terraluna5 — Sailor Bront

Published: 2014-05-09 06:50:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 2597; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 10
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Description "Sister." (Sailor Bront)
"Sister." (Eternal Sailor Charybdis, in greeting)
"Ready for a swordfight?" (Bront brandishes one of her many blades, while Charybdis merely shows her own)
"Ready as always, sister. Scylla's Fang is eager for a good fight."
"Ha! You call that a blade? I'd sooner march before an Ork horde naked than trust my life to that piece of metal. This," (she hefts her blade out) "is a sword worthy of the name. Made from proper Brontian steel, this is. I'll wager it's better than your little so-called fang there!"
"A wager, huh? (Charybdis just smirks coldly at her sister's boast) How 'bout it, sister? Put in a little money on the side?"
"You're on! Say fifty Thrones in exchange for your credits?"
"That'll do. (Charybdis wields her sword in preparation) Now, take a stance." (Bront just smiles, glad to meet a swordswoman who can do more than just talk the talk. The duel begins in earnest.)

(Bront pants heavily after a good swordfight) "That.......that was amazing! I've never been so challenged before in my life!"
"I know." (Charybdis, equally exhausted, holds her hand out in friendship) "You are a passionate swordswoman, Tuliana."
(Bront takes Charybdis's hand, pleased to have faced a worthy opponent, not at all minding that her first name is spoken) "So are you, Mystara. I can see why our sisters call you the Dancing Serpent. You really are a serpent with that blade."
"Oh, so now it's a blade? Not some 'piece of metal'?"
"Heh heh. I stand corrected. Scylla's Fang is truly a worthy sword. Take good care of it."
"Always, sister. It's saved my life many times out there in the field."

(BANG! The doors to the training arena suddenly burst open, and out come two more Senshi, one in a fuku of frost blue, the other in a fuku of sea blue and white, nearly identical to Charybdis's own attire. Both are swaying aimlessly, and look to be very drunk.)
"HA HA! Hjolda, Misty! (Says the frost blue one) Did you see Jenna's expression when she fell down after drinking a whole......(belch)....tankard of Mjod!?" (belch)
"I know....(belch)......Hjordis! You....(belch) and me.......we're the best....(belch)......drinkers in this whole place of........of.........uhhh....." (collapses and falls unconscious due to too much alcohol. Same goes for Hjordis, she also gets knocked out)


"At it again, eh?"
"Yep. *sigh* Once again, Misty's fallen for Hjordis's tricks. Damn, but she can hold her drink, though."
"Just like you, Mystara."
"Yeah, but that's one part of my sister I wish I hadn't inherited. I don't like to drink, but since I'm a clone of Misty........not to mention my own person..............I have all her strengths and weaknesses. That includes a pretty strong stomach for liquor, though I really don't like the taste."
"Come on! You've drunk with me, and you're a tough girl! Remember that time at the bar when............"
"Don't remind me, Tuliana. That fight was really embarassing. And in my opinion, you haven't really drunk unless you've tried that Mjod stuff. Trust me, it's really potent shit."
"I'll be sure to try it, then."
"All right, but be ready for the hangover. It's one hell of a hangover, and I know it!"

(Both Senshi laugh as they sheathe their blades and leave the arena..........and their drunk sisters.......behind.)

-Sailor Bront, Soldier of the Blade, The Brontian Blademaster, The Lady Brontia.

In an adjacent galaxy, there lies the Imperium of Man, a pan-galactic theocratic empire with humanity as its dominant species. It consists of many different worlds and cultures, and it is where the Star Warriors receive a large number of their recruits. It is also a place where they receive a diverse number, for the female recruits of the Imperium can hail from life-threatening death worlds to feudal-like planets and from civilized worlds to immense city-planets. The same can be said for the many different human cultures and peoples that populate the Imperium of Man. They can range anywhere from feral primitives to medieval folk, and from civilized people to super-advanced technological societies. For this Senshi, her culture is one of military prowess and skill in the art of the blade.

