teIepathic — a kiss with a fist is better than none

Published: 2015-05-25 16:07:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 3644; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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[ update log ]

(7/29/15) drew Naida AGAIN ;; added new accessories
(7/21/15) written portion completed
(6/6/15) - new art added, drew Nessa
(5/25/15) - uploaded the art

[ name information ]

current name; Naida
        [ NAY - dah ]
          name has greek origins- means "water nymph" or "river". derived from "naiein" (to flow)
past name(s); none
future name(s); none
nickname(s); basically "you little shit" and "brat" {please feel free to give her some though! she's a sad nickname-less bab}

[ sexuality | gender | attraction ]

sex; female
gender identity; cisgender female
pronouns; she, her

sexual orientation; heterosexual
romantic orientation; biromantic
status; open ;^)
physical preferences;
    ~ tabby markings
    ~ tall
    ~ medium to long fur
    ~ vivid eye color
personality/misc preferences;
    ~ basically you gotta be able to go head to head with her
    ~ when they chase after her ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ~ loyal, mischievous, not afraid to bend rules
    ~ mysterious, it makes her super curious
    ~ um! also when they give her pet nicknames (she'll probably act annoyed but she's really swooning i s2g)
past romantic relationship(s); n/a
looking for;
    quick fling
    lasting relationship
    not sure X
current attractions;
    ~ n/a
activity; once but nothing serious and she really had no emotional attachments with him. she's actually very embarrassed and avoids him like the plague now.

[ birth information ]

age; 15 moons / 1.25 years
birth season; late may
birth place; North Tribe Healer's den

pedigree; North Tribe X North Tribe

horoscope sign; gemini ♊
birth element; air

[ ancestry ]

pedigree; North Tribe x North Tribe

    father - King - North Tribe - unknown status
    mother - Emily - North Tribe - unknown status
    twin brother - Wilde - North Tribe - alive

[ tribe and status ]

current tribe; North Tribe
past tribe(s); none

current rank; soldier
past ranks; kitten, student

[ companion ]

name; Nessa
gender; female
species; short tailed weasel
brief personality; cool, calm, clingy, snuggly, lazy
accesories; pale pink petal crown (flowers would be too big!), very small blue jay feather attached to a thick string around her neck.

[ appearance | scent ]

build; lithe, slender, long legged. She's slightly taller than the average female. Very strong back legs help her to excel at jumping and pouncing, and her long legs add to her speed. She can easily duck and weave around opponents at a fast pace.
fur length and texture; relatively short | silky smooth and soft
other features; rather small paws, long and thin tail, slightly rounded ears, typically wears a smug smirk or a huge grin of satisfaction (generally only after someone discovers the bee nest in their bedding).

eye color; chilly, frosty blue
eye size; large and round
bearing; confident / self assured, almost lazy or effortless (like she could care less)
gait; graceful, long steps, leisurely

scars; n/a
disabilities; n/a

scent; honey and lavender with faint citrus undertones
accessories; a bracelet made to hold her Celestine gem, made from tightly braided teal cloth. It fits snugly on her leg so it doesn't slip and slide around and get in the way during a fight or everyday life // two feathers (blue and red) attached to a piece of glowstone for an earing

[ voice ]
voice actor; Emma Watson
theme songs;

[ education ]

mentor; n/a
past mentors; Farley
student; n/a
past students; n/a

level; beginner 1
    "water droplets"

[ stats ]

** based off of a cat her age // 5 = average **

sight - 10/10
hearing - 10/10
smell - 7/10
touch - 6/10
taste - 6/10
memory - 5/10

strength - 4/10
defense - 5/10
offense- 8/10
agility- 10/10
endurance- 8/10

medicinal knowledge;
healing - 0/10
childbirth - 3/10
common cold - 3/10
severe illness - 0/10
cuts and scrapes - 10/10
severe wounds - 5/10

[ personality ]
~| confident | ambitious | witty | charming | vivacious | stubborn | frank | imperious | vain | vengeful | devious | unruly |~

confident "sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one's own abilities"
    Naida has an air of surety that surrounds her. She knows her strengths and downfalls, and she knows what she can and cannot do. She rarely lets doubt cloud her mind because she knows herself. She isn't afraid to take a risk or be proven wrong.

