Temptest13 — Cinnia | Hind | Silverthorne Scout

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〚Relationships | Group History | RP Prompts〛


〚Basic Information〛
» Name || Cinnia
     ↳ Meaning... Beauty in Celtic
     ↳ Nicknames Cin but can be called some else if she allows
                                    ↳ Not Cinnabutt. Nope.
» Gender || Hind
» Age || Seven『10
» Year of Birth | 766
» Height || 9.2 HH (Predicted Height)
» Build || Light-Medium
» Phenotype || Silver Wild Bay Roan (Kudu Carrier)
» Genotype || Ee/A+a/nZ/nRn/Fwfw/rzku
» Eye Color || Light Amber Brown
» Mane Type || Normal
» Design Sheet || Fawnling November 2017 Design Pool #64
» Tokens/Purchases ||  
# - Description

» Drive ||  Adventure & Family & Mischief
» Alignment ||  Chaotic Neutral

» Voice ||
» Patron god || Adhar & Grian


 Deceased |  Open for Plot purposes』

» Bloodline || 100% Pure Silverthorne
» Magic Type || Fire

» Sire || NPC Retired ST Soldier > Winter Watcher  
              ↳ Phenotype: Silver Sooty Wild Bay
              ↳ Genotype:

» Dam || ST Firedancer  [Milkfever]
              ↳ Phenotype: Silver Dunskin Roan Kudu
              ↳ Genotype:

     » Full Siblings
         ↳ Sister | Born Y760 
         ↳ Sister | Born  Y72 
         ↳ Sister | Born Y764   

     » Half Siblings
         ↳ Brother | Born Y760   
         ↳ Brother | Born Y761   
         ↳ Sister | Born Y762   
         ↳ Brother | Born Y763   
         ↳ Sister | Born Y764   
         ↳ Sister | Born Y764   
         ↳ Brother | Born Y765   

         ↳ Aureole | Born Y766
         ↳ Brother | Born Y768   
         ↳ Brother | Born Y769   
         ↳ Sister | Born Y769   
         ↳ Brother | Born Y770   

» Family || Family tree TBA
     » Maternal
         » ___ -- Grandfather
         » ___ -- Grandmother

      » Paternal

        » ___ -- Grandfather
        » ___ -- Grandmother

» Orientation
     ↳ Straight
» Mate

» Offspring

» Herd || Silverthorne
» Herd Position || Scout
» Location || The Silver Vale, or the Riverbend depending on the season.

» Important Relationships
Papa ||

    Cinnia’s hero, she looks up to Papa and is glad he is enjoying retirement from the life of a Soldier. Now he looks after the Winter Flame as a Winter Watcher and Cinnia couldn’t be more proud of him and everything he’s done in his life. Papa was the reason Cinnia joined the army as a scout after all. He was there during some of her training and sparring and practicing with hiAnd while their days of practicing and sparring are over, Cinnia couldn’t be more happy of the memories.

Mama ||

     Mama. While not her birth mother, Cinnia will always know this doe as her mother. She took Cinnia in after the death of her dam and raised her alongside Orlaith. Without this doe in her life, Cinnia probably wouldn’t have survived or been as close to Orlaith as she is. If Orlaith can’t mend her bruises and wounds from scout patrols, Cinnia knows Mama will.

Aureole ||

     What would these two do without each other? While not actually twins like they once believed, these two have been practically joined at the hip since the first day they met. While they have learned to live somewhat separate lives with their jobs, they still stay connected as often as possible. Even having dens next to each other, even though Cinnia isn’t often in hers with being out on patrol often. Occasionally when Cinnia comes home from patrol Orlaith makes her do this thing called “mediate” to help “calm down and relax”. Cinnia often rolls her eyes and honestly only does it to appease Orlaith. Plus Cinnia doesn’t think she’s actually doing this “clear your mind” thing right...

Other Siblings ||

     While Cinnia shares a decently close relationship with her older full sister, it will never come close to the bond Cinnia shares with Orlaith. They keep in touch but her sister followed in their mothers hoof steps and became a firedancer. Her sister is also a harem member to a good standing stag and therefore stays with him, so visits are few and far between. Any other half siblings have their own lives and therefore Cinnia does not know much about them.

