffy is popular within the restaurant and around town, which Mystic hates. Their rivalry goes beyond the place they both want and they fight over everything. And what infuriates Mystic more is how many people side with Taffy and see him as little more than a complete joke. Taffy just seemed to be good at everything, and was naturally very charming and could talk in the most infuriatingly condescending way to Mystic. It made Mystic's blood boil. Taffy was constantly discouraging Mystic from pursuing the place, he was way too young!
Their co-workers teased him that they were actually flirting, but he wasn't having ANY of that and told them to jog on.
His brother Honey tells Mystic that one way to be taken more seriously is to update his appearance. He’d been so dedicated on his work that he didn’t take any time to look presentable. He was meant to be 25 but he looked like a 15 year old. With Burma, Honey helps him buy new clothes (Mystic has a love for 1920s inspired suits) and they make the bold decision to cut off his hair. They replaced it by rerooting pale pink yarn into his head and styled it. Snowflake chips in and teaches him how to apply make-up. The make-over does him a world of good.
The restaurant he was working at was hosting a staff party, Burma decided it would be the perfect chance for Mystic to show them he was serious.

They go with him as moral support, and everyone is very impressed with his new look. He inevitably gets into an argument with Taffy, though it was much more flirtatious than normal. They challenge each other to a dance off. Taffy was a gifted dancer (“Oh of COURSE he is” Mystic muttered bitterly) but he was no match for Mytic’s natural talent. And the music was jazzy, perfect for swing dancing, Mystic's favourite style of dance. Neither of them could hide how much fun they were having.
Eventually everyone forgets that this was a “fight” of sort and just left them to it. They danced for a while until they realised what they were doing. They quickly separated and went their different ways.

Taffy actually ends up leaving, accidentally forgetting his coat. Mystic notices this, and decides to bring it to him (he'll later claim it was the punch he'd be guzzling that had scrambled his brain). He gets directions from Muffet, and he sets off. He expects to go to some high end place full of very well off snobby people, but ends up going downtown to the poorest parts of the Underground. This was odd, as Taffy was always well dressed and groomed, a proper gentleman. (Note that for this story, I am expanding how big the Underground is a little). As he begins to wonder if he's taken a wrong turn, he hears some faint singing. He follows the voice to a run down make-shift home. He peeks inside to see Taffy standing over a table making something while humming a little tune. This surprises Mystic. With the way Taffy dresses and how he holds himself, one wouldn't assume he lived like this. He then feels pretty stupid, remembering that Muffet's whole spider family is poor, so Taffy wouldn't be any different. He joins in on Taffy's song, scaring the poor man half to death. Taffy is mortified that Mystic found out where he lived, and more importantly how he lived. He orders him to leave, but Mystic yells back, telling him he was only doing a favour by bringing his coat back. This calms Taffy down a little, taking said coat from Mystic. There's an awkward silence before the Crystal Monster asks him what he's making. Taffy explains he was making sweets. They end up talking about them, Taffy explaining that he wanted to open up his own sweet shop. Mystic then mentions that Taffy was pretty good at fooling everyone into thinking he wasn't poor. Taffy explains that your outward appearance is always going to be judged by others. If he looked and acted like everyone else, he was going to be respected. He hated living like that, he hated having to be someone else to appease others. But if he wanted to be taken seriously, he had to adapt. That was why he often criticised Mystic. Despite everything, he hates seeing someone get laughed at and pitied. It sickened him. Mystic promises he would never tell anyone about his secret. A Crystal Monster keeps their secrets til the grave.

Everyone starts treating Mystic a little different from then on. People take him much more seriously. He also hangs out with Taffy a lot more often (that his time would allow) and they end up becoming ‘frenemies’ of sort. However things take a turn when Mystic meets Taffy’s friend Nyki, a demon monster. Taffy makes it very clear that he likes Nyki more than as a friend and that doesn’t sit well with Mystic. But he refuses to admit it, even to himself. Taffy also stops discouraging Mystic from buying the place, to his confusion.
Mystic suddenly realises that the end of the year was fast approaching and yes he was steadily grinding away at the money he needed, he wasn’t even close to having enough. He needed to stop wasting time. The sudden stress of this and the whole Nyki business made Mystic a pain to deal with. He was frustrated at everything and just poured every fibre of his soul into getting that money.
Taffy himself actually gets very confused and concerned by this, and they start fighting again like before.