ambitious "having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed"
    When Naida wants something she strives for it with strong determination. She will work tirelessly to reach her goals, and she often sets rather high bars for herself. She wants to be the best that she can be, and there's no room for slacking there.

witty "showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor"
    Naida has a brilliant mind and loves to debate no matter the topic. It's a second nature for her to spew out something sarcastic or witty without having to think too hard. She doesn't need to be on the winning side of an argument as long as she can get in some playful (or not so playful) banter in. At times her words can be barbed and hurtful, but she usually doesn't mean them to be so venomous.

charming "to delight so much that one's interest and attention are held"
    Naida is charming and a little bit flirtatious (though not quite as flirtatious as her twin!). She knows what to say or do to catch someone's attention- this skill/trait stems from an ability to rather accurately read others. Once and a while,whether she's attracted to someone or not, she'll engage in some coy, playful flirtations. None of that is usually serious, if it were she'd actually be a little more on the cautious side with someone.

vivacious "lively in temper, conduct, or spirit"
    Naida exudes a constant, thrumming energy. She often ends up staying up late at night because she just isn't tired enough to lie down and sleep. She is always up for something to do, and will agree to do just about anything- even the craziest dares. She is filled to the brim with life and energy that she passes on to others.

stubborn "having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something"
    Naida is a tenacious little thing. Sometimes her steadfast nature is a good thing- as it ensures that she doesn't change herself for anyone no matter how important they might be to her at the end of the day. Other times... it can give her a little bit of trouble. She doesn't know when to shut up about something even when she's realized she's wrong. She stands with her positions on things despite possible consequences to her.

frank "open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters"
    When she was little Naida's parents had to pay keen attention to her face for any signs of her saying something potentially... harmfully blunt. Of course, they weren't always successful, and she was often heard asking things like "did you fall in a bush!? your fur is so spiky!" and "you smell kinda weird" without realizing that she ought not to. Now that she's older, she tends to refrain from voicing her more venomous thoughts. She still has that open honesty about her, however- should someone ask her something she's unlikely to lie even if the truth might hurt someone's feelings. She's the one to go to if you want the cold hard truth.

imperious "assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering"
    Naida isn't afraid to take charge of a situation, and she's been known to do so even when she shouldn't. She thinks highly of herself and her abilities and thus imagines that when there is a vacuum of power or even when there isn't a clear figure in charge (and there doesn't necessarily need to be) that she is a suitable candidate. It can rub others the wrong way when she shoulders her way into things and becomes quite bossy.

vain "having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth"
    Maybe part of it is a side effect of her parents constantly preening over her features as a kitten, or the constant attention she and her brother got due to their identical pelts- but Naida has a very high opinion of herself. Of course, she is a beautiful she-cat- but unlike most beautiful she-cats she is fully aware of it and completely agrees that she is beautiful. When others compliment her she doesn't play coy or bashful and she isn't modest. She says thank you, and if she's in a mood to inspire shock she might say "I know". She also believes that her abilities are far greater than they actually are, which can lead to.. well.. her getting her ass kicked if she isn't careful. She's egotistical and a pompous little brat at times. Wounds to her ego can be- at times- more painful than their physical counterparts.

vengeful "seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury"
    Naida is rather spiteful when wronged. She will do anything to get back at the one who she deems has done something wrong to her. She can't just let things go- she has to be even. She won't keep going after someone over and over, though. She'll do whatever she needs to so that she is even with the other individual and no more. She doesn't tend to be physical, and rather relies on her viperous words to get back at her target. She doesn't forget things easily, and is capable of carrying grudges to the grave.

devious "showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals"
    Naida tends to use questionable tactics to get to where she wants to be, and not everything that she achieves has come to be by... honorable methods. Naida is a master of manipulating the emotions of other individuals, and hasn't shirked away from using this skill in the past. She has a knack for scheming up creative methods in order to achieve her goals.  

unruly "disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control"
    Naida doesn't take well to authority. Never has, and probably never will. She doesn't like to be controlled, she'll do what she wants when she wants. She knows when to back off and listen for her own self preservation, but she has a nasty habit of talking back and challenging those who have power over her. She hates to be stuck under the word of another individual and will childishly act out in order to either get out or pose a challenge / inconvenience.

