made and uploaded at Oct 25, 2020
*Los duendes (Chaneques):
Se dice, que, si las cosas desaparecen inexplicablemente o esta desordenado la casa, fueron ellos. o que, si una persona se Interna en el bosque o en la selva, debe llevar la ropa al revés para evitar que ellos se lo lleven, estamos hablando de los duendes o Chaneques. como se sabe, estas criaturas tienen un carácter travieso e infantil y noble. Pero también se cree que a la vez son malvados y pueden dañar a las personas que se internan en su territorio. y existen miles de historias de personas, que aseguran haber tenido encuentros aterradores con estos extraños seres.
Pero lo que pocos saben es que ya han existido en tiempos antiguos, y se llamaban “Chaneques” que significa: “los que habitan en lugares peligrosos”, cuyo nombre fue asignado por los aztecas, quienes los describían como criaturas legendarias o seres elementales, siendo guardianes de la naturaleza.
Y Lo que hacen aterradores y peligrosos a los duendes (Chaneques), es que eran capaces de crear desastres naturales, asustar a la gente, hacer que se enfermaran, que se perdieran, o incluso Quitándoles su alma.
Así que recuerda, si en ciertos momentos escuchas risas o que tu casa las cosas desaparecen Constantemente e inexplicablemente, puede que sea a causa de algún duende (Chaneque).
*The Goblins (Chaneques):
It is said that, if things inexplicably disappear or the house is disorderly, it was them. or that, if a person goes into the forest or the jungle, they must wear their clothes backwards to prevent them from taking them, we are talking about goblins or Chaneques. as is known, these creatures have a mischievous and childish and noble character. But it is also believed that they are both evil and can harm people who enter their territory. and there are thousands of stories of people, who claim to have had terrifying encounters with these strange beings.
But what few know is that they have already existed in ancient times, and were called "Chaneques" which means: "those who live in dangerous places", whose name was assigned by the Aztecs, who described them as legendary creatures or elemental beings, being guardians of nature.
And what makes the goblins (Chaneques) terrifying and dangerous is that they were capable of creating natural disasters, scaring people, making them sick, getting lost, or even taking away their soul.
So remember, if at certain times you hear laughter or that your house things disappear constantly and inexplicably, it may be because of some goblin (Chaneque).