Tuliana Kelleher was born in the Imperium of Man, on a world of strong martial culture and tradition. Bront, the planet for which she is named, is known to be a particularly violent place, yet possesses a level of order and discipline not found on many other worlds of similar violence. One of the younger planets in the Calixis Sector, Bront was founded almost a decade after the end of the Imperium's Angevin Crusade campaign as a reward to the 33rd Army Group, the last of the Crusade’s forces to be demobilized as the sector was fully integrated into the Imperium. Bront was swiftly industrialized, and was reclassified as a Hive World within a thousand years of its founding. Bront's populace was formed from the descendants of countless thousands of Imperial Guardsmen and their families who were originally drawn from dozens of different worlds, who had been brought together by the shared experience of conflict. The population of Bront have strong traditions of military discipline and ancestral ties to the Imperial Guard, with old regimental affiliations forming a system of clan-houses. These clans form the heart of Brontian society, maintaining ancient traditions from their ancestors' distant homeworlds and instilling a deep sense of loyalty and duty to the God-Emperor and the Imperium in its people. However, the military tradition that defines Brontian culture also ensures that the clans work tirelessly to be ready to defend the Imperium as their ancestors once did. Disputes between clans are resolved through ritualised mass battles, favoring an assortment of blades over pistols, rifles, and other ranged weapons.

It is from this world that Tuliana hails from. Ever since she was young, Tuliana grew up learning how to fight, how to wield a sword, and many other things which children in other worlds would never have learned. By the time she was an adult, she already knew how to swordfight, brawl, shoot, and had already claimed several kills. When she joined the Imperial Guard, she served an unprecedented six tours of service over the course of her life. She had fought in numerous campaigns and battles across dozens of worlds, gaining experience and comradeship from her brothers and sisters in the Brontian Longknives, the regiments that hail from her homeworld. Tuliana has the scars to prove her war-filled life, the many scars upon her flesh marring her feminine beauty, but within all that violent exterior lies a woman who is just as kind and loving as any other, though Tuliana is definitely more aggressive and reserved due to her military upbringing.

For seventy long years she lived, now a retired veteran living in her homeworld, though she hadn't aged greatly- she still looked to be in her mid-30s- and she was still a fearsome warrior, having trained and retrained herself daily in the arts of war. She heard of the Star Warriors, the elite order of warrior Senshi that came from numerous worlds, and that they were coming to her world to find a new recruit amongst the female warriors of her kin. Piqued, Tuliana decided to attend the recruitment event and see these Star Warriors for herself. When she met them, Tuliana scoffed at the Senshi's choice of attire. "Who on earth would go to war in a frilly skirt?" she was reputed to say to the Senshi. One of the Senshi, a young one, was offended by her remark and told her to apologize. Tuliana did no such thing, and said if the Senshi wanted her to apologize, then she had to earn her apology in ritual combat. The Senshi, unfamiliar with the traditions of the Brontian people, accepted the challenge but was defeated in a one-sided duel, the young Senshi no match for Tuliana's speed and skill with a blade. The lead Senshi, impressed by Tuliana's skill, then asked for the same challenge, which Tuliana accepted honorably. Again, Tuliana was the victor, but she herself was impressed with the leader of the Senshi; the duel had lasted more than twelve minutes, with both women giving it their all, performing every feat of skill with their blades. The Senshi even marked Tuliana with another scar on her chest, a feat that truly impressed Tuliana, convincing her that these Senshi were no amateurs. She even helped the defeated Senshi to her feet, saying that it was a good duel. This display of friendship and respect further impressed the Senshi, and thus she offered Tuliana the chance for membership. After a long moment of contemplation, Tuliana chose to accept, becoming the new recruit amid the deafening cheers of her Brontian kinsmen, who cheered for her good fortune.

Thus it was that Tuliana Kelleher was inducted into the Star Warriors and learned well. She particularly learned many new forms of sword techniques during her training, honing her swordsmanship even further. Finally, her training was complete and Tuliana was initiated into the Sailor Warriors. She adopted the name of her homeworld, becoming Sailor Bront. Now, at the age of 166, Tuliana continues to serve her cause. Within the Star Warriors, she is known as the "Brontian Blademaster", for she is without a doubt one of the best swordsmen of the order. Appearance-wise, though, Tuliana looks nothing like many of the beautiful Senshi that are part of the Star Warriors. Her fuku wears the colors of olive and dark green, emulating her military ancestry, and she wears several bandages stiff with blood and sweat. She also wears her old Imperial Guard armor, and bears the unit marking of her old regiment, the 221st Brontian Longknives. Finally, Tuliana looks absolutely nothing like a fair woman, though she isn't disfigured either. But she is instantly recognizable to all due to the countless scars that mark her body, from her face to her arms and legs; even her breasts aren't left unmarked, both filled with several small scars from numerous battles. The latter is because of her people's belief in the tradition of honor-scarring. Scars are considered marks of honor and coming to age for a Brontian, and every Brontian man and woman are known to bear their scars openly, revealing to everyone who sees them the warrior's life and experience in battle. Tuliana definitely has the many scars to prove it.

