14782 Sow
Name: Big Mommah
Name source: Studio 100
Name reason: I found it just such a powerful name for a sow.
Fun Fact: She came with the 2015 advent calendar and she is stunning!
Made in: China
Valyria Stables
Big Mommah is the stable's pet sow. She is a peppy and friendly animal. She is also very clever and solves puzzles with treats and sometimes even does tricks in exchange for a treat.
Big Mommah has a nest of piglets, under which Bikkel and Sproet. The father;s name is Wilbur. The children love the piglets, but Big Mommah insists on keeping a keen eye on them.
Poor Big Mommah lives with Man beyond the Fog as a breeding sow. She has seen so many of her piglets end up as Man's meal. Only her Piglets Bikkel and Sproet remain her.
She wants to keep them save, she only does not know how. Soon, though, her live might change.