Terra-Sky — :PKMN-KA: RP Log - A Walk in the Woods Pt. 2
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Description Annabelle tilted her head a little as she spotted a bit of red appear on Erica’s face.
Now, Annabelle may be a lovely vixen, but she’s never really had many people tell her that, so her first thought was that perhaps it was the heat or all the walking that made the Umbreon’s face change colors.  Not her apparent attractiveness.  “Well in that case, my camp isn’t too far from here, so we shall make it there quickly enough” said the girl with a small smile.
“And I have plenty of cool water you may drink too.  You must be thirsty after such a long walk.”

After walking a ways along a different route than the one Erica was taking, the two foxes arrived at the mouth of a cave.  It was obviously inhabited, as there were hunting supplies and other camping amenities in the area, and the faint smell of fish smoking was wafting from inside.  
“Well, it’s not much, but welcome to my Secret Base” said Annabelle as she pulled her quiver off her back and set it and her bow upon a stone table inside the cavern.  “Make yourself at home; I’ll get lunch started.  What would you like? I’ve got a variety of meats and some fish smoking in the back.”

"Uhh... thank you..." said Erica, silently following Annabelle through the woods, watching the other woman's massive tails drift around. They looked... awfully mesmerizing... and could she feel some kind of energy coming off of them? Was Annabelle a mage? This thought was quickly silenced when one of the tails turned into a whip and lashed out at the Umbreon. She jumped back, startled, but she soon realized it was just another mind trick and quickly managed to ignore it. She debated whether she should touch one of them, but decided it would be rude to do so without asking.

Once the two girls arrived at the cave, Erica simply stood right inside the entrance and shivered a little, holding her book close to her chest and looking around. Sniffing the meats smoking in the back, the mage said, "Uhh... pork... sounds nice... if you have any..." and idea popped in her head, "Oh and uh, do you have tomato soup? I uh... I really like that..." Erica looked away, feeling a bit ashamed at herself for asking something of Annabelle like that.

“Aye.  I have pork,” replied the vixen as she began building a campfire.
“I hunted some bore yesterday, so the meat should still be nice and fresh.  But tomato soup?  Ah… hmm…”  Thinking to herself for a moment, Annabelle then breathed a Flamethrower upon the pile of sticks, creating a fire that was warm and bright.  Perfect for cooking and warming up.

With that done, Annabelle went into the cave and soon returned with a pouch before sitting down on a log close to the fire.
“I don’t have tomatoes on me, but… I think I can do something about that.”  The Ninetales opened the pouch to reveal that it had several different kinds of seeds inside.  She pulled one out and examined it, making sure it was the one she wanted.  When the seedling began to slowly grow its first leaves within her fingertips the girl looked somewhat panicked and quickly rushed to bury it underground.

Once under the dirt the seedling sprouted from the ground a bit and then stopped, allowing for Annabelle to take a sigh of relief.
“Whew… At least wait for me to put you in the ground first before you do that please…” she asked of the little seedling before holding her hands over it.  She looked and felt a bit awkward with this, like as though she didn’t really know what she was doing, but a gentle leaf-green glow began to be emitted from the tiny plant and it once again began to grow.  When it got big enough Annabelle had to stand up, and before you knew it there was a full grown tomato plant with red fruit hanging from its branches.

“Yes!  I did it~” exclaimed Annabelle happily as she bounced lightly in place.
However, that happiness was pushed to the side when the plant began to fall over.  Quickly the vixen caught it and held it back upright.
“Right… This variety needs support at this size…  I probably should have thought about that.”

Erica simply watched Annabelle perform her magic, eyes wide and sparking with curiosity as the seed went through weeks and weeks of growth and maturity in mere seconds. The Umbreon was amazed at the sight of it, not really caring about the mistakes the Ninetales was making. When the plant reached its full size, Erica almost immediately rushed forward and got on her knees to get a closer look at the plant, experimentally poking one of the dangling fruits, "Wow..." she said, "How did you... where did... can I learn that?" she asked excitedly, leaping up to her feet, "That is so beautiful, I must know how you did that!" she exclaimed, bouncing up and down, showing a level of energy she hadn't experienced in a while.

Annabelle was somewhat startled by Erica’s excited eagerness.
She didn’t expect praise or wishes for learning.  Perhaps some curiosity, but certainly not this.  The vixen couldn’t help but blush at the compliment of her magic’s workings being beautiful, and replied the best she could to the string of questions.