Everyone in the order of Senshi knows that she is a respected fighter and an honorable woman, though she can be a little short-tempered at times. Nevertheless, many are glad to have this Brontian woman at their side, another Senshi and sister to them she is.

Items and Weapons

Silver aquila- embedded on her chestplate is a silver Aquila, which is the primary symbol of the Imperium of Man. It is unique in that for every single item of all Imperium-based Star Warriors, only one phrase needs to be said: Imperator Aegis. The Shield of the Emperor. Once that is uttered, her transformation begins and she will begin to smite the Emperor's foes anew.

Assortment of blades- the Brontian culture is defined by the art of the sword. Brontians have a reputation of being master swordsmen, and many prefer to use blades instead of guns in battles, which is why many carry more than a few knives and swords about their person. Tuliana is no exception, for she carries no firearm, and every Senshi that sees her is shocked at the number of blades she wields, which includes the following:

-Brontian Steel- her most favored sword and her primary Attack Item, Brontian Steel is a single-edged sword that is deadly and sharp.
-Double-edged sword- a sword featuring double blades, it was forged for Tuliana years ago. Thin and sharp, the blade is perfect for swiftness and deftness of hand, favoring speed and cutting power over brute force.
-Saber and short swords- sheathed to her back are a pair of short swords and a finely crafted saber, which served as her ceremonial and combat weapon during her time in the Imperial Guard.
-Knives and daggers- Strapped and sheathed on her legs, waist, and arms are several knives and daggers of varied sizes.
-Ceremonial decoration- even the tiny blade decoration on her chest is a deadly weapon, the stiletto perfect for close-combat.

All this amounts to a total of fifteen blades, a remarkable number of weapons for any Senshi.

Known attacks

Tuliana's strength and ability does not come from magic, but from her innate skill with the sword. Still, she is familiar with Senshi powers, though she doesn't use them often, preferring her blades. That is why there are no known attacks for Sailor Bront, but if there are, then each almost always has one of her blades involved in the process.


Tuliana's life has been one of battle and fighting, and she continues that trend as a Sailor Senshi of the Star Warriors. Whenever the Senshi have to participate in conflict, Sailor Bront's name regularly shows up on their rosters, the warrior-woman having been present at nearly every battle the Star Warriors have fought in. None can doubt the master swordsmanship and warrior experience of their sister Senshi, and Tuliana has also helped to train some of her Senshi sisters and new recruits in the art of war. This is her niche, in the maelstrom of battle. Her duties and records have included the following:

.Training some of the newest Senshi of the Star Warriors in unarmed combat techniques, and for those who show prowess in swordfighting, a few techniques with the blade.
.Single-handedly slaying a group of two hundred enemies with nothing but her blades during a battle in the eastern part of the Milky Way.
.Being the sole protector of the Grandmaster of the Star Warriors herself when they were cut off from the rest of their sisters and surrounded by enemies.
.Participating in the closing stages of the 13th Black Crusade, personally slaying many Chaos champions while aiding the defenders in driving back the hordes of daemons that came from nowhere.

This is another 40k/Sailor Moon crossover, a warrior Senshi hailing from a military world whose people favor the sword. Enjoy.
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Comments: 7

Retartacus [2014-05-13 01:29:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear oh Dear! It seems us Chaplains need to teach some of these Wolves a lesson. Dorn and Guilliman will show this Star Sisters how to drink! Chaplains! For the Emperor!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NekonaHisaki [2014-05-10 18:58:20 +0000 UTC]

Shhhh, Hjordis now knows she has a new target in Tuliana! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

terraluna5 In reply to NekonaHisaki [2014-05-10 21:29:35 +0000 UTC]

By what in all Holy Terra do you mean, sister?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NekonaHisaki In reply to terraluna5 [2014-05-11 05:59:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

terraluna5 In reply to NekonaHisaki [2014-05-11 17:37:39 +0000 UTC]

Interesting sister, but not what I meant. What I meant was why do you think Hjordis now has a new target (or beef) with this Senshi?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NekonaHisaki In reply to terraluna5 [2014-05-12 01:59:52 +0000 UTC]

She has someone who hasn't had Mjod yet.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NekonaHisaki In reply to NekonaHisaki [2014-05-12 02:01:46 +0000 UTC]

Tuliana said she would try Mjod sometime, now Hjordis has a new target for a new drinking partner!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0