[ history ]

Panicked and excited whispers broke through the hushed babble of the North Tribe camp as Emily began contractions. With the help of the healers and her mate, King, Emily was moved from the nursery to the healer's den early into her contractions (when they were further apart and less painful for the mother-to-be). King looked on anxiously from the entrance to the den while simultaneously keeping his nosy tribemates out of the way.
The birth was long and difficult for Emily and the healers. They gave her a stick to bite on to during the birth, but she snapped it during her more violent contractions and a healer student scampered off to snatch another one. The first kit that slid out was a large and healthy boy who was immediately cleaned off and nudged to his mother's side. Emily had hardly any time to admire her son before the next kitten came. Within three minutes of the first kitten's birth, Naida took her first gulp of air. She mewled noisily until she was placed next to her brother and mother.
Emily and King were perplexed by their kits. The two didn't just look similar- their pelts were identical. A healer, Taeron smiled kindly (but not without fatigue pulling at his features) and told them that they'd had twins. King slipped from his post at the entrance of the den to crouch down beside his new family. The new parent's eyes were wide and bright as they gazed down at the small bundle's cuddled up against the warmth of their mother. Emily still hadn't quite caught her breath, but she let her jaw's grip on  the stick go and it clattered to the soft moss she lay sprawled out on. "what should we name them?" King inquired in a low voice, shifting his gaze back to his mate, who's eyes were fluttering slightly in exhaustion.
"I think... the boy should be named Wilde" Emily murmured. A fitting name for the small kit, who was wriggling about even now, later his parents would dub him their "wilde child".
"You should name our daughter, King" Emily said, lifting her head to make eye contact with her mate. King was quiet as he wracked his brain. He wanted to honor their tribe and their abilities, as well as his heritage.
"Could we name her after my grandmother?" he asked, unsure of whether or not his mate would approve.
"Naida it is. Our little water nymph" Emily purred, looking fondly at her small litter.

A few days after their birth, Emily moved back into the nursery with her two bundles of joy (who are more like bundles of terror nowadays). The twin's first few days of life were filled with sleeping, mewling, and blindly scrambling towards their mother. King brought Emily freshkill every day, and spent all the time he could spare with his kits. Some nights he would fall asleep in the nursery. After seven days had past since their birth, the two kittens blinked open their eyes for the first time at nearly the same time. Their parents bragged about their clear, frosty blue gazes to their tribemates. Wilde and Naida were adventurous kits, and soon after opening their eyes they began to try and explore the nursery. Emily kept them close by, and watched them like a hawk to make sure they didn't stumble over anything (because their retinas would not be fully developed until they were about ten weeks old, and their eyesight would be on the weaker side).
It didn't take long for the twins to turn into holy terrors. They were up all day and all night, constantly nagging their mother and anyone who would listen with questions. They often snuck out of the nursery and into the dens of other cats to scare them and pounce on them in their sleep. Emily was constantly tired, but became quite adept at wrangling her kits up before they caused too much damage. There were a few incidents that were quite serious, such as the time when Naida raided the healers den and munched on a sweet smelling herb. The troublemaker soon had a terrible stomach ache, and was given yarrow so that she would expel whatever she had ingested. Naida was stuck with the elders all day for weeks after that stunt.
Naida often found herself coming up with new games to play with her brother and Louis (another kit in the nursery), but frequently threw mini tantrums because she was so easily overpowered by the two due to Louis being two months their senior and Wilde being a little larger than her.
Naida and Wilde were as thick as thieves and did mostly everything together (including all of their major troublemaking stints). As kittens it was virtually impossible to tell them apart because they were both still about the same size and covered in the same cloud of downy kit fur. When they began to grow they developed different gaits, bearings, heights and builds and became easier to distinguish.