“Ah, w-well…” said Annabelle a bit bashfully.
“I’m not sure…  This is just the type of magic my tails naturally have.  I… don’t really quite understand it myself honestly.  I only obtained access to it not that long ago.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, the Ninetales began picking the tomatoes and collected them in her arms.
“To be honest, I came out here so that I might acquire a better understanding and control of this magic.  I’ve made some progress, but I still need work, so I don’t think I’d be able to teach you anything.  Umm… Perhaps when I know what I’m doing I can?”

Erica nodded, feeling a little bit disappointed, but it didn't dampen her energy by much. "Oh, alright, I understand... so, uh... your tails give you powers?" she asked, closely following Annabelle through the cave, "That's uh... really neat~" she said with a smile, admiring the giant fluffy tails once again. The urge to touch one of them rose again, but she managed to bat that idea away.

Sitting down next to the campfire on her knees, Erica bounced a little in place as she placed her hands on her thighs. The fire appeared to shift colors and make shapes, but that seemed to be just the Umbreon's head again. "Do you know uh... any other magic... because, heh... that really was amazing..." she said with an awkward chuckle, starting to blush. The mage seemed to admire the Ninetales a little.

“Aye, they do.  A Ninetales’ tails hold all, or at least most, of their magic,” replied Annabelle as they headed to the little kitchen area in the cave.
“Although they have been really stubborn all my life, and are a bunch of trouble makers to boot.  I couldn’t dream of what life would be without them but I do wish they had made things a bit easier for me when I was younger.”

Setting her tomatoes on a clean, table-like rock, Annabelle then pulled out the hunting knife that was attached to her thigh to begin cutting them up for the soup.
Erica’s next question caused the vixen to become embarrassed yet again, although this time for entirely different reasons.  “Well umm…” she uttered as her ears folded back sheepishly.  “N-no… not really…  I mean, I have tricks I’ve developed with my moves like… walking on water, jumping really high, and sticking to walls but… umm…”

Bending down to reach into a nearby bag, Annabelle pulled out some roots from a plant that is a suitable substitute for making flour.
She set the roots down into a nearby mortar and used her Extrasensory to begin crushing them up with the pestle in the hopes of baking some bread they can eat with the soup.  With that set up she began to cut the tomatoes up.  “W-well anyway, it’s not at all that impressive.  Wyatt likes to refer to such techniques as magic but it’s just Extrasensory.”

Her precise control over her moves pales in comparison to real magic.  Nothing a real mage would be impressed about.
The last time she did stuff like that in front of a mage here at school they didn’t even bat an eye.  You can be sure she never tried to show off her abilities in front of a magic user again after that.

Erica got up on her feet and walked over to watch Annabelle cut up the tomatoes, listening with perked ears and gazing with eyeballs sparkled with curiosity.
She nodded as she heard the vixen speak, her fascination already growing. Honestly, even if the other woman didn't think of it as magical or impressive, the Umbreon was still being amazed about her abilities. There was something about learning about the powers of others, what they can do, what they can manipulate… It got Erica excited in a way that few other things could. She even managed to crack a smile, tail waving eagerly. Learning was definitely a passion for the young mage.

"Well, uh... I think it's impressive. You being able to do all these things... it really is amazing... heh..." she blushed again. It felt awkward to heap praise on another person like this... especially one she found attractive. Banishing the unwanted thoughts for a little while longer, Erica attempted to ignore the shape-shifting rock in the corner and said, "I, uh... I really appreciate you having me here... er..." she stopped, running out of things to say at an awkward time.

“A-ah, well… thank you~” replied Annabelle bashfully with a little smile at the compliment.
Just as how Erica isn’t used to passing lots of praise to others Annabelle isn’t used to hearing it.  She tends to find it rather unexpected; even though she’s used to hearing such things from Wyatt she still gets a bit red by his words.  Hearing it from strangers makes her red even more so.

“It’s alright,” reassured Annabelle, guessing that perhaps the Umbreon was probably thinking she was causing her trouble.  
“Cooking for two isn’t much more effort than cooking for one, and it’s rather nice to have company from time to time.”  It was nice to have another here, especially when they are being such pleasant and nice company.  Having finished cutting up the tomatoes, Annabelle scooped them up and placed them into a nearby pot before filling it up with water.  She had her mind on something and decided to speak up about it as she set the pot up to cook its contents over the fire.