Biological Mother ||

     Cinnia never had the chance to know her real mother so she’s not sure how to feel about the doe other than being thankful for the life she was given. 

Character ||

〚Physical Stats〛
» Speed:  10〚Medium〛 〚Build Cap: 15〛
» Stamina:  3〚Basic〛
» Strength:  1〚Basic〛 〚Build Cap: 15〛

» Magic:  6〚Basic〛
» Herbs:  0〚Basic〛
» Crafting: 0〚Basic〛



+5 speed - base bonus
+3 stamina - base bonus
+1 strength - base bonus

+5 speed - starter bonus
+6 magic - starter bonus

   » Build | Not overly thin to the point of being dainty and fragile like those weak Glenmore does, Cinnia has the perfect body for one who's constantly on the run with thick muscles. She possesses long, muscular legs that have been built up over the years from so much running and practice. Definitely built more for speed than strength though.

   » Coat | Not golden or fiery in color but not dark either, Cinnia teeters on the edge of acceptance and persecution on Silverthorne's spectrum. Her butt, back, and sides are littered with white hairs as she was gifted the roan trait through her

   » Hair | Lenghty, silky straight hair. Cinnia keeps her hair up in either a loose braid or it is simply tied back at her withers by a red-orange ribbon.

   » Antler | One single horn that twists to a point and angles backwards.

   » Scar(s) | None as of yet.

   » Trinkets/Accessories |
              Cinnia wears a reddish-orange ribbon in her hair.

» Positive
     ↳ Loyal, Observant, Strong-willed

» Neutral
    ↳ Adventurous, Vivacious

» Negative
     ↳ Brazen, Independent


✦ Year 766 - 0 year old
[ spring ]

Cinnia is born after a tough labor, her dam becomes sick with milk fever shortly after and eventually passes away. Luckily her father has another harem doe that recently had a fawn. Her, along with her two year old sister, are given to that doe for their survival. Cinnia and the other newborn filly, Aureole, become incredibly attached. They grow up believing they're twins.

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 767 - 1 year old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 768 - 2 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 769 - 3 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 770 - 4 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer]

[ fall ]

Cinnia and Aureole get into a bit of mischief when they head off to the Lions Tail to practice their fire magic. They spend the whole day there and stick around a bit too late into the night than what they should have. A Firebringer finds them, gives them a rather harsh scolding before escorting them back home to their worried parents.

[ winter ]

Cinnia and Orlaith are told the truth about Cinnia’s birth mother, and how they really aren’t twins - but half sisters. Regardless they stay just as connected to each other. But the decision of their futures is not one and the same. Cinnia wants to go into the army like their father, but not as a soldier, but as a scout instead. Aureole wants to be a healer like their mother.

✦ Year 771 - 5 years old
[ spring ]

Cinnia gets recruited as an aspiring-scout! Aureole goes into herbalism, she becomes an apprentice under a skilled healer and close friend of their mothers.

Right before they left for their trainings, their father gifted the girls with pieces of ribbon, Aureole’s a deep purple and Cinnia’s a bright, vibrant orange/red.

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 772 - 6 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 773 - 7 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 774 - 8 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 775 - 9 years old

[ spring ]

[ summer ]

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

Cinnia’s training is hard and daunting, especially when training against mostly all stags that all doubted her abilities. But she continues to push her way through as she only has until next year until she officially earns her rank as a scout.

✦ Year 776 - 10 years old
[ spring ]

Cinnia finishes training and becomes a full fledged scout. At the same time Orlaith finishes her training to be a healer. They still make time to see each other between Cinnia’s patrolling and Orlaith’s patients.

[ summer ]

The girls get their own den so they can live together and see each other more in their downtime’s. Orlaith has a section off their main den to store her herbs and treat any patients.

[ fall ]

[ winter ]

✦ Year 777 - 11 years old
[ spring ]

[ summer ]


   ↳ Status ||   
   ↳ Method || Semi-Lit, Lit
   ↳ Places to RP || Discord, Google docs, and Notes
   ↳ Comfort Level ||

» Timezone || EST
   ↳  Availability || Depends honestly

» Plot Ideas/Friendships || TBA

Reference || Peachiiums  

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