The day Naida and her brother turned seven months old, they were sent to the lake to receive their stones. Before they left, Naida's mother, a Merchant, had gifted her a tight fitting bracelet made from braided teal cloth. She smiled and told her daughter that she could adjust the size of it once she grew a little more so that it fit better. She explained that she'd made it so that Naida had something to hold her stone. She stressed that it needed to be tight and secure so that it wouldn't be a hindrance before slipping it onto her leg and sending her off.
Naida was about to burst with excitement, and could hardly contain the bounce in her step as she made the journey alongside Wilde. She couldn't stop running her little mouth. "what do you think I'll be, Wilde?", "I wonder who our mentors will be!", "what's your favorite kind of blue? I bet that's what your gem's gonna be! I bet that's how everyone get's the color of their stone", "Wilde! Are you even listening to me?!". Despite her excitement, she couldn't help the tiny tingle of apprehension and doubt in her belly. What if her stone was cracked? She didn't want her eyes to change! Her mama and papa loved her eyes! She did too!
She didn't feel unsafe. Her mama and papa had told her that the Lake Gods were going to be with them and would guide them.
Finally, the siblings made it to the sparkling pastel colored lake. Naida took a deep breath, and waded into the water. It felt nice on her legs, gentle and a little cold. She spoke in a loud voice. "Naida of the North Tribe" her mama had told her what she needed to say several times  before she left with her brother and it had been drilled into Naida's head.
Almost immediately Naida was swooped up and cocooned in a bright beam of light that seeped the pink water into the clouds above. The light was soft and warm, soothing to her strained muscles and slightly frayed nerves. Any of her previous anxiety was immediately smoothed over by the waves of comforting light. Naida was raised up into the air by the light, and she watched calmly with a sense of detachment as a small gem appeared before her. Before she could inspect it too much she was distracted by soft whispers. She knew that these voices were the Lake Gods, and that they were urging her to take her stone. She reached forward and took the slightly warm stone. The moment she touched the stone her body filled with warmth and a strength and surety she had never known. Her body gently descended until she was standing in the lake once more, sending out small pink ripples across the reflective surface. She backed up onto the shore and set her stone down to examine it with fervor. The stone was Celestine, and was a delicate pale blue color. Naida admired the way light reflected off of it's crystalline structure as she turned it over in her paws. Her brother helped her slip it into place in her bracelet before he went through the process himself.
On the walk back Naida felt more sure of herself and more comfortable in her own skin (if it was even possible!). Naida burst into the tribe camp, immediately going up to her parents as they fawned over her, but she soon broke away to attempt to weed out her mentor. Her stone began to glow as she approached an imposing ginger she-cat named Farley. Farley was a well respected Soldier, and was known for her fierce nature.
Naida and Farley were well matched. Naida had all the energy in the world and was eager to please her mentor and become the best- so she could easily keep up with her demanding and harsh mentor. Farley played off of Naida's strengths, which were her agility and speed. She taught Naida how to develop her strategies and fighting style but didn't tell her exactly what to do- she allowed her some freedom. Naida's fighting style bloomed into a graceful dance. She never used brute strength (hers was lacking anyways) and never stayed still enough to get caught in a dead lock if she could. She knew that if she got into a wrestling match she would be at a disadvantage, so she developed a system of darting in and out of the fray to wear down her opponent. She learned that she was talented at avoiding blows by executing complicated twists and turns. Naida fights dirty, kicking up dirt, spitting in faces and yanking on tails and ears. Farley didn't ever focus too much on Naida's weaker points (like strength) and instead allowed her to rely on her underhanded tactics and her abilities from her gem.
As an apprentice Naida continued to wreak havoc with her brother- and with the freedom of being let out of the North Tribe's cavern, came a whole new world of possibilities for messing with their tribemates. Naida found herself being scolded by her mother and Farley more often than not, and frequently was assigned extra duties (much to her distaste, which she wasn't afraid to voice). Naida loved to be the center of attention and was a social butterfly, and was often chatting with her fellow students (the ones that she didn't drive off, that is). (more to be added when i know what the 'wing' to soldier ceremony entails!! )

[ extra ]

    ~ cold weather
    ~ birds (she likes to watch them)
    ~ kits
    ~ games, dares, pranks
    ~ rosemary, lavender and honey scents
    ~ forget-me-not flowers!