“You know… I think Umbreons can learn Psychic, so I could teach you my tricks if you want.”
Setting a spoon into the pot, she began using Extrasensory to have the wooden utensil stir the brew as it cooked.  “Or you could just learn the concepts behind it and have your magic copy it more or less.  I do believe that’s what Wyatt does for the most part.  I know it’s not as neat as my nature magic, but I hope it can at least tide you over until I know how it works better myself.”

Erica's ears perked up instantly when Annabelle suggested teaching the Umbreon psychic abilities. "Really? I-I, I would love to learn those things you described; it just seems so amazing and I bet I could put them to good use, and, and..." realizing she was speaking a mile a minute, Erica stepped back, looking down at her feet and ears dropping, "I... I mean... if you want to. I don't want to, uh... annoy you with any of that, I... sorry..." she said, feeling embarrassed at her burst of excitement.

"... learning wouldn't be a bad idea, don't feel bad about asking..." said the voice in a reassuring tone. Sighing, Erica just turned her attention to the cooking pot, taking in the scent of cooking tomato broth. She felt a twinge of nostalgia. For all the things the Umbreon and her mother clashed with each other over, she missed the Sylveon's cooking. This reminded her of the times she would sit in the kitchen while her mother worked on dinner. She became lost in thought.

Annabelle smiled lightly and patted Erica’s shoulder reassuringly.  “It’s alright.  I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to teach you.  I really don’t mind~”
Some time passed as the vixen focused on cooking up lunch and before they knew it they had soup, bread, and some cooked pork for them to eat.  “So… what do you think?” asked Annabelle as she passed the Umbreon a waterskin for her to drink from.  “Does its taste suit you?  It’s nothing much, but I hope it’s filling enough.”

Erica simply nodded at the friendly gesture, not wanting to make anything more awkward for both of them by saying something stupid again. She waited patiently for the food to get ready, letting her mind wander all over the place, not focusing on any one thing at a time. She resisted pulling out her wand to pass the time. When the food finally became ready, Erica immediately went for the tomato soup, grabbing a serving for herself and drinking from the bowl directly rather than using a spoon. It tasted heavenly. Quite possibly the best soup she had ever had.

Annabelle's question snapped her out of her ecstasy, becoming self-conscious of how messy and un-lady like she was being. Putting down the bowl and taking a drink from the waterskin, Erica blushed as she wiped some of the soup from her lip, "I, uhh... it's great... amazing, really, I uh... sorry... I just... really love tomato soup..." she said, chuckling in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Having handed Erica her food, Annabelle sat herself down next to the fire with her tails lazily settling themselves out upon the ground to relax.  A number of which favored curling up close to the flames of the campfire.
She was about to start on her pork when she noticed how… enthusiastic the Umbreon was drinking her soup.  It made Annabelle stop for a moment to stare a bit bewildered before she could not resist but take a sip from her own bowl.  Hmm… it’s good, but she could do better had she the proper ingredients.

“Well if that’s how much you like my makeshift meals then I’d like to see what you’d say if I cooked in a proper kitchen,” said the vixen looking a bit red and yet rather flattered.  “I’ll make you a better bowl of soup than this next time~”
This stranger is a rather sweet girl.  It makes Annabelle glad that she had such foul luck with hunting this morning.  And do not fret, Erica; this vixen doesn’t mind your supposedly messy table manners.  She actually thinks of it as a compliment, since only someone who enjoys the food they are devouring would scarf it down so quickly.

Dunking part of her bread into the soup, Annabelle spoke up.
“So, do you know your way back to the castle well enough?  If you don’t I can walk you back if you like.”

Erica's ears flicked, grabbing a spoon to more slowly enjoy her meal without risking a mess all over her robe, "Oh? I, uh... heh... I look forward to your kitchen cooking... eh..." she said, not quite sure if she worded that phrase right. Regardless, the Umbreon was almost giddy at the prospect at having something even better than what she was tasting right now. She couldn't wait!

Just starting to dig in to her pork, which was excellently made as well, Erica shrugged, trying to remember the route she took to get here, "I, uh... I sort of know. I've been in these woods before on hikes, but... I've never went out this far before. I... I, uh... I would appreciate you--" the mage's words were interrupted by the sound of rustling grass and snapping twigs outside, making her spin around and regard the noise, hoping it wasn't a hallucination. She saw several figures approaching, dressed in leather armor and carrying various weaponry. They were closing in on the cave.

Erica gulped, putting down her plate and drawing her wand. She wished she was hallucinating now.
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