TeramotoTennou — Touhou WWI Project - Ottoman Empire poster v1 by-nc

#ottomanempire #thegreatwar #touhou #worldwari #wwi #東方 #touhouproject #東方project #thewartoendallwars
Published: 2019-09-03 12:43:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1518; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 4
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War has arrived to Gensokyo, the land of fantasy and danmaku, where both humans and youkai live. Reimu Hakurei, the powerful and undefeated shrine maiden, has always kept order in this land through resolving incidents by defeating those who were their authors and collaborators.

After the hassle, a party would be always celebrated and the authors and collaborators of the recent incident would be befriended by Reimu and her supporters, and they would informally pledge not to cause more serious problems to Gensokyo.

In a way, the figure of the shrine maiden is a symbol of peace and order. But it is also a symbol of tradition, immobilism and hegemony of Reimu and her allies over the world. Because of the latter grievous view, former authors of incidents have grown tired of the dominion of the Hakurei maiden and seek revenge for their past defeats.

They want to set up a new order. They want to overthrow the status quo. Also, they wish to partially fulfill their past objectives, for which they originally caused their incidents. Because of the enmity they feel towards Reimu and their allies, several groups have been formed against Reimu and ultimately these groups have merged into a large alliance.
This great alliance that seeks to wage war against Reimu's order is known as the Central Powers, which is formed by 4 great groups, each one having particular interests and aims, yet ultimately all of them share a goal: to wipe Reimu's dominance out, and to shape Gensokyo in the way they desiderate.

Reimu and her allies, however, are also a large alliance and will do everything they can to protect the order and peace that has prevailed because of their actions. Their alliance is known as the Allies, and it is also composed of several groups who strive for different objectives, mainly claiming the lands and goods of their enemies, and also ensuring perpetual peace in Gensokyo by eliminating those who cause incidents.

The Central Powers are comprised by the German Empire (2nd German Reich), the Austro-Hungarian Empire (simply called Austria-Hungary), the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria (simply called Bulgaria). Their alliance is called the Central Powers because they happen to be located in the middle or around the center of Gensokyo.
The Allies consist of the French 3rd Republic (simply called France), the British Empire, the Kingdom of Italy (simply called Italy), the United States, the Russian Empire and Serbia.

This war is a total war. All workforce and all resources are to be used to win the conflict. All humans and youkai will engage in the struggle, one way or another.

Which side shall be ravaged? Who shall claim victory? What will be left in the aftermath...?


The Ottoman Empire acts and lives according to its motto: "The Eternal State". Indeed, it can afford to call itself as such, for some of its most prominent figures (Kaguya, Eirin and Mokou) are indeed immortals. In addition, Lunarians, who compose the empire, are said to live longer (lives) than humans.

Its leading figures are Kaguya Houraisan and Eirin Yagokoro. The two of them, alongside other fellow chiefs, were the protagonists of the incident that happened in Imperishable Night. Because Reimu, Yukari, Marisa, Alice, Youmu and Yuyuko frustrated their plan, they have felt an energetic loathing towards them ever since, and as a result have decided to ruthlessly and mercilessly fight their foes.

The Ottoman Empire has borrowed Remilia's ideologies (about fairies) as an excuse to methodically and thoroughly murder all the fairies. The real end behind this action is testing their violent war tactics and putting to good use the resources of their lands. The resources are wanted because the Ottoman Empire is inclined to pry the entire Moon as a part of their empire, no matter the cost. However, this conquest is to be rendered real once the war is won.
Kaguya and Eirin, knowing that Remilia went to the Moon in the past by means of her "Moon Rocket", have asked for her help regarding their future plans to invade the Moon in return for some territorial gains. Remilia, honoured and excited to know their schemes, is highly interested in the resources that lie yonder, and in expanding her domains there. For this reason, and because she also admires the fact that Eientei owns goods from the Moon, she has personally sent several military detachments to directly ensure their efforts are fruitful.
(en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Bohemia… )
(en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Moon_Ro… )

Based upon this context, these are all the Ottoman leaders and heroes (from left to right) (note that the chiefs of the German military mission to the Ottoman Empire are enclosed by the German scutcheons):

Enver Pasha - Reisen
Sultan Mehmed V - Kaguya Houraisan
Sultan Mehmed VI - Eirin Yagokoro

Erich von Falkenhayn - Flandre Scarlet
Mustafa Kemal - Fujiwara no Mokou
Mehmed Esad Pasha - Reisen Udongein Inaba (Udonge)
Otto Liman von Sanders - Kagerou Imaizumi
Colmar F. von der Goltz - Hata no Kokoro

Mustafa Fevzi Pasha - Watatsuki no Yorihime
Cevat Pasha - Watatsuki no Toyohime
Djemal Pasha - Tewi Inaba
Wilhelm Souchon - Wakasagihime
Friedrich Kress von Kressenstein - Raiko Horikawa

All of the German military chiefs serving in the Ottoman army have voluntarily adopted the mayhem and ruthlessness that the Eientei army has decided to enforce in order to hone their skills. No quarters [mercy or clemency] or truces will be given. No prisoners will be taken: whoever falls into the hands of their army is forfeited. May the name Eientei be affirmed by the Lunarians in such a way that no one will ever look cross-eyed [askance] at a Lunarian.

Even though Yorihime, Toyohime and Reisen have lived on the Moon until recently (and hence were considered a target of Kaguya's invasion), they have sworn loyalty to Eientei because they think the prospect of having Eientei (and the SDM to some extent) as the rulers of the Moon will improve the welfare and living standards of its dwellers.

Kagerou feels associated with Eientei as she wanders through the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, albeit she serves Remilia's designs [intention or plot].
Wakasagihime is aligned with the SDM because she does not want the fairies to take over her cherished Misty Lake, and she also thinks it must be protected from the (evil) Hakurei Shrine.
Hata no Kokoro is somewhat reluctant to fight by Koishi's side because Koishi refuses to give the Mask of Hope back to Kokoro. But now that they have a common enemy and similar interests, Koishi has promised to make a replica of the mask for herself and returning the original mask to her once the war is over.
Seeing that Remilia guaranteed a vast zone (controlled by the SDM and its meritocracy) for the tsukumogami for "enjoying a freer life", Raiko Horikawa became a true supporter of her cause.


Flag of France: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Vertical flag of the UK: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of the UK: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of the United States (1912-1959): commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of Serbia(1882-1918): commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Crowned flag of Italy (1861-1946): commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of the Russian Empire: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fla…

Flag of the 2nd German Reich: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil…
Flag of the Kingdom of Bulgaria: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fla…
Flag of the Ottoman Empire: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fla…



All of the girls were taken from dairi's account, a proficient artist in pixiv: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph…
I am not providing a link for each girl portrait I have used because the list would be too extense.

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