    ~ hot and humid weather!! :C
    ~ any type of amphibian or reptile-- serious qualms about eating those
    ~ cats who have no personal hygiene-- "y'all nasty af "
    ~ overpoweringly sweet scents (ie vanilla)
    ~ rain

    ~ childbirth
    ~ death
    ~ being alone (romantically)
    ~ contracting an illness
    ~ fire / being burned (very wary around anyone practicing their fire powers)

    ~ sleeping in a tight, curled up ball instead of sprawling out
    ~ eye rolling
    ~ paw tapping, fidgeting when she has to sit still
    ~ she turns her head away when she giggles

    ~ she found a patch of lavender as a wing and has tended to it since. it's scent clings to her pelt
    ~ she's pretty indulgent with food, but her training and blessedly fast metabolism help her ward off any extra fat
    ~ she's very competitive! she almost cannot physically turn down a dare
    ~ names she would give to dfab kittens: Aziza, Ianthe, Amity, Danae, Emily
    ~ names she would give to dmab kittens: Ajax, Ignacio (lil iggy lmao), Damon, Icarus, Prince
    ~ if you haven't picked up on this yet she has a twin brother!

[ relationships ]

 = Family
 = Respect

 = Acquainted/No Opinion l  = Unsure/Leaning towards dislike
 = Friend l  = Good Friend
 = Buddy l  = Best Friend
 = Attraction/Likeable l  = Crush
 = Love/Like Family l  = Lover/Lust 
 = Dislike l  Hate/Despise
 = Suspicious l  = Jealous l  = Fear
 = Apprentice

{north tribe}

"My twin brother! I love this guy to death. He's always up for a prank and he's always got my back. I mean, we have the occasional squabble- but who doesn't?

{east tribe}

{west tribe}

{south tribe}

{non tribe}

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Comments: 16

petalkitten [2017-01-06 14:37:44 +0000 UTC]

HEY are u still using this kitty? i'm still active w/ wilde and didnt want to make the payment unfair since we had twins and you might not want the design anymore
if you're not interested i can definitely pay your half back of whatever we split!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pyxtil [2015-07-23 00:02:45 +0000 UTC]

naidia and mika have to be best friends tbh....bc mika is totally gay 4 her brother and wants to hear all the embarrassing stories ; ^ )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to pyxtil [2015-07-23 00:15:22 +0000 UTC]

yes omg naida will happily tell him all of the mortifying stories
this needs to happen tho for real xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pyxtil In reply to teIepathic [2015-07-24 01:08:40 +0000 UTC]

yes yes!!! 
i like skype for roleplaying?? hbu?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to pyxtil [2015-07-24 20:46:41 +0000 UTC]

same ! (:
my user is teiepathic if you wanna add me ouo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

squirralpaw [2015-07-21 16:52:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, look at little pure cinnamon bun ;A;
And she has a weasel friend too!
I so have to roleplay with you when i join with this girl squirralpaw.deviantart.com/art… <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to squirralpaw [2015-07-22 00:30:11 +0000 UTC]

aaah omg your character is just too precious ;o; <3

weasel friends unite!! lmao
we'll definitely have to rp these two gals! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

squirralpaw In reply to teIepathic [2015-07-22 04:48:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

Weasel power! Hahaha
Definitely ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pyxtil [2015-05-25 18:53:10 +0000 UTC]

gorgeous !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to pyxtil [2015-05-25 23:00:47 +0000 UTC]

aah thank you! ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

petalkitten [2015-05-25 18:32:35 +0000 UTC]

my lovely queen

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to petalkitten [2015-05-25 23:03:10 +0000 UTC]

shh not yet you can't call her that until she's achieved world domination soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

honeybisque [2015-05-25 16:17:22 +0000 UTC]

omg shes gorgeous <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to honeybisque [2015-05-25 16:21:37 +0000 UTC]

aaah thank you!<3 ;o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

honeybisque In reply to teIepathic [2015-05-25 16:33:38 +0000 UTC]

we should totally roleplay when the group opens c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

teIepathic In reply to honeybisque [2015-05-25 16:42:54 +0000 UTC]

Aryn looks super awesome c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0