The year was up. Mystic ends up loosing to Taffy, and everything in his world crumbles.
He shuts off from everyone, wallowing in self pity. He couldn’t believe he’d lost. But he was too proud and stubborn to admit he’s maybe bitten off more that he could chew.
He’s a bitter loser, ending up drinking away his sorrow in a bar. He’s found, drunk, by a very concerned Taffy. In his drunken stupor, he starts another fight with him. At some point, Mystic angry shouts at him that’d only won because everyone took pity on him because he was poor. This sends Taffy over the edge, and attacks Mystic in his rage. They physically fight each other, but it comes to an abrupt end when Taffy lands a solid hit on Mystic’s cracked cheek, breaking it. His cheek cracks and crumbles to pieces.
This breaks up the fight immediately, regret hitting Taffy like a truck. They gather all the pieces, including having to shake Mystic upside down to retrieve anything inside of him (which also removed all the alcohol in him at the same time).
Taffy takes him home, where Mystic’s siblings help glue his face back together. All his siblings come to see if he was alright, and suddenly he understood.
He’d been acting horribly and unfairly towards everyone since the start. He’d been to dead-set on his dream that he’d forgotten everyone who supported him and loved him. Even Taffy. He’d come to find him in that bar, concerned about his wellbeing. He’d been so selfish to everyone, and he’d hurt Taffy.
He apologises to everyone, and promises that from now on, he wasn’t going to be blinded by his ambitions. He was going to change. He was going to pursue his dream, but this time with new found passion.
He works with his siblings, playing to his strengths (singing and dancing), in their stage shows. He’d play background characters, and occasionally got bigger roles. He eventually set his sights on a new place. It was still Snowdin, and he knew it was right. He worked very hard, and with his family and friend’s help, he finally bought the place.

With help from his friends and family he turned the place into a charming tea parlour and handmade every sachet of tea for it.
The grand opening was one of the happiest moments of Mystic’s life, and of course he requested that the dress code was Dapper.
Asgore came too, much to everyone's surprise. He, Sky and Mystic have a little chat, catching up after all these years. The brothers finally thanking him for helping them all those years ago, to which the King told them to "not worry about it, all he wants in return is a mean cup of tea." Mystic obliges.

Mystic's triumph actually had a very big impact on Crystal Monster culture in general. He had proved that they didn't have to be what everyone thought they should. Cousins, siblings and friend were coming to him announcing career plans and projects they were starting thanks to him. He has pushed them to go for what they really wanted. Even his brother Honey talked to him about a company he wanted to start, a house building business he's calling "Gemstone Homes". Mystic was over the moon about it.

But things didn’t feel right. He wanted Taffy to be there, he needed Taffy to be there.
And sure enough, Taffy came. He brought Mystic a bouquet of flowers as a congratulations gift and they asked each other for forgiveness. Mystic says that he’d only forgive Taffy if he let him eat as many sweets as he liked, and Taffy says he’d only forgive Mystic if they danced together tonight.
And so they did.

Pacifist Route Epilogue: 
After the Underground is set free Monsters finally begin to reach the surface. The Crystal Monster population was first born Underground, and they are apprehensive about going up. Mystic wants to venture Aboveground and sell his tea to humans and monsters. He is able to convince a large portion of his peers to go up with him, while some chose to stay behind, at least for now.
Mystic can be seen in the ending credits having opened a sweet/tea cafe with his new husband, Taffy.

I don't own Undertale
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Comments: 26

HopefulEntertain [2018-07-19 18:04:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to HopefulEntertain [2018-07-19 20:23:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

poi-rozen [2018-07-10 16:45:02 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, this is quite detail and really creative! I also love how creator Mystic is - he looks really well made.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to poi-rozen [2018-07-10 18:27:27 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you! Glad you think so!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Marionette175 [2018-07-10 02:55:08 +0000 UTC]

 if it's okay with ya, I liked his old design much more, is it okay if I still draw him like that?, I think his new design is okay though

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Marionette175 [2018-07-10 09:08:50 +0000 UTC]

Well I did update his design because I found the old one lacking
You can still draw the old, but I would prefer it if you did the new ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marionette175 In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-10 13:35:13 +0000 UTC]

he's still the cinnamon roll I know though ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Marionette175 [2018-07-10 16:10:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah he is ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marionette175 In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-10 16:18:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Marionette175 [2018-07-10 16:21:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marionette175 In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-11 02:36:37 +0000 UTC]

*boops him*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rose--Prince [2018-07-09 22:27:46 +0000 UTC]

uhm ok he's precious and is getting all of my love and affection for sure 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Rose--Prince [2018-07-09 22:34:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Saussiciel [2018-07-09 16:55:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 17:25:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 17:28:18 +0000 UTC]


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TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 17:34:12 +0000 UTC]

Maintenant je veux la même chose pour Taf-Taf!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 17:35:26 +0000 UTC]


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TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 17:44:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 17:44:53 +0000 UTC]


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TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 17:50:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 17:51:39 +0000 UTC]


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TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 18:01:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 18:02:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeaAndPixels In reply to Saussiciel [2018-07-09 18:49:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saussiciel In reply to TeaAndPixels [2018-07-09 18:49:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0