Tere35 — Bambi and the good human

#bambi #bambidisney #disney #disneyfanart #bambifanart
Published: 2023-08-31 17:54:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 573; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Bambi was truely terrified; after hearing that frightening thunder he had not been able to find his mother.

The barking of dogs and the shouts of men mingled in a terrifying cacophony that seemed to follow him.

Suddenly, Bambi got stiff, completely petrified by terror.

Right in front of him, a tall figure loomed over him...

He knew immediately from the smell, that unmistakable smell, that it was a human being.

But the strange apparition, made no move to attack him as he feared... What's more, its expression was nice, it almost looked like... was it smiling?

Bambi didn't know it, but he had been lucky enough to go bump into the ranger's daughter.

The creature, putting a hand on his back, began to guide him in a certain direction and Bambi, too scared to resist, let himself be carried away.

They arrived at the ranger's cabin, where they hid until the sounds of the hunt were completely extinguished.

When they went outside, long after, Bambi was very confused.

Weren't humans supposed to be bad?

And yet, this human, not only had not attacked him but had also protected him from other humans.

He thought of Ronno, who even though he was a deer like him, he always was very mean with him.

Could it be that, just as not all deer were good, also not all humans were bad?

As he pondered all this, a voice brought him out of his daydreams.

"Bambi! BAMBI! Where are you?!"

It was her mother's voice!

Just as he realized this, his mother emerged from behind some trees.

He felt the human's hand on his back, gently pushing him forward and, without thinking twice, started running in the direction of his mother.

But, just as he was halfway there, something made him stop.

He turned around, approached the creature he had until recently considered his enemy, and stared at it.

He didn't know if it could understand him, but still, he had to try.

He rubbed his head against the creature's legs and said "Thank you."

The creature stroked his head and said "You're welcome."

Then he ran back to his mother's side.

Neither deer nor human knew at that moment how close they had come to understanding each other.


Bambi estaba reamente aterrorizado; después de oír ese aterrador trueno no había sido capaz de encontrar a su madre.

Los ladridos de los perros y los gritos de los hombres se mezclaban en una terrorífica cacofonía que parecía seguirle.

De repente, Bambi se quedó rígido, completamente petrificado por el terror.

Justo delante, una alta figura se cernía sobre él...

Supo inmediatamente por el olor, ese inconfundible olor, que era un ser humano.

Pero la extraña aparición, no hizo ningún movimiento para atacarle, como él se temía... es más, su expresión era agradable, parecía casi como... ¿estaba sonriendo?

Bambi no lo sabía, pero había tenido la suerte de ir a toparse con la hija del guardabosques.

Poniendo una mano en su lomo, empezó a guiarle en cierta dirección y Bambi, demasiado asustado para resistirse, se dejó llevar.

Llegaron a la cabaña del guardabosques, donde se ocultaron hasta que los sonidos de la cacería se extinguieron por completo.

Cuando salieron, largo rato después, Bambi estaba muy confuso.

¿No se suponía que los humanos eran malos?

Y, sin embargo, este ser humano, no sólo no lo había atacado, sino que además lo había protegido de otros seres humanos.

Pensó en Ronno, que aunque también era un ciervo, siempre se había portado muy mal con él.

¿Podría ser que, al igual que no todos los ciervos eran buenos, no todos los humanos eran malos?

Mientras cavilaba sobre todo esto, una voz lo sacó de sus ensoñaciones.

"¡Bambi! ¡BAMBI! ¿¡Dónde estás!?"

¡Era la voz de su madre!

Justo mientras se percataba de esto, su madre emergía de detrás de unos árboles.

Sintió la mano del ser humano en la espalda, empujándolos suavemente hacia delante y, sin pensárselo dos veces, empezó a correr en dirección a su madre.

Pero, justo cuando estaba a mitad de camino, algo le hizo detenerse.

Se dio la vuelta, se acercó a la criatura a la que hasta hacía poco había considerado su enemiga y se la quedó mirando.

No sabía si podía entenderle, pero igualmente tenía que intentarlo.

Frotó su cabeza contra las piernas de la criatura y dijo "Gracias".

La criatura acarició su cabeza y dijo "No hay de qué".

Entonces corrió hacia su madre.

Ni ciervo ni humano supieron en ese momento lo cerca que habían estado de entenderse.

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